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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 31, 2024 10:00pm-10:16pm CEST

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[000:00:00;00] the law firm for this is the w needs turkeys president appears on cost to soften a major upset in local elections. opposition support is uh already celebrating with preliminary results, suggesting the potty of friendship type. 3rd one is headed for the faith in the top 5 and major cities, including the biggest prize you step, also on the program as christians around the world celebrate eastern process calls for an immediate $65.00 in johnson and price for the victims of task management. netanyahu's projects calls for his pressik nation has tens of thousands of
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protesters gather in jerusalem. the prime minister says early elections would only benefit from the i'm anthony, how it welcome to the program. early resulting took is nationwide. local elections show the main opposition party will likely keep control of k cities. and what would be a major blog for president richard type 3rd one, and he's consecutive a k party. the opposition has already claimed victory, victory, and corrupt and preliminary results and is dental show. they have a widely, they to a bad sign. 3rd, one who was hoping to risk back control of his dental turkey's largest city and an economic powerhouse, but incumbent may of the city from the opposition. c h p, x in, in my load. it looks like he's on track for another to st as
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a potential strategic candidates for president as well. they definitely correspond it. usually a hom joins us now from his sample. julie of the 9 opposition party. so you have to pay look, set to retain control of tech. he's key cities. uh, i wonder, is this result seen as a surprise. the well, you know, we can hear people honking with that cause we can see opposition support us taking celebrate my. maybe you can hear that too in the background, although we're still talking about preliminary results, many people here in the assembles seem to think they are fine. what is surprising is that the candidates of the main office vision, c h, c, are leaving with such large margins. in the key talking cities, including the capital on front end. here it is symbol talk, he's the economics part. the city of 60000000 people, you know, moving position may,
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i mean the series politicians that add up today's most citizen had suggested an economic race with the candidate of president ad ones a p. and now it appears to be a major success here for the position. now what i find even more surprising about tonight is the fact that he appears to have lost additional conferences and cities across the country to the main office station. so overall, today seems to be a historic, so says successful. that's what i could to optimization and a major political to prefer as an add on into eulu. we can very much to the, uh, the reaction they are in the sample of the company of noise behind you. we don't often, i pay attention to municipal election say, what does this then tell us about the future of politics intake?
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well i think 1st of all it's that shows that the truck so position can still challenge president ad ones. how um, ad one has been re elected was re elected as president just last year. his party and his allies have a majority in parliament, but many people are unhappy with add on out on the government were left very dissolution and demoralized author last year's election. so i think today is a major source of health for many people here in the off position. and then um i think i should add that ard one still has a very tight grip on, on the country on politics here. but i think today's elections might have said, or his image of political invincibility, many people seem to have expressed their frustration of anger with how the tech is government manage with the economy. we have
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a huge cost of living crisis with inflation beyond 65 percent here in hockey. and then of course, another implication is about the symbols may up possibly at crim. he mom lou from the opposition, he won the city again as it seems now. and analysts say that basically sets in him on track for running in the next presidential election against ad one or another candidate from ad one's ruling party of the election assessed right now for 2028 big not in texas politics data. these julia han in his temple, thank you, son was riley prime minister benjamin netanyahu has defied mass as a protest, as cooling for early elections climbing. the move would only benefit from us, tens of thousands of staging a protest against newton yahoo, his government in jerusalem with present mounting of the 5 year to secure a deal for the release of his riley hostages. at 5, netanyahu found to bring back all hostages taken during the october 7th terrace,
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the tax using a combination of military force and tools. he also said victory of a mass would not be possible without a ground offensive in the southern gaza. city of rafa from yellow, yellow that's on maple and is the middle east analyst at the guys lancaster university. i asked him earlier what he thinks about netanyahu criticizing protest as demand for early elections. and he's arguments that it would just benefit from us. yeah, i think we need to contextualize this in the sense that there has been a lot of anger directed at benjamin netanyahu over the past. however many years, most of his time in office has been characterized by and frustration, political divisiveness, and not more so than the past couple of years. he faced as challenges from the right from the religious right, from people who are frustrated out, the religious right. that are oppressed protests and, and growing anger at the exclusion of military service for members at the head of
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the community. and so to say that this is all about the, the how must situational the inability to get the hostages back, i think, is misguided. i think it points to a much deep frustration that is brewing within his railey society at netanyahu's, political like to man. and his political maneuverings and such on is that the, the pressure is mounting. the frustration is mounting. but is there any sign of getting to him at this point or well, we've heard reports, but he is due to him to go a medical procedure and unexpected one. perhaps that is his body responding to, to stress in some way, shape or form. but aside from that, he is maintaining his confident, cool, outward, forceful cause. so now that his couch arises, his style. busy leadership, he is defiant in the face of seemingly. ready global criticism off base rails military offensive and southern gaza. and he's defiant in the face of these
