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tv   Jesus  Deutsche Welle  March 30, 2024 11:02pm-12:01am CET

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never giving us the most exciting thoughts, stories about people's passions and they drive every weekend on d w. the even for non believers, jesus is present everywhere in western culture is a 2300000000 christians. he's the son of god, the crucified and resurrected, missed on the 25th for christians. jesus bring salvation to humanity and even mocking the starting point in the gregorian calendar. he's the corner stone of christianity. so over 2000 years, what christians believe about him has been shaped by church screens. and the d test was a hers matic. married just cycles were inspired enough by his message to turn it into
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a religion. are you sure? hold on little don't. it was dangerous to ask too many questions about jesus that would have meant dancing human theories. not until the 18th century and the enlightenment was the question of the historical jesus really explode beyond the religious discourse. who was jesus? really did he actually exist? was he born on december the 25th? as tradition has it's the pulled up in this quest for the historical jesus is in some ways never ending for people have been just fascinated with the question. so it is fascinating believe is 10 to the gospel, the ancient accounts of the life of jesus in the bible, looking for on the zeros in the gospel seed, western culture reflected in literature. the arts, cathedrals painting,
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sculpture the hugely important measure. but what historical credence can we give these texts written in decades of to the death of jesus? can we trust what they say about whose exist? just will be the visa arrival, text in competition with one another. few holes. should we question the boston tricity of the holy sites in israel as being those described in these accounts? why was jesus born? where can we find his to some people every year are going to the basilica, then activity in the church in the empty tomb. and, but there is no evidence at the end of buying any of these sites with the what's in the gospel could of the sites recently discovered by archaeologists take the place and could those discoveries advance all knowledge of the life of jesus. so the tomb is of course very important because we've got the music somebody is using one to
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eat it is you don't, it's clear that just mike every do in the 1st century. jesus walked down the steps today by examining the historical evidence in israel, egypt, and jordan, and by applying cutting edge science, kind of historians finally shed light on the mystery surrounding the life of jesus . beyond. the tenants of the christian faith. belief is known believers, and historians grappled with the same angels conundrum deep. jesus reed's x, the for a round house of humanity, the existence of jesus is not seen, doubts. he's at the house of the christian message is also acknowledges his existence. he's the central figure of the full gospel speech. it in the new testament, the gospels, according to matthew, mark, luke, and joe. jesus is
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a paradox. he's one of the most famous figures in the world and has been represented strewn and sculpted and painted countless times. the bible is the most widely distributed and translated book in the world, and yet we know very little about him to centuries the question of his historical existence didn't even a rise in western europe. the creed of the church was considered the apps and the choice. below going to do for a long time, it was dangerous to us too many questions about jesus sent him on proof of his historical existence to do so. it would be to douse him over into the country where christianity was the religion imposed on oh, such questions were regarded as we could to. this is all that is still nothing until the 18th century and the imagines to the degree of critical thinking was the mass of the historical existence of jesus. find that the debates and did the man at
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the house of the christian message. the one described in the gospels as well if the for the 1st proponents of the christ may siri pounce was none at all. it is according to the christ to miss vera unique. jesus christ did not exist like she is merely a mis to cause it that century me. and their argument is that the patterns of the vanity of god and haven't coming down to earth being born of a virgin that this is a mythological type, paula gee, that we know in mystery religions and other greco roman religions, a guy walks on water. he changes water and the line, the hills and the body that comes to women crowds do that seem to be more like comic book super here over spend historical figures. one of the 1st arguments that
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forward by christ miss proponents is the lack of direct testimonies of jesus is not written during his life time. doesn't this merits some kind of coverage or mention by contemporary sources. progressed in historical research, complimented by the imagines of audiology and the 19th century highlighted 2 important factors. the oldest copies of the gospels that we have dates from the 4th century. they were discovered by chums 200 years ago. at the monastery of saint catherine in egypt, it held the earliest known manuscript to the christian bible, the co dex tonight, the news or original deeds of the codex tonight, take this from the early 4th century. it was written in greek, within the lifetime of the emperor constantine, who saw the cooks. and i think this has been all the world's oldest bible. this is
