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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 1, 2024 7:00pm-7:30pm CEST

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the, the, this is the, the, the news line from funding and is ready asked dr. destroys, it runs comes to the building in damascus. officials in serious i, people have been killed. events, revolution we got confirms and one of its generals is among, but that also in the program is right. and forces withdrawal from gods is out of shape for hospital leaving behind the scenes of devastation. phone number 2. we right. this is rail says was successful. that is fine to against from last year's president project type, the bottom surface of political blow as his rivals make huge gains in local elections itself. positions biggest victory since a case of power 20. here's the
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i feel good to welcome to the program. we start with breaking news from syria, where officials say i need some riley asked, strikes, has destroyed. iran comes to the building in damascus. he's right, the ministry hasn't commented on the attack. this route has been increasing itself relations against a rom link forces in syria. since the october 2nd, how much time attacks around some boss. so that's a serious that's between 5 and 7 people. they confirmed that around the revolutionary concepts, while events come on, this is amongst those count. let's get more from the least expert to our osh, as easy from clemson university and south carolina in the united states. a welcome to data, you know, confirmation from israel that they did carry out this attack. but let speculate why
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might age royal one to attack the base consulate or in the kill this general? there's not much as the commission needed. israel doesn't usually say yes we did it, but it's very clear that that, that is right. did it. i, you know, all these right, the off that sort of putting it as such as well, and that's about as your own. you know, the serial eclipse now is all heavy words for a long time. and the key least of this riley is. he is a very important i r g, the general that is a general office militia, as long as the revolutionary goss corpse, the most powerful force, any iran and runs the runs policy in the region. i would say perhaps this is one of the most high profile. i urge these to come on there is that they have a fascinated head event and long time, yes, therapy united with decades and during the 8th is default. and then why would against iraq? he was at some point the deputy head of the i, r g c. he was the head of its air force for a brief period. he was the head of his ground force. i mean, the use recent years he was the head of biologists,
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is operations in the 11th regent that's in the 11 on. so there's a surprise that he wasn't the, is riley heats and target this a for the very long time. but what mix of the attack of the sort of important to even more important and dangerous is the fact that the vague was carried out in a building right next to the, on an embassy effectively iranian constant. that's why the a must that or act. but it was actually in his office according to himself, and when the, when the attack occurred. so it's certainly a escalate 3 and the dangerous a strike by his ro. okay, let's talk about this, this notion of escalation, which people have been trying, i've been hoping will not happen. what do you anticipate iran his next move will be it's it's a, it's a tough question. if you ask me the most, the most likely outcome is that iran, it will not have an immediate response. i say the most likely response,
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but i don't mean like 80 percent, you know, because it's really hard to predict what's uh, iran is on lucky to be able to do much immediately and you need to respond to a demo. of course, they've promised a promise to talk response, but usually even they promised a tough response. then you know, they states will be a bit of a time or place of our choosing. but of course, in the broader picture here, there is this rose a brutal bar and goes up. but there's also a northern front. that is, is riley border with levon on. is there today actually also he thought 11 on as it has in the past few months, but we haven't had a real conflict there. 4 is sort of expanded conflict between israel and hezbollah . this village i live in on that, of course is supported by iran. and this is what, what uh, menu i was worried about uh that were putting up a new front there. and then could be that to live in on and to north in israel. and that's something that we might find ourselves in that they. the fact of the matter
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is that there's a lot of republic there. and government finds itself unable to the terriers row, because this is our last a few months ago, q and then other i are just the leading, come on there and see, right? have killed others. and, you know, you're on is, is, has a very limited options of whether you can do up to respond. well, just just let me just interrupt back and talk us through those limited options. because what we see a loss off is around giving yourself 70 plausible deniability said funding based militias in the region and allowing them to offer a set of plans why loans hits attack. israel will respond directly because of this attack. what is staying it time as well? these are as no exceptions. so one thing, i mean not that is or would even need to lose the nuclear weapons. but um, you know, his role is, is improved power has the power for mandatory any wrong doesn't want to get involved directly in a war that's, you know, prove the really costly to iran,
