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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 29, 2024 6:00pm-6:30pm CET

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the, the, this is dw news live from berlin tonight is real, gives the green light to new talks on a goes a ceasefire. pressure on television is growing to allow, in more desperately needed supplies are corresponded, joints, international air drops and says they cannot deliver and no delivery by land. so much foster is better than nothing. this is also coming up at bowie, by a strong showing and less general elections turkeys. president richard, probably better one now hoping to take back the nation's economic powerhouse to this time around this symbol. and a change of to this, beyond st, goes country,
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the sand zipper built a new album to the top of the chart cell. the superstar is giving black women a new voice in the genre known as country. the hybrid gulf is good to have you with this on this friday. israel's a prime minister benjamin netanyahu has approved new talks on a ceasefire. in goal is to negotiate. sions also covering the release of the remaining hostages, held by how much are set to take place and could tar in egypt. israel is coming under growing international pressure to allow more aid into gauze in line with a ruling by the international court of justice. germany in french crews, among others, are relieving or food shortages with air drops. but as dw is telling you cramer
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reports, the process is difficult and it does not deliver enough as the 6 cargo planes wait on the tongues at this base near a mountain. jordan, inside this hercules, the french german crew runs through a final briefing before take off. they have recently joined an international emission and dropping food and supplies into gaza, where people are on the brink of starvation. edison child and the key thing about the flight is that the 1st attempt to delivering the load must be successful. the scheduling is very tight between all of the participating nations and that fuel. so we only get one go with this. and so they'll keep everything is delta and triple checked, this slide is carrying 5 tons of 8. what do we have here is mainly, so of course everybody involved know is not enough. and it's certainly not the most
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efficient way of getting into the where the delivery by line so much cost of saying it's better than nothing to live at this age. age groups want israel to open additional lens, roads until they do these air drops, of providing lifeline for a few come into effect. the it's knowing that we're doing something that's business . the only thing we can do with the moments of, i think that's helping even the parenting a bit of cool. i don't know the political solutions can be found, but there is a ceasefire. all that's the boat is already put into the age and can come in between that and long term solutions which fit as can be found off the most competitive question. here's the problem in the sun capacity, then such air drops have been criticized because they don't organize distribution of the 8 on the ground. in the k is the strongest health themselves 1st and many
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are left empty handed. and there is a safety issue to come for the platform. we have here the pallets with the packages in bags or sec. and on top, there are power shirts to see somebody, bosher, to know each of them has a several power shoots according to the weight of the package. saving 60 bucks they will open once they leave the airplane to slow down the impact. that's ok, and indeed the power suits pays to open for the age lands and the sea people have been killed, injured and some drowned trying to get pockets from the volta. recent drops were made along kansas coast line. it's time to take off the fly time from amman to news . and goza is only about 30 minutes
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saying that the stock says it's of course start, because actually it's the with allies you out for you that out as for enjoy this in to god's us in october 70, some to dera, taxed by all of us. say it's actually shopping to see the structure, the then it's time for the 2 pallets. the in the absence of the opening of moorland crossings and deceased by a beach could bring a respite for the people of casa, this drug should help at least some people. yeah, that's new excess. they're inter goza by our reporter telling you kramer,
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i'm joined now by the bible. i'm. he is with the norwegian refugee council. he joins me today from a month in georgia. i mean, it's good to have you with this, the us state department today said that it is quite possible that we already have famine in parts of northern gaza. do you agree? so? yes, very much so without getting to to make those 3 causes out to 4, that would lead to kind of have feedback. st. garza, that is obviously complex. that is inadequate humanitarians full. and that is it cannot make them full. the 3 is, have been causing this perfect storm. and just to put this into comparison, i can't say we don't have an official declaration of how west, uh, what we have is chosen and people dying it's salvation. and just put this uh, you know, to compare that to the last time we had the declared funding that was in south to done in 2017. and that was off to 3 years of civil war. and that affected 80000
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people. 3 is not 6 months of age of 1000, not a 1000000 or 2000000 people. so we are talking about common life conditions coolant signing, fully successful fixed conditions, whatever it is at the nozzle, and get on the oh dynamics started ation with outside the quick age. and the you ins, top court has ordered is really to ensure more aid is allowed into gaza. what do you expect when do you expect that's going to happen? i mean, we, we, we've heard a lot, i mean there's, there's a lot of soap that we have heard in, in recent models. um, i mean, the one example is, you know, is right, allowing con, voice to, uh, you know, uh, cross into guys that only, you know, trusted submitted submitted cause uh, only for them to be turned back once they, they made an incident, no, and the un itself says that the, you know, over the past week,