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a manuscript of the very greatest importance for people who make a study of the scriptures. the 4 gospels of the new testament phone, the official message adopted by the church. they are also known as the canonical gospels. there are 4 gospels. unfortunately, we do not have the manuscripts written by the apostles themselves. we want to get as close as possible to the text to the root, and that is the significance of the critics. so 90 goes. however, some historians view the choice of the full gospels recognized by the church as arbitrary because there are in fact, dozens of other unofficial gospels and known as the new testament upon booking sicily, they are talking for gospels, who is the ones excluded from the church,
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canada or later texts from a period between the 2nd and 4th centuries. there typically come from christian sources, but have a hint of the pen testicles to jenn me. only will you never you, there's a gospel, peter. there's a gospel of james. there's a gospel of thomas has some very important information that's not in the canonical gospels supposed to loan depot. so it's fascinating to compare those. and so, but they is very little agreement to be found between the individual text will say most we can deduce likelihood. zillow, presume, areas of probability, but very little can be stated with any degree of certainty or to drill domestic security. the, in addition to the religious accounts arrest of soul success switches the historians of antiquity, such as tacitus, see tony, as most importantly, slaves. you see the, the services this lady is you'll see this is
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a jewish historian and then who collaborated with the roman suite. you know, in his writings the address to a roman population tells us that jesus was put on the cross by poverty assigned. like, under the principles of time, various too close to by the too bad. as with copies of the gospels, historians are faced with the issue of the surviving uses. text actually being copies made by christians who may have taken the opportunity to strength. and jesus is masonic credential, the reference to jesus, it seems like it's been either totally forged or partially forged. for example, it starts out at that time, there appeared a man no problem with that. and then it adds, if it's lawful to be calling him a man, well, that sounds like a christian, maybe remember the copies of josephus were preserved by christians in the middle
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ages and passed down. we don't have ancient copies of josephus from the 1st and 2nd century, so whether that's a strong source or not is questionable. during the course of the 20th century, proponents if the christ ms theory diminished in number, the lack of text directly testifying to jesus was simple to explain in a culture with very few people knew how to write. information was passed by word of mouth. what small a, some analysis of the gospel states, the writing of the text to the period between $65.00 and a $110.00 a. d. when you open up the new testament, you immediately come to matthew, mark, luke, and john, they're all from the 1st century. we think. so that would be during the 1st 70 years from the time of jesus. that historians, however, almost universally doubt that these names were originally the go suppose then are
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a collection of oral accounts routine relatively soon after the death of jesus. the fact they were sitting down shows the importance of this new religion. the purpose was to spread the good news. they were tools to convent people to the christian faith, and they cannot be treated as historical account. the gospels are v, a logical treatises. there's theological presentations. they're almost like sermons . and they're written to cause you to believe that jesus is the christ, the son of god, that he has been raised from the dead and so forth. they don't have the modern standards and even modern history. you've got to take them all and see then what we can sort out. and that's the job of historians. so we need to analyze everything that science tells us about the life of the historical jesus, starting with his bus. the
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will seem really born on december the 25th on the eve of year one. we now really in 2024. these questions seem of this, and yet every year, catholic and protestant churches celebrate the best of jesus. on december, the 25th the dollar parties on creating the christian tradition. the nativity is the coming of the son of god, just a song. so it's a major event in law fundamental to the history of humanity in the is 12, the new to whenever we think about the birth of jesus, the christmas story, most people have in their heads famous paintings of the manger. jesus is in a little crit, reduce a cows of animals around mary, looking adoringly at jesus and joseph the date of december. the 25th is never mentioned in the hospitals, not surprisingly,
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references to the event this and even contradicts one another. in the rock, these are on the found the this on either mark nor john talks about the birth of jesus for the gospel of matthew in lieu. conclude what are known as the intimacy narratives. it is my truth by matthew describes a star that the match i follow since as jesus was born under the reign of harry, the great just in this we don't hang village. meanwhile, talks about a census carried out by a roman legged of syria called korea's and also the presence of shepherds and she's in the field to see the results of the machine were told already shown. what can we deduce from this information? the presence of sheep and shepherds on the hills for example, is surprising in mid winter, even in the mild climate of the middle east. being out to post you in spring or late summer would seem more likely. so why commemorate the dates of december 25th?
