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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 1, 2024 10:00pm-10:30pm CEST

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the, the, this is the, the, the news life from that suspect it is very asked, right? the stores, iran comes to the building in damascus. officials in syria concerning the feed backs and injuries around the revolution. we got several offices and general center bung with that. also on the program is ready for 6 withdrawal from cost as i was chief, a hospital leaving behind the scenes of devastation, israel hales, the 2 week operation as the success of its fines against thomas, kentucky's president, massive type of divine stuff as a political blow, as his wife was make seems games in local elections. it's the opposition c h piece biggest victory since the other one came to power more than 20 years ago. the
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answer, okay, welcome to the program. we started and serial where official site is ready to strike us, destroyed iran's culture. the buildings in damascus is really ministry hasn't commented on the attack. the israel has been increasing its operations against iran linked forces in serious asencion october 2nd tenant attacks. serious defense minister says people have been killed and injured in the strike around this revolutionary gods as one of its senior commanders mohammed rest as a head is. one is, is one of 2 generals and 5 officers killed a foreign ministers folks passing into on says it's considered its response and punishment for the attack. the middle east expert are ash as easy as from clemson university in the state of south carolina. he explained what's behind the attack,
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there's not much of a commission needed his route doesn't usually say yes we did it, but it's very clear that that, that is right. i did it, i, you know, all these right, the off that sort of forwarding it as such as well, i'm not, but as you run in and syrian outlets now is id was for a long time on the key list of his riley is. he is a very important are, do you see general that is a general of this militia? as long as drivel. is there a gosh corpse that the most parts and force any ron and runs the runs policy in the region? i would say perhaps this is one of the most high profile i always use the come on there is that they have a fascinated head event and long time, yes, therapy, united usually with decades in viewing the 8th is the fault and the word against iraq. he was at some point the deputy head of the i r g c. he was the head of air force for a brief period. he was the head of his ground force. i mean the use recent years. he was the head of all jesus operations in the 11th regent. that's in c uh, 11 on. so there's no surprise that he wasn't the is riley heats and target this
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afford a very long time. but what mix up the attack of this sort of important to even more important and dangerous, is the fact the debate was carried out in a, in a building right next to the, on an embassy effectively. iranian consummate was the a muscle direct, but it was actually in his office according to himself, and when the, when the attack occurred. so it's 2nd, the escalade 3 and the then use a strike by his ro. okay, let's talk about this, this notion of escalation, which people have been trying to, i've been hoping will not happen. what do you anticipate iran? his next move will be it's it's a, it's a tough question. if you ask me the most, the most likely outcome is that iran, it will not have an immediate response. i say the most likely response, but i don't mean like 80 percent, you know, because it's really hard to predict what's uh,
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iran is on lucky to be able to do much immediately and you need to respond to a demo. of course, they've promised a promise to talk response, but usually even they promised a tough response. then you know, they states will be a bit of a time or place of our choosing. but of course, in the broader picture here, there is this rose a beautiful bar and goes up. but there's also a northern front. that is, is riley border with 11 on. is there today actually also he thought 11 on as it has in the past few months, but we haven't had a real conflict there. 4 is sort of expanded conflict between israel and hezbollah . this village i live in on that, of course, is supported by iran. and this is what, what many are worried about that we're putting of a new front there and then could be a bit to live in on and to northern israel. and that's something that we might find ourselves in that they the fact of the matter is that this level republic in government finds itself unable to the terriers row because it is our last
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a few months ago. q, then other i are just the leading. come on there and see i have killed others and you know you're on is, is, has a very limited options of whether you can do i have to respond. well, just let me just interrupt that and talk us through those limited options. because what we see a loss off is around giving yourself 70 plausible deniability said, funding based militias in the region. i'm allowing them to offer a set of plans. why won't say it's attacked? israel will respond directly because of this attack. what is staying it time? as well, these are as no sales rep. and so one thing, i mean not that is or will even need to lose the nuclear weapons. but um, you know, as role is, is a power has the power for mandatory any run doesn't want to get involved directly in a war that, you know, prove the really costly to iran, but actually not even forget direct even has the law hasn't really entered the war,
