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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 1, 2024 9:00am-9:29am CEST

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the, the, you're watching dw, the is coming to live from berlin. major upset for turkey's president and nationwide elections. the main opposition party makes huge gains across the country and retains control of key cities in local polls. it's their biggest victory since our other one came to power 2 decades ago. also one of the programs, israel's prime minister and benjamin netanyahu rejects calls from tens of thousands of protesters for him to resign. he says fairly elections would only benefit from us. and high times as new cannabis laws come into effect in germany, as marijuana smokers celebrates, we look at what the partial legalization means and why some are against it.
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the hello, i'm terry martin. thanks for joining us. turkey is present ridge of type out a one and is conservative. a k party have suffered a major blow in local elections, turkeys, main opposition party. the secular c h. p claims victory in key cities, including his stumble and the capital and corrupt. i don't want to call the setback loss of altitude and said his party would analyze the message the people had given them. the boats are seen as a bell, whether of support for the president in his increasingly on 3rd period roll. this position supporters is done both are bending the down red, celebrating the main opposition. c h. b, 's, spectacular victories and local elections across doki. the secular
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parties use it as a sign that it still stands, the jones, the national level against the ruling, e k. parking these election results have been response to the a k p regimes repression to what they've done to the economy and the social structure of this contract. and that's why i'm very happy now for my country was under kim, with the not to. we were very disillusioned of the last 2 years to know where the elections, but now being here celebrating with people being able to tear. we really miss these kind of feelings. we're very happy. and so is the mind of the hour. is done by mayor efram and my model. this is his 2nd victory, and doki is mega city. he, my model has achieve superstar status, the case politics holding him on the bottom nation of our many see him as president. are the ones chief rival you stumbling
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blocks of the nation itself gives the order and the instructions, not just one person. the officials receive instructions from the nation back to the period of one man. rule is over. as of today it is done. how does the republic and democracy can go full speed ahead from now on how you set a jack? who's the votes mazda was defeat for, or the one n, as in cape poverty, in more than 2 decades in power, a very short charge. the president had thrown everything at winning is done by duck easy, can all make and politically powerhouse he conceded the loss at his body's headquarters and on got a whole year music is my city, the sort of that we we will not disrespect a nation's decision under any circumstances,
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meaning that we will stay away from being stubborn with the nation, the acting against the nation's will. in questioning the nation's discretion, as we have done since today, una was like to address all those do not march 31st is not the end for us. it is actually a turning point to the just on but it was wet or the one launched has bothered to go cartier as me or 30 years ago. know many sees potentially challenger following in his footsteps. as you saw there, one of the big winners in this election was this tumble mirror, a chrome in remote blue? i asked i didn't this good a professor of international relations. it's a bunch of university. what a more boost victory means for present ad on well, i mean, i think we all have to say fast, the full that this has been a cute victory for the tough to show position overall. and not just the level of
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course one moment. victory means this is his 3rd victory against babylon. if you consider the 1st 2 with actions, that one as well, including the repeat election back in 2009 to topics that the opposition did particularly well with in the selection as well. i mean, of course, and the number one issue that you had was the economy. the economy has been doing substantially bad for the last couple of years. but this year has been particularly difficult for the citizens since they also started feeling the effect of the can only me forms. and that's undertaken by the government in the form of revising inflation, unemployment, or sec truck. so they weren't felt, i would say more strongly than they were, let's say 9 months before when we had the general election in to you. so economy was cheap. but apart from that because you have to consider that this is
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a local election. so 10 that it's, we're also important on the off position. i think they did a good job of selecting the good candidates in various different districts and also in cities across the 13th and also you have the incumbency effect. i think it will be called in the electric chair for people like the memo on the as well. have been in power or like the archie now cut off, and in fact performed quite well while they were governing the dresser. thank you very much for talking with us today. that was professor center i didn't do is get from symbol in turkey. thank you. sketch up on a few other stories making headlines around the world today. former taiwanese president, my young you who's heading to china for an 11 day trip at a time of height intentions between beijing and type a writer's news agency reports he's likely to meet with chinese presents shooting, paying a last met at a summit in singapore, in 2015 is really military says it is killed,