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in shoals of tassels will stay as one in 365 chance that jesus was born on that day anymore because it's well known that december 25th was when the winter solstice with celebration. christian christiana, he has been good at appropriating days, that were one, celebrated in great pagan rifles. you always buy your gloves, but people realize that date has been celebrated long before jesus. it's the saturn aaliyah. this has nothing to do with jesus. this was celebrated universally by the romans and the greeks. we don't have december 25th is the date until 2 or 300 years after the time of jesus. when that festival is so popular in the roman culture and in the pagan culture of the time. according to this thesis, jesus was most probably not born on december the 25th. not until the $354.00 does the data pay of 1st time. konstantin,
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the 1st roman and proud to convert to christianity, rearrange the calendar to base it on the bus of christ. you come and did a major pagan holiday to bed to introduce christianity into people's practices. while the choice of the day of jesus this past may have been opportunistic, can the be deduced from the gospels in the christian calendar, he is accounted from the best of jesus, which should have been the vet 2 years 0. but what did the gospel say? matthew speaks of a bus on the haven't the great the how much you found, the matthew talks about her a degree who we know died most probably in the year for the see on, on was on the say to be see, but certainly not in the your 180, the souls go see lute. this isn't that the date used as a starting point to rather the census of queer areas which can be dated to what we
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would now call 6 a day. and those kind of crazy repeat the movies. if jesus was born during the reign of king herridge, that was more than 4 years before the official date. if he was born during the census of the roman governor, then it's more than 6 years later to pinpoint the scientist looked at another piece of information mentioned in the gospel of matthew, the appearance of the stall risk bethlehem only trundle the star of bethlehem. the started david, appears in the sky and leads the may try to find them. worship jesus, it's a prophetic proclamation. dental. suppose it did an extraordinary celeste deal event 2000 years ago in the skies of bethlehem guide the magi from the east. according to scientists, the appearance of this mysterious star could well have an explanation of i'll show you the met you use in most in the gospel of matthew, this dimension of as the t ring above bethlehem is the describing something very
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bright, don't use it. this leads to numerous hypotheses involving exploding stones, you know, the supernovas stones at the end of a life, or even pulsing comments to the best sites that are most probable is that a planet treat conjunction, which in this case would be between jupiter incessant, do cruise. those 2 would have been observed very close to each other. if you don't have that time, you will hate the silver i see type pushing the root i smell mortgage. thanks to modern computers, astronomers can recreate the position of celestial bodies in the night sky at any given moment over a period of several 1000 years. on the evening of december, the 24th 2021, the planet jupiter was clearly visible as of bethlehem. if we go back in time to december of the virtual, he is 0, nothing special appears. but to go back to the yes, 7, b, c, and sutton, and jupiter come close together as they entered the constellation of pisces. before
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being eclipse by the move seen from the us, the apparent proximity of the 2 planets makes them seem as bright as a star. despite being 650000000 kilometers upon. could the star of bethlehem be the result of this conjunction. 15 corps on these conjunction of 2 major planets would occur 3 times over a 9 month period. 50. that's what made them seem to very important. see good was about to be bone. and then it also occurred in the constellation of pisces, which in the after logical tradition was the element of water. and therefore of nativity going through on the activity. this rad phenomenon appeared significant enough to find its place in the gospels. but when the new canada was introduced under constantine, they must have been an error in the calculations. yes, there is some believability in historical validity to this conjunction of the planets in april of seventy's. say that our calendar is off by about 8 years.
