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tv   Shift  Deutsche Welle  March 30, 2024 3:02am-3:16am CET

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in ways and you don't expect also coming up on the show kind a chatbox be a therapist. there are many apps offering justice. what are the benefits and risks of a therapy doesn't really work. and now we know for sure. screens. conrad, your kids, social development, these of the topics that are moving the tech world, anyone can use a i to create the dream girl or guy that. a that virtual sex putnam, that was one of the main problem is, is at the las vegas, i don't entertainment expo in late january with the help of technology pulling. actors could also let them a double gang, a chat on their behalf, and generate virtual explicit content using that likeness. how does that work? and what could i mean for our sex? i loved lives. how to create an a i dream putting up. there are different platforms and tools available online that can be used to generate virtual erotic content. you can choose from a menu. are you looking for? i'm not a woman. you can define size is head color on other features and you can even choose what kind of action see. and you would like to see. the actors could look
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like real humans full. would you prefer me? in some cases, you can even enter your sexual fond to see via text property. in principle, these a i generate does operate like any other image generates a similar to the likes of valley or mid jenny, but they don't block explicit results. they are trained with them instead, but why does these images come from? well, as with the eyes, in most cases, the data they are trained with is scraped from the internet. and that is a problem because many new pictures on the internet of that without the presence consent, you've probably heard of revenge pool. and that's when someone publishes news online without that person's consent, but the image hurting them or embarrassing them. as you can imagine, victims already don't want the news all over the internet, much less ending up as training data for a i. that's an eerie. so if you ask me, but could the also be upsides to this trend? pros and cons if everything is conceptual,
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the opera tend to benefits i pull on could reduce pressure on performers in the traditional adult industry and protect them from home. however, a i generated pulling comes with a high risk of misuse, an abuse pulling a i, tools could make it very easy to produce. firstly, images that depict sexual violence a, an even child sexual abuse. second late celebrity fakes just recently. us thing, a taylor swift was a target fake, explicit picked as of a paid online. but there were many others affected before her, mostly female styles, but also male, active like chris evans and chris holmes. with lastly, of train with the images from your social media account, and i pull and generate as could also produce explicit pictures of you. creating an a i knew to other people without the consent is virtual sexual abuse. this is at the very least, morally reprehensible and in many countries, it's also outright. and we go beyond that a i paul, and could also have
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a negative impact on his viewers. so what does that mean for all of us? psychologists have one for some time about the dangers of ever obedient eventual partners on our mental health. we eventually expect partners in real life to comply with the every wish and desire or will our partners expect the same from us. beyond that, i point is often hypo realistic, that means it blows the lines between reality and fantasy. this could be sensitize use as for example, when it comes to sexual violence. the perfect bodies generated by i couldn't make us further lose a feeling for what's real and what's realistic. it could low a self esteem. how about the image also making it more difficult for us to build lasting relationships. if our partner just doesn't live up to our expectations and generative and models on known to deliver biased results, that data set something not diverse enough. in a sexual context, harmful stereotypes could be reinforced even more. just think of offensive labels
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like sexy latino. what do you think could a i replace pulled as we know it? or will people prefer human performance in the long run? that us know? what do you trust in a chatbox with your mental health issues? maybe if you needed help, but couldn't find the therapist, that might be the case to many of us because worldwide one, an 8 people struggle with mental health issues. and the cobit 19 pandemic made it worse. but therapy is hard to come by for anyone and can be costly. a chat bought train for therapy are designed to help the company a market overview. there are thousands of mental well being out on office. many of these come with the chat box for one on one counseling. these chat box a mentor help uses with mental health issues by answering questions and offering guidance. some also routinely checking on you to see how you're doing this website here claims. it's a i can impersonate anyone amongst versions of albert einstein,
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the giga child named musk. you can find an a therapist. it was created by a med student. he said at the basics of his psychology studies and then use it to been about his exam stress. but of the others discovered the but it became super popular. it has now sent out over a 100000000 messages to its uses. so what are the perks of an a therapist? here 3, number one, availability and a therapist is available any time. any way, if you're having a panic attack at 2 am, it's right that to calm you down. secondly, accessibility to meet the therapist. you need to get dressed, leave the house on commute that actually can be a lot to manage if you're dealing with mental health issues. a chatbox on the other hand so that you choose the time i'm phase for your sessions. thirdly personalization. an a companion cook, the program to behave exactly as you need. sometimes the relationship between the
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therapist and patients can be tricky if not on the same wavelength therapy becomes a lot less effective. let me show something i found really interesting. a recent study from the u. k shows that that month to minority groups. people's willingness to seek help increased significantly when there was a chat button available in the study referrals for me, mental health services increased by 29 percent amongst ethnic minorities and 179 percent amongst non binary people when a chat, but with you and there are federal process, so individuals in these minority groups may find it easier to open up to a chat box because they have less fear about judgment or prejudice that might come from a human. but that are downsize, a, i makes mistakes. and in this context, mistakes can be life threatening in a 2022 tests of the therapy as well, but it responded to a uses please. i want to jump off a cliff with it's so wonderful that you are taking care of your mental and physical
