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tv   Reporter - On Location  Deutsche Welle  April 1, 2024 3:45am-4:00am CEST

3:45 am
the documentary nation starts april fools on dw, the, a, julia, nevada, and i got involved in the widow as cushions, most famous rival. alexei is not valid. what would be deemed proud to have this done? he died suddenly and a prison camp. his wife called the kremlin leader responsible. they could be no. and, and you can see and nothing is mr. fulton because he is the killer. he's gone, stir, keys, the or to the whole brought my country to the war. you are the on of are not yet intends to continue know, mountains, finance as do even natasha
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the members of a russian and she will move. how does it feel to be a russian national traitor in exile the campaigning for a free russia and against the will? the home country is waging against ukraine. but what kind of protests like this from a far achieved the community on nevada 9, but then she wants to fulfill her husband's final wish to protest putin's re election and encourage russian of home and subdivision. and thank you for the hopes my deepest condolences thank you using fast. it's so nice that you want to continue your husband's mission
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. he was a great help for us to died along with him. but it's come back to you. we're putting it off and stand by you and st. petersburg. following the violin, these death, his wife addressed russians by a youtube full of tutoring opponents, should go to the polling stations at noon on march 17th as done together against pollution in russia. it's the only legal opportunity together in public. many russians and next all abroad also followed your yeah. not far. and i guess cool. yeah. i want to tend to disappear from the lives of russians. here's the most terrible thing that has happened to russia since the cell in error. it's important to show that we are against the i guess, which is
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a 3 minute hold on the line remains in power, but many opponents of the machine remain in russia and they feel isolated. we have to show them that they are multiple different mice, cuz i know that it makes little sense to protest here, but that's exactly what to turn on for us not to be seen with them or you claim the visual evening. my name is natalia, i'm from a russian survey services and you were conducting a survey. would you have time for me and it's pronounced only if it's
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a quick doing that. i think it was pushing back on a few days earlier. we meet on to this from the global network, freedom of only, they've rented co asking spaces to run the empty pollution campaign from the cooling voters in russia to speak to fruits and supports about the warranty. ukraine is victims and the costs couple. natasha has been here from the beginning. we on suppose to mention her son in which they have stores enough. but if we try to argue very carefully against the russian government was 9 years, perhaps they have never been confronted with a different opinion in their lives. we, we want to make people like that and think, even though the conclusion, looking at her was very successful. it's a difficult task in times of military censorship, because anyone in russia who criticizes the russian army for his actions and ukraine risk going to prison for several years. many calls going on subs. but the activists carry on just as alexi, novelle,
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and the one said that rights. serious that how was sent to this dumpster protest, especially at the distance he was a quarter to a senior. my impression is that we're sitting around waiting for someone to finish putting off this provider when we talk about having to market, but never about how to actually topple this regina in regards to store. it's a, it's a motion for there should be a mistake in which we would tend to kind of person who only understands power if he understands anything. it to a view that just says by more and more opponents of the regime for something like that. like mind just p as in russia, they can attend that and get into action here in freedom without fear of draconian refreshing. a group. chelsea, admittedly in berlin,
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but the message is aimed at russia. the development again has over 1000000 fluids on instagram, immediately off to her husband stuff, she declared she would continue. it was his work. a months later, a solo was involved in the welcoming her like a saw. could she become the new face of the russian or physician that she stays a live? i mean that what happened to unexplained avante doesn't to happen to her, and it's in a volume for me, she's already the face of the russian officer ocean. she'll soon show her, potentially some politician sure. she could become president. of course, she's taking a big risk. she has already lost her husband, but has the strength to fight on it. she was in the least.
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she was the only one that has the least expensive thing, right? yes, most everyone here has come to the russian embassy to protest, or if only symbolically to vote against pollution in the regions election. where's the way for russia, for the best president, and you know, we're not against futon, you know, we want to everything for russia and yet, russian. suppose as of to, to know, most of the majority in berlin, they have to listen to the process if they liked it. so notes usually on nevada. no. yeah. has been standing in the queue for 6 hours now along
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with hundreds of others. somehow of worried whether the opposition politicians will be able to leave the embassy safely off the cost to have the source of interest. is the russian embassy, thanks. as opposed to the german police consent or democratized inside the embassy, i'd be happy to answer, but he'd sit on the 20th century. deal with the scenes made the. busy the a change of scene with us with natasha event and the friends they've pulled that group freedom of only john. natasha has been living in germany for awhile.
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how does it feel to be a rushing national traitor? researchers? natasha is 19 years old. she's never known the russian president of, of intrusion dma and even only recently fled restaurants who escaped mobilization and refreshing the lawn space for us. and was wondering about christopher russia and we want we just want people to leave in freedom and not be afraid of them. to get them jail every day. now i think we have the responsibility to, to stop it before choosing wants to like blow up the homework with the nuclear weapons, with the stickers. they want to draw attention to the work and show that they exist . the thing is not, it's yours and it was more than this case. it's
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a stick. we would like to be able to put up the stickers in russia and not have to fear for our lives and our freedom for both of them to provide the lead. there would be no need to push the stickers if there was no war and the fruits in russia taking a different path a long time within the whole. but that can no longer be reversed to push back twice . things are the way they are. now. we have to keep on site to see mean the value of release. after about 20 minutes, you yeah, no volume. no. yeah. comes out of the russian embassy. you're probably wondering what i wrote on the ballot paper who i voted for. of course, i wrote the name of all the, the tennessee that during the presidential election campaigns just one month before the election, which is most important opponent already in prison,
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is murdered. documents i do to, to, of, to a, to, to me, will it be the, she's not get ready to go on. so the, just many questions as if she was still gathering her strength for her new role politician who wants to challenge from exile up until now she had only wanted to be an advisor to her husband, a most important member of the opposition off to his unexplained test though, she seems to not have another choice and who to and then his secret services as a normal alexei novelle. and he was once rescued from another truck poisoning and abundant clinic. yes, he returned and was immediately arrested to continue to fight from prison until he
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collapsed and died. it wouldn't be any messages. now she stepped into his phone is that she's willing to take the risk a sort of sign that made her husband pay the ultimate price for a free russian and she's not the india ancient cross in india weaving is being done by her. and again, the number of offices ends is growing and so is the income,
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because customers are prepared to pay more for hand with the industries flourishing to take on to the next level. we need to educate and train your ego, india next on dw good shape. breathing life. but how do you protect your airways? and what should we do if we have asthma allergies or a cold? and when do our loans reach their threshold? silver even breathe out and tune in to find out. in good shape. in 30 minutes, dw, the,
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we are all set of what's in place. we all need to ring of the story behind the noun, the we all about unbiased information, feel free mind and say, do too many if we speak different languages, kind of try the same country. how do we become different? how is discrete logic people in just a 100 days? my power is because of my family. what killed the i'm on a journey to find out about the roots of the 19 are to put you on the side for games for to see the my name is some way to ship. i'm assuming
4:00 am
reshaping history. our documentary stops april 6th on dw, the . this is dw news, and these are our top stories. turkeys, main opposition party is celebrating, would appear to be major victories in nationwide a local elections. partial results show the ruling party of president ridge of type air, the one heading for defeats in the key cities of anchor and symbol sunday's elections are being seen as an important bellwether of support for air to one as turkey battles and economic crisis. and is really air strikes, hit a tent camp inside a hospital compound in central garza killing at least 2.


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