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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 1, 2024 4:00pm-4:30pm CEST

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the the, you're watching the, the, it was coming to live from berlin. israeli forces withdraw from lc for hospital in casa, seems of devastation in the wake. their 2 week rates at israel says was successful in its fight against come up. meanwhile, israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu projects calls from tens of thousands of protesters for him to resign over his handling of the war against a mass and hostage negotiations. that's in yahoo says early elections would only benefit him off. also in our show today, a blow for turkey president rush up, ty of air to want as his rivals make huge gains in local elections across the country. does the opposition vegas to victory since air to one came to power 2
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decades ago? the hello, i'm clear, richardson, thank you very much for joining us. as well as military, it has withdrawn its troops from gauze, as i'll see for hospital saying it's too weak. raid was one of the most successful operations and it's war against him. us in gaza. it's as it has killed scores of how much fighters as well as gathered weapons and intelligence in the operation as part of its response to the october 7th terror attacks. this is our she for hospital, the largest medical facility in gaza after a 2 week grades by the way, the army, it is now a shell of its full themselves, situated in a devastated neighborhood strewn visit level. the amount of disruption is far and wide and the chief
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a compound as you can see. and there been many casualties. now we will move this to kind of waited from el cheapo to the baptist hospital, which is the only one in the gaza strip and still providing services to patients of video probation described by as well as one of the most successful of the 96 month war is now a, the and the troops have withdrawn. these royal defense forces, say around $200.00 militants accounts during the ride. and the 2 seized over $3000000.00 in cash. market intelligence, documents, and weapons who have asked and medical staff denied the past. and insight does have any um, presence in hospitals is really, i mean, those sides. the raid was carried out while preventing home to civilians, patients and medical staff. however, the world health organizations, director general dispute says, claim his post on x. formative twitter paints
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a di picture. he says 21. patients died during the siege and more than $100.00 was still lacking. vital medical cat involving troops may now have pulled out about see for what they've left behind is a community in shop. i'd like to welcome dr. augusta and obviously to a british palestinian plastic and reconstructive surgeon who spent more than a month working in gaza after israel's invasion. he joins us now from london. thank you so much for taking the time today. i'd like to start by asking what you are hearing from your colleagues, chief, a hospital about the state of the facility after, as well as withdrawal. so today we received the arrow in use the, our colleague, the odd man, a young brittany and plastic surgeon who had i had worked with during this war to shift his body was found executed by these railings in the area around the
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hospital. he had chosen to remain in northern gauze and continued to work in the hospitals that stayed the northern gospel and a young, brilliant surgeon who had won the fellowship from the royal college of surgeons. as life was ended by is really smart. and with that means pains in use of the end, the shift ship can no longer be repaired and that's 30 percent of the palestinian also designing a terrible published last there. i'm wondering if you could also tell us a little bit about exactly what kind of functionalities remain if any at all, so far. are they able to provide any kinds of health care at this time on those left the ship? no, just that it's a reparable now reparable in terms of the ability to fix it. it has to be
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demolished, rebuilt from scratch, and that's the devastating thing. this is 30 percent of the palestinian health system. this means that if there was a ceasefire tomorrow we wouldn't be, is there a way from rebuilding a replace for a ship, a hospital, and that was the name of the street to ensure that gauze remains on uninhabitable place. so is that a split cleansing continues? well, after the seas, as real size, as military campaign is in self defense aimed at a mouse and that it does take measures to ensure that it minimizes harm to civilians in gaza. and if for this particular rate, it says it has killed senior hum, us operatives and others would re groups there after a previous read, they're saying approximately $200.00 militants in the area of the hospital. and if they've detained hundreds of other people, i'd like to ask, based on your experience, how plausible you find their claim here. so i'll,
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i'll be sure to let the ducks i'm as my husband is young widow and his 2 little children, both under the age of 5 know that these really are me as done, its utmost to protect civilian life. but more importantly, as someone who was in ship from the very beginning of this ministry campaign, it is not just that these ratings are part of this genocide to present that narrative. then miniaturize the narrative and highlights the fact that there is a system of genocide enables that extends into the western media that have for fetch weighted, this idea that it was acceptable to attack ship under all of these projects. i need to jump in into provides a young check out here. indeed, israel has been accused of genocide at the international court of justice by south africa. this is a case where we're waiting a verdict and it remains
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a contested term. but i've love if you can, for you to paint a picture further of, of what this means. both for the immediate health care needs and gaza of palestinians there. but also looking ahead in the years or decades to come in terms of where people might seek medical attention, what 50 percent of the health system is now in ruin. and so one of the few functioning or partially functioning health facilities that existed in north and gaza to provide services for the 600000 palestinians still in the north has been wiped out. and if there were to be a ceasefire, it will be years before a hospital of the size can be rebuilt and refurbish speaking gaza uninhabitable for the next several years to well, thank you so much for taking the time to share your expertise. i'm sorry for your
