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tv   DW News Africa  Deutsche Welle  March 31, 2024 10:30pm-11:00pm CEST

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to explore fascinating. both heritage dw world heritage 360 now the business, the, the vin use africa coming up on the program from prison off to precedent. come, senate goes the youngest. everybody likes that lead up. now the live up the, the surprise when was loud to be driven by people power as many voted against the establishment fee has promised to tackle corruption and strengthens then it goes economy. but kind of, he really needs indigo into a new chapter. also coming up getting up in per on some is guessing out a bunch of the nights area. what about 70 mazda objections recorded so far? this year? we speak to a hosted, negotiate to find out those behind the criminal industry and how to end keeping up
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with basically lucas means teachers constantly day dream about a life of fraud and the kenya. somebody's film, inspired by real life events, is gaining success across borders, to dallas, into the pursuit of dreams for you. that's how life abroad. what of what cost to have from one of the staff of the film, the i, i'm eddie mike, a junior and you are welcome to the program. you may not have heard about him a year ago, but i see you do. my fee is set to become senate goals and next president for my tax collect uh who was released from prison a week before elections is destined to be africa's youngest democratic. any elected lead? yeah, i think age of 44. he was backed by mentor and made a position for
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a guy was months uncle who was bought from the race. not a surprise when in one of africa's most stable democracies was largely driven by young votes. this hungry for change fee has promised to tackle corruption and bring reforms to send it goes economy and its currency. but they also faces a series of major challenges. we'll get some analysis in a moment after this. his supporters call him mister clean. that's because president elect the pseudo dom i say, is promising. a new set of all of the senegalese people have chosen to break with the past. i think i pledge to govern with humility and transparency and to fight corruption at all levels. i pledge to devote myself fully to rebuilding our institutions and strengthening the
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foundations of our way of life together. the se is not a well known political figure and only into the leadership race as a substitute for his mentor. it was months uncle, a long standing opposition. forrest in the country who was disqualified from the election, released from jail himself less than 2 weeks before the vote. 44 year old phase now set to becomes 10, a goals, youngest president, riding on the back. a song goes young supporters, you will see a different face of the senegalese people and of synagogue because it's a total revolution. everything is going to change behaviorally socially and financially. everything is going to change. ready to say appealed to jobless voters struggling under the weight of high unemployment. he also rallied support under a populous pen african platform that included promises of economic independence and
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a new currency not paid to the euro to. but synagogue will also start producing oil and gas this year, which could mean new international partnerships or send a goal will always hold his ground and remain a friendly country and a reliable ally to any partner who engages with us and virtuous, respectful, and mutually productive corporation in the run up to the selection was filled with fears of democratic back fighting fe, now faces the challenge of inspiring confidence on all levels. experts facing a goal will need sweeping reforms if it's to move forward in the need for brand legislative reform that's been brought to the people in presidential power in the country. and then to hustle fights. but also which i think has been domino
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development to this country. now it's time to see of say, a young and unexpected leader can really lead synagogue into a new chapter from on this. let's bring in a bustle towel. she's a journalist on political on, on this title. so thanks very much for your time. we have a, in our reports, the precedence is being described as nicely precedent, alexis being described as misspelt clean. how would you describe him? a little game means that she is coming was not much, well, she is coming with a just a few assets and a lot of that personal decks that he's due pain. uh that that lets you know a little bit about his financial background and also the fact that he's coming from a very simple family. that's why people calling mitchell team, also calling in mr. green, because he's chosen his husband by the supervisor. mr. was my so cool, who is the who have the reputation of having 0 fault was, was working as
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a tax inspector of the ministry of, of um finances. okay. and so that makes him, yeah, that makes me think called mr. king that makes and missed a clean, only time without how clean he is the. i mean he comes with a lot of promises he doesn't include and we didn't out of corruption. creates in more jobs than even wants to introduce a new car and see instead of using the c f, a frank inhabits at from the colonial era out, but with little lead us if experience can he deliver on such promises as well? you know, i think people are expecting to be that change to bring the change as a leader because all those will proceed if you from 19622024 are people who are found a system here and who follow through the system, which is something he's trying to change, so when we call a change in the system, it means not only the economy to speaking,
