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tv   Little Britain in the Dordogne  Deutsche Welle  March 31, 2024 1:02am-1:30am CET

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a tradition and history, but they're changing as a growing number of brits move in. drawn by the beauty and the lower cost of living . a packet comes okay. comes on as well. so yeah, guys have a good weekend just by the new arrivals are buying up and renovating properties. but cultures often clash, for example, when it comes to lunch breaks, just don't get that, but 12 o'clock everything is stop. literally desktop doesn't matter what they're doing. they'll stuff and then they'll till 2 o'clock, i'm a customer there of trump. the union jack is gradually finding a home, and so the western france. but the process of settling in is not without hurdles. the
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nickel and gram, she's an accountant, he's a handyman. they move to france in 2022. they're picturesque country house, built in $1780.00 both buildings and a converted holiday flat and tend to rent out to visitors. the gram parker's life long dream. he and his wife left norfolk for a fresh start. after 38 stressful years working in england, you know, once a slower pace of life, that was the plan. in reality, he's working as hard as ever there sheet to for holiday flat needs another bedroom as currently and then we have 3 in the motors. inquires or seem to be getting these for a 4 bedroom. so hence, they're new,
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so it's going to be a bedroom. we don't suite and access out straight out to the co and i've got to start for a month to build it before i start coming. that's, that's a lot of pressure the couple needs to start. we keeping the cost the renovation soon. the most of the holiday flat is ready to welcome guests, but which authorities do the parkers have to register their business with and what taxes will they have to pay? they still have a lot of unanswered questions, but 1st, they need to finish the renovations. graham is still getting used to the fact that he pretty much has to do everything himself
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from the have we friend true because of the minute is we all seem to come in process jobs. so yes, i'm just gonna look at you of that, that just don't turn up or they turn up and then never return wave across the, you know, price. and we did want to bring in french, you cool. the we're just really struggling the minute to get them to do and come and do any work the the, the couple have 20 heck, there's gram wants the new pool to be ready by summer. he and nicholas sold their home in the east of england for 1800000 pounds. that's over 2000000. europe's a huge burn house. the gram had lovingly converted over the years now that their children are grown up, they decided to invest in a new home in france, nicolo practices, french every day, twice a week, she attends a language school in the neighboring village. the most difficult thing is the ex
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n o c k is spinning dish. there's lots of sounds that we just don't have any of the dish. so that that's really difficult. learning french takes up several hours of her day because we really have delta breaks it. you have to be able to speak a, what level french in order to keep your visa. so if you go with a visa, you have to take a test which is basically the foot. and it's sort some put in the back. and if you file the test, depending on how badly you felt the test, they give you between 20600 hours of free french lessons. but they can be any way. and they can be any times. and some people have to drive like an hour and
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a half to get to the lesson. i think sofi, this is the last 10 months in france have been far more stressful than they expected. they read the divide between the british and the french, the, you know, there is some something gotten on the i think i as soon as since break say, obviously you've got the british coming out of a weekday monday and boeing out all these old houses and, and renovate in them a lot of the french couldn't the phone were useful and nothing. that's where the divides come. their new home cost $1200000.00 euro so they can bridge the 1st year with their savings these days,
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the region is so full of brits. it's known as the one year shire. many of its historical buildings and houses are for sale. the demand is growing at a state agency. there is a price for raging. during the pandemic, many people from francis cities also re discovered the terms of the countryside. the steve and helen robin serve both the butchers to originally come from near oxford. they've been in france for more than 8 years. every thursday they set up their market stall in the town of a may. after several decades as employees, stephen helen have set up their own small business here, selling traditional british meat products to to, to but by not truthful. green is we cold and england smoke and the same,
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but the street key. these are the sort of thing you'd have in a bike in some way. english people. another shot for breakfast with aig, some saucy in spring 2015. a couple saw a tv report about the south west of france. they pack their bags headed there on holiday. and promptly bought a house. so it does it good. otherwise i don't think we would do it now cuz we don't speak in a french suit to be fluid in front to get by but were not so it was easier and other size. uh that was more leeway that were moving in the providing you could prove to them that you could support yourself and you were going to expedite dependent everything they well can do because he's had around the 28th. okay. we're really, really poor areas and everything, and it's the british people that came and built houses and did them up and
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everything and then started put in blogs back into these villages. the majority of locals are elderly. there's been an exodus of young people up to the cities. how did they feel about all the brits who made the area their home, the full mom menu says he gets on well with them. but he speaks english and like many other french people, there are english shops and english here dresser in lots of shelves are completely surrounded by english. people sound like it. others are less keen on subjects or a me is like now. he was of the stuff about the the new amy is a special case are almost beside the many wealthy brits have settled in and around a may nickel and graham parker live. just 20 minutes away by car.