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but actually not even forget direct even has the law hasn't really entered the war, you know, in the past few months since october as well as in read in territory, there has been water in the several people been a dozens of people actually have been killed on the, not in front, but, but, you know, here's the luck. would be raining mis 5 on israel, um, you know, they did, it did in 2006 and there was an actual war between hezbollah and israel. and the reason iran is reluctant to enter is but lines that war again, is that as the lock would be destroyed, especially when israel funds itself and the current condition. so that's what really limits the options. now of course, what, you know, what could happen? you know, you're on the, you know, has close ties, effectively controlled many may be shows in the region there that will be using m under and iraq. and she embellishes, there are munitions that are, it's patient, syria and territory. there is a serial government itself, the degree that is not controlled by it wrong but has close ties, but it's,
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and there's one line limit on. so if all of these forces want it to going to action, hey, you know, against this route, it's good happened. but to run and the leadership of the supreme leader of harmony has long avoided this because he knows that, you know, in this war it would likely be destroyed. uh, you know, not much of much of this side. they the allies of it on and what is called access of resistance will have to pay very high price, then it'd be destroyed. then everyone has tried to avoid this swap for a very long time. okay. but it seems that is right, is not pushing it very hard and perhaps trying to take, you know, put perhaps in the water and gauze as is reaching some sort of a stop. they're trying to take it to the, to the front of this might also have to do with the political fortunes of been you . i mean, it's, it's an you all prime minister is by responses of pressed by his domestic populace and by united states. so we are in a very uh, adventurous situation you've been to, as i said, my prediction is that initially, you know, the, there might be
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a limited escalation, but it's the certainly a very tough time and very concerning time in israel and in the region. thank you. so much for talking us through last time at least experts are as easy. thank you. let's go to sammy cell call in jerusalem. he's also following the story. i'm talk us through reactions that somebody when of course the there is no official and the reaction here and no one has taken the responsibility for the air strike in the must guess about the commentators here. a hint thing that the is, are and is, is behind this a, this attack and the former into the general retired january. i was commenting and saying that the he's the 1st and that is finally
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paying the price at $4.00 in the range in a proxy war that is waged against israel. and so, and what, how much reserves, how the, he's a considered to be the person that has be in charge of supplying it has about low with arms. and therefore he was considered to be here a, a legitimate, the target bias. okay, stay with us. i placed this, i'm going to come back and talk to you about that is rise withdrawal from our chief, a hospital in casa in. that's in just a moment because israel some other she has indeed withdrawal and its troops from causes. i'll see if a hospital st. was it's set to week, right, was one of the most successful operations in his war against time us. it says it has killed scores of how much fights is and is also gap and weapons and intelligence. buildings throughout the medical complex have been completely destroyed. this is our she for hospital,
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the largest medical facility in gaza after a 2 week range. by the way, the army, it is an hour, shall have its full themselves situated to the devastated neighborhood strewn visit level. the destruction is far and wide and the chief compound, as you can see. and there been many casualties. now we will move this to kind of where did smells cheaper to the baptist hospital, which is the only one in the gaza strip and still providing services to patients in the video probation described by as well as one of the most successful of the 96 month war is now or the end, the troops have withdrawn. these vial, defense sources, say around $200.00 militants accounts during the ride and the 2 seized over $3000000.00 in cash. market intelligence, documents, and weapons who have asked and medical staff deny the policy and insight does have any um, presence in hospitals is really, i mean,
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those sides. the raid was carried out while preventing home to civilians, patients and medical staff. however, the wells, health organizations, director general disputes this claim has post on x. formative twitter paints diag picture. he says 21. patients died during the siege and more than 100 was still lacking vital medical cat. and while the troops may now have pulled out about see for what they've left behind, is a community in shop i to, to on a sunday cell call in jerusalem sunday. what are you hearing about the aftermath of a set to week write that al schafer, that there was no doubt the gods and as civilian population, again, these are paying the price for this war. this is
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a wages in between. and these are in the military and the hum us a minute then you know, in, in his room the praising is this, the operation. they're saying that the not only have the confidence skated arms made the mass arrest, but also have they laid their hands on the intelligence as this place was used for a combined and, and so forth. but i think that if you look and it also listen to the eye witnesses on the ground, you realize that it, what is your and has been waging in this hospital? is it goes beyond eh, going asked the eh, wanted man, uh, but also an attempt to actually destroy the hospital drug. because we've seen that
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the hospital building itself. it was a being set on fire. and the being woods that have been destroyed. so this is going to be a major bro to the medical infrastructure in the gaza strip. okay. and the, what about visa protests calling for the resignation of the prime minister and for new elections? and why are people doing this? why did i think that bit better off without benjamin netanyahu as well? those who are out in the streets today and yesterday, and the day before, you can say that this is the same, a group and within these early society that the opposed to lift the honey out from before the more and the kind of a suspended is there a protest movement at once is ran and was caught on the 7th of