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but also an entire institution concept that he has to change. it cannot make the he's calling for easy for, for the say, saw just the courtesy to the have internet go and eat across the was in some countries. the idea is not to break from everything that's been interface with me just to see how best ways he can reform it and see how much that he's going to bring in place are going to get better and more in the long term specifically. and the region, how much experience does he have to effect some of the changes and the levels of some of the promises he's, he's made? i think he has much more edition, though he has big, serious. okay. he's a young president. the youngest ever elected in africa, one of the youngest, in west africa. but he had the condition and he's the buzz 12 people,
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including this months of the, you know, this entire of the project. i could probably that way. and also the young doesn't necessarily mean not wanting to change and finding the needs to change it. how is it going to like you mentioned earlier, time would tell what i do know for sure. and what's being displayed. the people are expecting him right. when in face of the opportunity to steps in and out of egypt including gas and oil, go into corruption. and just to be sure that whatever wealth comes into the go stays instant enough from the basic understanding. but the terms of experience, he doesn't have much particularly experience. he does not even want to be able to do so to begin with. right. and he said himself at a time when sent a goals them across the is the input to the test, right? what vast this election results mean for the future of democracy incentive go. what do you see is just a cause you this to standing when you look at the hours,
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you know, of what you know? yeah. and, and maybe all of them have your, your presidents, but all of them came through military clues center. oh, security or experience. i mean, terry. cool. but thanks to the cost of digital counselors to the bedroom world, all that kind of change the we have in the so be sure so, so far, no matter what extended got the experience since 2021. so people should all the way to 2020 to 2012, when much as i was going to power. but let's just limited to the total that began in $21.00. from the moment to today, what do we have in the synagogues resilient center? how are you able to stand up and keep up with the process of voting? and that is something to highlight some of the, in the, in west africa. so, knowing all of this, what role could someone could have in a fi, government split? uh a, was this much on cold people were expecting and hoping that she will be out of jail
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as to eligible for the or no time. uh, but she will do my face plan b and that plan be used 10 p by dismissal for himself. um, how much power is he going to have? people expecting to be a disney ones? council? too slow too. but see what you might freight also displayed to support because you might use new products. uh, when i say new into politics, it means means that she was not planning and we'd like to become a politician, let her know the president in his life. and so, so he's going to play the role that we have yet to see in the near future. the government is being informed. is he going to play a role in the government? we don't know yet. what we do know for sure is up to date, especially with you. my friend has resigned from best days just so that he could symbolically present an entire nation. that is something definitely never experienced before. when we look at the microsoft,
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when we look at like what she also had and he found him actually, so be visa which was the. busy the easiest part. so here we have 3rd transition to candidate to present those effect presenters below to party who worked for a party. and here we have one who's saying i'm going to be humble. i'm going to repeat an entire nation and i'm going to work towards healing entire nation's heart . every insights that a go or that ask for us. so what, what do you so what was going to happen that people are expecting to spend? okay, based on by joys. right. okay, thank you very much boss the top, but it's got a list in san diego. thank you. the 100. so if i've got that school children have been released this week and nights area. this comes out of the country grapples with on that the demick of mass
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abductions and it's northwest and region says that several girls where i can not bible go around 10 years ago. criminal groups have long adopted the tactic targets in schools, entire villages. and even every day travel is so 5 is the major area has recalled at a total of $68.00 minus abductions. but last year, nearly 4000 people waking up in the country a 5 year peak. so you can see from this month, the problems not to restrict that to a single region. it afflicts many parts of the country getting up and has become heat criminally industrial fuel by the, even in insecurity on the economy catch it. in a moment, we'll hear from a hostage negotiator who's been involved in many of these cases, a fast this report from deed of use of flourish for bonnie. in late us i know the set of school children rescued from keeping up as for some parents. these relief was the feeling very but very,
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very bad because we cannot respect some who's tired of serving is 9 years, 10 years. you know, in this, in the hands of pundits how, you know, no food, no, no drinking water. so loud you go, do you in fact you have to feel very, you know, the, you just have to, how would you feed if you'd see a child in one of the countries was to mess up directions, government attacks to students inquiry guy. he made jerry as northwest and i do not speak. becky left hundreds of students and some staff members, some managed to escape, got the name when i, after our abduction and on our way into the bush, i saw a hidden pathway and i hid myself that i stayed there and fell asleep because i was tired when you guys and after more than an hour i woke up and looked around and saw i was alone. yeah. then i got so i started walking and found myself in a small village. i slept there until this morning. then you see why i don't i added