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they moved to france because they wanted a fresh start. but there were other reasons to coming from england. we said it's an easy and travel with this. you know, you got struck sky, known everywhere. now we have just the, you know, you got the, notice the strikes go, know the health system of the he's meant to be fall, fall, but so you use that the ring, the don't to is you could ring them monday morning and slow the 830 i thought you could get an appointment. where's either here you could use a, let's policy. now you can ring up. so you can just turn in but then get the problem . apparently, the dentist you can just draw it to get you take down and draw it back on the good . well, you couldn't even get a dentist in the night. the nicholas strolling through town with her mother patricia. she lives with them in the house next door.
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quickly key one. kings went to keys please. nicholas father died 5 years ago. she's been looking after her mother ever since the day. that's wanting to have a nice the waiting for the friends home. no legal paperwork we need to
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because we have a you have to purchase the same with different government departments and you have to register for the tax. but everything just seems to you look online to see what you need to send don't for something. so you've helped me, oh, sunday. oh. and so you most likely comes back with this is me saying well that's me saying. so then you have to start over again and they say copy everything at least 3 times. it just is it's very slow. oh, the facebook groups for british x pads are full of such stories, low application procedures, complicated regulations and months of waiting for paper work. they blamed the prefecture the states representatives in the region. john sebastian lab montagnier is prefect of talked on you. in the wake of breakfasted,
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his staff suddenly had issued 9000 residents permits because the british nationals who were living here were no longer e. you citizens, a 4 fold increase. you don't know so, so we had to develop a procedure that didn't penalize them too much and that's simplified the process as much as possible. not sure, of course, this didn't exist before breaks it, any of it, but the, the amount shopped in p nickel, a parker is about to start an online french class for any new audience. so do you remember what the nasal file sound is? so when the class is practicing pronunciation frannie, their teacher is in england spending shall we say about before, and then for an m, as nasal n, v n n e sign is when are you ready? oh, oh, oh, show show, show,
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celestial love, complete. led to all the same. yeah. so don't believe that the, the next morning steve and helen robins are on their way to their butcher shop. right next to their home. after around 40 years says employees, steve and his wife have set up their own business here. selling a little bit and enjoying life due to their savings. they don't need to work too hard. after all, they did that already for decades in england. tomorrow is market day and they need to prepare their supplier as a neighboring pig farm. they make every things the british law, according to traditional english butchery. the
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fact vacant for a classic english breakfast is always popular by consent of which is they do the street in which is due by sandwiches that one well was in the other english people a growing number of french people are also discovering their products. they say once packaged, everything goes straight into cold storage. the couple suffered a major set back in july 2020, out of the blue shirt of glass and the dry grass started
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a fire in the butcher shop. the wheels trade for a whole year. we spent all our savings to live for that year and buying me your equipment because we didn't have enough money with the insurance. so we have to use all sizes for that. graham parker needs doors and windows for the holiday flats. 4th, bedroom, nicolai's going with them, because graham doesn't speak french as a child. he struggled in school. he called live friends because he's dyslexic, and he is just no way he can. he can do it will pick you up by the time. but he will never be fluent and he'd never be in a post test. he often finds himself in uncomfortable situations. one of my main ones was i've waiting teen to, to be able to such and such. and i stood next to the materials. i wasn't which just
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a couple of i knew was about to and but the point 8 the drive to and i told them i want to do both of those that to and then the guy just looked at me and said, no, no. so i just the next question, um, i just, we need a uh, window, jeanetta french tow c o n a no more, just a normal pine entrance though. okay. yeah. what is the dimensions? uh, i can do any i can. i was gonna show you his uh thing i haven't bear with it yet. so he said, here's what i'm going to show you. blow it up. i think i'm opening systems to open place. it's almost 10 o'clock, and predictably, the painters haven't arrived. the ceilings in the main house are still stained from the water used to put out the fire firefighters had to drench the entire roof. so
