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tv   Sports Life  Deutsche Welle  March 30, 2024 8:15am-8:31am CET

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update innovations green the green revolution global. so listen to a whole lot of time. it's probably up to speed. if the carriers subscribe to the subscriber to plan, it's a i'm you can also, you can find is a cd state in history from its time as a frontier of the roman empire to its leading role in the united kingdom, industrial revolution. but nothing represents the city, most of them at saint james's con, touched on a hill north of the river time. saint james's pock watches within you cost. it's one of the only premier league grounds which can be found bag in the hall to the
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city. we called at the can in the mail mostly stands about the whole of the 2nd sent via an english north east, new cost of the fans crammed into this cathedral to worship they won through love. the club is inseparable from the city where there's nowhere else in the okay, where it changes the move, the counselor went in because of the plan. well and then the city is joe man. this club exemplifies the warranty, ahold of know somewhere. this is what we do find the castle, you know, this is about unit unit for us. and after a decade of mismanagement on the pitch in the region reeling from severe budget cuts, the tide turned in new costs. saudi arabia pulled the club, bringing investment and ambition, which promised to revitalize the whole city. people have really seized on the kind of positive change and portions of the,
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of the club. one of the kind of few causes for hope and kind of cultural escape is with the renew, took us and direction utah. so look on track to eventually join the top of the football pyramid. but alongside the imminent glory that will always be criticism from detractors about sports, washing about how and autocratic states renowned for its human rights abuses, put so brazenly break into one of the english pools holland. i'm going into your account so far and say they are going into manchester for the, it's 1000000000 for p r. it's barely for developing political samples of influences growing for developing business interest. so how has the saudi arabian ownership, one of the hearts and minds w costs, you know, in advance? well, it's far from black and white. it's behind the sports washing narrative. there's a tail about local pride and community spirit battling against poverty and unemployment. and
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a government's failure to care for its own people. the coastline of no tumble. and when you cost the lives of states and heavily in the united kingdom story past the telephone, you know, is about unity and adversity. whether we're being invaded by the romans, the scots, the vikings, or whoever gets hope. this is the modern day modification of the industrial revolution, elevated the city. as a full town, newcastle became the world's pre gets called hub mines shipyards and still works dominating the region. that era helped to find new cost, so no fumble and, and the world lots of major kind of historic fis took place in the color that haven't faced electric, the live stream, the world's 1st modern steam locomotives. so there's a sense in which the railways kind of originated in, in the customer, but the industrialization slowly descended across the u. k. brutal economic policies for margaret such
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a particularly designated the north in the 1980s. previously booming industries with gradually wiped out, leaving the remaining communities abandoned. that moment was a moment that the reason is never really recovered from so you have a kind of sense of absence, a sense of neglect, a sense of marginalization. it also has the status, the goal is takes, which began into a 2010 which of completely teaching millions and millions of times age of the economy gain severely. and in fact, in the city of the north face is now one of the most disadvantages regions in the u . k. they lead the nation in child poverty, unemployment, alcohol related sites, holidays and suicide rights. most of these kind of key sociological measures avenue of these on the wrong side of them. so daughter is the situation. the 2 banks now crop up the cities most vulnerable. it's a common sight and much of the united kingdom,
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but especially in the nations north. a bill corcoran found at the new cost. so united fans food bank in 2010. which states 1200 people, a wait. whatever reason, people who are working don't have enough money to feed the children. nobody stood for power on a policy starving children. so we need to get this sorted out and if they want, so they don't, we have to, it's no one to the new cost. so, you know, i did, the city's only football club has become a haven to escape the hoss realities of northern life. with saint james's park, the fable ground where the fans descend. when you come into the city said, uh you say black and white everywhere, you'll go around the corner, you'll see a flag in the next corner. you'll see if 67, or 8 people started singing. and as you get closer and closer, the noise task developments, right, right. come on, who we gotta do. we go to way and come on, how we always get in there. saint james's park has had its moments in the sun from winning titles in the early 19 hundreds and 19 fifties to the modern errors of kevin keegan,
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and bought the ropes. and they may not have one of major domestic trophies since 1957. but these teams brought joy to the joining nation through relentless attacking football. you call so with never the best that they competed, they entertained and that's old, but nodded. when the club was doing well, the city was driving. when kevin keegan was in charge on it was this the castle search of the league and they would speak to business owners and say productivity increases when it comes to. neither does well because everyone publishes into where a copy lies your release way to get about word problems. maybe it's financial problems, family problems, whatever it is. that was the relief. until that is a big man with big plans decided he wanted a piece of the pie. one retail magnet mark nationally, both the club in 2007. everything appeared. rosie invested in the team,
