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tv   HER - Women in Asia  Deutsche Welle  April 2, 2024 1:15am-1:30am CEST

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acted and if the legal ization of cannabis reduces drug related crime, and that brings you up to date on all the world news optics. we look at the importance of traditions in women's lives on been visible and cx down the votes. people have to say the, let's why we listen to this story. the ritual. every weekend on d w. my name is the calls back. say, thank you so much for joining in. welcome to don't hold bad. a lot of people do that. it's all about saying it aloud. next, would it be nosy bay, like good,
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everyone to king, to check out the award winning called com. no, hold back. the thoughts means something for me to continuously explore. choosing offended, the new name is a return to my filipino route. and andrew from now on change my name to be so call me at the
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the, the for me right at the beginning it was a lot about my one question about understanding what i don't like to it is about also because that comes from, you know, punjabi, i know being really go to their like different kinds of thoughts and sometimes they don't even meet but as i have grown up, i think dodge leave his name for me to explore dollars or as a country as a civilization. and my name is smith harvey. i'm 35 years old and i was born and brought up in delhi. i live in san diego where i work at the intersection of odd, probably 2 headed bids and digital technology. the, i think my professional walk is what about exploring? i was one of our bustle. cs but also all the routes as
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a country distribution. 50 have the i just was 5 years. so i was really uncomfortable and the man was getting i just hit my body. just hit. yeah. i just felt the woman being a girl and was trapped in the wrong body shop. a man jack bracket that everyone in thailand didn't know me as an check of home. that is my real name and my full name, which i never changed even though i transform myself the time the trans women, squeeze the sea off to hand global media, propagate maintenance, highland martha and the tv horse escrow,
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and the celebrity myself. actress tv named her investor, and i'm also the father of my own charity. grew up in a very small rental. vito shop in one of the fresh market of thailand. remote area. bangkok i tried to dress on. i love walking, smelling, eating, like a woman. every breath that i take, i just put enough to become one. and the people just leave me a lot. like you, i am gay. queer did not understand the
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difference of beans. you have a lot of indigenous communities and it's very common to have that christian name and an indigenous name. lauren, where you used to be the 1st member's name, but i also have a chosen name. it's due on my la. it means free spirits and filipino if you like, it's a part of my process of the color and you see one. choosing of filipino name is a return to my filipino route. i am a co maker creative and i love to cook and i love the guns. i had a teacher, he was a very opposed to how positive and looked at everything. i'm very good. so even at that age, i already had this concept of life. just because it's for in doesn't mean it's
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better. the gone to almost or philippine provinces. my life was happy about try those. it's called 3 d aligned to be working with indigenous communities, learn new from them. but i would always return to many law industry the because i felt harassed by mountains each grab at the age of 12 years old. i never told me just to do so. so what is the no, no,
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to overcome on the police. i have to be damn good in front of them. so i have to be shop. i have to be smart. that's it. so no matter what, nothing can stop me. that these at this when it was at the age i'm 56 years old. i just right now from the family business and they set up my own then when it becomes accessible, they're kind of have to really want to yourself. and everyone will say, go for it. i'm happy for you. the how i lived was really fast. not sleeping, also not. and thing was this to world to was really
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pulling at me. i held the values of indigenous peoples as an ideal, but it was really difficult to embody and live those principles in my own life. when i got sick with govig, i would lose some graph just taking 5 steps. i had a problem remembering things i thought i was just going to recover here in laguna for awhile. and then when i got better, the thought of going back to manila, i just felt like that was a very constricting weight. for the 1st time in my life, i felt called to stay in place. there were still projects that were calling me to try the to shoot. i decline at 1st out of to year and then are the choice,
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the people it only would seem museums and voiding that. i mean, we have the people who make that to them and they saw that they had a big slab sometime late, 2015. it started more as a school intervention and taking museums into classrooms. but it had also transformed into a digital platform, which was the invention we call it a lab. so it means you engage with got some collections and do a creative things with them to make them relevant for you to be anything that itself value even got to. and for me that value comes from the
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ac, like uh, the lauren ios race to be is really got to lake always doing what is expected of us more or less? definitely less than yours or take more actually more free this to people that are still working together and order it. and you are coming to a bible as healthy and aligned with ourselves. a, a the beginning of the year. 2018. i stop if you have to how much
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of this month later i went into surgery out of my cry out at that time it just it was totally totally the whole new world to me is my new one the i just mentioned my voice and my tires full name stu the amount and because i just would love to keep my phone identity when people ask me human
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as i know and times women just don't want to hide from anyone. i'm trying this woman and the women of these toys of non do something, because it's not traditionally vate for them or that because they're the women, they should be doing this. like looking at women in history. the mean can know that it's just not to be sure because stories of these didn't says the cost of defense names, different boundaries to do something that they only wanted to do broken the survival. so fact i i'll them in young women to be sure to know that they
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come from a country where women have always made good choices. understanding these women from history would give younger women to be a very inspiring guy in the star tribune. the welcome to a place that gives a lot things right. copenhagen's bustling bicycle friendly city is known for his
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design. in architecture. the data is capital might give us a glimpse of the urban future. copenhagen hits, green, sustainable next on d w. respects its own about a walk in waves and texting nature. that's right, sandra, respecting nature, studying aids, i think it's about being up to date with current ideas, technologies. i'm trying to e co way of life, the environment magazine, the co op in 16 minutes on d. w. get ready for an exciting, auburn toyota look surprised. hi, i wish up. and i'm ready to dive into the hands of gentlemen to you. have you have
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a window porch here? we've got to the spot on the i'm expected side to side the skiing with a difference. there's no snow but that doesn't matter. here you can hit the slopes all year round. copeland hill as it's called, is located in the danish capital. the artificial sky facility was built in 2017 on top of a waste incineration plant. there are lift to take ski fans to the start of the 100 meter high piece, which stretches over.


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