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the 3 sauce still not finished off the finances with you to come back yesterday to paint the maintenance. so in the house and then continually through the house. but i never turned up. uh, apparently they had an emergency. so then they are supposed to be here today. who knows what time? lovely. thank you. graham has managed to get everything he needs i'm slowly picking out some of the woods, but this is actually been really easy. he's made it really easy. oh, it got to get you. okay. yeah. 50 percent of his customers says the salesman or the
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many brits who live in the region. he's up in the country. they're slow to learn french. it's not easy. like if they had more or less of the didn't go faster me. there's a faith in sealer to that. to me. that's why we have to speak english. otherwise we wouldn't sell any windows, you know? and the problem is that the just after 11, steve and helen's painters finally show up you know, the middle the damp spots are finally going to be dealt with. the painter admits the language
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barrier or is a problem with the local press. work say take look good lords to do it's just very complicated making yourself understood of explaining that they need to clear everything away that it can take time. so there might be a delay, but we have so much work in the role is a civic so they don't really understand we're doing the home phone with the nice to meet you ebony pest solutions. good. yeah, good. thank you very nice. yvonne calls hawkins is a financial consultant. she helps foreigners navigate the french bureaucracy. we were we rename, i guess we went into the system. okay. yes. um we got talking to somebody
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and he said, he said, oh, you need to hand homes uh, a recommendation. oh the you tell me that uh for 2023, renting out the sheet and phones is from a fiscal point of view from a legal point of view. something quite special. and i will learn you assist friendswood. that will be important for you that is, lucas, you liberally furnished rental. the much needed introduction to french tax and tendency law involves a lot of technical terms and exemptions. graham, however, mainly wants to know whether he'll have to take the dreaded language test. today as you have a use that there is no obligation to french lessons. oh, i see the baby's heart story to me was this how learning french learning started
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you saying it was really a kind of a new language michael tried to make because i called so we've that so ready for a mess to the massive why the same people probably still on facebook saying ice, i went and did more french tests, and i've been given 600 compulsory i was. so what that is, i mean youtube today you go for, you'll have gone full ones, use visa and the renewal, but very likely be for now this year. ok. the people in some situations a they go immediately. full, 3 full. yes. visa us. then there is the question of the existing, okay. so things are a little bit more complicated. assessment is what you, what you might hear, but i've, i've been a mess if, believe room i like that when people come to england. no should learn english. so
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watch it when i come to proud, so i should learn french and that's the end of it. yes. to that then it's high. so i agree with that, but you will pick it up, it will really get there. so i set the context decoration, which is quite a that we a couple is happy to spend some money on the hand holder and their confidence that once nickel a passes the language test, things will get easier. later that afternoon, the french neighbor catch. okay, moving a drops by close of his consent set foot. so home here, this one must be really clean just after nickel and gram moved in cat doesn't knocked on their door and asked if she could let her horses graze on their grounds. in return, she suggested giving nicholas writing and french lessons sufficient physical to dam,
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going out with my whole study cuz i could see it was always one to add holes level. visa is the perfect solution for us because we get to have the whole series. that responsibility, that's great. and i get to then speak french the stuff in friendships and masks so much because he's picking french. of course that's what you say when both sides are up for it. the english french relationship can work when you want to go on the right to, to really of the left. what the english, the wrong way. your office is because uh, the valley of the was what, gosh, come to the the town of do a lot. late afternoon by gina is serving her regulars.
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the steve and helen meet up with their english friends here every friday just like they used to in the past . back in the u. k. from time to time, steve self bacon here. the cafe de la pay is almost entirely british, but again, it says $3.00 quarters of her customers are ex pats, were called to the family and that positive thoughts. well, everyone knows everyone here the decision was made moving trucks even with all the options hours to far that everything outside the notarized, the. 2 nicholas and graham are still hard at work. nicolo works 5 hours a day,
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and the cars graham still has to get this ready before the 1st guests arrive in 3 weeks. a call and see any reason why i would want to go back to the guy really not throwing the sunshine the living, the dream i really am. i loves from all the way really, you know, how many people go? well, i go, the
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