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you know, in the past few months since october, as well as and read in territory that has been warranted in up the several people been a dozens of people actually have been killed on the northern front. but, but, you know, here's the luck. would be raining mis 5 on israel, um, you know, they did, it did in 2006 and there was an actual war between hezbollah and israel. and the reason iran is reluctant to enter is but lines that board again is that as block would be destroyed, especially when israel funds itself and the current condition. so that's what really limits the options. now of course, what you know, what could happen? you know, you're on the, you know, has close ties and effectively controlled. many movie shows in the region there that will be using m under iraq and she, a militia there, munitions that are as patient, celia and territory there. the serial government itself, there are a degree that is not controlled by your own, but has close ties, but it's, and there's has the line level. so if all the sports has one or 2 going to action,
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hey, you know, against this route, it's good happened. but to ron and the leadership of the supreme leader accommodate has long avoided this because it knows that you know, in this war it would likely be destroyed. you don't want much of much of this side, the, the allies of your running what is called excess of resistance will have to pay very high price, then it'd be destroyed. then everyone has tried to avoid this. well, for a very long time. okay. but it seems that these prices are pushing very hard and perhaps trying to take, perhaps in the water and gauze as is reaching some sort of a stop. they're trying to take it to the uh, to the front end. this might also have to do with the political fortunes of venue. i mean that's, that's and you, all prime minister is ivy's funds is up pressed by his domestic populace. i'm by united states. so we are in a very uh, adventurous situation you've been to, as i said, my prediction is that initially, you know, the, there might be a limited escalation. but uh, it's certainly
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a very tough time and very concerning time in israel and in the region. thank you. so much for talking us through last time it least expert are as easy. thank you. meanwhile, the israel is met a chance withdrawn from gauze as i'll see for hospitalization. it's 2 week operation was one of the most successful. it is for games time, ice and gaza. there's really defensive office as it kills schools that promised fighters on campus weapons and intelligence. buildings throughout the medical complex have been completely destroyed. this is our she for hospital, the largest medical facility in gaza after a 2 week range by the is ready to ami. it is now a shell of its full themselves, situated in a devastated neighborhood. strewn with level. as with the amount of good destruction is far and wide and the sheep a compound, as you can see, and they have been many casualties. now we will move this to kind of waited from el cheapo to the baptist hospital,
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which is the only one in the gaza strip and still providing services a patients video, probation described by as well as one of the most successful infinity 6 months. war is now or the end. the troops has withdrawn. these vial, defense forces, say around $200.00 militants, for kids during the ride. and the 2 seized over $3000000.00 in cash. market intelligence, documents, and weapons who have asked and medical staff denied the policy. and insight does have any um, presence in hospitals is really i mean those sides, the ready to is carried out while preventing hom, to civilians, patients and medical staff. however, the world helps organizations direct to the general disputes. this claim has post on x, formerly to it's a paint. so dia picture. he says 21. patients died during the siege and more than 100 was still lacking vital medical cat involved. the troops might now have pulled
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out about seaford, what lived left behind is a community in shop that's doing this to somebody suckle in jerusalem, what he had about the aftermath of that, right? that there was no doubt the guys and as civilian population. again, these are paying the price for this war, this is a wages in between. and these are the military and the how much a minute then you know, in, in his room the praising is this, the operation. they're saying that the not only have the confidence skated arms made the mass arrest, but also have a laid their hands on the intelligence as this place was used
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for a combined and, and so forth. but i think that the issue loop and also listen to the eye witnesses on the ground. you realize that it works is you and has been waging in this hospital is it goes beyond eh, going asked eh, wanted man, uh, but also in attempt to actually destroy the hospital drug. because we've seen that the hospital building itself. it was a being set on fire and the being woods that have been destroyed. so this is going to be a major bro to the medical infrastructure in the gaza strip. which on this time we saw called in journalism of israel. so mo, protests of the weekend coating for the resignation of the prime minister benjamin netanyahu was facing pressure not just from the protests, but also from a longstanding political fight of the conscription for israel's ultra orthodox
