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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 30, 2024 1:00pm-1:15pm CET

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the the, this is dw news line from berlin, a hostage situation unfolds in the netherlands. authorities to send on the city of eda, taking a suspect into custody after 3 people are released from an hours long night club. stand off. the un says 4 of its peacekeepers are injured in 11 on when a shell explodes nearby. responsibility for the blast is unclear, which comes after a val, by israel to take the offensive against the lebanese militant group. as below these really military says, none of it strikes were near the un troops and massive cranes arrive in baltimore to begin clearing the wreckage of the cities. deadly bridge collects this as
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immigrant hoops on are the workers who lost their lives in the just ask the in a one. welcome to of yours. around the world. a michael. ok. we begin with some breaking news from the netherlands where a hostage situation has ended. please say one man is in custody. after leaving a night club with his hands in the air, the incident happened in the town of eda, in the east of the country, a police spokesperson earlier confirmed the 3 people had been released from the night. club officials also said that there was no indication that the incident was terrorism related. joining us now from brussels is our corresponded lucy if schultz in lucio. what can you tell us about what just happened?
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a u. s. so this has been a situation that has been going on over the morning. there has been a hostage taking in the dutch city of eda and we just heard from the please a couple of minutes ago that the last trust which has been released through so there seemed typing for hostages altogether and that one man was arrested. we do not know a lot about the merchants and we do not know why the man has been doing that, but we do not want the punishment excuse me. but we do know is that there has been that the police has been saying a couple of hours ago that they do not believe that this is a terrorist motive. but they've also been very cautious in their communication to not give away too much. so i, i think they over the next couple of hours, the things we get a bit kiera let's see. are you making it very clear that things are not very clear . there's little information trickling out of this incident, but is there anything more that the doctor officials have been say? so what we know is bed in the morning that has been events, your aging,
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a 160 houses around the area. and that's also been reusing already, or 3 or like around an hour and very that has been 3 hostages, that talking to 3 people that has been already released. and as i've said, they have been not giving the rates of what the motives are. they have to saying that it is believe to be terrorists, like with the tears motive. and it is also maybe interesting to know that the, the case registered place, it seems to be a borrow nights up there. that has been events or an event taking place on 4 o'clock in the morning. and then the incident happened as sometime in the morning and test and then going on until then be ready hours. so this morning and then in the morning that has been the municipality calling. so to not come to the city center need to shop sexton clothes and them are the now this seems to have been resolved that. so do you job use obviously, your children in brussels for us. many thanks with you to the
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un peacekeeping force in lebanon unit. phil has described the targeting of its forces as unacceptable laughter reports that in ms. really air strike 3 military observers and there translator were wounded in the country, shouts the un for said a shell explosion injured a nearby patrol. there are, however, early reports said and is really airstrikes hit and unit full vehicle citing to security source. it's unit full says they are investigating the origin of the blast . the is really army to nice heating a unit full vehicle for more and there's lots of bringing, dw is a be root bureau chief mohammed, shattered in the home. and we're seeing nuances and the reports coming out of the region and hoping you can clarify a little bit. israel denies that it targeted a unit full vehicle. however, the most recent statement from uniform says 3 un observers and when interpreter
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were injured while on foot patrol. what more can you tell us about how this incident unfold as well what we, what we know so far. uh michael, is that you and technical observers? uh, we're on the mission near the blue line on the easiest way the border when it last . ok near the position to un peacekeepers operating in thousands of been on unix will confirm the incident. instead, it is cutting out investigations to determine the origin of the explosion. so far, 4 people have been report to the injured, the 3 that you and foreigners and in the boonies translate to cause the you and condemned the incident and said, but all its machines are carried out in coordination with all active parties on the ground. and that the vehicle have clear at you and branding now and depend on the local news agency, cited a military source saying that it's and is really drawn that launched at the top
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onto you and the vehicle. of course, the is why you, the army is denied and responsibility for the talk so far. as you will know, recent days i've seen an uptick in deadly exchanges. what are you hearing on the ground there from lebanese people about where all of this might be head, or what for the 4th, the 4th day uh, in the row this front is uh, really picking detention is unprecedented. at least since the beginning of the month of ramadan when this font has been cooling down a relatively. but now again, it is looking on the edge of the blow off his blood. i've been fighting heavy rockets into you is really a territory and positions. and india ton is relevant at targeting and whitening its targets inside the been on reaching the because id in valuable which is relatively far from the nose into from its northern border. and this is