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guess what? i don't think anybody's going to go back and change it according to this hypothesis, we're currently in the year 2031. nothing mistry is the exact location of jesus is best. since the 4th century christians have celebrated the best of jesus in bethlehem. and one of the oldest churches in the world, the basilica of the nativity. it was commissioned by emperor constantine and his mother. helena, led by the basilica of nativity, is a very important place. and the christian faith is located at the sight. historically considered the birthplace of jesus and his birth is very important. that's how distraught christian tradition attributes the construction of the facility of the entity, to constantine and telling us it is believed to been billed sometime before 333
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a. d. as we have an account from that year written by a bordeaux pilgrim who visited, one of the things we try to do when we do the historical jesus is find out about the archaeology. what evidence is there? how lana, the mother of the emperor constantine is become a very devout christian. she only has the bible to go by the new test. so she goes to best buy him and she ask around. so she's probably talking to some of the indigenous people that lived in the country. she did identify this case. maybe somebody showed her, maybe there was a legend or a tradition, like i think it was over here. oh, build the church beneath the basilica council in the growth who lived in a 250. a 14 point silva stop in late in the marble floor indicates the spot where the event is set to have a cut. it best the inscription p a jesus christ was born. if the virgin mary,
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according to tradition, the magi deposited that gifts of gold frankincense ultima. sort of grown up from an archaeological point of view, things nothing to prevent it from being the grocer lifted into tibits. he saw it was a low offensive case id by christian oral tradition, which is why i constancy and had a church built there. i don't all the, it is at this level space is there is nothing to prevent it from being the grotto if then the to the t. yeah, there is no mention of such a growth. so in the gospels, according to john, jesus was born in a stable. luc mentions a house, once again, the accounts different people because it didn't go up. so you have to realize that this was a cave at the bottom of the house, and the houses were very often semi truck with died from the gospel says that the living room was full. so a quiet place had to be found, which was the cave lowered down with the animals. what was the was this case, the best place of jesus?
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no archaeological evidence dating back to the period before the 4th century has a much to to confirm its in fact, some historians doubt that jesus was even born in bethlehem. again, several theories have been advanced with jesus born elsewhere to answer this question, the bus of jesus must be put in its historical context. at that time, the roman empire was that it says that if it should occupied the whole of the mediterranean and to day for more than 60 years, sole source of the clock in 63 b. c. when general pompei capture tourism, the roman senate decided to install a chain, an ally from work who was heard the great to go home to the, to the home at the sales trip. okay. she was a great builder to rebuild the temple in jerusalem. that was the admirable side of his character. i know, but otherwise he was a dangerous paranoid ruler. don't feel a dictator massacred his own family and instigated
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a reign of terror. send me the don't coming in. bring so hopes were high for a liberator, a messiah, a defendant of david, who could drive out the romans in. liberate is real. he said, yes. are you in your mind is a can found the desire to make jesus a credible messiah. you have to be in the lineage of david, the 2nd king of the jews, the key. think of the bible. david was born in bethlehem, said the gospel of matthew and luc place jesus in the city. the according to matthew, joseph and mary lived in bethlehem. then once jesus was born, they moved to another rest. in luke session, jesus, his parents lived in the service they travelled to bethlehem, joseph hometown. when mary was pregnant, to take part in this sense, as ordered by the prefect querying is the dates of the census. the does not match
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up. it took place in the year 6 a d, off to the best of diesel. so but it's important that jesus was born in bethlehem to establish his messianic credentials. only if he was an air of king david. could he be the messiah? if the 3 missing 3 measures acre, perhaps luke was aware of a census without knowing its precise state, used it to justify jesus, his birth, and bethlehem. oh there's you and became another hypothesis put forward by historians places jesus is best in the service where according to religious text, jesus grew up the city of nazareth. it's very important that jesus belongs to the davidic trying that settled them as the rest of the name was derived from the word. it said meaning also bring up david is on existence. even if the inhabitants were only peasants or customer, there was an obvious correlation between the no sniff nasa rest of the nazarenes
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and davidic ancestors. but this ancient town long remained a mystery for archaeologists who could find no trace of it. neither was it mentioned in any text switching prior to the gospels. oh, that's with me. it's been argued that nazareth did not exist because it's not mentioned in any old testament text or something that's all right. whenever we think about nazareth jesus from nazareth, the question is, does the city exist? because over the centuries critical scholars have wondered, maybe that's just mythology, it's made up. but in the north of israel, near the basilica of the annunciation in the modern day city of nazareth, archaeologists of on of the remains of an ancient village with a population of 50 to a 100 inhabitants at the time of jesus. beneath the comes into the sisters of nazareth, a 1st century house is particularly well preserved. could it to belongs to mary and