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in the village of see they've been leaving a fit for years. so then they can not quite, i don't know. my children were also adopted. we don't know what they're going through. you know, we played with the government to help us. we don't have any security in this community. the police out post, no military presence and no local vigilante and difficult. we're responsible for our own security, so they will invade and do whatever they feel like doing it to mature. the since the beginning of this problem, a band a tree, we've been having sleepless nights. we can go to a nearby markets and we can't go to our farm this far from the village, or even the farms that are close by. it's very difficult to get food to eat, to say nothing of selling it this year is the worst so far and we are afraid we don't know what to do. i must keep not being so started 10 years ago when the tara, we scruple book who have launched its campaign. it goes to western education, but experts see these, these criminal gags that abducting people to get to i,
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someone and, and jessica executive choice not responsive enough to stop the menus from getting out of control. it just seems that everybody, every young person who doesn't see if you try and you were given me the economic stories, it bumps to pick them up for us. some estimates of like viewed, bestbuy's been illegal in they area. huge balance psalms that also pete, the government denies that gave being to the keeping up has the minds for money to secure the release of the curriculum students. it's a celebrating the return as the successful security operation, both to be small team in security and lead to help from the government families. we will continue to face the threats of kidnappings. to get a better understanding of what is going on in nigeria, i spoke to dr. yeah, who is i get so he's a hosted, negotiate to who's been involved in resolving numerous cases of abductions. i began by asking him, who are the people behind these can nothings in your community where you have
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significant activity. 99.9 percent of those 2 numbers are known to do families of those that i could not be in their, their, their parents on, on. therefore, parents on, on their gun friends. there was a, if you wouldn't do that in fedex, in terms of who is providing them with a social needs, is none. so they are not coming from one we learn to lead me to what i did not know they keep now within the ages of for 40 to 60 bucks a month, 18 to 120 well with a b. and then if i change or move all my get it from one place to the other that's still there. but, but just to let people understand, you almost seem to be suggesting that some of that security personnel and probably some people in positions of power, allow these kidnappings to go on for the benefits that i get you right on that.
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yes, of course. right. okay. so, and if, if it's, if i ask you, then who spends to gain from kidnapping, what will be your answer? why is this what size combined between the, the community, the kidnappers, and the hospital for us government. and some of the elements of government advisory as and of okay, you've already said that, that there's a whole range of individuals divest individuals that getting to the business of getting up and what is the motivation overall, what, what, what, what says do you get motivate and what's a vase them to go somewhere, getting up someone's child and ask no for on some more or whatever the ask for the what the motivation is just of what it is. one is to make money before what are being
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a role in their houses. and although it's so now that was being kidding up so that they come, mobilize the money to bring to me. so why do i have to west to my time to go to the streets or but where somebody's do all i did is just to go and pick someone. if i kind of bundled and probably i get one we did. so take not of one present. i can get 15 minute or more than that. okay. and what i more belies in them i need because they knew that it could not be the front of the memo, frank community. so i had been getting money and i had been living without punishment without action from the government. okay. okay. yeah, lots of people that have been out 3 handed on the wireless at least. right. right. so based on your experience and all that, you know, in a few seconds what needs to be done to stop getting up in nigeria a perfect time for this cuz i'm at demonstration with dino is a closer, squarely mustn't recruitment or pricing that i'm the horseman for us has to be on
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mary's not visual and anointed or appointed, and then ensure that those who are as possible or for this activity i would like to book i did, it was square, it ends in which i didn't judgment or by the experts and professional people like me will know the forest, one of the difficult sit in, who knows the route of the kidnappers, who knows on occasions and the identities of the kidnappers. okay, dr. yahoo, who's i get. so kidding, i've run some of the go say to thank you very much for your insights in the now let's talk about the dreams. i can have somebody face them is attracting global attention because of the link and mix between fiction and the real events. it is based on the film book. this is a story about chasing your dreams, no matter what it takes. even if it means telling
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a very big lie. meaning somebody's who fled war, india homeland ended up in easley and i will be splits. oh, my god, issue, where the dream, the american dream. when the u. s. embassy announces a green cod lottery, a soft tens, his refugee history, into hope for 5. somebody's complete strangers who pretend families at in the states as the 2 of them, both the film class, the line between 2. i'm fiction. the book has developed real feelings for each other and events take unexpected turns. basically lucas means nature's people who constantly dream about a life of fraud oil. it's a big smoke company kitchen from the in order to really want something new to really works.