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october. but after half a year at the anger in this public has been the mounting for various reasons. first of all, the the way is what it has been managing of the situation and a not very successfully. the fact that you have the hostages that are still being ahead inside the gaza strip. and the fact that it has not been able to bring on board the adult dogs to the is rarely a military. and is the government is and not enjoying a popularity and now is not to enjoy of velocity with the way he's dealing with this crisis. and what has brought about the major development and his protest movement is the fact that most of the families over the hostages,
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they've decided not to be quiet anymore in the sense that i'm paying a few days ago. they did not go against that. then yahoo! but rather they, they call them the release of their loved ones. now they're saying that they want nathaniel to be removed. they're saying that nathan, yahoo is the obstacle. they're saying that and that the new with him says is not interested in releasing the hostages. then nothing else is just uh, he just wants to prolong the war and the families are very upset. okay. they hear that there, there is a possibility for reaching an agreement with him off a for a, the release of the prisoners and hostages. but it is actually natania who together
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with another a for right at 2 for right administers that are, is very much opposing this kind of a deal. and that is why they are now eh, campaigning against them directly. okay, thank you for that summit. gotcha. and this time you soco and joseph will take a look at some of those, making that headlines around the world will soften russia. why must goes denying a news media before that is behind the mysterious circles have found a syndrome that said us diplomats in recent years and 2016 us officials in the cuban capital fest reported to coming soon after hearing passing sam's ears intelligence agencies said last year that it was very unlikely that a foreign power was behind bill. this. the quote in russia has, again extended the pre trial detention offered us the russian generalist. and also co, my shave. i shall not be behind vows until june. the august,
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the list of the us funded right here for your face is up to 15 years in prison for imagining reaching a country's new military censorship roles. so i did talk to our president the other i'm and he's conservative. a k party have stuff with a major blow in local elections. so he's main opposition. part of the secular c h p, claim victory in case that is including a stumble and the capital. entre i sent a cold, a set back, a loss of all the to it and said he's party would analyze the message. people was sending out the vote sassy as a bell by the off support for the president. after 20 years in pop position supporters is done booth or painting the town read, celebrating the main opposition, c h. b, 's, spectacular victories in local elections across dokie. the secular party
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sees it as a sign that it still stands, a jones, the national level against the ruling, a cape archy. these election results have been response to the a k t regimes repression to what they've done to the economy. and the social structure of this contract, and that's why i'm very happy now for my country where we live very disillusioned of the last 2 years to know where the electrons. but now being here celebrating with people being able to tear. we really miss these kind of feelings. we are very happy and so is the mind of the hour. is done by mayor efram and my model. this is his 2nd victory in doki is mega city. a my model has achieve superstar status, the case politics. put him on the bottom nation of our many see him as president of the ones. chief arrival is stumbling
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blocks of the nation itself gives the order and the instructions to not just one person. the, the officials receive instructions from the nation that to the period of one man rule is over. as of today it is done causes the republic and democracy can go full speed ahead from now on time to set a jack, who's the developed mom. the was defeat for or the one and his indicate body in more than 2 decades in power. i just thought the president had thrown everything at winning is done by duck these the can all make and politically powerhouse. he conceded the loss at his body's headquarters and, and got all this done, but it was wet or the one launched his political courier as me or 2 years ago. know, many sees potentially challenger following in his footsteps. and it's rough ground
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this down where schools to vote for new academic year, but only for boys as girls are still banned from secondary education. old and 2 and a half years have not pass since girls older than 12 of band. following the rise of the tyler bon lawmakers of repeatedly promised that goes would be admitted, but the bottom remains in place with no explanation. another academic year gets under wayne cost city in afghanistan, se, but physically having a mission among the students who make their way to school goals. once again, i'm not allowed. and since 2021 teenage girls and women have been banned from secondary schools and universities making afghanistan and the only country what goals education has been outlawed off to elementary school. many of the boys here in this classroom would also like to see this little reversed the name of the channel. we hope that the islamic emerick of afghanistan officials will open the
