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tv   Whale Hunting on the Faroe Islands  Deutsche Welle  March 30, 2024 9:15am-10:00am CET

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next is our documentary about controversial welf hunting, and the pharaoh islands. stay tuned for check us out online at dw dot com. thanks for watching. the via humming does not get drunk. why do gravitational waves squeeze out bodies? how much do we need to put a pond claim for help find the offices get smaller on dw science and i'll take 10 of the
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i'm going to a baby on the pharaoh islands to a pilot whale hunt. something i'm scared of as often. lots of people have tried to feel them a pilot while hunt on the pharaoh islands isn't, but they are often chased away in front of us. we know about drones that have being shot out of the the times that being removed from people's cars. so i don't really know how they'll react to us. a quick warning. some people may find some of these for each hunt to watch these documentary tells the story of how i go see it and why it is bloody tradition still exists. the
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of the my name is christy, and i'm sitting next to me is andreas who does the editing. we made a film in september 2021, about a dolphin hunt on the pharaoh islands for a german news channel. more than 1400 dolphins were killed here. and in just a single day present data these, these images went around the world in 2021 because no one had ever documented sloth or, and such a large number of dolphins before. and to be honest, those were images, i was been unable to suggest, as well as a couple of 1000 people around the world have protested these kind of hunting the images upset me and i wanted to know more. we go to the camera team and flew north to pharaoh while entering the north atlantic between scotlands norway, iceland, just as a 50000 people lived here. everyone knows everyone. it was important to me to keep
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an open mind on this trip. i wanted to understand not to judge why a people still killing pilot whales, and other adults ends here the my travel a lot, but it looks different here. wild and rough. we headed to the capital to shone when most of the pharaoh weeks lived. the perfect place to meet people who can introduce us to the world of wales hunters. this spot is cut off. i am waiting for pet to a young man who lives here on the pharaoh island. he's also a field making you shop that footage back in 2021. i don't. so i want him to take me to the place where it all happened. status. okay. you must have have to. yeah of. hey, is it for me to?
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is it possible that you bring me to the place where the drop off last time? yeah. it takes 15 minutes so it's not far away. okay, perfect. let's try to head to a see go to cro key told me he was born on the pharaoh islands and grew up in a small village in 2021. he realized that something special was happening. he showed me the place where the animals was floated the beach. well, what happened? yes. it's very silent before. but you can feel that the atkins various like okay. everyone's getting ready. everyone that's participating is getting ready to see where exactly they are going to come in. like as soon as the wireless close enough to be killed, someone's gotta be ready there. and then you start coming and just officer and you, you do us do it as fast as possible. the pet to us said he didn't take
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part in the hon back then. instead he filled this voltage. it's going around the world. if you don't like the size of the blood, please look away for a moment. an agonizingly long time was needed for the few overwhelmed hunters killed the mold and $1400.00 whiteside adult, and instead of a few minutes, as is usually the case for a hunch, the slow as it took at least half an hour. but have you ever seen a slaughter like this before? like this one? no. but what does it cross in the opinion through a thing that should stop or isn't it? okay, let's continue. see on the phone. it's complicated. when i was young, i joined in the grant and i wanted to be a part of the grand support my father and getting foods. it was something that was valuable, but then i went to the other the other day virus. i was against it more or less.
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how could that be a tradition killing animals? that way? that's where you're from. some, uh some traditions are more fruitful for all their cultures. i don't think it's really a tradition. it's been a necessity. also because it's been food in times where couldn't ethan? some people have called, with a gift from called the a gift from god, may be understandable when there's nothing to eat. but why still do it today? pet to assess his father also homes, whales, and dolphins. and we've been invited to come over the front door is open to this man, eating usually is in some what interest, listen,
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pay to his father and away left. his mother doesn't want to be filmed again. so on the other hand has no problem with it. he's a teacher and it's obviously not the 1st time he's explained to a cd kid like me. why they que lyles here? that's all this, this picture. because when you go to germany, you would never see a painting of kidding picks or cows in your living room. but you have us here by the success. yeah. because we are close to the nation. you, you have you ever seen the been killed? no, probably not. because it's behind close stores, and here to kindergarten, go to a just lots of houses to see how the sheets were killed. so that's the reason why i keep quiet. you don't see anything killed in any german living room. sorry, that like killed. because i'd like to meet on the table. so hypocrites.
