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tv   Eco India  Deutsche Welle  March 29, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am CET

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the young people clearly have the solution. the future is 77 percent every weekend on dw, the line and evil is, is always a good things, but such in traditions are always what presenting, hello and welcome. i'm saw the got dividing annual, watching equally traditional knowledge can offer and help us gain new prospects for the future. speaking of traditions, what did you have for lunch today? well, actually addition to in the new offering has
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a beautiful gland of type of real quick produce and present ingredients like more than the leave or to end the copies or some of the dikes look minutes along that those bots of the all been valid tends to get unlimited, we're not doing this and boarding and added cd red person ends up aging. the same boarding, cooperative impedance in the muse, almost all the lice, but a collective organic farmers and good not to go straight and change this by bringing these for water. the ingredients for the meals of the oven, cause you mice. it's 11 o'clock on a saturday morning at a cooking gloss and bank the loot. it's bought a book shelf called cooking with friends. the ingredients only come from a small funds in the immediate and the vegetables in food were all grown without pesticides or chemical for the lights. some of the food on the right is that the bottom depends on all of and dwellers have never seen before.
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i don't know much about me. do they said there was an indigenous board. i would say i probably see them being use mold on coping source. we've literally grown up on based on this so much of diversity terms of the food that's growing in india, the cooking cause was organized by smooth mic phones. the young company has organized a small where the farm is from the region into a collective that produces sustainable organic produce from people in the city. so me to go on to find good the company to put her ideas for positive change and direction. we taught the tools that make funds so we can try to create a more resilient and more sustainable kind of a food system with a farmers get all fish and the profit of consumers get to eat fish.
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foods that has been growing using sustainable practices, made of crops have many benefits. locally. products don't need to be shipped long distances and how they don't need to be stored in a bad house, which reduces carbon emissions. and the plants need less water and a more resilient climate change at the set you see through boston from the school of environmental sustainability and the indian institute for human supplements explains indigenous crops, odd, evolve, was introduced in certain real calories, that as a stance the 1st that exist and to diseases and any other kind of what are those clement, the conditions in the locality. they also have the proofs where they can actually access the new t and, and water from the deepest. sorry, that's actually so that gives good nutrition and a required amount of nutrient to people. and also
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a circulation in the site is about an hour drive from bank dilute that you've got multiple district is home to many small funds. they make up to 2 thirds of the population. people like go rama to farms or to hack the plot of land and is a member of the split fund collective. to edit us out of the middle, we started to get online, ready for organic farming, marketing $22.00 bedroom and then it was finally named, usable, and free of chemicals. got into into the, to mark site to be good. 23 different across on our land line. and they all have different you know, so we have problem that needs to be harvested. and what do we monitor on 3 months, 6 months, one and a half months. i wonder what people on green leafy vegetables do what they need to be rotated every 5th or the date of this month. but this, this form a, for the country in which a diversity of crops are growing in the space at the same time, is central to the idea behind support nick funds. rotating crops helps soil
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fertility due to the start good habit. the farm is uninsured, the stadium come across the seasons and splitting it from space more than the regular market. price is putting it formed also handles the marketing side of things. on the cooperative, the website, the customers can subscribe fruit and vegetable boxes delivered fresh every week. it is an idea and that's getting on because more and more urban dwellers are interested in organic sustainable foods. but others is still on, on board with this new way of thinking. some people also feel that the consuming exotic and imported food has a single off for economic and social status because it is an affordable to certain people. and also i'm accessible to 2nd. oh people, the cooking classes have been people over to the farm, a full wheel eating every few days and of the group. learn how to make dishes with
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organic regional produce this product from bolts that many of them become subscribers and help secure the livelihood of the fund moves into collect watching advertising story. just something that blonds give us a other than food fibers, an auto susan of funding these bibles and read them into beautiful fabrics. it is no less than a not, but the handling industry has been rapidly declining because of the mechanization of this process that may cause this production of fabrics much fostered and cheap up. number of those and provide by the handling industry has, is absolutely decline and almost carved in 3 decades. it was nearly 6500000 in the late eighty's and has gone down to 3500000 in 2020. when the seas of that would lead declining, despite being sold for the moment,