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jewish minority. the setup and furious is ready, at least taking part in the biggest anti government demonstration since the october 7th. the terrorist attacks demanding that benjamin netanyahu quit, and for an immediate deal to get, is really hostages. back. it's the one with the big off the election. now yeah, who has pushed back on the grounds of national security to a can you look up the goals for elections now during the war right before our victory would power lies. israel for at least half a year. it would power lies. the negotiation for the release of all hostages. it would end the war before it's subjective, sol completed. and the 1st one to benefit from this would be how most of the
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protests, not just over the war and hostages. over the weekend. military veterans tangled with ultra orthodox jewish men over their exemption from army service. netanyahu's government face is a monday deadline to come up with a plan to reform conscription with overwhelming public opinion in favor of forcing the ultra orthodox to serve. netanyahu relies on ultra orthodox parties to keep them in power. they've threatened to drop out if is coalition, if young ultra orthodox man lose their exemption. but if it continues to unlikely lose centrist members, either way, it smells trouble for the colors and government. the terminal inside his cabinet, reflecting the frustration outside were protesters say they'll take to the streets again and again. we'll take a look at, excuse me, add some old stories, making news around the world that or uh, benjamin netanyahu,
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who said that he's moving to stop could tardy news on. but i'll just say are from operating in israel. assassin of the countries parliament, past law, allowing the government to bind the broadcast, the end of a farming channels. it's a net and yahoo accuses i will just say participating in the october 7 aahama tara attacks and undermining israel. security russian cause has the gain extended the pre trial detention of us, russian john list also coma shave. i shall not be behind boston until june of the earliest the john list of the us funded radio for your face up to 15 years in prison. are allegedly preaching a rush, this new military censorship loss. 5 people have been killed by folding trees in 3 separate incidents in southern poland as after strong winds brought to the region following the days of an usually wherever. the actual weather agency has issued storm warnings for the air, such as mine opposition has delta blow to a present inventive type of one on whose conservative
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a k policy. though most of the votes counted after local elections, the opposition center left c h p. not only defended or claimed to major cities, but also have expanded into areas previously thought to be run strong calls. election observer say it's v i a piece was f election defeats after building 20 years in pap revolution at the ballot box read space headline searches in turkey were cop in a very different political landscape of to president edwin's a k policy summit on presidents had losses in local elections, he had thrown everything at winning east on bull taxis, economic and political powerhouse. but he didn't succeed. and the policy even lost ground in areas they had considered strong holds homeless. and if i voted for the current government to 15 years, i didn't buy them yesterday. obviously the economic conditions and the promises
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that weren't kept and this 70 percent annual inflation rate, and the devaluation of the lira his hip 1st as well as hod eroding support for the ruling a k policy. the set us c h p, which claims big victories, sees the result is a sign that it can still succeed at the national level. it suddenly a warring sign to add one. you called at a turning point, so he's policy. i think it's a serious message because the turkey has an electrical, a 3rd time machine, an ad once the candidates already had the advantages of participant playing fields and yet base the last but the touch. additionally, that still has full use into the next presidential election to change the tide. and the policy still has both the parliamentary majority and the loyal version of bass working in its favor. told me, i was devastated and very upset that the results weren't in our favor. for 20 years
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there was abundant. everything was perfect. there. we got over pandemic on there was an earthquake and 11 provinces were destroyed all at once. wasn't everything put back together to put it back together? the person who governs us to didn't he? so now everyone's popularity may be bruised, but it's certainly not basin last uh, correspond to dory and jones. and it's doubtful whether these results are being seen, a support for c h p policies or votes against presidents out of runs a k p. well, i guess is a combination of both, but it has to be said, the main factor, it seems behind the ones major electrostatic back is the economy. i mean, we're talking about inflation of around 70 percent here in the sample is believe to be an excess of a 100 percent. and you have 50 percent interest rates. so that i see that these were major factors in he's, he's the feats in many places. also the fact that he didn't introduce
