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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 1, 2024 3:00pm-3:15pm CEST

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the, the coming to live from berlin, you are watching d, w, and this is rarely forces withdraw from all c for hospital in gaza, scenes of devastation in the wake of their 2 week rate. that israel says was successful and it's fight against time us. meanwhile, israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu rejects calls from tens of thousands of protesters for him to resign over his handling of the war against him, off and hostage negotiations. that's in yahoo says early elections would only benefit from us. also on our show, a blow for turkey's president rush up, ty affair to one of his rivals, made huge gains in local elections across the country. it is the oppositions of the
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biggest victory since every one came to power 2 decades ago. the enquire, richardson welcome. israel's military has withdrawn its troops from gauze, as i'll see for hospital saying it's too weak. raid was one of the most successful operations and it's war against time. us and gaza. it's as it has killed scores of how most fighters, as well as gathering weapons and intelligence and the operation as part of its response to the, to her attack on october 7th, last year. this is our she for hospital, the largest medical facility in gaza after a 2 week grades. by the way, the army, it is now a shell of it's for themselves situated in a devastated neighborhood, strewn visit level. the destruction is far and wide and the chief compound is you
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can see that been many casualties. now we will move the stick and where it is from el cheapo to the baptist hospital, which is the only one in the gaza strip and still providing services a patients video, probation described by as well as one of the most successful of the 96 month war is now or the end. the troops has withdrawn. these vial, defense forces, say around $200.00 militants, are killed, doing the right and the hit seized over $3000000.00 in cash. market intelligence, documents, and weapons. mclaughlin, how master and medical staff deny the published an inside does have any um, presence in hospitals is really, i mean, those sides. the raid was carried out while preventing home to civilians, patients and medical staff. however, the world health organizations direct to general disputes this claim has post on
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x, formerly to it's a paint. so di, picture to say is $21.00. patients died during the siege and more than $100.00 was still lacking. vital medical cat involving troops may now have pulled out about seaford, what level left behind is a community in shop or, of course bonnet rebecca rivers has more on the aftermath of israel's a 2 week long rate at the all she for hospital and gaza. is right, the military have called base a very successful operation. they also called it a precision operation, though that may not be the 1st word that pops to mind when you see the pictures of the hospital. now these are the military saying that at least $200.00 terrorist as they call them, were killed during this operation. that 900 people has been arrested and interrogated of that 90500 has been identified to be potted with
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a mass or islamic jihad. and that the others, they're still trying to identify, as you rightly point out, they also say they found weapons and intelligence on the site. and that it was very successful the most successful in the operations sofa. they say that they needed to go in because they had evidence intelligence that have my son is allow me to have we using the hospital as a base that they had re, groups there. since the last raid earlier on in the conflict that the is ready military conducted on the hospital and that they were using it to regroup and re supply pots of the northern strip. so yes, she is of saying that she a devastation. this is a hospital. the biggest health facility in gauze or, and its been rented completely unusable. but i'd like you to ask you to stay with us because meanwhile, in israel, prime minister benjamin netanyahu is under increasing pressure. we've seen tens of thousands of people turn out for mass of protests calling for his resignation. and
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also a long brewing political fight over conscription for israel's ultra orthodox jewish minority. coming to ahead of that, of course. in addition to these street protests, let's take a closer look. the setup and furious is ready, at least taking part in the biggest anti government demonstration since the october 7th. the terrorist attacks demanding that benjamin netanyahu quit, and for an immediate deal to get is rarely hostages. back it's the one big also the election now. yeah. who has pushed back on the grounds of national security? can you look up the coals for elections now during the war right before our victory would power lies israel for at least half a year. it would power lies the negotiation for the release of hostages. it would
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end the war before it's subjective, sol completed. and the 1st one to benefit from this would be, have us go protests, not just over the war and hostages over the weekend. military veterans tangled with ultra orthodox jewish men over their exemption from army service. netanyahu's government face is a monday deadline to come up with a plan to reform conscription with overwhelming public opinion in favor of forcing the ultra orthodox to serve. netanyahu relies on ultra a many and that is made up of many of the, the same groups that were protesting before the war. last year we were covering them a lot last year. these weekly protests against the government. and they, it's basically a resurgence of the same groups, but the now changing and flavor of over if you will because they're, they're even more angry and more devastated, even traumatized. you could say about the situation with the hostages. as many of
