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tv   Conflict Zone  Deutsche Welle  March 30, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm CET

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i asked a little surprised hi irish and i am ready to dive into the hands of the gentleman who to you. have you ever wonder charging me before you go to the spot on the unexpected side to side the here at the munich security conference has plenty of security. i'm conflict to worry the politicians and experts. so how's the world reach that dangerous inflection point? my guess this week has been the case of experience has the highest political levels in the us. she's california congress, woman and former speaker of the house of representatives, nancy pelosi and gaza. the us is one that israel has killed 5 to many palestinians, but is jerusalem listening? how will funding for ukraine clear the kind of luck in the us congress and this president of the 5 really too old to run for
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a 2nd to nancy pelosi welcome to come pick some conflicts. so when you look at all the various conflicts to the in progress problems at the moment and the capacity, the potential to spread, how we reaching a new and dangerous inflection point. well, we have, but i think it, that everything is an opportunity. i do think that people are starting to think what is this about, or we cannot have innocent people of children and families of being victims of or when they're not even combatants in it. so we have to find another way to resolve conflict. and because this is just uncivilized and brutal, but let's talk about that area with fitness and so being killed in gaza. israel has been preparing his forces to fight in the southern city of russell on the border with egypt, with most of the 1000000 palestinians of sword refuge from the war. last week the
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white house said it wouldn't support a military operation that and want of a disaster. if it went ahead. what should the us do if israel ignores that morning? but i don't have hopes that there are some other place that israel can go in terms of, of being careful about civilian life. they have made it clear that they want to rid gaza of home us, how much is a terrorist organization? they committed an act of brutality, barbaric assault on israel and october 7th. and following that, we see many children, families, grandma was suffering from the consequences of their but their action. so when you say they want to go into the city in and now the to the understand has $53.00 to $5.00 times more people than it would normally have.
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because it was so many refugees there and they were saying, we don't support that. well, we haven't supported any of their regression, but we recognized israel's right to to protect itself to send its borders interest. but i would hope that they would hear the call of secretary of lincoln and of course, present a joke. my all of all of us are friends of issue and be careful about the civilians . the the white house has escalated this rhetoric pretty shop to last week just to bite and said israel's comes out to the world was over the top. there are a lot of innocent people who are stopping. he said that a lot of innocent people are in trouble and dying, and it's got to stop canvas to bite and make it stop. well, we have a s, a. i don't wanna call mr because i'm lost so much respect for him next in yahoo
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there who seems to be you've lost respect for a long time ago. but no, no less. it seems to be calling the shots and he and he's very extreme right wing. i wouldn't even say conservative because that's a legitimate place to be in the world of thinking on the spectrum, but right wing radical right wing of the cabinet. so we would hope that tearing from a friend of israel as joe biden is always been in all of us, have been, is that he would respect the lives of the people who are innocent, the collateral damage in this war. but there leave us that by them could use which he hasn't used the believe is which previous presidents have used when israel has interview across the line. for example, go back to the 9056 eisenhower office references sanctions. if israel didn't pull its forces out of sign, i break and you know, i held up delivery
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a fight to jets of israel is actually level of george bush senior lock loan guarantees because of the settlement bill budget. i was there the day that that i, i, well you're going back to 56. i mean, so the name is the, there's some, but the president has said something about of the, the settlement. he has said something about the settlements, but saying and blocking the weapon supplies, we went through a very different things and now it's not, it's a path, it's a path. so this is terrible. i mean, nobody wants to, in any way minimize what happened on october 6. this was barbaric. it was horrible and consequences hostage taking great murder, a kidnapping, attacking young people at a music festival. how, how bad could he get?