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a major hiking pensions, which was widely expected, the, just the, for the polls also was a major setback for one. and i think that to also affective it's, it does appear as so many people a node wants to pull just didn't turn out to vote, there does appear to be no dropping, turn out to many key areas of one stronghold. but having said that, the, the magnitude of the success a given the, that the opposition have the school major victories in place that they've never succeeded before. by wipe knowledge is taught to indicate that it was also a move towards the c. h. be a success by this age, be the main site collab policy to be accessible to these photos. and i think that that was also a key factor in the success. one of the big windows of this election, it's a matter of a stumble across from a mama lu. i'm a, this must be a particularly painful for the president. low. absolutely. as one did everything to get back. he stumbled. the human is very personal, is where he started his electro curious,
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where he grew up and he put all these resources integrated, assembled by then the last week of the campaigning. there was 17 ministers campaigning and assembled to turn the tide and they all fail. so it seems a major humiliation for ode one and a major victory for the other men, a crumb and my mono. this is a man who's now defeated out $13.00 times. and that has bonuses reputation as a man who ultimately can win the presidency. and i think that is successful, further, give him a mental and is expected the he will, why the child for the presidency in the next selection. and this result is being a major boost of them. so. okay, let's let, let's follow about national about national dealt with them because remembering that these were local elections, tell us more about what possible changes they might indicate for the national political landscape. well, you have to understand is that these may of ships of municipalities do give a lot of pals who is every hidden power. if they allows them to points thousands of
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jobs, they distribute income, they all a major opportunity to present alternative way of living. and i think the fact that the success of the you may know all positions h b, not only in the major cities, but also in the provincial cities across tuck you places, cities say i've never one before have now but are under the leadership. and that gives them an opportunity going forward as a spring bolt into the next section. if they can deliver the services if they can reach out to all photos. that is a major challenge facing if they do that, then they become a potent challenge to of one of these a k particular front down in dw don and jones in a stumble or does it say which is still trying to install the transitional presidential council limit of tax by the guns in the capital port of products. the guns main responsibility will be to select a new leader after prime minister auto owner. and he said he would resign. he's currently being blocked from returning to the country after his in kenya, to sign an agreement that would bring in canyon police officers to offer security
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support. but that daily is proving a hot so you have to move on to the city when you, when the gunfire and just civilians, dad and sister down to the house. okay. but i used to watch the open air garage for the survivors. there's nothing left, but i'm not a bad one movie. another one, just everything has been front down by living in such a bad time. this is not like the young people who have i'm just actually cannot leave here. these are the be i've you've up from 12000 roughly moments as a way. thank you for 10 as president to says and might have another solution for patients or at the beginning of march to inc, a deal that would be a 1000 can and putting strongly so central to lead multinational. and the key to support the importance, significance and agency of this mission cannot be
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overstated. is mission for humanity is our mission in solely deputy, with our brothers and sisters in hate. constitutionally the president's offer to send canyon boots so far from what has been met with hush for this one which predicts accusing him of using contained as a cash. rab america has committed to a $100000000.00, but finances arrangement of security. and that is to georgia, was somebody says kenya is have no business and hate to like getting the whole arrangement to something more sinister from us. it could be perspective, we're going there as much, and that is because now you're talking about being given equipment. you're thinking about being paid. you're thinking about being trained. so basically, this is what happens to my, somebody's, i think, very seasonal that i can now has a history of sending its police officer as a broad including to lay celia and yugoslavia with the money. whoever says this and