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a senior commander and has bull as miss all unit. the army released this video. it says show several airstrikes in lebanon. identified the commander as well as dean. they say that they said he was killed when in the is really air force on the car in southern 11 on new has the law has confirmed his death to israel. now we're demands for the resignation of israel's prime minister. are growing after more pro test on sunday demonstrate his class with police during march is calling for benjamin nothing you know who to go. they also demanded for the more be done to secure the release of hostages still being held in gaza. the huge crowds blocked roads and lit fires as they march towards these really part of the left and now who has rejected any criticism of this handling of ceasefire negotiations. and israel's more against hamas as tens of thousands gathered in jerusalem for the beginning of
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a, for the rally. it's the largest anti government demonstration since the october 7 terrorist attack many are fed up with the failure to secure the release of hostages, held by him us among other things, and are calling for an early election. so what i'm doing here is trying to change the government because this government is a complete and utter failure. and the only way they will do this into the abyss that will never come out though faced with increasing pressure to resign. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu standing his ground. okay, you ought to pay a lot of calls for elections now during the war right before our victory would paralyze israel for at least a half a year. it would paralyze the negotiation for the release of our hostages and it would end the war before its objectives are completed. the 1st one to benefit from this would be how much you know from us keeping up the military pressure,
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coupled with quote, flexibility and the negotiations is nothing. yeah. who's planned to secure the hostages release? a key part of that plan is ralph of israel's planned operation. they're a sparked international concerns warning of the humanitarian catastrophe. but then yeah, who insist israel will go ahead with its plan. that's what it is. we will go into rough uh and eliminate the homeless battalions there. there will be no victory without the operation in rough uh and there will be no victory without the elimination of the homeless battalions there. as the fighting goes on, israel's delegation has arrived in egypt for fresh ceasefire talks. but both sides have cast out on whether there will be break through this time. they say the gap between their positions is still too wide. joining us now from jerusalem is our correspond to rebecca rivers. rebecca, what's driving these mass protests against?
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nothing. you know, well there's a huge division of a net, benjamin netanyahu and the government in israel. terry, many people, a majority of people want to see the government stepped down. they want to see benjamin netanyahu step down and take responsibility. largely, you know, many people blame him for the events that laid out to october 7. they blame him for a poor handling of in the immediate aftermath of the attack on october 7. and they certainly blame him for the way that he's carried out these hostage negotiations and for a lack of progress on them. still more than a 100. and so is he hosted inside guns or, and no sign of a hostage do eminence. they say that he's putting his own personal political survival in front of the security and the safety of bringing home the hostages. we're seeing the tensions rise. there was already a great division of prior to october 7, and prior to this more breaking out,
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we see those tensions rise even with most of. and now when you talk about people who, who have families and loved ones in side garza, they're saying that, you know, this government is, isn't putting that as a top priority. and they want to see a change in the government now. and you've been that yahoo coming out saying that, well, let me play in the hands to have mass, but the protest is, and many people on the street saying that, you know, the country is already in paralysis. and as long as the hostages of the nothing is being done about it, we need to do something and elections could be one way of breaking that deadlock. okay, there's concern about the war itself, but they also understand there's another issue military service for ultra orthodox men that potentially has the has the ability to bring down that to know who's government tell us more about that of the well, this is a complex issue that again has been a long standing one in israel for decades,
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or since the countries since the country was found. the ultra orthodox man has had a tacit exemption from a military service. all the, you know, men and women have a compulsory conscription to the army for 2 to 3 years when they finish high school . now as long as ultra orthodox men a go to shiva these um, really just colleges as they are exempt from that. but that hasn't been in move the letter of the movie that has been tested. exemption that has been extended by successive is riley governments now that a licensed extension expired last night. meeting theoretically that from today ultra orthodox man will need to join the army will become scripted. that's unlikely to happen, of course, today, but there was a, a bill passed last week or i'm sorry, the, the high court room last week that funding to these you shavers would be held if these, if there are many there that adult during the draft. so that could start coming