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and as almost to the point of inviting, inviting a reaction. now, none of us has any sympathy for what that is really has done to the, the children and an innocent people. and this for we have total sympathy for them. but we want the hostages released, we want him, us addressed and was addressed, i mean, and if and sat, they think that they can just prevail in gaza and continue to be a threat to israel. that is not an answer either. so the s, it's a funny thing about what people think. if they start a high still it a, they're going to end an injustice, but it usually just adds to for their hostility. for the, i guess my question is at what point would you a long time friend of israel said to the government there, the price of this military operation is too high and is no longer morally
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defensible or other no limits as far as you know, concerned no red lights, but why would they care? as i said, i mean, why don't you don't if you don't use things silent and the, you know what i'm saying style account. we're saying sign it. we're saying it is a, it's, it's wrong for them to do what they're doing, to the extent that they are doing it. and you can understand if it, with another lens and someone came in and killed, you know, over a 1000 people and kidnapped and brutally harmed other people that you would want some justice done the but again, how that is calibrated has to be done with humanity. and that's what we have to return to is our humanity is the danger for the us. if you don't like what israel is doing and the president has made it clear that some of what is what he's
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doing. he doesn't, like i said, and you go on supplying them with hardware to do those things. you own this operation every bit as much as they do? no, we don't. we don't. we have only supported israel as our national security friend, largely because it was in our interest to do so at large because it was interest that we had shared values at on a democracy in the region of the behavior of 9. yeah. who is in my view, inexcusable, in terms of how it has affected the collateral damage to children and families in the rest. but nobody can take away the right of any country to defend itself that has been brutally attached in that way. of the 28000 published a live, it says move is self defense, isn't it? it's more of a self defense style in their goal. and i just saw a present hers out front of me. i have enormous respect and a says how, you know,
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how are things. and he basically said, we just have a couple more steps and then we'll be through this. so that sounded up of domestic to me that they think that it isn't reach to read that as a of home us. i don't hear a lot of the people and outside my house almost every day, but nobody cares about that. and i don't mean to make that a big thing, but i just hear them saying for the hostages, i don't hear any of them saying a mouse is a terrorist organization. i hear them praising him off. i or them ignoring the hostages. so there's a lot of, uh, should we say a behavior we all have to address here last week be use for the policy chief joseph bureau, one that allowed why the u. s. isn't doing more to habits, warnings taken seriously in jerusalem. if you believe he said that too many people are being killed, maybe you should provide few arms in order to prevent so many people being killed.
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he's caught a point as we see. israel is very well equipped with weapon rate. there's nothing that we have since since october, 7th, that has uh, has contributed to this brutality in the long the run it there in a dangerous neighborhood. and we will continue to support israel. let's talk about ukraine. if we make $60000000000.00 of us funding for you credit, is it a road block in congress? they to the secretary general horn just before this conference here in munich on the way that the effects of that delay is already being felt on the battlefield. and that means that the lives of being lost. do you think this broke bluff in the house of representatives? come and will be lift this? well, you know, what was the contributions of donald trump because he is the one the public tier who is shining, the bright light on the strings that he's pulling other republicans in the house of
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representatives. but we have to get it done. and we have to find a path and we have to negotiate, and we have to compromise. now on that score, i was the highest ranking 1st person to go to ukraine nearly 2 years ago. and when we came back, the goods that i brought were high level intelligence on services, phone affairs, chairs and that. and we came back and we someone at speed, we want distance and power. and we have been asking for that ever since we got more speed, more distance, more power. and the still more that we need to send their time not to believe that if you create a being given the tanks and missiles, it now has the fight to jets that are on their way when they ask for them. they might of last for a few a soldiers. how some of the west being far too scared of most goes nuclear saber
