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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 30, 2024 4:00pm-4:15pm CET

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the, the, this is dw news wind from berlin. the un says 3 of its peacekeepers and a translator for injured in an explosion in 11 or responsibility for the glasses. unclear. it comes after val by israel to step up it's offensive against the lebanese militant group, has a lot in, in the u. k. counterterrorism police investigating the stabbing of an iranian opposition journalist periods, erotic was stab outside his home in one the unlike local welcome. the un peacekeeping force in lebanon unit. phil says that an
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explosion has injured 3 of its absorbers, and a translator. the peacekeeping force as those injured were on foot patrol when a shell struck nearby unit, phil says it's investigating the cause of the incident. i asked the w b. root bureau chief mohammed shedra for more details as to what we know so far. uh michael, is that you and technical observers? uh we're on the mission near the blue line on the living. he's is really a border when it last. ok, near there, a position to un peacekeepers operating in thousands of been on unit for the confront the incident and said it is cutting out investigations to determine the origin of the explosion. so far, 4 people have been report of the injured, the 3 that you and foreigners ended up in these translate to cause the you and condemned the incident that said, but all its machines are carried out in coordination with all active parties on the
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ground. and that the vehicle had clear at you and branding. now in the been on the local news agency, cited a military source saying that it's and is really drawn that launched at the top on the u. n. a vehicle. of course, the is why you, the army is denied and responsibility for the attack. so for me, as you will know, recent days, i've seen an uptick in deadly exchanges. what are you hearing on the ground there from lebanese people about where all of this might be head, or what for the 4th, the 4th day uh, in the row this front is uh, really picking detention is unprecedented. at least since the beginning of the month of ramadan when this font has been cooling down a relatively. but now again, it is looking on the edge of the blow off his blow. i've been fighting heavy rockets into you is really a territory and positions. and india ton is right. i've been at targeting and
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whitening it's it's targets inside they've been on reaching the because id and bought a book which is relatively far from the noise into from its northern border. and this is a cleared extension of the usual rules of engagement between both parties. now there's a growing fee, and among the many is from a large scale war. most of people we talk to are very concerned about a war that the country is far from ready uh for on the financial, logistical and, and also the mental aspect of the country is going through the worst economic and financial crisis in lebanon, small done history, and barely functioning like they do, you and the government organizations is at barely able to support the citizens in depend on that. so dw is a very good bureau chief. we'll have
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a treasure many thanks. meanwhile, the united states as authorize a multi $1000000000.00 weapons package for israel. according to several media reports, it comes as president joe biden publicly acknowledge the pain being felt by air. the americans over the war and garza has also faced criticism by some in his own democratic party. the decision follows a visit, fight is really defense minister you of go on to washington furniture earlier this week. the white house declined to comment on the weapons transfer services showed fire. stein is with the middle east institute in washington, dc, and is a former us ambassador to him. and i asked him how badly he thinks his real needs these weapons. well, the, the issue of course is that some of the weapons that are included in the munitions that are included in the package, according to the pressure reports, are these 2000 pound bombs that the,
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that the israelis have been using in their guys a campaign that allegedly are the source of some of the mass casualty events that we've seen over the course of the past several months. and so israel is, are currently using them. and there are a lot of people who are unhappy about about to use and will be unhappy that the administration sending more. well, if this is confirmed, this weapons package comes despite the us expressing concern over israel's conduct in gaza as you are citing now in supporting a ceasefire. how is the white house handling this balancing act as well? okay, so your your questions exactly right? it is a balancing act that the administration is trying to uh, to achieve. uh, where uh, the one hand they are pressing the israel east more aggressively,
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to bring down the level of violence in to and to find ways to, to achieve a ceasefire. and yet at the same time, they don't want to be in this position where they are, are not providing israel is the defense mechanisms, or is or, or defense equipment that it says it needs. so they are pursuing a course as probably making both sides unhappy. it's a sensitive political landscape in the united states right now. i don't need to tell you that. how would this affect joe biden to popularity during this presidential campaign season? well it's uh he's already suffering uh, of course because of the unhappiness with the uh, with the us green light is really military operations. and guys, uh uh and uh, i think that is going to increase the unhappiness and the pressure on him
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when, when people see that even though the us as supported cause for an immediate cease fire, we're continuing to provide israel with more and more weaponry that they need or want to pursue their military operations, particularly in rough last again, no. gerald firestone with the middle east institute speaking to me earlier this take a look now at some other stories. i'm making news around the world at this hour. a ship carrying a to gaza has left cyprus almost 400 tons of desperately needed food, and other supplies are on board and organized by us and spanish charity. it comes more than 2 weeks after the last shipment arrived in guns or by sea. dutch police have arrested a man suspected of holding for people hostage at a night club. after the long stand off authorities in the judge town of eda said the suspect released the hostages and surrendered to police. his motive is still unclear. u. k. counter terror. police are investigating the stabbing of an iranian