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into play from today and this is there seems to be contentious issue here, as i say, particularly with what's happening and hundreds of thousands of reserves be cooled off. and the fact that so many religious men are exempt from that. so inside the government, we're seeing both 2 sides and go over all the adults policies with in benjamin netanyahu is a government that is saying that they will potentially pull out of the government if this exemption is not extended, we have all the members of the government saying now potentially pull out, should the exemption be extended? so a very tenuous political situation for benjamin netanyahu at a very, very tense time making. thank you very much. that was our correspond are rebecca rivers in jerusalem are now here in germany, a new law partially legalizing cannabis has come into effect at midnight. hundreds gathered in central berlin to celebrate the moment. under the legislation over eighteens can now possess up to 25 grams in public for personal use and cultivate
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up to 3 plants of home. legislation has its critics who point to health and law and order concerns. germany's conservative opposition says they will revoke the law if they get back into power. we smokers in germany are lighting up legally for the 1st time from april. first, many are celebrating kenzie, you know the pictures when carol's out loud out to pester for the 1st time after winter. they jump with joy. and of course that will be us in the beginning of april . but the new cannabis measures are only a partial legalization. so what do they mean exactly? adults over 18 in germany are now allowed to carry up to 25 grams of cannabis on them. they can smoke weed in public, but not within 100 meters of schools, sports facilities, or playgrounds. people can also grow up to 3 plants at home and store up to 50
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grams of cannabis for personal use. for now, there won't be any shop selling it directly to customers. the only way to buy we legally will be through a so called kind of a social club membership, but only from july 1st sorts itself. and the social clubs can have up to 500 members. and they all actively participate in the kind of best production for each individual member on the club can grow up to suite plans and conducted produce the members monthly supply, which is a maximum of 50 grams. and then give it to then the unit on the side in berlin, people hope of the new law will reduce the illegal market for the drug. make an assertion is a good idea and all because it decreases the black markets, which is essentially the because people are finding stuff they don't know it's in it's, it's better to regulate, regulate as the whole whole process. then just have a nice black margin. while many in germany are celebrating, some have raise concerns about the legalize ation. while police union say it will
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be hard to enforce regulations checks and penalties. doctors are worried that the new law sends the wrong message and plays down the dangers of cannabis use and the diction floor. and this was bring in 15 that she's the addiction and drug policy spokesperson for the liberal f t p. party in germany's parliament. the ftp being a part of the governing coalition. thanks for being with us. miss. look at your party supported the passage of this law, the partially legalizes cannabis and germany. can you explain to our viewers why the country needs this law as well? oh, yes, good morning. with the canada slow, we finally em the policy of prohibition and repression of the last decades. we have seen that this kind of policy doesn't hurt all the calls we have. i'm still arising numbers on cannabis consumers,
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so we want to try another way. and we think that the criminalization and the nice vision the organization is the right way. well, there's some would argue that opens the gates instead of stops people from using of this gets long. been argued that kind of as is a gateway to harder drugs, is that not the case? no, that is actually not the case. there are new studies that confirm that um, throughout the, the international studies don't show that. so we think that the problem is the elicit market. the black market is consumers of kind of this as far as up to now to buy the account numbers on the listed market. and they don't know what kind of kind of business they have there. we see high t h t levels, we see contaminated categories, which of which costs is really bad health problems. so we open up with the cannabis bill. we open up to legal ways to get cannabis,
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which is the home growing part of the growing together in kind of this class, which will take place from july 1st this year. now growing and consuming kind of as legally will be possible only for people 18 and older. you yourself have said that young people should not consume kind of, as i saw this on your website. but what kind of message do you think this law sends to children? and young people to well with the bill that is in excess now we do have prevention measures, we do have prevention campaigns and we open up the talking about cannabis right now, talking about the cannabis and the risk. so cannabis consumption is kind of a taboo. and we want to break with that to do and yeah, open up for ways to help. also young people to seek for help to seek counseling and uh to seek uh, prevention metro. so i think we passed
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a good bill which combines the more modem, kenneth, this policy with a higher use consumer and health pro um health protection. so your party supported this, this law that is now been past your party wants to go further, though with legalization. the ftp wants to legalize commercial part production and the sale of it and license shops in germany. how soon do you think that might become reality? it is to the bill because now is just the 1st step we're aiming to do with the 2nd step, which will be similar to the way we see in, in canada, with a controlled production and a selling throughout shops. we are still working on that. the minister of health promise that you will well give us a draft or at least some bullet points right after the passing of the kind of boost