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made big promises, and even drank points with the fans. but a series of off field blunders resulted in you costs are being relegated twice from the premier league in 7 years. the fence turned against ashley, seeing him as yet another member of a powerful of late who neglected the north 8th. some of the castle funds, maybe subconsciously, almost made the connection between mike austria, not a lead as well as they don't care about the officials. what about when he so my gosh, and just as we also talked about the front on so you know the teams actually twice in the purse strings as he put the club on sale attempts to kick start a fan funded takeover felt flats. and many of the dougherty faithful. finally turn their backs on their beloved club. people for to watch football because it's a passion they enjoy it's. it's an escape. and it wasn't any of those things in that. my gosh, the was sucking the enjoyment i would have thought. in october 2021. saudi arabia under the guise of it's public investment fund bought and you costs united to 300000000 pounds. following a complicated legal battle with the premier league,
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the football world was shaken. autocratic states had already crept into the game, but never before was this so much blow back against foreign investment within football, sports, washing frontline, the criticism sadie arabia's defective rule. the crown prince. mohammedan solomon was in the limelight due to the murder of journalists, jamal kashodi does pervades probably the most obvious example of, of why you make involved in sport cute, a huge reputation problems at the same time as he was trying to digest his economy and bring a lot of investment into the country there he needed somehow to get out of the trouble. he was in school. it was a great way to do that. so it's not, it's a getting rid of the bad news. smothering that bad news with vast amounts of good news, you costs offense top to the straits. the hash tag can spread through the fan based on social media support is correct or can be,
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is to celebrate the long awaited departure, as mark hastily celebrate. let me when i, when the tables and those other sites, agents fall, not as one, the highlights my life spot in the club for over 25 years. you causal fans didn't choose saudi arabia. that decision make them we at the feet of the premier league and even the u. k. government on the bar, as johnson which is bound to have played a crucial role in lobbying. so the sadie deal to be rubbish stamped. it was determined that the public investment fund was a separate legal entity to the sadie state. even though it is sadie owned and funded, and chet, bye crown prince mohammedan solomon. i think when you look at the evidence, there's been a milestone that there's no question the grace government was actively trying to fix 19 is very public and very critical of the tribe, nearly extensively of a transparency. but really what he was trying to do was a trace of the primary lease approved the sale almost the whole city was desperate
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. so new costs united to be under new ownership. and the promise of sadie, money flowing into other parts of the economy, was too good to turn down. there was no, that's fine. it was going to come in at that price and there's been a promise to be investment that they did. and that's all. that's why they, what's important given the potential investments of the city, the potential benefits for the city, and hopefully it's residence as well. i mean, the cities usually deprived needs external investment because it's not coming from the u. k. government, you can entirely understand why the simple things are 9 piece of there is to really get behind that, that and to close your eyes a little bit away from the, the more on safety dimensions of the safety regime. there was an item goal for the new sadie owners who were also extremely astute when picking the right lies as minority shareholders. the reuben brothers, billionaires, who already held big investments in the city and amanda staley, who had built a career brokering deals for middle east investors, provided the prospect front. i don't think the role that i wanted to stave we
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played in the take over and since can really be understated. a man having a acquaintance englishwoman. as the face of the takeover, somebody meals and things to say to supporters was critical. not only that, but i think she was very in depth in our engagements with the media. she has been a nice digression away from the color behind the cloud, which is most fans didn't take much to be convinced. so i, the, the saudis invested in the squad, renovated the training facilities, proposed the stadium expansion, and announced plans to develop the land around saint james's park. which ashley, who do i, the sold off, were allowed to wallow in dilapidation? the goals i pulled cash into the women's team, which was languishing in the full during mark ashley's rain. they now waiting to be competing in europe by 2027. that's another contribution ottoman, because we've got some people who say, saturday ownership, given women's rights and saudi arabia should they be invested in the women's team, the counter arguments about as well. is it such a negative to invest and the see me as it was
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a forgotten about entity and to calculate it was not even part of the club before they came in. perhaps most importantly, however, the club re established a relationship with the fans. and they started winning on daddy, how champions league qualification, followed for the 1st time in 20 years, to get champions league of, to, to get side to incredible highway fighting against the leading. you know, if a new cost will be competing, you know, lots of thomas for one who would have thought bobby's walk around, support yourself, miserable as agents home, one of sites. so now you can see united fans just basking in the reality of once again being competitive feeling like they've won back a connection to their beloved football club. but the issue of being owned by an autocratic state, renouncing human rights abuses, conk be ignored. no
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