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loss, but his doctor got son of a, a c to joining us today from london. thank you. now, looking inside, israel demands are growing for the resignation of the prime minister. after yet more protests. benjamin netanyahu facing threats from multiple sides as well as those demonstrations a long brewing political fight over conscription for israel's ultra orthodox. jewish minority is now coming to a head set up and furious is ready, at least taking part in the biggest anti government demonstration. since the october 7th, the terrorist attacks demanding that benjamin netanyahu quit and for an immediate deal to get is really hostages. back of the the the
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election now. yeah. who has pushed back on the grounds of national security to a can you look up the coals for elections now during the war right before our victory would power lies? israel for at least half a year. it would power lies. the negotiation for the release of all hostages. it would end the war before it's subjective, sol completed. and the 1st one to benefit from this would be have us to protest not just over the war and hostages over the weekend. military veterans tangled with ultra orthodox jewish man over their exemption from army service. netanyahu's government face is a monday deadline to come up with a plan to reform conscription with overwhelming public opinion in favor of forcing the ultra orthodox to serve. netanyahu relies on ultra orthodox parties to keep them in power. they've threatened to drop out if it's coalition, if young ultra orthodox man lose their exemption. but if it continues to unlikely
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lose centrist members, either way, it spells trouble for the colors and government. the terminal inside his cabinet, reflecting the frustration outside or protest or say they'll take to the streets again and again. they can bring up to speed with some other world new stories at this hour emission to rescue 13 workers cropped inside a gold mine and russia has been called off since a landslide. some 2 weeks ago they found stuff more than a 140 meters under ground. at the pioneer mine in the countries eastern, a more region authorities say they've halted rescue efforts, fearing another collapse of the site. former time when he's president my enjoys heading over to china for an 11 day trip at a time of heightened tensions between beijing and type pay. the reuters news agency reporting he's likely to meet with the chinese president. she, jim paying a last month at a summit in single port in 2015 and the party of pocket stones jailed former prime
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minister in my hands as a court has suspended his 14 year sentence from law fully solely state and gets you will now be allowed to appeal to conviction, but will remain behind bars on multiple other sentences. imposing the run up to the country selection in february circus president richard type air to one and his conservative a k party have suffered a major blow in local elections, turkeys, main opposition party. the secular c h p claim to victory into cities, including a stumble and the capital on cra air to one, called the set back a loss of altitude and said that his party would analyze the message of the people had given him. the votes are seen as a bellwether of support for our de one after his 20 years and power to position supporters is done. both are painting the town, read, celebrating the main opposition. c h. b, 's,
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spectacular victories in local elections across dokie. the secular party sees it as a sign that it still stands, a jones, the national level against the ruling, a k parking these election results have been a response to the a k t regimes repression to what they've done to the economy. and the social structure of this contract, and that's why i'm very happy now for my country was under kim with the not to do. we were very disillusioned of the last 2 years to know where the elections but now being here celebrating with people being able to tear. we really miss these kind of feelings. we're very happy. and so is the mind of the hour. just on the mirror at room in my model. this is his 2nd victory in doki is mega city. a my model has achieve superstar status, the case politics. put him on the bottom nation of our many
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see him as president of the ones. chief arrival is stumbling blocks of the nation itself gives the order and the instructions to not just one person. the officials receive instructions from the nation that to the period of one man room is over. as of today, it is done cause the republic and democracy can go full speed ahead from now on how you set a jack, who's the results mom, the was defeat, or the one and his a k party in more than 2 decades in power. i just thought the president had thrown everything at winning is done by talk easy can all make and politically by our house. he conceded the last at his bodies headquarters and, and got all this done. but it was wet or the one launched his baltic look,
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or you're as me or 2 years ago. know many of these potentially challenger, following in his footsteps. i spoke earlier to do this correspondence, dorian jones and stumble, and he told me more about the mood and the country following what some are calling a historic election as well as to be said, the mood is quite quite, it's the days and actually to a holiday and i think given the fact that many people with celebrating re, literally a through the night, dont seeing coll collin voice funking that holds a sense of jubilation. i knew for you now. i think those people have a little sole heads this morning. uh and uh, i will expect to be so for the rest of the day, but that has to be said that the reason why this summer should for you is the opposition never sold the scale of his victory. there was a sense of absolute desolation in the run up to the elections, the opposition with the p divided, shocked by the feet in last year's presidential elections, which they had hoped to of one. and they just really sold. this is the last trump saloon for them, standing up to what they saw with the doors increasingly tightening,