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joseph jesus. his parents is a club, performed him up as it is my firm belief that jesus lived in nazareth dig around the list. the discovery of these remains gives us another indication of what might have happened to nazareth susan, providing a spiritual and a christian dimension. if we can do most of security to earlier, we can do massage. i thought it was rebuilt after some destruction suggests that this small house was important enough to not be raised to the ground. unintelligible stalls going up by the 100 near the house. a tune from the same period was also discovered. it is proclaimed by some christians to be that saint joseph in yeah, to move when i put in there is a tool called the to the just man which is sealed with a round millstone and therefore associated with royalty. why in a small village is the royal town we have? no, she answered. we are told that in this area only need such examples of this type of
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1st century harris, the era to exist. good. only thing hopeless. this to um, the dwelling connected to the family of jesus. after 14 years of researching the sites, this is this theory put forward by professor ken dog from the u. k. 's university of reading. but what evidence could validate it scientifically? what's his name? so show is that the site was transformed into a place of worship as early as the 2nd century to accommodate christians, whether or not jesus was born and not the rest. the gospels agreed that he spent his childhood here at childhood, shrouded in mystery. the, according to the new testament, jesus was raised by his father, joseph, and his mother,
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mary. alongside 2 sisters whose names around noon and the full brothers, james, joseph simon, and real souls is of the full gospels. it's mainly looks that looks at jesus childhood. it has jesus as an avid reader of the bible, but the evangelists count, have known that these are really constructions to dress up a character. there's nothing very solid in their accounts. new. yeah, i know. okay, so the, the, the, so the councils aren't biographies. otherwise there wouldn't be so many gaps in jesus since childhood adolescence and early adult to introduce you back. so what did jesus do between the ages of 7? i'm such a. where does he travel? who did he meet? can the study of text archaeology and science shed any light on this mysteries? all kinds of legends have arisen, some people say he went to india and studied with the buddhist. others have him
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going to egypt, been learning secrets of a gyptian mythology. luke's gospel says at the age of 12, jesus went to do boosted him with his parents to celebrate policy. within the rules of the old city, built on the hill where the l. x and mosque, and the den with the rock stand today was habits temple. don't you and your crew the temple was a high place of worship for israel in you a place you had to make a pilgrimage to several times a year. it's an extremely important sight for jews. and as a jew, jesus would have adhere to the belief that god's presence dwelt in the holy of holies. as all the jews or scientists. we only have one story on the gosh. when jesus is 12 years old and they find him sitting in the temple, talking to the rabbis and the doctors of the law of the tour, and they're amazed that is, was destroyed and 7080,
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and never rebuilt. what remains at the temple today of the stones of the west and rule in front of which many jews still gather to pray as well as 2 sets of steps. it's historic, he probable that jesus went, that that's also important for his masonic states. the default he is said in the 1st century like any do the time jesus walk down the steps. he went to the temple to talk to the doctors and stages of the time and prepare for his religious coming of age with others. some actually tell what you use is your story. most jesus on the steps of the temple of jerusalem under schools. he's destiny as an interpreter of the hebrew bible because jesus was very much part of the judaism of his time. see, don't see that he's one of the sole thought 2000 years later, it's difficult to imagine what jesus might have seen when he arrived in jerusalem. but thanks to modern technology, the temple can now be modeled. as this is worse, it could have looked like it was a vast construction with
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a must've extension started by harris. the great in 19 b. c. the esplanade alone was spread over more than 14 heck test the found. you told me to do lunch heritage. the temple was a monumental construction that has no equivalent in antiquity. you can imagine the people of the time catching their 1st glimpse of the morning. it's with its holy of holies, 60 meters high, next with white stones and gilding all around at the temple was so imposing that it could be seen from very far away. so for a young man visiting for the 1st time, it must have been very impressive. with this experience of strength and jesus, his spirit to the wellness off to the age of 12 old trace of him is lost until his public appearances. 18 years later from the time jesus began to preach when he was
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30 years old. his life is best to documented. what did the gospels tell us from the in the text see settles in capernaum on the northwest insurance to see if got any problems that i could turn in. was a fishing village, with no ramparts or any means of defense to a small village of some 5 or 600 inhabitants with a jetty extending into the lake. the care lost on the not continuum is like cape canaveral for the space exploration. this is jesus one bass from here, he's going off and all of us coming back. he's living with peter. andrew, james, john phillips. these are 5 fishermen and you have others as well. obviously. this is where jesus formed. he's going to of 12 of customs. what remains of companion, the ancient city west so much happened that the name is still well known today. can we find evidence of the presence of jesus as described in the gulf coast?