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despite being the traditional source of likelihood. and despite being so beautiful, this fine flow, it will be thrown into studies or show it's it's neat system me by this because i'm leaving from the work in the past. the glad to of her lose wasn't familiar with sound engine in my life. like down near it, old anthem and not, but then the we was migrated for work. many became the labor those instead of put an industrial city about 2 hours from here. but no, the honey drop is being revived. a new life is returning to the tools. i vanilla, maybe we might be, we wanted to, to go with the art of leaving the newest german and the refunded neutral collective which aims to improve the situation of beavers. the unit of the 1010 vba is called me as the name implies, once was home to about the housing families made
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a living from the loons. to date only about 60 a. cynthia. still a good enough time comes from an old leaving family office starting in june night. he was in the industry, but in 2017 he decided to make a switch or i 1st see laguna not than spend his time travelling, unloading everything he could about hand leaving. since many of the young people had migrated for work, it was mainly the older generation who could tell him about the decline of the traditional handicraft or so ago, even construction workers who would do weaving. working on to 530 or 6 in the evening for 60 to please. and we reverse onto a 2 piece a who does. and if i bled for the word, but no construction workers, good 121500 rufus, when we were sort of barely surviving on 350 to get the bonus
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with him. and him had also left for what when he met see little nothing. he decided to accompany him on his travels and also learned about the position in handicap. 2 days, he returned phone again and is able to provide a good living for entire family with his new employee, the web demo or the risk. if you buy a single isn't going to be, it can feed 60 family the machine, but if the government is machine mean it's just safe. everything behind every 100 on the product stands. the likelihood of 60 people are not a, a little who is doing a good business. the collective use is only organic, caught them, and they handle their own marketing. much of their hand moving cloth and clothing is sold online to customers who are happy to pay more for high quality work for the collective bill. this is just the 1st step. i think at the beginning,
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the book wonderful. one, i'm pretty not solely through the valet, so you know, i'm putting the dig onto the next level. we need to educate and train young mines. that's why we launch the nudity leaving sent when children get training in handling the modem. i think that teaches them to understand and respect our traditional handicraft that they think the audio run this done, it's benefits, the doctor very loomed loading and the money to pay a day and that my goal is to increase demand even then help for the delay of the development of the time to view being uh, covered at the bottom of the wipers and that the you might have combined the relay they can get into the scene difficult say laguna nonsense hoops that one day every family here we have a 100 again on, on a good living from the work. it's a game that looks set to become a reality. what will you also do? you look like off to the next big storm hits it. which areas was such
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a need to be flooded and which it as with people, be the safest, as well as a city in sweden that does not want to lead these questions unanswered at the mercy of the future. instead, as a computer model, which is definitely getting to the ality, to understand the impact of future scenarios to avoid and to go from bad sweden, sometime in the future in just 5 minutes. that's more than 15 liters of rainfall per square meter. the voltage comp drain away fast enough is this heavy rain could look like one day in the swedish, the, to the. fortunately this was just a simulation for the people have gotten back this kind of disaster scenario. it's hard to imagine that the city is already preparing for an emergency go from bucks. it's right on the waterfront, the sea levels here in the north of
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a so wrong thing due to higher temperatures and melting gracious and extreme weather events of becoming more frequent combines. this poses a serious threat to the city, says deputy man car in plato. we are the most vulnerable to the city in the sweden, in fact, because we are expressing from, from 3 directions, we have the sea level and the storms coming from the west and pressing off the water to the city from, from the sea. and we have uh, the just the river we chose, so we'll have a rise senior water level and the rest ending us from that side. and also the heavy rain falls floating and downtown got some bug is knocked on come on even now. these images from august 2023. we need a government that really takes this problem seriously because we kind of do it on ourselves. uh, both to the, its cost a lot of a lot of money that the single policy can afford. and also we don't have the
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authority over price, its profit to your other municipalities along the river, for example, realistic visualizations, if these potential scenarios could get the right people to pay attention and take action that's why go from bugs, is created a digital twin. and it's based on real data in the 1980s, the city become compiling all the information that code about soil conditions cool to run sewage pipes on the road and rail network. so every single tree is nurtured and essentially accessible data base with this age and height. so now we can read every data within the city. and we also have uh parts of the data, our open data into the community. actually we have the, based on this data, eric sean sons team recreate to the city with all its details in 3 days the permit