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the family members of the remaining hostages and some of the relief hostages of joining in these protest they'll be going to this particular won't be going for 4 days here in jerusalem outside they can said, you know, a, they're really angry. they, they blame netanyahu for many of the things that lead up to the october 7 attack and say that he simply hasn't done enough in the altima. thank you so much for your time. that is our wreck, rebecca rivers live from jerusalem. we can bring you up to speed now with some other world news headlines, emission to rescue 13 workers trapped inside of gold. mine and russia has been called off since the land slide some 2 weeks ago. they've been stuck more than a 140 meters underground at the pioneer mine and the countries eastern. i'm more region authority say they've hullstead rescue efforts, fearing another collapse of the sites form or taiwan. he's president. my young joe is heading to china for an 11 day trip at
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a time of height intentions between beijing and ty pay. reuters news agency reports he's likely to meet with chinese president. huge impact. they last met at a summit and singapore in 2015 starts as president rep, tire of air to one in his conservative a k party have suffered a major blow in local elections, turkeys main office issues parties, the secular c h. b claim to victory into cities including s tumble and the capital on correct arrow and called the set back a loss of altitude and said his party would analyze the message that people had given him. the votes are seen as a bellwether of support for the one after his 20 years and power by position supporters is done booth or painting the town, read, celebrating the main opposition. c h. b 's spectacular victories in local elections across doki. the secular bodies use it as
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a sign that it's still stand the jones at the national level against the ruling e k. parking these election results have been a response to the a k t regimes repression to what they've done to the economy and the social structure of this contract. and that's why i'm very happy now for my country was under general. do not to do. we were very disillusioned of the last 2 years to know where the elections, but now being here celebrating with people being able to tear. we really miss these kind of feelings. we are very happy. and so is the mind of the hour. is done by mayor efram and my model. this is his 2nd victory, and doki is mega city. a my model has achieve superstar status and douglas politics . putting him on the bottom nation of our many see him as president are the ones chief rival is stumbling
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blocks of the nation itself gives the order and the instructions to not just one person. the officials receive instructions from the nation better to the period of one man room is over. as of today it is done cause the republic and democracy can go full speed ahead from now on fire cetera. jake, who stood as the results mom, the was defeat or the one and his a k party in more than 2 decades in power. that's just the president had thrown everything at winning is done by duck easy can all make and politically. the bible house, he conceded the loss at his body's headquarters and, and got a whole year. is it just, my city is really sort of mean we will not disrespect a nation's decision, but under any circumstances, meaning that we will stay away from being stopping with the nation, the acting against the nation's will in questioning the nation's discretion. what
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good as we have done since today, you know, like through all to march 31st is not the end for us. it is actually a turning point the just on, but it was wet or the one launched has bought it to go courier as me or 2 years ago . now many of these potentially challenger, following in his footsteps here in germany, a new law partially legalizing cannabis, has come into effect at midnight. hundreds gathered in central berlin to celebrate the moment. under the legislation, over 18 canal possess up to 25 grams in public for personal use and cultivate up to 3 plants at home. by the way, we excuse me, legislation has its critics as well. they point to health and law and order concerns. germany's conservative opposition says they will revoke the law if they
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get into power. as we smokers in germany are lighting up legally for the 1st time from april. first, many are celebrating kenzie, you know the pictures when carol's out loud out to pester for the 1st time after winter. they jump with joy and of course that will be us at the beginning of april . but the new cannabis measures are only a partial legalization. so what do they mean exactly? adults over 18 in germany are now allowed to carry up to 25 grams of cannabis on them. they can smoke weed in public, but not within 100 meters of schools, sports facilities, or playgrounds. people can also grow up to 3 plants at home and store up to 50 grams of cannabis for personal use. for now, there won't be any shop selling it directly to customers. the only way to buy we've legally will be through a so called cannabis social club membership, but only from july 1st sorts itself. and the social clubs can have up to 500
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members. and they all actively participate in that kind of bas production with working for each individual member and the the clubs can grow up to a suite plans and conducted produce the members monthly supply, which is a maximum of 50 grams. and then give it to the been the unit on the side in berlin. people hope the new law will reduce the legal market for the drug. i think make an assertion is a good idea and all because it decreases the black markets, which is essentially the robot because people are buying stuff and they don't know what's in it. it's better to regulate, regulated the whole process. then just have a huge black margin, while many in germany are celebrating, some have raise concerns about the legalize ation. while police union say it will be hard to enforce regulations checks and penalties. doctors are worried that the new law sends the wrong message and plays down the dangers of cannabis use and the diction. and we'll leave it there. that is our news update at this. our coming up
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next is a dw documentary, or of course you can always find us online and on social media or dw dock. com or handle is at dw news, and clare richardson in berlin. many thanks for watching the i sorry. i went one on 6 times to greece, is that all i have to spend life from 500 to 600 currently more people than ever on the move worldwide in such a progress in life. you know,
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this is a very difficult journey. and 135 because it's very hard to .


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