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this mountain church in the shape of a flying saucer, has been erected over the foundations of 3 previous buildings constructed over the centuries. presley a 5th century of taken no church from the byzantine era. before that there was a small square chance. finally, oldest, still a house that stands out from all the others founding companions. under the present charge, we have the remains of peter's house. the walls were completely pastored in the 2nd half of the 1st century scenes 1520 years after jesus. so this is very unique, there are no private domestic utensils that you would find in all the other houses . and there are lots of lamps, and there are large best. so most was going on in this place. this had changed its function. why? then there's the big debate about the graph, easy,
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the name of piece. so why are they writing this there? then we have the further development that goes on generation to generation. so many christians, there is no doubt. this is the home of the apostle pizza, where jesus and his disciples, state jose science kind of praise. not it is possible to reconstruct the house as it was in the 1st century at the time of jesus says the same place jesus was saying. so this is a great value for connecting with those original events that generates is our faith just across the street from the house on the remains piece. discovery could prove crucial in the search for the historical jesus. namely, the ancient synagogue of company of the gospels, frequently referred to this synagogues here jesus freed the demoniac here jesus,
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he and the man with a group of hand. here's jesus, give the eucharistic discourse in john chapter 6. this synagogue is the 4 teaching place in capernaum and comparing them is the core teaching place. in the gospel story, this is a treasure with the synagogue. well, the house of pizza, the co relation of the remains with biblical account. this is striking to be send this to all these locations, all this research points towards the existence of the 1st century of our era of a person called jesus. unquestionably, as he's been telling them all surrounded by his disciples, jesus this message spread throughout galilee just 55 kilometers west of compendium was the small village of k, not where the 1st of the miracles reported by the apostles. this has been perform. joining us, we cannot, i'm not here during the wedding and came now mary tells jesus that the guests have
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no more wine. you're going to her request to help is jesus asked the servants to show the stone jars with the mater. and immediately the miracle was accomplished and when the water in the jars was port out, it was actually excluded line. as, excuse me today came to is called cosign qana. at the suppose site at the miracle stands, the small franciscan church. every year, thousands of pilgrims from all over the world flocked to it to celebrate the legend . dream wedding faced the while, the fervor of the defiance who sincere some historians explain this miracle by recalling how wine was made at the time. the unfiltered must of grapes left us take to postage and the books of jobs when diluted with water. the mixture took on the color and taste of wine and became drinkable again. so but those who were you,
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all the defense to jesus miracles should not always be examined empirically or do we must also look at the meaning and significance in the context of the black hole tradition, but it's only bleach, so pay or so costs i saw new on fast the transformation of water into wine was not just some redundant miracle. it hasn't deep the logical meaning. it announces public ministry and so so at the grace of god is overflowing foretells the heavenly banquets to see you as soon as i guess it is. the miracle of the transformation of worship into wine presented in the gospel. according to john, is the 1st of the signs given by jesus for the benefit of his disciples. quite different people. many miracles were performed by jesus. according to the gospels, there was the seating of the multitude, the healing of a paralytic and the healing of several blind people. just every one of these supernatural healings is said to have taken place in jerusalem. the
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shipping of the blind man took place at the pool asylum suite, then that's the easiest place to live and load on the man's eyes and told him is go and wash yourself in the pool. as i lo, i'm, when he's use your field record every, i'd have to see the scene going to just lot were busy that john was an eye witness . she lived in jerusalem. she knew the place very well and he describes the pool frequented by pilgrims and fox. are all the details ring true for the time you saw it? you don't have anything according to the gospel, the pool of so low and was an expensive war to what 2000 years ago pilgrims flocked to purify themselves before going to pray at the temple. for a long time, historians could find no trace of the sites and dr. dukes existence. some claim to the event must have taken place along the canal carrying or shoot me into the city . but its construction post states the life of jesus. then in 2004 below the