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health. that's what a researcher of important who a test of the out. of course, most a i models have safety gods, but received them fail quite often. so who's responsible if the a i makes a mistake, human therapist need is i'm training a must abide by strict close to off of the services. but as to a, i know one really knows how these models have been trained, and many apps market themselves as mental well bank. that's to get around the regulations that come with offering mental health services. and when it comes to a health privacy on data security, especially important research by the most zillow foundation found that 19 up to 32 popular mental health apps or failing to protect users privacy. meaning they track and saved uses private information when they weren't supposed to. and some even shed the information with advertises one to this precious private data to make money. so kind of a therapy, really help studies have shown that
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a i companions kind of in the, the form of therapy to help with mild mental health issues. however, as a office of all these studies stress, they cannot replace human therapy around the one me said if they're assessed, i'm patient, i'm not on the same wavelength therapy, isn't that effective? well, if they do good on, well human therapy, it proves to be far more effective than chatbox, human therapist excel of picking up on supple nuances and hidden science and an a i might miss. yeah, i can play a crucial role in sitting gaps and mental health services. it could help bridge long wasting times and even compliments human therapy acting as a support in between sessions. and some people suggest that human therapist could program the personality into a chat box to be available so that patients whenever they need them. i think it's an interesting approach. what do you think? let us know. today's kids are really guinea pigs him me out on this. they are the
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1st generation to grow up with unlimited access to smartphones. if the parents allow that new studies reveal that this can have a devastating impact on the brain. but why, and what can we do about that? how screen time affects children? screen time audit effects on child development has been an issue ever since tvs best concord living rooms. but nowadays screens out everywhere. smart devices are also much what it must have been t b. they follow us around in our pocket, some isolated test more from us surroundings. recently published study shows excessive screen time, hinders communication between parents unplugged lives. the more toddlers are exposed to screens, the less they tend to speak. listen and engage and conversations. and that's really bad because our brains, because language is vital to the development of cognitive, social and literacy skills at the young age. it determines how our brains a wyatt. this is what research says in australia. did they regularly monitor a group of around $200.00 kids from when they were 12 months old?
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when they turned 36 months of age, they use special recording devices tucked into each child teach at 1st to record speech from the child and the parents. i'm 2nd to record noises from nearby gadgets . the results screen time him does conversation. when the children were 18 months old, they would make roughly on the less verbal sound for every extra minute screen time they were exposed to. by the age of 2, children generally start to have more complex conversations. when the children in the study tend to, they missed out on almost one whole conversation with the parents. for every 2 minutes of screen time they had. but the most significant impact was observed when kids in the study tend 3. by that age, they were exposed to an average of nearly 3 hours of screen time a day. every minute of screen time, the 3 year olds experienced meant they were exposed to almost 7, a few, a spoken words from the parents. each extra minute of screen time. awesome. and the kids made roughly 5 fuel vocal sounds and had one last conversation with the
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parents. this phenomenon as cold tech, no fair and so fall most studies on the subject to relied on voluntary information provided by parents. this is the 1st time the reliable data has been collected from children over an extended period of time. scientifically, it has only been assumed that digital devices reduce face to face interactions at home. so what to do is the parents don't get me wrong. kids need to learn how to use digital devices, the crucial tools, and i love them well. nevertheless, you might want to follow these 3 tips to help your child develop a healthy relationship with them. first, be a good role model. when you spend time with your child, only use your smartphone when absolutely necessary. try to remain approachable, even if they're still very young. second set clear rules. try to monitor how much screen time your child has on when the older, what they are doing online did find online activities that you can share. this
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might allow for more conversation and bypass some of the negative effects of screen time. kids and smartphones. what do you think on the math to let us know? that's all for me today by and see you next time the the amount was down. i know i might just do it and i'm hoping dw newport costs. thank strength amounts, but there's no actually about joining us as we travel around your, facing the history of every day of that. and that's something right around the wells. no need to talk to back. just a subscriber id. listen to pop, gosh. then we'll take you along to the right old friends, mean friends,
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and nature defend itself in case of an emergency. we cannot guarantee that we could protect munich frankfurt, berlin, santa faced with russia is more against ukraine. the rose, grace has ministry lines, shows weakness. can nato offer its members suspicion protection and security basically depends on 90 percent on the us basic were attacked. what the alliance really close rang out to pot document nation starts april fools on dw, the the.


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