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tv   Unseen  Deutsche Welle  March 30, 2024 4:15pm-4:31pm CET

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takes us to complete and cost hundreds of millions of dollars. well ended there up next, a global us visits indonesia and a young as now suffer, who struggles to deal with the severe air pollution in the to card a michael low to and i'll be back with more news and 45 the 1000000 people in what it's in just a 100 days. my power is going to be bunch of my family. what killed? how was this age? i'm on a journey to find out about the russo the 19 are to put you on the side produce for to see through under my name is some way to shimmer. i'm a feeling makes sleep shaming history out documentary stuffs. april 6th on dw, the
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the, the side put down the bottom. yes, that one. yeah. i'm waiting on the and say, oh, don't lose. i had gotten something that i'm
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supposed to sound boss of a similar i need to know that i'm on the on the who do i need me. i'm not going to be able to get in band left by hang on for the for my fastest. i'm the fast finding the yeah. she didn't, but the kind of the passion i understand it's a lot less our more than able to get them all that you didn't do my idea
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double that that i didn't mind. yes big. you must thing into the police. i'm going into the new phenomenon phenomenon. let's get that. get the link then because there's no need to get some really hot sauce on on me. i'm looking at things i was needing to jump out of the say a thing to leave because i am looking. so i'm just gonna bring it up. so i'm gonna give you the to the to get it to the us to confirm. print. that's how you see the a lot of the and we know that is there. we know that it is a problem. air conditioning is a problem, but i'm afraid i'm really afraid that we are guessing
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the input 1019 air pollution costs more than 7001000 globally. is frank and look for in terms of database or more probably at the end disability the we need to do something for the next generation so that they can leave more healthy stuff. so the more i need to be, so i guess i can be a little young settled in need of the say, i don't mean to say that i have a new out of the air pollution can alter that will of one on the growth of the children their organs are not mature enough. the, the number one priority for the cars that should be the house of the citizens. when
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you don't have would have nothing else matters, right. the germans. yeah. but keep that, that it was my f i s i s, i'm on fire, the thought, the land daddy i gap or digit policy to buy a lot and got the credit on the file and knocking knocking by now the
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the 5. 0 one. yeah. because i'm looking for people people before they reached out to us of us to do that. they put the media one on the bed and the cell fell. and i have done music to at the desk who can handle indigenous in 90. besides the d a. yeah, they fix the visa, you have to be sending the to a little bit of a gave a 8 if i see them and they start to collect. matter can spend too long, sometimes it can go into the bloodstream and cause a lot of problems in many organ uh let's see. do you, do you go unlucky and asthma? conducing him for that vehicle? not both feed, conducing, and reset the 2nd. besides it back into the and when i
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wake up in the morning, i have an important mission. we need to find a balance between people, profit and planet, that a lot of factories last deal in john 5 and around jump. i've got hundreds of them. that is actually the main cause of the pollution policy on that. on the news, we saw him and daddy he'd and miss uh how would i get the policy policy data? i'm going to say i see it patel am. that's why i'm not going to find somebody that's in there. no us so so we to the number that is the
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let me show someone last union and then i'll fall into on the moon discounts and i think the under yeah. so cut off on mondays here, the in any kind of money to me can step looks a go see in the yeah. okay. but on the i've always got on the so i never knew some of them, but the young uh, the only thing. okay. you too, bye to see. oh no. yeah. then you'll be effective for you to know that i'm going to click on the end of the young. let me go ahead and we'll be sending the beginning. then you can do a log in. one of them is simply going to come, you need get the id,
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but on the home and the you come to the bottom and you go to school, sign up for the policy and then go from there is little or something. when underneath, then you the, uh, the only thing it would be so much to see if we might go to the, the, skip that one and you need them to be done. but when are they possible? so one could be selling me from there, at least mean a 3 month or something. try just the same thing in the neck. uh what type of vehicle buying in the one get them to do? to run to that down into the von and i'm gonna get the
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that is something that we need more in, in the cd greenery part garden. it can increase their immune systems. the see. so i was a kid. my family always takes me to the funniest, tested time before the weekend. i think that has a big impact to what i'm doing at the moment. the so we built a junk in is a platform that helps the citizens to contribute to the quality of the app that we put in the industry. and now has m r p. so all the price and there's that buy tickets in m r t j as they can track that carbon emissions pencil. i'm pretty offset that seems to be for us as an programs that we provide if we can create a,
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an economy based on environment. we have all the penalties in place now. the question is, how serious are we to actually reduce the carbon emissions? a lot of them will not come across installation today and boost island him up and it'd be good then what happens when you have to like in the la young minutes and i'm about to use that also myself and then i'm going to hang up and i'm a little lump we need to, to balance on all of the elements. 6 to just put that into the medical dia. uh it will be somewhat somewhat the same, but let me um, let me see um, community on the moon on the new the i'm yeah,
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i'm here in the design. so we begin for fun. i mean, it is what i wanted to cut on an extended on commodity the models i add. yeah. and the for some fucking fucking,
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we donate to the model on the part and safety is not on the health to reduce the ocean. these can help people the feed use and easily steps press the we need to realize that prevention is fat or dead as to ring. air pollution can affect generation from generation from all ages. not only here does everyone, not only the government needs to pay attention to this everywhere around the world . because indian, i think it will cost a lot more for the government for everyone. due to the sickness for illness coming
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from the bed air of coming from the air pollution. the sunsets along the set about that would be done and won't be done among daddy continue to the for the sun. i'm not going for the i'm not gonna be in the. yeah. bunch. i mean, yeah. be so some who that asthma now i'm going to be side my minds. i'm on. i'm not be a month when i'm young. i left on the top the yeah, the a secret lie behind these
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discovered benches in 360 degrees and explore fascinating. both heritage selling d. w world heritage 360. now the getting into character. look at where many film and tv productions get their costumes. instagram versus reality, do be used as landmarks measure up to social media posts and the need for speed uncovering some of the mis about germany's autobahn. all coming up on your own x the
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whether it's for brotherton or the.


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