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maybe we know that the intelligent animals as well, though, since a very intelligent so to why do you think it's right to kill these kind of most anyhow? why just in case wrong? i'm not saying that i'm just asking you, why are things right? i'm more i working with people that extremely low intelligent intelligence giving me several. it gives me the right to kill anyone. i'm really wrong for me doing it for food and we eat dolphins. the best way harsh words from a teacher. yeah. and seems irritated. see the way it was, know that most non pharaoh ways don't understand. and to pose the way. like we watch a video by c shepherd, an organization that is campaigned against a home to use the animal rights activists and many of the locals.
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the facts that are doing the music and everything. the mind. yeah, what i'm saying, the things you are saying it's perusal and so it's and then what you see me is the best commercial surveys ever. and so i really yeah. so why do you think that they are promoting even degree? does right for young families, whalers, and 2012. when c shepherd announced that they would come to the federal island, there was a grant mixed with a few or 10 stimulus, who were so many young people as at work. i wish i would do with all that because and even teach them so many of their work and it has been tough many ever since. so, oh, what they are doing is the opposite. the animal rights activists denounced the
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whaling, but he ends defense it as a necessity. who's right? so we can ask the see, ship it activists themselves. but 1st, let's recount what we know about dolphins and the hunt for them. the fairways from different types of doses. whiteside adults and for example, the but then mainly interested in pilot whales, which are also adults since they have very social and leaving groups known as pods use this posted and the weather is right. this era we use cold for a and like they have for hundreds of years. the hunters been rushed out to sea and drive the animals into the feud with the boats to kill them in the shallows. they always record how many they killed. an average $630.00 pilot whales per year, and about $265.00 of the dolphins, the pharaoh. we say the animals and
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nothing danger. hundreds of thousands leaving the seas. they don't understand why active us still have a problem with whaling stresses. i'm trying to get in touch with samuel from sea ship it unless the activists usually rent small apartments or houses somewhere. i want to meet them and find out where they are on the island. and maybe they'll get in touch soon. of finding them is not that easy. said cutting a ship, he just replied, we can meet at 5 pm for the 75 though we get the address and head out. the system was also easy to find the spots because we would check it on the map of the
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we drove around, but that was not so easy. yeah. we notice cameras, filming the courtyard as we arrived. they were installed after the team suspected that car had been tampered with. work by made alexandra alexa from poland. i'm sorry to confine. why did you decide to come to the fair rod and i'm in my info just so i started to start and just starting wheels. i'm really interested in them. they're beautiful on most very frustrating. i mean, we don't really know much about them. there's still a big mystery and what's happening here? yeah, i'm just just set something to i personally think shouldn't be happening anymore. but do you understand the people say like a fish haven't it's not really interested in our tradition. they just take the pictures, put some traumatic music over it, and just chow their lot in the sea,
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but they don't explain the tradition. can you understand? yeah, absolutely. yeah. they've been doing it for so many years. it is a tradition for them. that's what they've been doing to survive as well. what's the problem and our viewers that you saw necessary anymore, so necessary suffering for the honorable samuel rust and his co workers trying to film every whale hunt with drones. the footage shows the animals don't even have a fighting chance. like one of the maybe worst things is the chase before the actual hunts can take hours. and they state themselves that the way they do that facing is by creating kind of like a sound. well, behind them, and this is designed to frighten the animals in a certain direction because you can see the way they're swimming now, isn't? it isn't casual anymore. no. at this point they're, they're, they're running away. right?
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they're, they're in, in, in fear. and they're swimming very, very fast way fast, and then they would be out on open waters. no chance to escape for the other was no, there's a wall behind them and there's like land on each side. so there's only one way to go. a pos to a little bit in the you officers, you the argument the while were killed because we're a thumb. is it always true that the eat, the whole animal or the most of it? i would say um you don't know what happens. so that means afterwards, so do they use a little bit? they keep it, but at least from what we saw, they did take most of it. but they do is they basically opened the animals and they take the largest pieces of meat off. yeah there's, they're easily accessible just on the floor and many of them leap rest back. can you show me the place where you think they've done? uh, the bodies. oh wow. yeah, absolutely. let's go. they check the lug nuts on the car before we leave.