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a cleared extension of the use well, rules of engagement between both parties. now there's a growing field among the many is from a large cade war. most of people we talk to are very concerned about a war that the country is far from ready uh for on the financial, logistical and, and also the mental aspect of the country is going through the worst economic and financial crisis in lebanon, small done history, and barely functioning like they do, you and the government organizations is at barely able to support the citizens in depend on that. so dw is a big, huge bureau chief mohammed shedra many thanks to the us city of baltimore. now where work is getting underway to clear the wreckage of the francis scott key bridge, which collapsed after being rammed by
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a freighter. earlier this week, heavy lift floating cranes have now arrived in the harbor to begin with. local officials say will be a daunting clean up operation. this massive clean, the biggest on the us east coast capable of lifting a 1000 tons. this is part of the heavy duty equipment being brought in to clear the wreckage of the baltimore cambridge the process is expected to take several months. and one of the challenges is that the key bridge, which sits on top of the best. so right now that that weight is somewhere between $3.40 tons. so our team meets a cut that trust in the sections in a safe and responsible and in an efficient way before can lift those pieces out of the water. this crane that we're looking at is massive. the thing we also know is
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this. so it was a challenge ahead of us. more than a 1000 engineers have been deployed to assess the wreckage piece by piece and to figure out how to remove it. so far, the bodies of 2 construction workers have been recovered. so jeff, let's continue to retrieve 4. are those still missing and presumed dead? all 6 men, what else? life in the american heritage and immigrant advocacy groups have phone of the victims and stretched the critical role of immigrant workers in the us near the country where amy grants are often dim, right from the floor of the general assembly to the halls of congress. here we are remind once again about the not much contribution that they may
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run make to this country. how together we us more workforce. we build this country on top of the human tragedy is the financial impact of this disaster experts, it a new bridge would take us to complete and cost hundreds of millions of dollars. well, turkey goes to the poles on sunday in nationwide local elections that are being seen as a barometer of political sentiment present in great shape. tell you 31 is seeking to recapture the economic powerhouse of his stumble, which his conservative and religious injustice and development party last 5 years ago to his secular opposition party dw corresponded julia han report from turkey's largest city. there is an old saying and talk each politics wins a stumbling winds, touching the country's largest city and commercial heart is home to nearly 16000000
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people about a fist of photography electorate. 5 years ago, president ridge autonomy of ad one and is moving is allow me conservative ac last eastern boot of your position. now they want to say good, we will work hard, day and night. and god, willing on april 1st. december will be reunited with its owners. our goal is to add one isn't even running into selection, but you wouldn't know it listening to his support as i am with probably a better one until i die, god willing we will win the leader of the entire world. he stands up to everyone ad one has been using his own popularity to support the
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a key piece candidate for my environment minister more than a symbols elections are not just about who will be the next man. the outcome is also possible for president ad one. this is the city where he grew up and where he launched his political career as mayor in the 1990. it's also where he sold the was political defeats office to decade rule because of this man a crim e, mom lou from the secular opposition. c h p is symbols incumbent me back in 2019 a managed ssl team possible. he won the city hall in a heavy contest, did repeat election against ad one's candidate. the so tante mano, into an instance vigorous hope for the opposition today. he's why he seems as the main line of credit and add one political scientist back,
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as some tells me. where were, when is the metal seats init, stumble has access to enormous amounts of public resources, employees, tens of thousands of people and gains, a national platform to conduct politics. so a molar can win this election. most likely he's had that for becoming the main contented for the presidency against as off she mama, lose re election campaign has been focused on easing the cities clinic, traffic problems. it's making it simple, safer, given the major earthquake risk and region. but he's also faced with growing poverty among the cities rather than mainly because of the government's failure to bring sewing inflation on the control. although the elections are local, the stakes are high for the may no position party. this is really a crucial election because if they were to lose a stumble and quite possibly own cut off, then they are, voters are going to be the motor life and probably lose much hope of obviously you
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think are gone through the ballot box. and that is really going to almost coordinate add on for the foreseeable future, and that he will remain as the president of the country until he basically quits politics. polls suggest the vote in houston who will be a close run the fast a consequential rates. not just for the city but fatalities future, the easter eastern christian world's most important festival and liking the death and resurrection of jesus believers across south america have attended monkish evictions and waves across reenactments to mark good friday celebrations had been held across the lovely catholic continent from equity to brazil and truly to venezuela, worshippers recreated the brutal biblical story of jesus as last hours before his execution. up next shift looks at house satellite data and virtual reality
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and other attack or revolutionizing forming a michael locus. thanks for watching dw, do stay with us. i'll be back with more news at the beginning of the next. now the why do we say they're about never getting up every weekend on d. w. the green. oh, you update the green innovations, super green and green check.


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