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rattling, to give you probably the weapons it one to a lot of things west has been scared, i think, said own, as nato and, and including united states of america. how back in a very responsible way. it was great with great respect for the parish, and the democrats feared of the people of ukraine, but they trip fed the supply. we'd give them tile, they have to go ahead and have them fight them, what they had and they could have to continue to make them. let's do this together and that relates to capacity. it relates to scope as it relates to timeframe and the rest. and i think that they did a remarkable thing. this is a disgrace. what is happening in the town with some united states right now? we have to solve that problem. we have to get the job done and you know what else we have to do. we have to remove those too late. it's not too late. it's not too
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late. i don't believe it's too late. not. no, no, no. russia has a 2 years to strengthen its military and well, they just never showed up. it's what were the 1st day. remember that they were going to walk in rose petals and all that stuff now, and it's not too late. and i, if that put me in the corner of those who said when people say, well, maybe they should negotiate, know they should, it, they should do what they usually in should do what they want to do. in the last few days, the head of estonia is intelligent services suggested russia will now seek to double its military presence along his borders with finland, the baltic states, and do everything he said to try to destabilize nato's eastern flank. as also being the whole state of warnings that russia will over the next few years attack nato country is mekaux ready for such an attack. it is my business. no, i think nato is, but nature doesn't want to have such an attack. it would be a brutal thing to have engage in
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a war between nato and russia. that important point is for us to help you crane when the war because as you know, his appetite is insatiable. they say he's like, there's a set of, of a passing, the grade that you carry for borders in her suitcase. or she went, that's who a russia was. and that's what he's trying to, i think, replicate a few 100 years later. but nature was finding use of the funding use of neglect to use of i don't see that as i don't as running down its forces at numbers. i don't, i don't see it that way, but i don't even put a division of 10000 fighting men into into a forced air to fit on what they may not want to put them in or theater. we haven't put people or man or wonder why say it or the whole point is, of nato, isn't it to say 5 for each one. yeah. but i, you know, the cube, so i can't do that. i want to read you of your negative attitude in terms of this
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and this. we have the resources rush. it is a big your pen army. nato is a, as i said, was president kennedy. what we can do, working together, meaning making our decisions together and collaboration and not condescension. and i think that we're poised to do that. i'm very proud of what america has done. i'm proud of what your post done. i think you are past responded in a very strong positive way putting should take no joy in how he has been this war has turned out. he was going to win in the 1st week or so 2 years later this is now going to the 3rd year of the war. i don't have any doubt. i mean, i'm prayerful about no, excuse me, but we need prayers and we need weapons and,
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and we need coverage. and i, i'm just, i mean i've seen too much of it in terms of visits to our country, our visits, they are my members going and the rest. there are those in power in the house of representatives who would hold this up. and that is a threat, the closer they want to donald trump as there's speaker of the house. and essentially they got him because he calls all the shots. now i didn't come over here to talk the politics. but when it comes to the policy of this, of having members of congress, house and senate, saying the praises of poor have because of mimicking, you know, who knows, his name is to be president to, to the name you don't want to manage. it's like a found works for me, you know, you know, like a curse or when i was laid off, he used to curse where you would dine,
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go to hell. that was the catholic faith. let me ask you about these reports of russia reading a new campus office space. us intelligence has just flag that up. have you been based on the address? it has now denied how much credence do give to report whether they are or not. we have to be ready for everything. yes, i had been brief doing that. i've read the it series. well, this is serious. it developed, but it made it. it's not a question whether it's a development. it's a possibility. and we, we piece in space is something that we thought was a given. but if it isn't, we have to be not surprised that this lead to a cube besides style show down is that what might be a head some people think. so i hope and have some informed people. now let me just chat are class people who are being brief by the intelligence. so i'm just not the
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people reading the stuff they say, oh, it sounds like this could be just as us the question. i liked it to a pc about it, so i want to you, you as it is the s 22. and then the paging bella, i real maritime and you cushions, ballistic. besides going to cyber attacks, you think china will eventually invade taiwan? i think it's a, it's a has a capacity and that's what they were trying to build to. but i think it's, and i think it's a convenient threat for them. a convenience that you don't think they'll do it. oh, i don't put anything past them, especially sheet. so what did you go to that was? well, here's what i think about it. it's my head is not my god the. i'm in the house and then the senate, democrats and republicans are very strongly in support of taiwan.