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they're afraid of most sabotage. we drive north to a steep gorge the awhile here to slide down into the water and the waves. distribute the find a lot of the activists to the school teach in a different gorge. it's supposedly from 2022 and proves the fairways don't use all parts of the dead animals. i can't get too upset about it. we do the same with all the animals. if you go to the supermarket, what i do by all means you're checking your beef whatsoever. these are behind roles
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killings. if we do it. absolutely. so can you follow this, this argument a little bit better? very correct. very, very right. those on it was the head of the products and the most of the he does the society out of his people. if they didn't, they were just raised to be killed. we don't say that's what they do is either we're saying it's very wrong. so what is the solution that everybody stops it to me? well, the ideally, but it's all really possible. i would say it's so difficult problem, but dealing with a has to that would be the ideal solution. the activists have been coming here for years and believe attitudes of slowly changing. they claim some sarah ways are also against wailing, but that many of them don't dis, be count. so when people reach out to me and say that they're against the grins, but they can't speak about it because they will do side their business or are they will have
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a struggle in social situations. and that's also like the side of it where we want to kind of read that. i'm surprised by what samuel says, that perhaps not everyone on the island supports the pilot while hunt. but many fairways don't want to be criticized from outside is why i find someone who might know the really good, good, good to me to it. it's chris, is there good to get us this said with a big with these is to do a scarlet piece. considered a colorful character on these remote highlands. he was an actor and generalist, and this know a politician and broken train. when you describe a typical of a man or woman, how would you describe well, it's a, it's a person who likes to freedom. when it was the own way, i was visiting my most of my grandmother in the solenoid instead of my life. i
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remember one the one day one morning i was sitting at the kitchen table listening to the radio on the she was saying the words, the words, the word this a bad place as indicating say between the lines. it's so good to be not part of that's where we're in the federal why that's we're we're outside the pharaoh islands officially belonged to denmark, a but i realized early that so the sarah waves, the kingdom is far away. the islands have been largely o tournament since 1948 over 5 years. there's office yes. minutes or finance? minister of foreign affairs. the pharaoh ways have faced repeated criticism for hunting pilot whales, including by the e. u, which prohibits the hunting of dolphins through various species protection
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agreements. just one of the reasons the fairways decided not to join the you. what us your opinion tell us the tradition of for or against the gym in the truck. i, i must see, and i, i'm for, because i've, i've participated with account. i have killed several wins. so they live, they free lives in the ocean, and then they're driven into sure, i'm the 1st thing they meet that this sharp is this louse with cubes 10 minutes between the 2nd and there of course there is suffering because they've driven to the shore and they get distressed press, but you have to compare with how you get to meet. otherwise you have to compare it with take stuff to imprison their whole life that live a life with only one person coming from for people. when you compare that to
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killing of pilots with the pilot waste, killing witness, and then you compare my do you think you can take me to agree and address the one that was here today? yeah, that's a sarcastic response. he knows perfectly well that it's um, likely there will be a hunt today. it can take days or weeks before the animals are supposed in the atlantic. someone will have to coolest when one starts witnessing one while here on the islands would be in a normal stroke. of luck, and i'd have to know the right people. young men are apparently particularly keen on hunting. i look for clues and then down the middle faced with a group of young ro is hired as while one will become
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a key figure that they train with wooden rolling boats and rice village against the village on open water throughout the summer. or we do starks is like what $6060.00 strokes per minute. why can 60 strokes for a minute? i was on the rowing machine in the hotel this morning. this was going to move and i saw the display and i had like 20 no they allow me to accompany them anyway. rowing is too hard to tilt the wooden, ben, she's real caught the smell of sweat these everywhere. but it's fun. the fortunately they don't want to go out to sea with me. one of the ro is,
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is john roy, who are innocent. he seems to take rolling very seriously. so this is what we do 2 hours every day. or 2 months. the wooden boat is incredibly heavy. we can only get it out of the water. if everyone helps. they used to go wailing in similar boats. explains john roy, he's 18 and grew up in the village of good to he works in a small museum nearby and we arrange to meet face. see you again. you do everything okay. yeah. yeah. he shows me the room most popular with tourists. the one with exhibitions about the whaling. this is my station where when we get bigger groups, oh, okay. and what are these? these are for waiting, right?