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law. so we are still working on that and waiting for the minister of help to bring in the bullet points. christine looked good, addiction and drug policy spokesperson for the free democrats here in germany. thank you very much for talking with us. thank you. a spouse. the recent terror attack in moscow, where 4 gun when attacked and killed at least a 140 people, has heightened fears for more incidents in russia and beyond. france's among several countries to have raised its terror alert to the highest level. the increased security concerns are casting a shadow over the upcoming olympic games due to open at the end of july in france. 2024 exclusive right. one giant celebration. that's what the organize is of the power summary lympics are planning a low. the opening ceremony which will be the 1st effort to be held at the side of
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a stadium is expected to 2 over $300000.00 people. but this mega events could make power as a target for terrorism. again, like on the 13th of november, 2015 when this limits terrace killed 130 people in several bars. the boss, a con concert whole, i'm tired, so i the soccer stadium. the reason to talk in moscow has rekindled memories. here in paris, experts are even quoting, that's a talk, the russian boss, a club limo to be able to. so it was on, in both cases, terrorist attack to concert venue. the death tolls were very similar, and both were carried out by the so called islamic state. i asked for short, i'll be it very different off to it's the same i a soft uses believe to have planned to foiled attack in france. the french government has now raised the terror threat to the highest level of stars, have the option to deploy an additional 4 tires and security forces. nationwide.
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schools and government institutions are also guessing more security to that was tricky. select that the extent of the attack, it must go really shocked to. it wasn't just a loading attack or that killed a few people with a knife. most of this was a launch scale and a time to which the police had difficulty responding to. as you can tell when you and in recent years, the curacy surfaces believe that the days of major attacks could be over. they were seeing loan attackers like in 2023 on a teacher in the northern city of a ross and zone a german tourist in the center of paris. that was cool. the must go attack, but also other recent attacks carried out by the islamic state show development that experts have been seen for months. now, that is the terror organization is once again gaining power young. while the islamic state has regained its capacity to carry out devastating attacks and other countries 80, you'll make if i'm just
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a push daddy coffee. french police believe they're no better prepared for this type of terrorist attack. then in 2015 when that p o c, or they knew it for much 146 when he met one of us know get special training that we didn't use to get up. you have those. this includes special ed, time training, father. we learn how to take, how to talk is to accounting masses of people in closed room situations without injuring civilians. it's made us realize that both we on the civilians are in constant danger, pushes listed a rule. he's got them on all the parts of the french security concept to main. contentious and the police unions are protesting. a large contingent of many tens of thousands of police officers. and john dorms will be working to guarantee security during the olympics. but they say there are still too many unanswered questions. the sofa. okay, one is showing liberty, said we still don't know where all the police offices coming in from the other
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regions of fronts. what we housed in paris, it better to. okay, that's adding more stress, give up too much and we're constantly under pressure to do to all the demonstrations, even from the critically the terrorist attacks on the unrest in the suburb somebody is all about these that tech to is to be of all these extra here and i'll spell out these remote fronts is also planning on deploying over $40000.00 private security personnel. they're guessing specialized training like this fire drill, because the tellers has no says at the highest level, this number could go up by several size. and no, so far, any 2 thirds of the required personnel have been trained like this room was, couldn't we're asking ourselves whether we can really train that many people in a short time available. but private security personnel are important to this. we keep her eyes open and alert the police. if we see anything suspicious, so wouldn't be attacks can be foiled. let that they didn't know that it's
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a race against time on a fight against a threat. the compet completes, the role dies, despise all precautions. most of the dealers will do, we know that will be some incidents during the olympic games. we thought we hope they'll be minor ones. in any case of security forces will be extremely vigilant. and other countries are also set to send security personnel to help protect the games to try to ensure that this summer empowers will be a separation of joy. the, as you're watching dw news, just reminded as the top stories were following for you, this, our turkeys main opposition party is celebrating as it heads towards major victories and nationwide local elections. partial results show the ruling. a k party of president ad one has suffered defeats in the key cities of anchor and symbol and israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu. his rejected calls for his resignation and bid mass protest against his government. he said early elections would only benefit him off and jeopardize negotiations for the release of hostage.
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you're watching the the news. i'm terry martin. thanks for being with the
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