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and i didn't know about you, but a movie trailer got all my attention and i was a little stump beds from the canyon. somebody's film booth is all day dreams. in english from nairobi, i'm out joined by jasmine i the one of the main characters of the film. she plays some of your, your runaway bride in the film. hello, jasmine. thanks for your time. tell us more about the plots of the film. both is all day doing this of, um, the sorts of dreamers is basically as best come to the us embassy to break. i'd be those and uh, it's a very funny story because it's well known, especially in this the why the community. when people walk clean from the wall and they change, okay. yeah, the paper one, getting the a. christy geez, there was taken his refugees as
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a salem seekers and the ones who couldn't find an easy we had to buy their weight to america. so it's, it's a very fine story about scott, me, the u. s. embassy that i'd do what you put a funny story about scummy in the u. s. embassy, you must be very brief. the one us come the u. s. embassy. what's also key is this film is being shown out international festival is and it hasn't even been picked up by netflix. i mean that's, that's amazing. we don't see many, somebody language films crossing board is why do you think both of this has gained this attraction? the story is very low and very read and many people don't know about it. so once it got out, everybody was mind blowing because they can't believe that people go to such things just come thing was empathy. it's. it's more like a huge story,
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but it doesn't involve the band. it is the was listen. so it's a very big, it's a very big thing. you yourself let somebody out with your family to kenya when you adjust the kid you need to attempted to travel abroad from kenya, only to realize that us calmed out as a film reflect your own life experience. yeah, the when i got the role for the film, even when i was additionally for it, i really didn't know much of the story apart from us. it was a, as come story about visa. but once i got that role and got to read the script, it's really brought to me a lot of mixed emotions because i went to office as well, which is day dreaming my family loan so. so my idea basically ran, slid from someone there during the time of the wall, and they came to kenya. like many of us, some of these did. so kenya was
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a c payment for us, but only temporarily. i was the goes here, my family tried to get us to australia. so we also bought the book. uh, one of the brokers just like in the field. and um, this is very funny, the broker lives from these columns. why mother? so gosh, are they documentation? and um, it was never known until the day that we were flying into australia and we got arrested at the airport basic and the runway because the change it was very, very risky. and we were sent back to somebody, you know, imagine a situation where you played your country for safety, but now you're being defaulted back to the same country, but you was platform so and you know, it's from advise me. i can remember being deported back. i can remember being
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arrested being detained, and it's really not worth it's. it's really not supported. so i would advise anybody who wants to use such me and others as well, including desperate johnny is which is very dangerous. i have friends who have died trying to live a better life, and honestly, it is not for this at all right. south mentally from the ride a or ways. okay. sorry for catching you. the salesman ali, from the film booth is he said, thank you very much. i and thank you. and that's where we draw the captains for mobile stories. go to d, w dot com slash africa, or visit us on social media. we'll leave you with some more impressions of the film . rufus. see you next time i put on the
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. this is date of, of the news live from to the tech he's president, appears on cost us off. a major upset in local elections. opposition support is at home, pretty celebrated with preliminary results suggesting the potty bridge of type. 3rd one is headed for the street in the top 5 major cities, including the biggest prize. his temple was on the program. benjamin netanyahu projects calls for his resignation. his tens of thousands of protesters gather in jerusalem. prime minister says early elections would only benefit the.


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