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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 31, 2024 12:00am-12:16am CET

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[000:00:00;00] the, this is dw news live from berlin, 3 un peacekeepers, and a translator are wounded in a blast and southern webinar. the incidents comes after israel bowed to step up. it's offensive against the lebanese militant group as belong. also coming out, police breakdown the door of peruse president to search for luxury watches. we report on the corruption probe,
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now being stabbed rolex gates the david limits welcome, the united nations peace keeping force in lebanon, says an explosion has wounded 3 of its observers. and the lebanese translator on the border to israel. it says the 4 staff members were on foot patrol. when a shell struck nearby, the peacekeeping force in lebanon known as unit. phil says, it is investigating the incident. our bureau chief and b roots mohammed traits has more. the u. n. a technical observers. we're on the mission near the blue line, on the easiest wiley a board when it last ok near their position to un peacekeepers operating in thousands of been on uniform, confirmed the incident and said it is cutting out investigations to determine the origin of the explosion. so far, 4 people have been report to the injured, the 3 that you and foreigners ended up in these translate to cause the you and condemned the incident and said,
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but all its machines are carried out in coordination with all active parties on the ground. and that the vehicle have clear you and branding now and depend on the local news agency, cited a military source saying that it's and is really drawn that launched at the top onto you and the vehicle. of course, the is why you, the army is denied and responsibility for the attack so far for the 4th, the 4th day. in a row, this front is really peaking. the tension is unprecedented. at least since the beginning of the month or from a dawn when this phone has been cooling down a little bit differently, but now again, it is looking on the edge of the blow off his blow. i've been fighting heavy rockets into you is really a territory and positions and in due time is relevant at targeting and whitening it's. it's targets inside the oven on reaching the because id and bottle book,
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which is relatively far from the nose into from its northern border. and this is a cleared extension of the use will rule of engagements between both parties. now, there is a growing field among the many is from a large cade war, most of people we talk to are very concerned about a war that the country is far from ready uh for on the financial, logistical and, and also the mental aspect of the country is going so with the worst economic and financial crisis in lebanon, small done history, and barely functioning like they do. you and the government organizations is at barely able to support the citizens independent. the united nations, the united states, has authorized a multi $1000000000.00 weapons package for as well. according to several media reports. the delivery is said to include fighter jets and several 1000 bombs. the
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white house has not commenting on the reports. they come as president joe biden acknowledged, what he called the pain being felt by air of americans over the war and gaza. the states criticism by summit and his democratic party over us support for as ralph, which is really defense minister you, i've got lunch was in washington this week to discuss the weapons deliveries for service on the line to have you here. and we asked the middle east expert daniel gala, if the u. s. is so concerned about israel's conduct in gaza. why send it another consignment of powerful bonds? yeah, that is a contradiction that is being discussed in the american media a lot. apparently the by not ministration doesn't see a contradiction here because it says it provides these weapons not to prime minister netanyahu with whom they have a difficult relationship at the moment. and who is like, of course, calling the shots and the gods operation, but they're providing this way as real security, i think for the buy number ministration there in a way, in a lose lose situation. because it's a support for the is really
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a military on the one hand and, and then it's, um, it's the opposition to the behavior of and then you all government on the other leads it into a difficult situation to a quagmire. and it's on y'all, has, has, has successfully lobbied congress, not only the republican party, but also the democrats for many years. and he's now caching in on, on, on, on what he had been successfully doing over the last decades. and on the other hand, of course, the joe biden has a position inside his own party. many young americans, not only of americans, the young people in this country see that there is a contradiction in these policies. and if you drive around here and in, in america, you would probably see of the freeway of billboard, which says, your tex pay us money, kill, kills children and gaza. so this is a difficult situation, and biden seems not to be handling it very well. police in peru have rated the home of president dina, but what day and a corruption problem that's being deb rolex gate. prosecutors were searching for
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luxury watches that they suspect were obtained illicitly by the watches. government has condemned to the rate for the watch. i called it arbitrary and abusive and said she want resign. breaking into the president's home. in an unprecedented operation, carried out by peruvian police and prosecutors. the novel worthies, private residents was swarming with agents, searching for rolex watches, as they're investigating possible corruption. after news outlets published pictures of her wearing luxury watches, which allegedly had not declared when the reports 1st came out. but we already made the following statement. let's put them it fee. i promise my hands were clean and i know when i entered through the front door on december 7th, 2022, whatever. then you may and i will leave with my hands clean through the same door
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on july 28th. 20. 26. seem pretty, seem pretty full on manually december 2022 was when, before they took office, following the impeachment of previous president pedro castillo, she was now acknowledged that she owes rolex watches, but claim she bought them with money earned before her political career. if so, you know that it was always said, i'm an honest woman. i to an office with clean hands and i will retire from the presidency in 2026 services. i respect the fiscal investigation. however, i reject the way it's done or not in a discriminatory and unconstitutional mental inc. both people so not peruse. government has also condemned the pro, a little money for certain people that want to state that we consider the action