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grip on power control of the media. persecutions of the sense crackdowns on in the the, the independent media. there was a feeling there was increasingly little space to operate and to oppose the one. these elections are completely changed. and in fact, a criminal law addressing us thousands of supporters in the early hours of, of the, of today was saying that this message from east unbelief a message to the well to move forward to re enroll con, piece of fee to peacefully and democratically. and that is the message of the opposition of taking away from these results. so the opposition surprised by just how well they did here to tell us what election issues were on the table that the opposition did particularly well with in this election. a well, i think it has to be said that the main issue of this election was the economy, the countries in the grip of 70 percent inflation here. and this time policy to be, well over a 100 percent, there was a huge amount of economic pay in the, in the sample, in many of the cities across all across the country. so there is
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a recognition that has a much a reaction of rejection of the government's policies. what they perceive is that indifference. but the same time, the opposition have to successfully filled a very positive kind to the people that did resonate the reached across the thing. the bites of the talk control position, and i think that they were revolted by the the condensate chose, i'm the campaign that they ran. we surprised a lot of people. and you mentioned already the assembled america chrome. i am, although clearly one of the big winners in this election can tell us a little bit more about what his victory means for president or the one. well in my molo, has now defeated the go on to merrill elections. he's will on the line, sees of credentials as the man, but the feet of the one on these powerful electro machine. even the other one was on the ticket. good one, let the campaigns here in this tumble from the front, with 17 ministers touring the city and the run up to the old, old one, put his prestige on the line. and he was humiliated because of spain. so the defeat to disassemble with expensive it was places that have never voted for the
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opposition. c h. b, real strong, holds a village on even where he was born and grew up in bay all over the place. but he considered his with important costs of that house pulled into the opposition as well as number of all the impulsive areas of the city. and that's also send the ever sounding victory. not only the where they of the extent of the votes, but also where they have successfully school victories where they have never done any generation. well, thank you so much for bringing us up to speed that his date of the as a door in jones and assemble as we turn now to southern africa where droughts means that millions of people are at increased risk of going hungry. this comes with just a year after devastating floods hit the region, somebody and the law. we have already declared national disasters. conditions now in zimbabwe have also become critical. first came the storms and the fonts and now extreme heat and drought. here's what's left of the season's crops.
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when our food situation is difficult and we only eat once a day because we have nothing in the fields, not a single grain. every thing has dried up my mind. we also have problems with sourcing water. we'd like to request if they could assist us with water. maybe they could build a bar hole for us. in the meantime, many come to this distribution center to get assistance. february has been the drives, didn't send bob point in a lifetime, according to the well food program i just spoke with some of the elders from the community. and the last time they can remember this type of drought is 90. 47 is. so it's, this is not a normal circumstance and they say disk drives. now with this type of heat, the day of experience is it has not happened before. just a year ago, much of southern africa was hit by deadly tropical storms and floods. these climate
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extremes, scientists say becoming more frequent and more damaging in neighboring zambia and malawi, drought has reached critical levels. both countries have declared national disorders and symbolic way could be on the brink of doing the same. the agency is one that nearly 20000000 people across southern africa are facing hung up and will need assistance in the coming months. and afghanistan, schools have opened for a new academic year, but only for boys with girls are banned from joining secondary level classes. more than 2 and a half years have now passed since girls over the age of 12 were 1st to band following the tale ones rise to power. lawmakers have repeatedly promised that girls would be re admitted, but the band remains in place with no explanation. another academic year gets under wayne cost city in afghanistan, se spots physically having
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a mission among the students who make their way to school goals. once again, i'm not allowed since 2021 teenage girls and women have been banned from secondary schools and universities, making us get installing the only country what goals education has been outlawed off to elementary school. many of the boys here in this classroom would also like to see this little reversed this dining lab, the we hope that the as lama cameron of afghanistan officials will open the school for the girls beyond grade 60. now there's not a lot of we hope to administer is open the doors to our sisters, the, the plan that that last county can do that please allow me to kind of see if it goes to should be given that rights and is let me close. does he do that? they should be allowed to with the he jumped to school. ok. yeah, yeah. they should have advice because if assistance educate you to try sending me
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a she can educate the rest of her family we have that can do about that. so we hope see, education minister will reopen the schools that goes on june. at that point they did ask in response, online educational tools, the goals have surface to fit well taken tv apartment space production company has looked to help by broad costing televised lessons and talks to screenings across afghanistan. is that it is a, this channel will mainly provide educational programs and we'll see all day long. we'll be showing educational video modules based on the outcomes school curriculum from the 5th grade to the final year. we've put everything on video into languages who me on video. so do know some thoughts, not everybody who's able or allowed to access shows like these totally final thoughts. he's having system, they're working on establishing a system that would allow goes to re attend schools under islamic low spots. they get to deliver millions of goals across afghanistan,