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these are these words the ovals, life, those bish and the way of the heavy stuff. now we use the hook, so they are hooked in the level and then there's a role they get beloved. and then this one is the the, yeah, that's used for killing gwen. mm hm. it this very simple. it's very, it's way more humane than the knife. mm. hm. what makes it more humane? when you get to the right spot, this goes into britain and it goes very deep. so you'll see for quick death. yeah, it's about 2 seconds. mm hm. one or 2 seconds. mm hm. so it's very quick and you don't have to license yet. right now. they want to do it. yeah. why that, that them just because some people listen to shepherd or outside the world and then this the other half,
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which is very stubborn. i think i'm a part of the house. i hope the position lives on a couple of dish. are the same. right. as we ask john roy, if we can meet his family. his mother doesn't want to be filmed, but he's father john and he's older sister laura agree? the john even cooks for us. well, meat and potatoes, the looks delicious. one of our short to songs got very math in mind. ok. i'm touched by the hospitality, but i've also read that the meat is full of toxic substances. i still want to try
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it to understand why it's so important to them. it's really like beef. it's a bit and i think, yeah, i'm surprised. how do you need to know? because before i go 10 years back it is very tooth actually. i don't want to change. i don't know which of the and the pin reports that the way me now some medically or you can find that great the there's a guy you under your think about it. oh and i think it's just interesting. it's about it. yeah. who think about a lot of people have tied onto then 10 years old. i don't see the problem. it is one of the sort of
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to this should be the problem. mm. so how dangerous he is? well, me, at least one person on the faro islands says it should have been off the menu for a long time. pulled by hay is something of a medical luminary yet. he's discovered that whale meat is toxic because it's full mercury. so much so that he's even detected in breast milk. so what is the difference between a private way lead me to a medically concentration will be $100.00 times lower $100.00 times. yeah, that's a big difference. or the muscles and fat as pilot whales contains
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lots of mercury and of the toxins. because the animals are at the top of the food chain, where it accumulates, poll says eating, it is particularly dangerous for pregnant women. they post the poisons onto their unborn children. paul and his team has been studying the contamination extensively since the 19 eighties and what could happen with the highest colors of mockery. it'd be see it on the, on the certificate, the ones that the highly expos group i'm not doing as well in their development. so that way, so you can not go out and then for all you are highly exposed because you have a really year. so something some research is suspect eating too much well may contribute parkinson's disease. i will meet once whole, very often when he was young. can you tell the difference? let's do a test. as a homestyle has worked with pull for years, all she needs is a few has. so i assume you stopped eating where me. long time.
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i told you with the parent i might as hard as i start. i'm really curious to see the results of the mercury test. kind of, i'm already starting to think about what i have a late leaving this side over 75 is high, low. i have no idea, it's slow. it's slow. i have is a double of yours, definitely be quite no more of a refund. what. what is the highest? do you have a message for? fall 2. 0 wow. okay, what do site to be? so we talk to them, people, we advise them gently if there's a will. some of the high expos people don't want to be advised. the poles institute has wound every one against eating while mates and fat. but we soon
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see is woods have had a little effect on wailing on the pharaoh islands the inside of a push to the we would just sitting at the breakfast and got a cold, but they'll be agreed to drop a well slow to today. so i don't know yet whether it's a full salon, but we're trying to get there as quickly as possible. i'm is snipping resolution, so it's going to be time because it's at the other end of the island in the fall. i know i have to step on it because the ships sort of gave the, the tip came from joan roy's family, the one who says to me, well, ghoulish looks like they were right. suddenly i see wayllace boats the unbelievable suit. i wouldn't have expected this.
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you can't see the animals here right now. i can only see boats. it's like a wall coming towards us. the wireless or even allowed to drop everything at work to come down here. the funny thing is, is we don't know how they'll react. the wireless don't really like cameras. no idea . what's going to happen is we'll see the animals are still far away. i look for john roy's family and i'm delighted to see him coming straight towards me. hey, john roy. just to meet you. yeah. you do. can you explain what's going on right now? yeah, right now they're driving to wales beach. there is a foreman over on beach and he is 6 then each person has to do. are you going to participate? and maybe, okay, it's very important that you don't start right. stuff isn't and then yeah,
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so okay. i don't think anything will happen to us with joan roy and his family by my side. but several people want to know who we are. they all ask, are you again? no, you can say we're balanced on surprised. it's not just wayllace here. men, women, children, everyone is here. the whole village, apparently, of a old joining in john has a wailing license house. that's why he's allowed to take us via the son john roy. he's only allowed to help pull the animals into shallow water. once again, a warning. what's about to happen is not for the faint cottage, the
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man this, so it'd be for one second to the next. i see john roy's father in the crowd. i get the feeling. everyone knows what to do, but i'm paralyzed completely overwhelmed. i don't know what to do the thing just 3 minutes. 19 pilot whales, the dead, the, the, the,
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the dent anamosa pool back into the water and drag to the harbor. the level i've read so much about it. suddenly you're standing here and then it happens . it will happen so quickly just kind of started and i can't really say what it's done to me yet. it just happened too fast. i think i need more time to process it emotionally. but there's just something deeply i take about everything becomes of a message that i find on roy and the crown again, it didn't go quite so well for him. i don't think anything else in the
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leg. yeah. what, what happened? i think someone okay. i thought all the animals had been killed, but then i noticed something and i probably went on the boat, but that doesn't happen too often. i know both the whales don't survive alone. that's why we are available. this one goes away. if he goes fund of, of the, the did put like wales a bro to the hub, i think about how a moments ago they would just swimming is appalled through the atlantic. and now
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the line that neatly arranged in the open, the, like never seen such a large dead animal how many people can live from, from this grandeur you can today continue to say that how many families i've got to meet 200 families on the list and they and then they want to have peace of mind. can you understand that some people get annoyed by the picture and they tell you why do you do that? can you understand them? because they cannot cheat the whole thing also. so this is uh a few years ago.