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temple of jerusalem, archaeologists made an extraordinary discovery. we're sitting in the ceiling walk pool in the self inside, off city of david's. faith was found occasionally in the smaller coast. what we see over here is only the north and sides of this full, we know from excavations done, and that is continue around 50 meters to the east and which means that it was a very, very large pool. it goes to get in very well with the literary sources in the gospel mention jesus coming over here from the gully, the pilgrimage to jerusalem. finding the pool of salem in jerusalem is one of the most important discoveries of the last 2 decades. when archaeological fines can come with the text and the gospels,
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the historical kind of rate to of jesus is reinforced. full so injurious and i'm just a few 100 meters away is where the final alice of jesus is. ashley existence unfolded for 2 millennia, one place in particular as being the subject of much discussion. the sign to the crucifixion of jesus is to the once again does a clash of hypotheses us with an activity, the official site of jesus. his death was determined by helena of constantinople in the 4th century. during the reign of constantine, the church of the holy, simple cause late to build the sites the holy simple country has always been an important site for christianity. it captures all the mystery epitomized by the death and resurrection of jesus or ex folders. according to the church, jesus,
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his body was anointed with spices and wrapped in a shroud and then placed in a tomb here. 2 days later on east today, he was resurrected to the 2nd a lonely every year. and many pilgrims come here as a way to show the faith and give thanks to jesus. what is the home cost? but how can we be sure that the body of jesus was actually nice to you on this question? science was long unable to help me. is it so they just seem to that a stone and is very difficult today? because common 14 dating can't be used by examining how the real cause, being county is one way of putting a date to it is that you this is not until october 2016 during extensive restoration work was the tomb of the holy simple cut reopened for the 1st time in 200 to use the scientific analysis of the materials and this structure concluded definitively that none of the remains could
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be older than $1700.00. into russo let him know of the place corresponds base it to what in the gospels tell us. then here, if i can, so while that's not proof, it does lend authenticity to the claim. adults, okay, perfect. so we now know that the foundation state from the 4th century, so with regard to its claim to be the tomb of christ. given the lack of evidence when we would need to find jesus as dna. supposing the body of jesus had not been placed that supposing helena was mistaken. another site turns out to be a good candidate for teen both with the biblical text and historical probability. there is injuries, an alternative site for the crease of fiction, different from the church of the holy surplus. you can be
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a goldens calvary for me is much more likely implausible. the site is outside the city but close to it where everyone could see the crucified as described in jones gospel. of course, if you come to the version of those all good news, calgary is a tomb located in a got an outside the old city, just 600 meters from the official. ho reset. ok discovered in 1867. it reopened the investigation on the to lift jesus, at least amongst conservative purchased some dissolved that don't we were in front of the tomb of the resurrection of the resurrected jesus. go back in court. why is the so? because the corresponds to the gospels which tell us the story with a lot of detail going good that they described going back to what jesus was crucified daily, the and see the site. it was a garden where there was a tomb that had never been used to submit the 2 things that the scriptures describe
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. a got next to the crucifixion site. a huge underground system found in 18. 19 next to gordon's calvary suggests that could have been substantial guns and it's vacation outside. the city also fits him with the text, mostly 3 crosses or even more could be accommodated to you, which is not the case, but the science of the heavenly simple. however, archaeological analysis does not support the theory of gordon's calvary. the problem is that tomb is an iron age to 800 b c 700 b c. and the tone jesus is put in was a new tone that no one it is ever been put in. i don't think historically it works . inconsistent dating for goldens calvary under like a volcano illogical evidence prior to the full century to support the tomb of the holy step. okay,
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the investigation had to get to the end in 1980 an extraordinary archaeological discovery. re shuffled the deck, the 1st century to him was discovered in the top peel the district around to columbus is south of the old city boundary. it contains us to a re, so books is holding human, but i know this is slab was concrete. is a stone gate to an arch? an inside that arch leads is a tune in which 10 or shores are discovered. what makes this to me? unique are the names inscribed on 6 of the 10, no showers. the names are mary jesus, son of joseph. you'll save money on many mara, matthew and judah, son of you're sure the names are identical,