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school for the girls beyond grade 60, now they've done a lot of, we hope that ministers opened the doors to our sisters. the the, we ended that alaska. any news that please allow me to kind of see if it goes to should be given the rights and is let me close because i'll do that. they should be allowed to add the huge up to school. ok. yeah, yeah. they should have advice because if assist is educated right that she can educate the rest of her family. we have 2nd dose above that. so we hope see, education minister will re open the schools that goes on june of that for the who asks, in response, online educational tools for goals have surface to fit well taken tv. a power space production company has looked to help by broad costing televised lessons and talks to screenings across afghanistan. is that the channel mainly provide educational
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programs all day long. we'll be showing educational video modules based on the outcomes school curriculum, from the 5th grade to the final year. we put everything on video into languages who me on video. so doing all some thoughts, not everybody is able or allowed to access shows like these. a tele dental socrates have insisted that working on establishing a system that would allow goes to re attend schools under islamic low spots that gets to the liver. so millions of goes across afghanistan, turning to classes like this one remains the ultimate goal. here in germany, a new law partially legalizing cannabis has come into effect at midnight. hundreds gathered in central buttons to celebrate under the legislation on the over eighteens cannot possess up to 25 grounds in public for personal use and cultivate up to 3 plants at home. the legislation does have its critics who point to health
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and law and order concerns. just conservancy of opposition says they will be vote below if they get into power. let's take a closer look at this with band of as a, who's co founder of a center for drug research at good institute, excuse me, go to university in frankfort, which has been tracking the legalize ation process. a welcome to the w a. so 1st of all, what do you make of these that changes in the law as well? um, as i think it's really a big step for the german drug policy, and not only do i'm a drug policy because it's the biggest step that had been taken in and throughout europe in the last decades. so that you're, the people who use kind of is not only decriminalized, but they can really legalize put this up to 25 grams of candidates. and i think that's really a big step forward. millions of people who use this drug and don't how other people,
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right. i, i take it from, from use. you see that's being a big step on the positive step. yeah, yeah. i, i see it's completely positive. uh, the only thing is that, um, the procurement of the drug is not really a secure because you're only allowed to have a 3 plans at home and you are allowed to get rid of the members of the cloud, which is highly over regulated uh to have the to put it like this. um, but in any case uh, the black market will lose a lot of its customers because of the many people they have, but up to 10 percent of german citizens who had said they, they were considering to grow cannabis themselves. so critics argue that making kind of a legally available means more people will consume it. what does your research tell
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us at? well, experiences from other countries such as canada or some us uh, states um show that um where they have been increases in the usually typically has been mostly in older age groups and not among young people where a conservative people are of a very much concerned. concerned because it's more risky to use cannabis for young people. and so i think it's, it's no problem. if some older people, a part partially should switch from alcohol to cannabis because of alcohol is in many respects more harmful than cannabis. i'm one of the criticisms is often just while we're talking about younger people is often that kind of based grown these days is quite straight. it's very strong. at least people at risk of psychosis. what does your research indicates as well? um yes uh uh there is uh a risk with the,
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the most of the cannabis with which is not no, no on the black market which contains high the percentages of th c and low percentages of cbd. the 2nd most important ingredient of cannabis and but now um, when you can grow it at home and many people uh, plan to grow it. uh, also outdoors not, not only using doors and has so they can choose from the varieties of cannabis that are not as harmful. regarding psycho is this as it is now on the black market. all right, thank you so much for joining spent as a, from the sunset for drug research. you're welcome bye to set you up today. so i'll have the world news at the top of the hour of next on the w ox unveiled takes a look at life and then remains a hotspots espionage store. to have a good day, the
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agents worked on every corner or to the present day was actually about to be an arch began. indeed, here we are in the capital of spies on val next on d. w. welcome to a place that gives a lot of things right. copenhagen's bustling bicycle friendly city is known for his
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design and architecture. the data is capital might give us a glimpse of the urban future. copenhagen hits green, sustainable in 45 minutes on d. w. the fast fashion as an environmental nightmare. a closing graveyard image of land desert. this is where things wealthy industrial nations no longer need and the lightest textile waste gets stranded here. all about the final stuff in
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the global fashion industry. fast fashion. watch now on youtube, the bowl in the capital, it's fine, but fictitious. freehill, we were told to be careful. look around. if we would ever, because we had it all from the cold war to today, many spice stories began and ended here. i'm so i want to flush my passport down the train toilet. we never felt like james bond root feelings, fine hot spots past and present till only a small part of the truth the contract. the city holds even more of the truth told in count.


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