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turning to classes like this one remains the ultimate goal. let's turn to some news from here in germany. where a new law partially legalizing cannabis has come into effect at midnight, hundreds gathered in central berlin to celebrate the moment. under the legislation over a to use canal possess up to 25 grams in public for personal use. and cultivate up to 3 plants at home. but the legislation has its critics who point to health and law and order concerns. germany's conservative opposition say val revoke the law if they get into power. as we smokers in germany are lighting a legally for the 1st time from april. first, many are celebrating kenzie, you know the pictures when carol's out loud out to pester for the 1st time after winter. they jump with joy, and of course that will be us at the beginning of april. but the new cannabis
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measures are only a partial legalization. so what do they mean exactly? adults over 18 in germany are now allowed to carry up to 25 grams of cannabis on them. they can smoke weed in public, but not within 100 meters of schools, sports facilities, or playgrounds. people can also grow up to 3 plants at home and store up to 50 grams of cannabis for personal use. for now, there won't be any shop selling it directly to customers. the only way to buy we legally will be through a so called kind of a social club membership, but only from july 1st. so it looks up on what's the social clubs can have up to $500.00 members. and they all actively participate in the kind of bas production with working for each individual member and the club can grow up to sweep plans and conducted produce members monthly supply, which is a maximum of 50 grams. and then give it to the been the unit on the side in berlin. people hope of the new law will reduce the illegal market for the drug. i
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think make an assertion that's a good idea and all because if decreases the black markets, which is essentially the problem because people are buying stuff and they don't know what's in it. it's better to regulate, regulated the whole whole process then just have a huge black market. well, many in germany are celebrating, some have raise concerns about the legalize ation. well, police union say it will be hard to enforce regulations checks and penalties. doctors are worried that the new law sends the wrong message and place down the dangers of cannabis use and the diction will scotland is famous for its stark rocky landscape. but well, many people don't know is that it was once rich and forests. now across the country, steps are being taken to bring back the woodlands and qualify for previous centuries. ease of use, farragut must reports from the south of scotland. is not a tree, not a bush grows in these barren hills and saw them scotland at least not yet. so
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you're only to grab a fun thing. so yeah, they want to change that. the 25 volunteers from the scottish board as far as trust one to help loan to forest check, but you're not right on top of a boat. that's a sticky spirit. that's fine. yeah. so that's the soft ground. and denise, not to give you a whole the right size for the tray, which in our vision is to make this into night to put and so the chaise all around holly latrice pieces you'd expect and the ground is good ground and the trees will do well here it's supposed to look like it did thousands of years ago before people cut down the forest for firewood and to gain past you. when i applied it, i feel like i get the feeling of the a mother. i need to get arrived so i spell it and then wish it could grow out very
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strongly and have a heavy lies sort about. so i'm it really, it's just this punting traces the i think is the best thing. ordinary people can do . it's so easy to do is just isn't investments in the future really, a flaunting many thousands of saplings where she passed for centuries, munched up everything that takes them physically. this makes sense of purpose here, so this land won't be sold to the highest bidder in 20 years time. it will stay as it is in the neighboring valley. the boat, as far as charles has already planted around 750000 trees. since then, 20 species of the us have recycled as of many wide plants and hubs. an eco power dies and the scottish shoes, the volunteers hope is, comes up as a model to regenerate many other valleys and coming up next are science. a show takes a look at how electric vehicles can be charged wirelessly while they are being driven
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. stay tuned for that or find us online at the w dot com. i'm clear richardson in berlin for me in the whole team. many thanks for watching the
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the no more tangled tables. this is how you fill up on electricity. while you drive. inductive charging is transforming roads into power outlet and its energy. you can get on the go. is this a good bye to overhead lines and code will charging stations vs. think of the past tomorrow today on d w e t t. is that possible or dangerous by trip to it from scratch and then new language and how to face that
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down. can he do it? does he understand how bad news i was trying to find any the locals interest in simeon ryanne hargrove in 45 minutes. 2 on d, w, the old friends, new friends, and nature defend itself in case of an emergency. we cannot guarantee that we could protect meaning franklin santa faced with rushes war against duke graces, military alliance spaces, new threats. would it really close ranks? if it were a top european security basically depends to 90 percent from the us out
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to the hotel commentary dots april 4th on dw, the wireless doing has become a common feature in many cellphones or electric calls. next, it's technically possible to transport pilot not just to cause, but also buses and trucks, even while they're in motion. on this day we'll take a look at how it all works and check out the car in state of inductive charging in vehicles that are on the road. is it the future of transport? that story and much more this week on the dw sign saying welcome to tomorrow. today the.


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