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. even the roofs have the right shape and even with the leaves are in the right place. my work and with this parametric modeling, we can change the safety and visualize it in several different ways. so that's a very strong mechanism in the date of when you just working with pattern metric canvas of the station. so unit c m science sunset depicts what will happen in a sea level rise is even faster. and also the various meshes that could protect scoffing bugs in the city center from the volta. these yellow lines represent load holes that would hold back russellville town. and in fact, some of them were already being built. lisa x room is the climate strategist for the government back city planning office. here at the practice, can we have a we have the race to the wall next to the sure to protect the the
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city, the width that's the on the inside of the was the height of the wall was precisely calculated in advance. this is just one measure to protect the city from rising sea levels. the digital twins could be good for the city to show all the measures that needs to be done and why it has to be done. and i think it's a good tool to visualize for the positions and for our citizens and to show what could happen to guttenberg in the future. the problems are known now it's the case of making the right decisions. for example, big looks, could be constructed, the seal, the city of from the se. on during heavy rain, especially created, open spaces, could ensure that the water collects small quickly and can see poway like here. and then new development. teresa lisa area can contain
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500 cubic meters of water. when the heavy rain is coming, it's 10 collect to water here and save the building. some of the housing center, everything around the greenery head also helps to provide a healthy oven climate the digital twin. meanwhile, is under constant development boy, here in the factual guston bag lab research as are experimenting with other potential applications like virtual city tools that allow uses to travel to go from bad. at the fraction of the carbon footprint, the dissolving to dishes or adopting technological innovation. but there are many will feel that me the would make a difference. i mean, people, i've been leaving increasingly that the world is doomed. the humanity is old and
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that is no solution to the climate crisis. in fact, many of the one for bill one preparing for a was post tulips like ben green, who calls himself a happy to love mike. all these other, these eligible body met him in gemini, the one to stand, how he sees the word it's 2050 and the world is we knew it ended box. yeah. um we live in sites. it's a nice to us. they won't go to easily. it's 10 days high. what we've tried to keep it is that memory of the best of human achievements. global food supply was hit by a series of climate change. singers, shouts, people done out of water, which caused the giants. every major city, looting, destruction and collapse. this guy saw it coming and so we're taking showed the community he did hear back in the 20 twenty's.
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so that to me it was dotted with the steel pin fixed on the phone. but you see that as an indivisibility to i'm not sure how it finishes, and i hope you're not living in bunkers. but the state is coming to show. ben is one among an increasing number of time. it's too much who believe that the end of the world is nice. i spend a couple of days at his repub this military barracks, in an undisclosed location in germany, where he's preparing for was both climate induced collapse. ben green, probably a with spring more than most of the getting some harsh gentleman winter months with no thing and no come to me. i told his self sufficient 7. this isn't an exercise in self sufficiency. the ultimate time is nothing comes in nothing guys as is just the consistency thing. what do you mean rather close anticipate what's the um, so if i'm trying to tell someone my opinion on the amount of carbon and yeah, and the say yeah, they can say, well yeah, but you use a car and say for marcus,
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and he's supposed to be with about 10 to city then doesn't don't a call is vague and i'm goes, everything he eats right here. he even makes his own flor plaza. he says the biggest chinks in his i'm of the 3 fat mung, deletes updates that he rescued from bodies slaughter. it sounds like such a harsh that's imposed life, so i wanted to know what convinced him to dive in. so deep. originally it was to draw our attention to the inevitability of collapse. so now that asked, inevitably, lucy has gone beyond the theoretical inevitability, but it's already started and there's nothing can totally can do to stuff that i'm now trying to be useful in the, rebuilding the below. so inevitably happened after it pulls up. i'll come back to the rebuilding thing, but is collapse inevitable? the latest icbc report outlines what we can do. it presents multiple scenarios. so
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let's do a quick summary of where we are. the authors already one by $1.00 degrees celsius compared to pre industrial level countries. plants limits global warming to well below 2 degrees gaming for $1.00 degrees, but govern trans, but also on tract across $1.00 degrees. and the next 5 years, scientists still offer many of the scenario. so in the obviously say we have a range of different, you know, kind of modeling scenarios ranging from low emission scenarios are really high emission scenarios and caught a reading between the higher gordon was. things can get, especially as we could hit dipping points like pulling palmer for us for leasing, meet in a large forest diagnose. but the higher end scenarios are unlikely. so was on to, so i'll give the business called for the a full clips, but say it's important to acknowledge that in many parts of the world, some of the eclipse is already happening. we are reducing the green and i see i see collapse. we are already seeing call rate styles and we are already seeing ocean
