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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 1, 2024 5:00pm-5:15pm CEST

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the the, you're watching the news coming to live from berlin is really forces with the draw from lc for hospital in gaza. scenes of devastation to wake up there to week raise that israel says was successful in his fight against him. off he was prime minister benjamin netanyahu rejects calls from tens of thousands of protesters for him to resign over the handling of the war against a master and hostage negotiations. doesn't. yahoo says early elections, but only benefit from us. also on our show today, a flow for turkey is president, wretch of tire, of air to one us as rivals make fuchs gains and local elections across the country . and is the opposition biggest victory since air to one came to power 2 decades
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ago. the empire, richardson, many thanks for joining us as well as military has withdrawn its troops from gauze as i'll see for hospital saying it's too weak rate was one of the most successful operations and it's war against tomas and gaza. it says it has killed scores across fighters as well as gathered weapons and intelligence in the operation as part of its response to the october 7th terror attack. this is our she for hospital, the largest medical facility in gaza after a 2 week grades by the way, the army. it is now a shell of its full themselves, situated in a devastated neighborhood, strewn visit level. the destruction is far and wide and the chief compound, as you can see, and they have been many casualties. now we will move this to kind of way to smell
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cheaper to the baptist hospital, which is the only one in the gaza strip and still providing services to patients of video probation described by as well as one of the most successful of the 96 months war is now as the end, the troops has withdrawn. these vial, defense forces, say around $200.00 militants for killed during the ride. and the 2 seized over $3000000.00 in cash. market intelligence, documents, and weapons who have asked and medical staff deny the policy and insight does have any um, presence in hospitals is really, i mean those sides. the raid was carried out while preventing hom, to civilians, patients and medical staff. however, the wells health organizations direct to general disputes is claim his post on x. formative twitter paints or di picture,
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he says 21. patients died during the siege and more than 100 was still lacking vital medical cat. and while the troops may now have pulled out well, she said, well they've left behind is a community in shop. dr. gaston, obviously to as a surgeon who spends more than a month working in gauze after israel's invasion. there's part of our earlier conversation about what the collapse of a hospital like this means for those seeking medical attention. it was such a percent. busy of the health system is now in ruins. and so one of the few functioning or partially functioning house facilities that existed in north and gaza to provide services for the 600000 palestinians still in the north, has been liked out. and if there were to be a ceasefire, it will be years before a hospital. ready of the size can be rebuilt and refurbish making gauze
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uninhabitable for the next several years. i was dr. watson, i'm present to joining us earlier from london now inside israel demands of growing for the resignation of the prime minister after yet more protests. benjamin netanyahu facing threats from multiple sides as well as those demonstrations a long brewing political fight over conscription for israel's ultra orthodox. jewish minority is coming to a head to set up and furious israel. he's taking part in the biggest anti government demonstration since the october 7th terrorist attacks demanding the benjamin netanyahu quit. and for an immediate deal to get is rarely hostages back. it's the one big also the
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and that's, you know? yeah. who has pushed back on the grounds of national security to a can you look up the calls for elections now during the war right before our victory would power lies. israel for at least half a year. it would power lies the negotiation for the release of all hostages. it would end the war before it's subjective, sol completed. and the 1st one to benefit from this would be have us go protests, not just over the war and hostages over the weekend. military veterans tangled with ultra orthodox jewish men over their exemption from army service. netanyahu's government face is a monday deadline to come up with a plan to reform conscription with overwhelming public opinion in favor of forcing the ultra orthodox to serve. netanyahu relies on ultra orthodox parties to keep them in power. they've threatened to drop out if it's coalition, if young ultra orthodox man lose their exemption. but if it continues to unlikely
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lose centrist members, either way, it smells trouble for the colors and government. the terminal inside his cabinet, reflecting the frustration outside were protesters say they'll take to the streets again and again to us, bring you up to speed. now with some other world news, a russian court has again extended the pre trial detention of the us. russian journalist also, for most of us, she will now be behind bars until at least to the journalist at the us funded radio free europe faces up to 15 years in prison for allegedly reaching russia's new military censorship loss. a mission to rescue 13 workers craft inside a gold mine in russia has been called off since a landslide some 2 weeks ago. they've been stuck more than 140 meters underground at the pioneer mine in the countries eastern, a more region. authority say they've halted rescue efforts, fearing a nother co op just the sites form or tie one. he's president my enjoys
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headed at to china for an 11 day trip at a time of hyphens, the tensions between beijing and type pay writers, news agency reporting. he's likely to meet with the chinese president. she's impact they last met at the summit in singapore, in 2015 and a party of pockets on jail, former prime minister and one comes as a court is suspended his 14 year sentence from law. felicia always state gift. he will now be allowed to appeal to conviction. butler remained behind bars on multiple other sentences, imposing the run up to the countries the election in february turkeys, president, redshift. however, the one in his conservative a k party have suffered a major blow in local elections, turkeys, main opposition party, a secular, c h p claimed victory into cities including stumble and the capital on cra, error one called the step back a loss of altitude and said that his party would analyze the message that the people had given him. the votes are seen as a bellwether of support for every one after his 20 years and power.