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almost half of the call and base have phone voice a phone voice have been turned back. so we hope that this, you know, announcement will change something on the grounds. obviously we don't have time. i mean, to an ongoing already, you know, you have to, which you've seen in your report the length. so you have to go to just get a, you know, a package of 2 to 2 hungry people. ok, let me just on the, let me just let me just let me just breaking there and yeah, bringing, you know, we've been hearing from israel now for weeks saying that aid agencies need to do more to ensure that food and supplies are distributed. this is real, have a port as well. i mean, i mean 1st of all, that kind of happen without a coming in in the 1st place. right? um that is, you know, the i that is being blocked. uh, they're off crossing only a few miles away by the way, hundreds of trucks are waiting in line. they're not allowed to just cross. we have
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heard, you know, about the long inspection process, the long vetting process and we're talking about as well. you and i, okay. agencies sacrificing, you know, that their own lives, you know, just to get a point and then lives on the line. we have seen many colleagues, hundreds of them on like any other conflict and company and recent history with so many 8 workers have been co so well, you know, there are a lot the reality on the ground was very different into these statements. it's, it's, you know, it's kind of st goes on to age is not being allowed, is sufficient amounts. let me think of, of what the most is saying. a mazda, of course, is classified as a terrorist organization by the european union in the united states. it says that people are risking their lives to recover air drop packages just to get their hands on food. what's your view? us on our view is that a drops um, obviously uh,
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i mean if that is coming through the seas or the after the land, it doesn't matter as long as it gets to people. however, again, the logistics on the ground tell you that it said that the easiest way is through the last land drops. i mean, basically what that, i mean i've heard in your re, for about the long preparations, you have to go through the time consuming process, the accuracy of this, you have one go, you have one that tens. otherwise here you have to pay you. meanwhile, i can trucks a waiting process in rough or across the board, they're unable to make it to the people that need it. so i think even with, you know, with, with the great, you know, um, you know, coming together of these countries, i hope that these 6 states and big powers can come together. does that mean the shaking table with israel to agree on unconditional, unprecedented just for a to, to come into the guys on the lead. these people like the byron with the norwegian
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refugee council, joining us from amman, jordan tonight. and we appreciate your time and your insights. thank you. for russia has watched a major attack on ukraine's energy infrastructure, ukraine's armed forces, say, a barrage of 99 drones and missiles hit targets. nationwide. previous attacks had brought persistent blackouts to the eastern city of her teeth as the were drags on ukraine is attempting to strengthen fortifications on its borders. with russia and belle over the w special corresponded r uber. he said this report from a newly completed defensive line in the northern region of shirley. in the high tech 21st century war were drones rule, the skies. there's still room for this. a basic physical barrier. when russian troops invaded ukraine in 2022, the costs this area boarding bill risk to get to the capital. these newly built for
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dissertations are meant to make sure this does not happen again. fiscal advisor, but the but it bugs on it consists of tetra hydra. and this is pretty the so called dragons teeth, or they are fixed with the metal cable for it so that they cannot be pushed punched by the vehicle's trying to get through bulk of the old. this is held together with bumped while and special anti personnel while you're hung up like a commercial. in addition, the area around these structures is also mine. so the vehicle's kind of drive on them and possibly as barry is only the shop with them at the end of the tank ditch is being dug behind them. and then there are the strongholds about defense, whatever. in other words, it's on the barriers themselves, delay the approaching vehicles, enough for the military at the strongholds. why destroy them? who doesn't exist anymore? the picnic of make sure it's
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a for it if occasions like these are also being billed elsewhere, closer to the front lines for security reasons were not given exact details as to the location and progress of that ma'am of the project. but this when we visited, took about 6 months to build and it was not without challenges. bully squad, let's see. during construction we had difficulties working with the local terrain and the was that was present onto the ground. we have the hold that we started work before winter, but at the end, as you know, these temperatures reached sub 0 or for the equipment. although it is i, nbc can simply stop and note this is dawn at a strong sub 0 temperatures. those are really good people also get cold and sometimes they cannot work. and then so we set up special heating points so that employees can warm up and work with the results of the rain. and we shouldn't forget about the terrain itself important. there is ground water in this area was some way you dig to meet has and it will be dry. and some way you just start
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digging with a shovel and you can already see the water. for example, i need a trench depth of a 150 centimeters. in such cases, we need to communicate with the military. both was and say decide what to do in such a place where it is physically impossible to get that data. loopholes to new members, we will throw this or both it as ukraine shifts towards the more defensive strategy . salters here are deploying basics like would iron concrete and barbed wire when he was, president biden is promising to work every day to free and american journalist accused of spying against russia. evan garcia, that she was arrested exactly one year ago in russia. and he's been there ever since he's facing a potential 20 year prison term is a newspaper, the wall street journal, and the binding ministration. both say that the charges against them are baseless.