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we have our tie, want us to taiwan relations at which says that we support them in there as they defend themselves, should, should they in preparation for or should they be attacked? they have become a thriving democracy, a model to the world in terms of their economy and a leading chip maker at intellectual incentive, entrepreneurial country. and we were not going to let them, they ignored. now, with the us fight for taiwan, if it was invaded, it's not for me to say, but we, we have no, do you know the on? so i know what our policy is, the strategic ambiguity, but fight and came out and said he would defend, he did so. but what we say is that we believe in the one china policy. so we're not saying independence, nor are they that maybe there's some people there saying independence, but that's not the policy. we're supporting the one china policy. and for them the
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status quote. okay, them still in the brief time we have left of about the election year an a, b, c. source poll on the 11th of this month showed 86 percent of americans. now think joe biden is too old to so the 2nd time a statistics like that, causing major alarm bells to ring and your party to joe biden. as a great president of the united states. he and campbell harris will be our candidates for president and vice president. he will be re elected president of the united states. does it ever with 86 percent and what do? oh, well, have what percentage thought that? i think the trump is too old. he's 78, would see 7778 years old. as it would be for the americans would prefer to have other people on the ballot. but now 67 percent of the measurements are telling him that the 2 people who are likely to be on the ballot. so why we just don't want there to bind joe biden has wisdom, knowledge, judgment,
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a beautiful vision for america. knowledge of the issues he's been there so long a strategic think or a leg master legislator, and that's all up here. and then in his heart empathy for the american people in the woods is the special council who investigated his handling of pacified documents. he was a sympathetic, well meaning elderly man with a poor member. i think that that person should have just done his business charge or don't charge. we don't need you being a doing a, a doctor's analysis of something that you are so one sarah about. and that it was, there are other people that he, that are part of that, that he could have said they forgot. do you remember every scene that might have happened 2030 years ago? but the public perception is now that he's too old to run. you don't get away, let me give that to you. i mean, question. this is kind of let me get to question,
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are you comfortable with that? yes, i think still fine is great. just we making a decision to when we're doing everything to own the ground, to get out the vote, a to message, to inspire people, to come to the polls and to have the, my 3 and this mobilization on the ground message inspire money to pay for it. off and if you want an example, just look what happened last tuesday in new york in a district that trump one by 8 points or can one by a point, a swing of 16 item says the democracy itself is going to be on the ballot to november it is the right. yeah, absolutely. it's on. it's been on the ballot ever since. what's his name? run in 2016. so trump again, you'll be on the mention of near friends, the curse words. the um, the thoughts really terrifies you. winning doesn't to be want to know why,
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because just think of democracy writ large at risk praising trump. she comes on long out in uh north korea the rest. but yeah, it's a bothers me, but let's not talk that big way. let's talk about the kitchen table. people are having their family discussion about their family planning, which is an economic issue. take great pride in eliminated roving ways and eliminating women's, you're right to choose her reproductive health if your eligibility q and all the other initials that come after it. forget about your property. so you feel a repeat performance of the interaction that happened around you january the 6th 2021. if trump loses, but you'll actually, well, we have a and i would hope that it less than would be learned by the people on the other
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side. they're using the defense of well, i didn't know, i thought i was just going in the capital. and yet really, really, that was horrible. it was in the salt, the ones assault on our constitution because that was a day to honor the constitution in terms of accepting the, the other 2 by this victory. so talent of the certification of the electoral college vote. there was an assault on our congress. so that we couldn't do our business, it was an assault on the capital of the united states. how fragile did us democracy look that day? well, as far as i was concerned, i said right from the start, they cannot prevail and they will not prevail. and that's just the way it is. and if you're doing the, he's not going to when he's not, he's a head in the poll now. he's not going to win. we have this is our valet for chair
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. this is our washington crossing the delaware. we have to, when there is, everything is at stake. we had a beautiful presidency. we are having a beautiful presidency of deal by and had a said had because when we were in the majority, we were able to possibly feel free to you went along with historic lows in the pulse with his started flow. so let me get back to my point that so 15 months ago, fighting for the fly, the be still there dependents. the opponents in the pools and all of a sudden all this and you got that. they were saying, you're going to lose 30 or 40 seats. you're gonna owe an apology to the democrats because you're using the wrong campaign. i said we're not. we know exactly what we're doing. we know exactly what we're doing. we just have a will to when and you know what we've just when day be a darcy below 6. thank you very much. you're welcome to give us the
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see the world as he's never seen it before. the drive now to dw the, this is d w. news, and these are our top stories. the un peacekeeping force in lebanon says 3 of its observers, and a translator were wounded in an explosion near the as rarely border unit. so sat a show went off close to one of its foot patrols. an investigation is underway. israel, as military, has denied allegations that one of it strands caused the blasts. a flotilla carrying humanitarian a to gaza has left cypress the shipment of nearly 400 tons of urgently needed food, and other supplies was organized by charities from the.


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