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currents being altered the northern forest and the high far is changing. look good . what happened to my lot we, or take pakistan with these kind of enormous climatic events and add to that the fires, the heat waves, the flooding, etc. unreal yukon deny that. and so when the one wishes to call a daughter isn't over, the one wishes to call it a call to action and then for take action. this is really up to us as humanity. humanity has shown progress, some of which has been unexpected. c o 2 emissions, but not as high as predicted in 2022. the ip c c says that we have still in theory, keep wanting to below $1.00 degrees, which such action and other audience and system wide changes including d, colonizing buildings and industrious, like students cement. and unfortunately, sydney on either on thing of common cap to a technology then does have a somewhat skeptical view on this. the idea that we're going to act when we
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traditionally have and is to me or your outcome. how long does it take the world governments of the world organizations, whatever it is to agree on one way for us to make telephone calls between countries means like 20 years or something was it to, to end up with double i stand country code. so wireless science leaves a window of possibilities. this i can get on board with the hasn't been a lot of list hodges and an action from governments. promises repeatedly broken, white corporations and fossil fuel lobbies have been actively holding back. the large scale changes that we need. then the experiment is not really what you would expect when you 1st hear someone prepping for the apocalypse. i think to the lonely bunk, go with gun tomatoes, weapons, and i already and tablets, and the anxious wait for them and get them in some ways. it's the opposite. i call
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this a research institute. it's a, it's a place where people can come and authentically think about a situation. does it say following up with an experience his goal is to produce a manifesto for the people who might be rebuilding the was post collapse, including notes on the best music and art out that this was an extreme stance, but many, especially young people do fees at the end of the world is nice in a pool conductors among $10000.00 children that are on the wall last year. overall, believe that humanity is dooms. and the biggest reason they saw was government an action. what are we doing when 65 percent of the young people think government is failing them? caroline hickman was one of the authors of the study resulting from the pool. and she's also one of the world's leading psychologist from climate anxiety. she argues that feeling anxiety is a valid response at this time. we need to feel anxiety, depression, despair, rage, do we need to fail to, and that hopelessness,
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that helplessness, you just don't want to be stuck there. or you can take small actions if at home level, but you can also take big actions as a planet she level. you can take political action and social action and personal action. and you just need a combination of the more research shows that taken care of your mental health and taking action on an individual and community level does improve your well being. and these actions, whatever the lead to change. yes, we should be engaged. absolutely. um, what's the cost of failure? i think you're obviously you should be spending an awful lot of time and thinking about adopting um and i i know there are a lot of good people putting a lot of energy into that. my sons is just to go one step further. the scientist i spoke to echoed the sentiment that it's not too late to take action on of the was
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all even the really bad. for me. this is the most percent alignment in human history. we're going to look back at the 2020 use inside of your kids or your grandchildren. where were you at that time? how did you show up? it's a bank and difficult thing to talk about the fate of humanity. but i've left this feeling like it's something we should be doing more because multiple scenarios do exist and many solutions are all set to, to, from seeking comfort in the hope for a better future to finding it in the acceptance of doing. this was a very interesting episode, but which category do you for then? where do you find your goal? i'd love to hear from you. you can email us or reach out to me directly on my social media handles. i will see you next week until then take care. good bye. now miss gosh, the,
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the the,
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let's view. we'll tell you. we are happy that we are back to the story. we have a getting a visa is more difficult than finding gold hosted to you for for that present in the stories and issues that are being discussed across the country . news africa in 30 minutes on d. w. me right, is self confidence in terms of sustainability and recycling,
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electric call manufacture emberly's us. when it comes down to process the competitive some china and the us all the way ahead. we move the green transport revenue some of these profitable german company as in 90 minutes, d w, the fast fashion as an environmental nightmare. a closing graveyard image of land desert. this is where things wealthy industrial nations no longer need and the lightest textile waste gets
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stranded here. all about the final stuff in a global fashion industry. fast fashion. watch now on youtube. if we speak to someone on which service from kind of shop same country, how do we become different? how is discrete lived? why don't we do people in just a 100 days? my parents because of my family, what killed the i'm on a journey to find out about the roots of the 19 are to put you on the side, i guess for to see my name is some way to ship. i'm assuming reshaping history. our documentary stops april 6th on dw, the
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this is dw news lie from berlin. israel steps of cross border attacks against has paula airstrikes, target militants in syria, and he is, randy army says if killed a senior has paula come under 11 on full. so coming up to us says it's working every day to free evan version of it. you as the wall street journal journalist marks one year in russian detention bosco claims, he's a spice and a told departure for beyond se, into the country music.


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