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this is evelyn gets coverage. he's a report from the was through john those and he's a prisoner invited me perkins, russia sofa. he's being held for a year accused of espionage. he ceased to and he's these papers, the leadership joint forces in washington dc recently to my one year milestone. and to increase pressure and politicians to get team free. i can imagine that's been a really difficult year for a family. it's just a lot of uncertainty and we just have to take it day by day discovery. simself is relying on discipline. she said he has a very strict routine. he's created this routine for himself so that he can just stay busy. and that really helps post mental health gets go be tut, food mediocrity edition to walk in russia. but he was arrested white on the story assignment in the of katerina. on this accused of spice, is the 1st time on the american journalist, us faith such charges in russia since the cold war gets coverage and the wants to
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journal denied them. while the white house calls his detention unlawful, yet he's team possibly to faith in the legal solution. somebody thinks that the legal route is the past to get everyone free. the conviction rate is 99 plus percent in russia. this is not a case where some amazing lawyers gonna swoop in and freedom in steep the hoping for political consequences is one element of this. but i hope comes out of it. which is that, in this scenario like this, where reporters taken off the beat for just doing his job, wrongfully detain. there ought to be an immediate consequence from the government. yeah. where he comes from and a coalition of governments who care about a free press with a bunch of press freedom here in the u. s. has to be interrupted by the treatment of one of the own hate to see one of your colleagues sees like that in a far off place. and so in, in jail it was in that was terrible. i think since then, i was inspired by evans,
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courage, and families, courage and user ms. riley, just to make sure that this is, you know, can be resolved as soon as it possibly can. as long discoveries funding these friends and colleagues here to try to increase political pressure to make his release not only possible, but also soon. no one wants to be here in a year's time for a 2nd. that new password with turkey goes to the poles on sunday and nationwide local elections that are being seen as a barometer of political sentiment. president richard tell you a better one and seeking to recapture the economic powerhouse it is simple, which is justice and development party. last 5 years ago, to the opposition there is an old saying and talk is politics. who wins a stumbling winds, tucking the country's largest city and commercial heart is home to nearly 16000000
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people about a feast of photography electorate. 5 years ago, president ridge of tony of adeline and is moving is allow me conservative p last eastern boots of your position. now they want to say good, we will work hard, day and night. and god dwelling on april 1st, december will be reunited with its owners. our goal is to add one isn't even running into selection, but you wouldn't knew it. listening to his support as i am with tie, a better one until i die, god willing, we will win the leader of the entire world. he stands up to everyone. ad one has been using his own popularity to support the a t p candidate who might environment minister more that call them a
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symbols elections are not just about who will be the next man. the outcome is also possible for president ad one. this is the city where he grew up and where he launched his political career as mayor in the 1990. it's also where he sold a was political defeats office to decade room because of this man, a crew, a model from the secular opposition, c h p, is stumbles, incumbent may a 2nd 2019 a managed sold impossible. he won the city hole in a heavy contest, did repeat, an action against ad one's candidate devoted to mano into an instance figure of hope for the opposition today. he's why he sees as the main line of credit and add one political scientist back, as some tells me. where were uh,
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when is the metal seats in this stumble has access to enormous amounts of public resources, employees, tens of thousands of people and gains a national platform to conduct politics. so e mal, who can win this election, most likely, he's had this for becoming the main contented for the presidency against as long as she mama lose re election campaign has been focused on using the cities. chronic traffic problems. it's making is simple, safer, given the major earthquake risk and region. but he's also faced with growing poverty among the cities rather than mainly because of the government's failure to bring soaring installation on the control. although the elections are local, the stakes are high. for the main o position party, this is really a crucial election because if they were to lose a stumble and quite possibly own cut out, then they are, the voters are going to be the motor life and probably lose much hope of. i honestly think i've gone through the ballot box and that is,
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are really going to almost quarter nights add on for the foreseeable future. and that he will remain as the president of the country until he basically quits pulled ethics poll, suggest the vote and he's simple. will be a close run. the fast a consequential rates, not just for the city, but for turkeys future. the for we get more now from our corresponding dorian jones. he is in is stand bowl, the city that everyone wants to retake during is good to see. what are the polls showing as of now? well is too close to cool and it's been like that since a campaign started, and that's quite remarkable in many ways fully incumbent that criminal molar because he won when he was the head of a broad coalition of policies, tucker's nationalist, he slammed his body and also a pro coverage policy now that coalition has collapse all the policies are starting their own candidates. but having said that,