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the names of the immediate family of jesus, those nicer to these of theories contain the bones of jesus of nazareth and his family members the age of the tomb. combined with the matching names caused a huge star in the scientific community. but what impressed us not by us, i mean researchers in the year 2000, we begin studying. this is the cluster of the names that is a very important point because indeed that thought makes this group of names important and so unique. it's the cluster of these names together being the same, to the different tools scattered all over the place. but within a single cluster, a single grouping of names, the majors, members of the jews, is from the other to really understand these names and the, to appeal to what you have to understand are statistics. let's say we have
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a stadium with 50000 people. and we say all those named jesus, please stand. so 5 percent of the $50000.00 would stand up. then you say how many of you had a mother named mary? maybe about half would sit down. and then we say, how many of you had a brother named james? you're going to have almost everybody's, you know, why? james is a very rare name in less than one percent. and then if that doesn't do it, anybody have a brother name a jo, say not yoseph not. you'll see, you'll say spell with a hay. anybody that same guy would keep standing. that would be jesus. it's the theory that divides the scientific community in the credits of the french, biblical and archaeological school injuries set them a series of preserved that date from the same period as those found in the top. yet to lose the shelter shows it in the jerusalem. all series of being studied on 1200
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has the name ven trade and there are perhaps 200 or 300 name engravings. you know, the names are extraordinarily repetitive for the simple reason that it was the old semitic tradition to give a child a name from the family and we don't know adult stuff. i mean on of 53 all series arranged in this room. some names cop regularly, such as slow me any asia or it can do it. i know there are other common names but only one jesus here. but as there are at least 7 or 8 in jerusalem as a whole, we know it was a common name. don't go home or you feel like it isn't really clear why this to be that of jesus. these combinations are quite possible without having to be linked to jesus seems to the outcome of it because of the way that i let go go. don't say read them all types of the matching names that are cool, intriguing feast. but a peak refers to much more godaddy's. they say there are several possible
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interpretations depending on the particular form of a lesser and so on. so the end result is highly, to be honest and won't have pulled out. it's a nice story like a fairy tale, but it has no reliable historical consistency policies don't cease to heat. yeah, the, the last type offices is much more prosaic. off to the crucifixion, the romans simply just specialist of the body of jesus as they usually did with the remains of the executed corvettes, which most likely after jesus was taken down from the cross, he ended up in a mass grave because it really was the worst kind of torture. when spartacus sent his slaves rebelled against rome and they were crucified. so it was for societies, very worst criminals only in the full seems unlikely that the romans, which if allowed jesus his friends to recover his body off to his desk. on the
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other hand, nobody questions the way he does the model there's is or is the 1st of the death of jesus and it's description in the gospel is among the most convincing evidence. if he's historical existence, the full, if jesus were an inventive character, created by someone to found a new religion, he wouldn't have died in this way. he would have things done to death for blaspheming all this has been here this and more or less they no take. so says he was stone takes and she was crucified. they both full gospels agree on bass, at least with a series of echo. today, historians are almost unanimous on the subject. the existence of a historical jesus can be in no doubt. his crucifixion is little cheap chosen and there's no historical text questioning the existence of jesus to such a revolutionary figure. if the slightest doubt could have been soundstage, it would be archaeological discoveries combined with an in depth study of ancient
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text, offer us a better understanding of the environment in which jesus grew up, providing the most plausible interpretation of the events that took place move in 2002 years ago, school up elected. yours is 2 weeks. it's what we call the quest for the historical jesus is in some ways never ending up in our culture around civilization has been so nice to buy the stories of rising from the gulf both and from the secret of jesus that we find it important to us gal sales to these questions and push back the limits of our reading or interest in your isaac resources here, of course the existence of jesus raises questions. you must also develop our own perspective on this figure. for nice can you use not just a wise man. if you something else entirely for christians who use the embodiments of god on earth, you say so that is absolutely unique. so you need for christians. the existence of jesus is self evident. but historians also agree that the historical existence of
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a man named jesus, a descendant of the royal de visit klein, reformer of judaism, who wanted to re establish god's suffering. t of israel is no difficult to control the
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