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the positions of photos is done booth or painting the town read. celebrating the main opposition, c h. b, 's, spectacular victories in local elections across doki. the secular parties use it as a sign that it still stands, the jones, the national level against the ruling a cape. lucky these election results have been response to the a k t regimes repression to what they've done to the economy and the social structure of this contract. and that's why i'm very happy now for my country was under general. do not to do. we were very disillusioned of the last 2 years to know where the electrons but now being here celebrating with people being able to tear. we really miss these kind of feelings. we are very happy. and so is the mind of the hour. is done by mayor efram and my model. this is his 2nd victory,
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and doki is mega city. a my model has achieve superstar status and douglas politics . putting him on the bottom nation of our many see him as president, are the ones chief rival you stumbling blocks of the nation itself gives the order and the instructions to not just one person. the officials receive instructions from the nation back to the period of one man. rule is over. as of today it is done. how does the republic and democracy can go full speed ahead from now on how you set a jack? who's the votes among the was defeat for or the one n as a cape poverty in more than 2 decades in power? a verse i saw you, the president had thrown everything at winning is done by duck easy,
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can all make and politically powerhouse. he conceded the loss at his body's headquarters and, and got a whole year. this is done, but it was wet or the one launched his body. good. courier, as me or 2 years ago. know many of these potentially challenger, following in his footsteps. corresponding dorian jones and assemble told me about the mood and turkey following what summer, calling a historic election well, has to be said, the mood is quite quite, it's the days and actually to a holiday. and i think given the fact that many people with celebrating re, literally a through the night, dont seeing coll, collin voice, funky matt holmes, a sense of jubilation. i knew for you now. i think those people have a little sole heads this morning. uh and uh it will expect to be so for the rest of the day, but that has to be said that the reason why this summer should for you is the opposition never sold the scale of this victory. there was a sense of absolute desolation in the run up to the elections, the opposition,
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but deeply divided shop by the feet and last year's presidential elections, which they had hoped to have one. and they just really sold. this is the last trump saloon for them, standing up to what they saw it so it was increasingly tightening, grip on power control of the media. persecutions of the sense, correct. i'm holding the, the, the independent media. there was a feeling that was increasingly this whole space to operate and to oppose. one, these elections have completely changed. and in fact, a criminal law addressing us thousands of supporters in the early hours of, of the of today was saying that this message is found, bullies a message to the well look forward to re enroll county for fee to peacefully un democratically. and that is the message of the opposition of taking away from these results. so the opposition surprised by just how well they did here to tell us what election issues were on the table that the opposition did particularly well with in this election as well. i think it has to be said that the main issue with this
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election was the economy, the countries in the grip of 70 percent inflation here. and this time policy to be well over a 100 percent. there was a huge amount of economic pay in the, in the sample, in many of the cities and cro across the country. so there is some recognition that has a much, a reaction of rejection of the government's policies. what they perceive is that in difference, but the same time, the opposition have successfully filled a very positive kind to the people that did resonate that reached across the thing, the volume of the talk to show position. and i think that they were revolted by the, the candidates i chose, i'm the campaign that they ryan was surprised. a lot of people. and you mentioned already the assembled america crime. i am, although currently one of the big winners in this election to tell us a little bit more about what his victory means for president or the one. well in my molo has now defeated the go on to meryl elections. his will on the line sees of credentials as the man, but the feet of the one on these powerful electro machine. even the old one was on the ticket. the one left, the campaigns here in the stumble from the front,
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with 17 ministers touring the city, and the run up to the old, old one, put his prestige on the line. and he was humiliated because of the fence. so the defeat to this temple with expensive, it was places that have never voted for the opposition. c h. b, real strong holds of us on even where he was born and grew up in bay all over the place where he completed his with important call. so that has pulled into the opposition as well as number of all the impulsive areas of the city. and that's also send me over that one thing. victory. not only the with the of the extent of the folks, but also where they have successfully school victories where they have never done any generation. well, thank you so much for bringing us up to speed that is dw the door in jones and assemble to i here in germany, a new law partially legalizing cannabis has come into effect at midnight. hundreds gathered in central berlin to celebrate the moment. under the legislation, over 18 is can now cause that's up to 25 grams in public for personal use and
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cultivate up to 3 plants at home. but the legislation has its critics also. they pointed to health and law and order concerns. germany's conservative opposition says that will revoke the law if they get into power. and just before we go, let's bring you a reminder of our top stories. of israel's military says its troops of withdrawn from gauze as ashi for hospital. they claim to have found weapons and other valuable intelligence, and se scores of the mouse and other militant fighters has been killed during what they describe as a successful military operation. and at turkey's main office session party, the secular c h p, is celebrating offer making significant gains in local elections, including and key cities, including assemble as the capital president. everyone calls the set back a loss of altitude and said that his party would analyze the message that people have given him and editing his update after this,
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our coming up next are document free with the story of a man who came to germany after fleeing the war in syria, and recently became mer of a village here. thanks so much for watching the good news. innovation? green, the green revolution. global. so listen to a whole lot of crime. it's probably up to speed if the carrier is subscribe to the subscribe to plan. it's a.


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