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a criminal reason of his ramp and his cool fingers that can cross the deep political devise in turkey. and he has been reaching out beyond his. he's old base and on top of that that he's the main challenge of road chrome is seen as a political rookies never stood for office before and he is why they seem to be struggling in this campaign. and also talk, he's facing in the a 70 percent plus inflation. i might read this, causing a great deal of anger in the country. so all those parts together means that it's still too close to cool. how significant are curtis bugs in these elections? in many ways they are seen as possibly key. the account for around 10 percent of the voting is stumble on. both sides have been reaching out to this cottage, both the mother. they are having a pro, cut his polity and his own right. standing in my moments be releasing videos in code is she's talking much seems to be trying to reach out to that cody folks and also heard one in the speech earlier this week, indicate e could be opened to have grown to mall. curtis rights to the turkeys lodge kurdish
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minority. see this a playful the key code is supposed to in many ways they could be the king, make cars in the selection in the states and they are high in these elections and not just a symbol. right? absolutely. i mean is done both it's sizes and these economy is equivalent to a mid sized european country in its own right. so in many ways it is seen as a 2nd because price in tuckers politics and that's why the 3rd one is so determined to bring back what he sees as his key stronghold back into the fold as it will be on that is far more important for the rest of the country and it's all about political momentum. load one once a carrier will not momentum, but the that he, a chieftain lost g, is a surprise victory for one. why the 50 would lose? he won the he devastated the opposition that defeat and he wants to kind of up my mind some thoughts read, taking the stumble would be a number, crushing both the opposition. and that's important. 3rd one because he's expected to be wanting to, to introduce a new constitution, possibly ending term limits. and he would need
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a referendum to achieve that. so he very much wants to mum, demoralize the opposition. but in my model, if he wants to win the re of term, he's credentials as a man, but can the feet of one of these vaults faulty machine. and that's crucial because he's why the tip to be a kind of the in the next presidential election. right, dorian jones on this boy for his in his symbol dory. and thank you very much. i as well pop diva beyond say, had surprised bands when they put it into a new music, john, them the title of her new album, cowboy carter suggests the houston board beyond say, has gone country and she's bringing millions of are in the fans with her 16 a pop idol turned country music star beyond seas. new tracks are putting black country in the spotlight and also highlighting the work of other artist the i mean i just for
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doubt listen and listen to it said to all my friends and um, yeah, just got got really excited for what this this moment means in the vast history of black country music, i definitely think this is a historical moment in bringing black countries to the main stream. beyond seas. new venture is even shedding light on segregation in the country. music industry. holly g, who runs the black music collective, has been exploring this history. once black artist started charting, they did not want white and black people in the same charts, so separated into hillbilly music and race records. hobbling music became the country music industry and race records became our b. it's hope to be on seas. crossover from r, n. b and pot to country will bring more ears to black country musicians.
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the like it's opening up country music as a whole to completely new demographic people who probably primarily listen to hip hop r m b wrap. all the things like countries not even on their radar. they're not even thinking about it. this is one of the callaway carters, $27.00 tracks of the album includes collaborations with well known country music stars. the texas native said it's a beyond say, alban, not a country album or unique sound for any music lover. cod down and wait till you hear a cover of joe lee is a reminder of our top story now. israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu has approved new talks when a ceasefire and gaza and the release of the remaining costs are just held by him. us is really, is coming under growing international pressure to allow more agent to gaza in line with a ruling by the top united nations courts. you're watching the w news. i'll be back
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at the top of the hour with more world news. i hope to see you that the day i'm a professional done so. and i me codes by night and gotten imagine i'm a clue from type time when i'm in good shape or design the i never thing golf like where they since for female or male, i just literally just think the human body is my time was breaking down boundaries was glamorous up psyching, sasha, free macs next on dw refugee to man. is that possible or dangerous?
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he's done so it from scratch and then the language on how to face the down. can you do it? does he understand how bad news i was trying to find any? the locals in trusted syrian ryanne hargrove in 1st 5 minutes on d. w. the climate change or a station in the rain forest continue, carbon dioxide emissions have risen again. the young people of the world are we,
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what impact the biggest change doesn't happen the make up your own mind. me today is truly a special day, a day of exploring cultural roots the here it's a hand as big as a round africa, and we're coming to use them for the full standby and able growing cultural. have that mix is evan has them and sophistication in the heart of the city, joined me on this exciting adventure. we explode the ever evolving color their experiences that good meat has to offer. in malawi, we in bulk on a journey to uncover the cat.


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