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opposition. journalist in london proved as a reality, worked for a run international, a broadcaster, which has been sharply critical of the regime in tehran. he's now in stable condition in hospital after being attacked outside his home and in the london suburb of wimbledon. persian language journalists in britain have faced a number of threats in recent years. and, and bailey is a spokes person for his realities, broadcast for ron international. he told me more about the circumstances of the attack. he was a talked yesterday afternoon about 3 in the new london time by 2 man flashed with a knife in his lower body. and then the man ran off to a way she can catch him a call. i don't know if he went on since then. he's in the hospital. he's making a good recovery and very much a good recovery aspect to this morning. um, any sounds cheerful, but of course it's very shocking and
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d p take the shocking to and i thought he is a good spirits p, as in good spirits, i will tell you investigation and tell of yours. so i would tell our viewers, why would variety specifically be targeted different fact uh he was, uh, surely he's not the only critic of the regime or he's not specifically a critic of the regime is just the most journalists working outside of rom, who report on the wrong and of considered critics of the regime by the mere fact that reporting news on settings free news and you know, it doesn't make you an actual critic up, you know, he doesn't do a job. and sabrina criticized. the of all star sions. and they've gotten the government to the wrong, he says necessarily. and you will find yourself targeted um autocrat, a terrorist or something like that. some people decide to do your job as
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a journalist and happens to, um, everyone is around its national, bbc, persian lots and lots of uranium. john is working overseas of described as of, of the same and all similarly sound fair enough. what are the british authorities doing now and how they reacted? they have reacted as they have reacted over the past couple of years. in the face of all these threats with the counterterrorism specialists are responsible for investigating this particular effect because they help be with others. and they're responsible for advising the security of people who deemed to be able to watch those credible threats to their lives, their safety, and they take appropriate measures, which of course, and they'll advertise to do as much as they count as a killer people safety. but you don't necessarily security over time. you
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touched on the perception interview on that the regime and maybe others in iran have of iranian journalists reporting outside of run. but how difficult, besides that issue is it for ronnie and journalist to report on a run from abroad? and there's a lot of ways you could do it. i mean it's, it's a very, it's a very leaking country. if you put it that way, it's too well connected. you know, there are 7000000 radians living in the diaspora. with friends found a relative also inside. and communications are not blocks, you know, you called, i mean they try blocking the internet and things like this. but there are many, many ways round, so you can report from inside your room as iran international does, is not just the question of reporting site protest, as we've seen over the last year particular. but you know, the economy,
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social matches education policy. what happened during cove? it does all kinds. it's not just a question and you know, a rod international wasn't set up simply to relay into the wrong pictures of the process and all that stuff. what we do, it's about news about iran back into the room that so adam bailey, from iran, international. i'm many thanks for speaking to dw on him. thank you. in the us city of baltimore work is getting underway to clear the wreckage of a vital bridge, which collapse after being ran by afraid. earlier this week, heavy lift floating cranes have arrived in the harbor to begin. what local officials say will be a daunting clean up operation. this massive clean, the biggest on the us east coast, capable of lifting a 1000 tons. it's part of the heavy duty equipment being brought in to clear the
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wreckage of the baltimore cambridge the process is expected to dig several months. and one of the challenges is that the key bridge, which sits on top of the vessel right now, that that weight is somewhere between $3.40 tons. so our team needs to cut that trust in the sections in a safe and responsible and in an efficient way before can lift those pieces out of the water. this crane that we're looking at is massive. the thing we also know is this. so it was a challenge ahead of us. more than a 1000 engineers have been deployed to assess the wreckage piece by piece and to figure out how to remove it. so far, the bodies of new construction workers have been recovered. so jeff,
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let's continue to retrieve 4 of those still missing and presumed dead. all 6 men will flatten the american heritage and can see the immigrant advocacy groups have phone of the victims. instead, the critical role of immigrant workers in the us near the country where you may runs our offering demo right from the floor of the general assembly to the house of congress. here we are remind once again about the nerve, what's contribution that they meet runs make to this country how together we use more workforce. we build this country on top of the human tragedy is the financial impact of this disaster experts, it a new bridge would take us to complete us and cost hundreds of millions of dollars . well ended there up next. a global us visits indonesia and
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a young as the suffer, who struggles to deal with the severe air pollution in the to card a michael low to and i'll be back with more news and 45, the 1000000 people in what it's in just a 100 days my power is going to be bunch of my family. what cute. how is this age? i'm on a journey to find out about the russo the 19 are to put you on the site, but they expect to see through under. my name is some way to shimmer, i'm afraid it makes sweet shaming history documentary stuffs. april 6th on dw.


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