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protests which is surprising, given the scale of it, get not surprising, given that if he would be removed from power, then his legal bottles, his own personal legal battles, would once again become central in his life. and his rarely delegation, so i'm going to write in colorado for truce tools. but while that's happening, netanyahu is saying that they will be no victory out of her mouth without the military operation into rocca. so wait is all that they've hopes then of finding an agreement. well, i guess this is why diplomacy is the ultimate, i'm say here that has to be a diplomatic break through the lives of, of huge numbers of people are being directly affected by ongoing military action in gaza. of the soap of a ceasefire. right now is not looking good, but i think it's imperative to keep it talks going,
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the growing pressure on all sides to find some type of demonic solution increases day by day. and i would imagine that is the hope of the international community that certainly the hope of jo by them and others that growing international pressure. ready plus talk to any is re you clients to go into the alpha, but also to put pressure on how much to release the hostages as well. so it's, it's growing diplomatic pressure, i guess that was on an bible name. all right, let's take a look at some of the other stories making news around the world. this hell indeed is opposition. parties have held a mess, rallying daily, the demonstration comes after the rest. the senior opposition figured in connection with the long running corruption pro protest. the site indeed is democracy has been declining under prime minister. the rent remotely has taken to him in office in next month's elections. i people were killed and a shooting, an equitable on saturday in the 2nd mass killing in as many days that
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a group is claimed responsibility for the latest attack. on friday, 5 tourists were executed by an gang police and drug traffic has missed. took them for a rival gang. the conqueror is missing in west, in front of the heavy rains and of the following rivers flooded several regions. with all these are expecting a 100 year flood in some areas with water levels rising up to 7 meet it's more than 500 emergency workers have been other christians around the world are celebrating the most important day in the church calendar for the faithful is to sunday, march, the day jesus christ was resurrected, following his crucifixion 2 days previously by process used. this is the message to give and impassioned. the payoff for the and to the fighting in the middle east saying pace is never made with hops or the eastern christianity's holiest holiday. as is customary
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pope francis let this use easter sunday services in the vatican. saint peter's square in front of some 30000 faithful during his address, he called for respect for the principles of international law and for peace and war ravaged places. namely, we conflicts and ukraine and the middle east noticed that a functional i'm in the opinion though, i can see i can i appeal once again that the access to humanitarian a be insured to gaza. he still can call once more for the prompt release of the hostages seized last october 7th, safety, october and for an immediate cease fire in the strategy for you for calling their last 3 check. despite for assistance, speculation about the 87 year old pumped itself. he appeared on good for the in jerusalem, where the bible says jesus was crucified, buried,
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and rose from the dead. the scale the eastern mass was held to a relatively empty church. usually the streets around the church of the holy suppose in jerusalem's. old city would be thronging with palestinian christians. but this year since the war began on october 7th, palestinians need special permission to cross check points. this is not the only war to one place that worship 2000 kilometers to the north and ukraine. cas lexmark the 3rd eastern since the rest is full scale invasion. with a midnight mass pilgrims inside saint nicholas cathedral and chief held candles and prayed, but priests gave blessings. many of those gathered inevitably prayed for peace and victory. in britain, king charles made his 1st official public appearance since revealing his cancer diagnosis. in february,
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he and queen camilla attended an easter service at saint george's chapel in windsor and met well wishers afterwards. now anyone shopping for chocolate easter eggs this year has probably noticed they more expensive than ever. that's because the price of coca banks is sold to rank or highs in west africa where most of the world cocoa is ground farm. as i've seen 3 years of bad habits that has some in the industry warning of a chocolate milton eastern chocolates in london, a tradition that goes back well over a 100 years. this year though, things are different. the cost of cocoa is driving up price is all around this. chocolate makers, suppliers in west africa have been hit hard. the cause that we get from then has dropped by. so what i can supply as full size. that means that the price has doubled. these cocoa plants in ivory coast or diseased,
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they fall to the ground and rocked its been wet and hot. that encourages the diseases, the prey on cocoa beans because of some of the force cook with the body. so if you don't spray the fields quickly within the disease comes to take over your fields, you can lose everything. when it black into your coco the pots, disintegrate they rock before they're picked. rising prices have not translated into more income for koko. farmers here many have little to sell and in some cases nothing experts say that has to do with the weather in ivory coast and neighboring gonna which together supply much of the world's coco they had extremely heavy rain full later in the late last year. and now this very early, where i'm seasonal heat place that damage the crops even further. and that means that that is just a lot less calls to go around this year, which of course has a huge impact on,
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on prices back in europe. the chocolate eggs are smaller and they cost more, and demand is rising. a recipe for more expensive venture sweets in the years ahead . right, that sold the news for this out. remember, you can always get more use of a w. com and the social media hands. you need is at the definitely needs for things like pizza and x on anthony. how the environmental have monies for you. in 45 minutes to the ukraine was like a stepping points, you know, 5 or 2 into that warranty wants to be finished. your studies, now you have a certificate from the train, you can choose to go back or somewhere else. currently, more people than ever on the move in search of a place in life categories. something that is coming very, very soon. and yeah, can we learn more about, oh no one nice story info, migraines. my name is the calls back


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