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insurance is different for one reason. right now we're going to a country that does not allow me to talk about lift the hate to people themselves, has to themselves. so you cannot take what people don't really trust themselves and helping themselves is accepting that they have a problem. they sit down around a table, have a political solution, agree to this, um and then now we've been sending a mission to go on supporting the official support of this deal. save the can you, as part of a global community, has the responsibility to support our allies and up sending police offices, training institutions such as these low so hate see, will signal can you as a reliable partner? however, beyond the diplomacy question, there's also a legal one but couldn't pull to the general missions to have you seen as a violation of the not of the government in
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a recent article can use for my chief justice william with whom go a to use the country's government, the us and the un security council of luring the offices to a death trap in defiance of the quotes. according to him with whom to these institutions are guilty of of a throwing the condemned constitution to reimburse us. now the full time balance is change of domestic and interest. in the absence of a solution, violence remains the only constant here in germany, a new law possibly legalizing cannabis has come into effect midnight last night, so hundreds gather in central government to celebrate. the legislation means overnight, teams cannot possess up to 25 grams in public for personal use and cultivate up to 3 plants at home. but the legislation has its critics in point to health and law and order concerns. misconceptions opposition says it will be from the law if it gets into power. we smokers in germany are lighting up legally for the 1st time
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from april. first, many are celebrating kenzie, you know the pictures when carol's out loud out to pester for the 1st time after winter. they jump with joy and of course that will be us at the beginning of april . but the new cannabis measures are only a partial legalization. so what do they mean exactly? adults over 18 in germany are now allowed to carry up to 25 grams of cannabis on them. they can smoke weed in public, but not within 100 meters of schools, sports facilities, or playgrounds. people can also grow up to 3 plants at home and store up to 50 grams of cannabis for personal use. for now, there won't be any shop selling it directly to customers. the only way to buy we legally will be through a so called kind of a social club membership, but only from july 1st sorts itself and social clubs can have up to $500.00 members . and they all actively participate in the kind of bas production for each
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individual member. and then the club can grow up to the suite plans and conducts produce the members monthly supply, which is a maximum of 50 grams. and then give it to then the unit on side in berlin. people hope of that new law will reduce the legal market for the drug to make an assertion is a good idea and all because it decreases the black markets, which is essentially the problem because people are buying stuff and they don't know what's in it. it's better to regulate, regulate as the whole whole process then just have a huge black margin. well, many in germany are celebrating, some have raise concerns about the legalize ation. well, police union say it will be hard to enforce regulations checks and penalties. doctors are worried that the new law sends the wrong message and plays down the dangers of cannabis use and the diction. just undermining that top story based out, syria is by me, israel, for an as drug that destroyed around the country that building in damascus,
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resulting in tests and instruments that runs revolution regardless to generals and 5 of its officers were among. but that if any military housing commented disturbance, i'll be back to take you through the day today looking at to israel. the attack on the causes i'll see for hospitals and reading the rooms of either disastrous local election night the to is present of that's next here on the data, the
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of the refugee to man. is that possible or dangerous? he started from scratch in a new language and had to face the down. can you do it? does he understand? values out to find any the locals interest in simeon ryanne hargrove in 45 minutes on d, w, the
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dw. sure. on fix all the info. every day, the world wide web for free all the world, we can take the different w call in the world and also your info is in all the input w story. now on to the old friends mean friends. can nature defend itself in case of an emergency? we cannot guarantee that we could protect meaning frankfurt. berlin can't do it. faced with russia's war against you. will grace's military alliance spaces, new threats? would it really close ranks? if it were a top european security basically depends to 90 percent from the us out
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to the hotel commentary stance. april 4th on dw, the. this is why the policies have not withdrawn from guys is how safe a hospital listed insight. it's been completely destroyed. israel says it's 2 weeks operation was successful in these 5 to games. thomas. meanwhile, prime minister benjamin netanyahu has dismissed calls from tens of thousands of protesters for him to resign, a retirement of the war against time us, and of the hostage negotiations. h as early elections would only benefit how mass i'm feel go and this is the day the.


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