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that has been taken absolutely disproportionate and justified and even legal and unconstitutional. the police say they had a court order to carry out the search. but the findings are confidential. king violence in haiti has claimed at least 1500 lives so far this year. the united nations describes the situation there as cataclysmic, blaming port, governance, and corruption. patients abroad now fear for their families. back home. there are over 700000 haitians living in the united states, mainly in florida. but they're finding it almost impossible to get helped help to their loved ones. the w. washington bureau chief n as pull it up, reports from miami in miami is home to one of the largest haitian communities in the us. places like the family bakery service gathering. a lot of people come, they come from georgia,
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they come from new york. they come from all over. it feels like everyone here has family in hate. terrible. uh, basically it's a problem even to go out to get food, to go shopping because you don't know when something is going to happen in the neighborhood. every time this morning i went up, i think eggs and bread. i gotta figure out what because nicely they have everything . every time i'm going to get i want to cry windows thing happen. and then the forget really, really i people, the steps to come to united, petite was born and raised in haiti. she now works here in the u. s. as a social worker helping me quinn's she says she sees the pattern when ever there's been a major crisis on the island. haitians try to get to the u. s. by boat. the boat's the means of transportation does not change over the years. if they are man made very basic boats and with what would normally have
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a capacity of maybe 20 people will be loaded with about 60 or 70 people. sometimes they may be diverted by high seas, and they may end up in the bahamas where they may end up on the coast of cuba, or they may, you know, end up somewhere else doing this journey that can last anywhere between $5.00 to $7.00 days. people will have no access to water, no access to fluid, or if there isn't an issue, some people will die or if they run out of, of space on the boat, they will throw some people overboard. i visit shirley says she host the daily news, show out of miami for the diaspora. good. this is regular contact with family in haiti, but messages can sometimes be very distressing. what gracious to so what's that? the good thing is to get to what's that phone call a cause, then you can pretty much monitor and give a conversation the worst thing, and then you also want to prepare yourself a, what's that voice? and then that's what breaks
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a heart vacaville. and my whole day because you hear i love shirley is connected to my, the new by my z. hello, shirley. we have it in a couple of days. um, you know, the kids have it in and you set the money, but there is no market. and then or out here, the western union or any of the money, graham people have not opened because they are scared, hate is just on the one and a half hours away by plane from here. and it is increasingly difficult for people to help the family spic home every year. humans produce more than 2000000000 times of garbage world wide. and at least a 3rd of that, according to the world bank is either burned or just dumped into the open while a grassroots initiative in western india is aiming to make communities, their garbage free. every morning, what goods from women's group children dalinta set off for the small gods to
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collect garbage. it's more than just the job. they want to change the way people handled evie's. i'm the next nearly 300 and decided to say if you're like, i mean i need, i know i'm less than a 100. and so i think it was the friday. this like paper electronics organization says it is now know how to segregate, think of it, and keep it ready for pickup, a beautiful dry and green full, but based the least has been brought to this collection point read this further sought by other group members. monday's group was set up in 2015. its aim is to generate income for women to work that helps improve living conditions in that community's today, the municipal cooperation phase, the salaries. that's because it sees their work as a valuable service to the city. they are doing something which is good on something which is for them for don raymond, and not something that has to be looked on upon it as long as soon as i get in to a clean as well. it does it as i get into
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a more segregated way it's coming out of the slums and also helping the guidance from the way that gets into the women's work. so the wider goes to don't compete into the, into a 0 based city. it strategy has brought grassroots activists on board, normally devised fun ways for kids to keep this like something as well guarded, one still got to collect plastic 0 to obtain teachers to continue to work with pupils in the classroom. for many southern trash has become 2nd nature vanilla i eat chips, biscuits, so instead of doing them investment, i remember that i do need to be doing or do we don't have the to it. and then that's when they have the tool in this was to bought, the experts make them such initiatives like one that did receive more than
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grassroots efforts for the city to make the transition to 0. based by considering the risk management as a fully moved support. the categories as a property of the municipality, from which there is a smooth transition, which is happening to ping wrist as also a sizes responsibility. but on agility, in terms of these are, or the sort of sponsible for the waste management of i think that is the floor foundation, which one sees happening in indian cities, which is positive residents, young and old, are changing database disposal habits. a small step in the big picture. yes, but it's making a difference. nevertheless. in europe, the clocks are skipping ahead tonight and still causes confusion and a noise. many people for austrian pensioner get hired, providing the cost change. the change cost him a lot of time. he has a collection of 2000 clocks and watches, twice
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a year when the clocks move forward or back he and his wife spend at least 3 hours, getting all of them to take at the right time. up here next on dw sports life takes a look at oil money and english soccer at the saudi owens club, newcastle, united, i'm david levitz for me and the whole team here in berlin. thanks for watching dw, the, these places in europe smashing stepped into a bold adventure the treasure map for martin clo. describe it as some of us wriggled, bragging sites on youtube and also input this shadows joe. these costs and video shed lights on the dog is devastating.
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colonial har is infected by germany across and he employed the score tactic


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