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and is it even necessary now to say this is one of our few locally, we have potatoes, fish cheap, is important. the animals have bins, lucid. every one can help nobody has to pay for the maintenance that it's free. anyone who helped with the hunt or just happens to be to get something the or the
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commerce is quite strange. it's like a folk festival. the whole village is here and everyone is waiting for that piece of meat. for today is a distinct smell. these dead animals. they don't smell particularly good, but nobody's folded their families little children. i saw small children trying out so nice to the 1st time. i can really get a sense of how they're all growing up around is completely normal for the people who live here. but not for me. for this, joan roy, assistant, laura also helped spring the meet hun. the . some of our team struggled with building the wailing, and as it turned out, it would not be the last time.
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i still can't quite understand why so many people here have no problem with wailing . despite the non health risks. how is doing? that's why i pay elsa. another visit she collected the hassle and feels that the research institution friends, if i was a part of who you think we revisit the topic is mercury in wyoming. it's so the bad effects are very well known on the satellites. there was a study from 2014 to show that 99 percent of the people who are asked have heard about the advisory for they don't follow the bus. everybody knows what's on everybody, but the young women, they follow that in place. and because they are the ones who bear to children
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elses friends are really most of them don't eat way a little adults and made my want to know why. i don't need it because it doesn't taste though i liked the piece of it. but like my husband is like, um, crazy about uh oh really. it's just something in his body. and he also has a bone. so like, yeah, he loves it. i remember some kids i, i'd like to see small moons like there and didn't like it. but, but you can use like every everything else. and then it's just a part of it's just part of the fairies tradition. yeah. most barrow ways are politically conservative and local politics,
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a dominated by man. i want to know whether that's effective if for example, politically no one talks about stuffing filing will. it's nothing, no a issue. it's really a help. they do it as a politician, you are against the pilot. when you get now, we'll have the impression that maybe the people in their frenzy said that he knows you're saying yeah, maybe a compliment. maybe they don't go to bed, but it's not the women on the islands, hardly 8 wyoming anymore, especially if they want to have children. but most of the men just carry on. i thought this would be the end of the film, but things turn out differently. we get would have another hunt, the acetate. let's take this guy and at 1st we
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thought we wouldn't get a chance to feel this at all. but now we've received our 2nd tip. i think that's because we've gotten to know these people. now. we've learned a bit of the trust they know we want cause trouble when we come to see and feel safe. so what is red light stuff that the roadside is already pretty full when we arrive? something is different. the chase doesn't tend on the beach, but at a small cliff the she said that we were a little late this time. luke one is getting away from the wireless. i having trouble catching one of the wales the
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they just weren't let us get away. now man of jumping into the open water and trying to somehow get on top of the wild. how do i get time zones? i told us the hunts usually ends quickly. and the 1st one we saw a went really fast. this, but this one's getting out of hand. the animal keeps getting away towards it, and it's a real fight to the desk. now, you know, i wish to, the boat's keeps sending it back towards land with the wireless a wasting later on today he's still alive. this is intense. the fight for life and death goes on for half an hour. right in front of my eyes. dozens of young men is standing in the cold war, so they just don't want to let the whale guide just as they don't want to let go of the tradition. something i've really learned during these trip to the pharaoh islands. the. i've also learned something about myself. i couldn't hunt and kill pilot whales,
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could use the sate breathing life. but how do you protect your airways? and what should we do if we have asthma allergies or a cold? and when do our lungs reach their threshold? so breathing, read out and tune in to find out in good shape. in 13 minutes, dw, the
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trends, news trends and nature defend itself in case of an emergency. the guarantees that we could protect meaning frankfurt, berlin, sandwich faced with russia, is war against ukraine. the rhodes grace's military alliance shows we can nato offer its members suspicion protection and security basic kinds depends on 90 percent on the us basically attacked what the lions really close rang out to call the document nation or thoughts. april fools on dw, the,
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you're watching the news coming to live from berlin. israel's defense minister says, as forces are going on the offensive against has the law. we will reach any place that has the law as operating alonzo, as israel is shifting from defending against attacks by the lebanese military to actively pursuing them in 11 on and syria. also coming up on our show, massive cranes arrive in baltimore to begin clearing the wreckage of the cities. dudley bridge collapse this as immigrant grants on are the workers who lost their lives and the disaster.


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