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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 2, 2024 5:00am-5:15am CEST

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the, the, this is the, that we, you use my from building a suspect. it is way the strength destroys a runs concert into a mask. is officials in syria can fun, they've been deaths and injuries runs. revolution regards says, a top general is among the day is last time it is the thing human at yahoo says he's moving through shuts down al jazeera and the as well of the palm and passes. and you know, it allows institute temporarily band foreign broad concepts and high times as you kind of as little as come into effect in germany. marijuana smokers celebrates. we look at what the possible legislation means and who's against it. the
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i've been visible and welcome syria and officials say and is why the strike is destroyed or runs conseula building in damascus runs revolutionary. god says one of the senior commanders was killed along with several offices of farm industries. folks posted into a bond says it is considering its response and punishment for the attack. this is what's left of the rain in conceal it in damascus. officials say, and these railey strikes on the building code, several people, including members of the runs is lumnick revolutionary. god of the well deed which strongly condemned this criminal act carried out by the zionist enemy, which led to the death of some innocent citizens who are passing by the streets and
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you almost. so again, we emphasize out position, besides brothers in the arabian embassy, and the as why mac republican be around. and we can assure that syria and the atlantic republic don't forget the enemy's sort of yeah, what did you want to go to? some of the last one, the other among the dead is brigadier general mohammed res. as a haiti he was a top command in the elite codes for us, the for an operations of these. why mac revolutionary god? these riley nutri hasn't commented on the attack there. israel has been increasing its operations against iran linked forces in syria since the october 7th. how much terror attacks iran says it reserves the right to retaliate stuff we told you before the zionist entity knows very well that such crimes and any kind of crimes will not remain without respond as rescues kind through the rubble for survivors or
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body use concerns over a rapid escalation of violence in the region arising ross as easy as the middle east expos at claims and university in the us. i asked him whether it's surprising that is why i would attack in a rainy and diplomatic side in syria. this is not so much surprising, but it is an act of um, you know, in somebody that is unprecedented is right, is really all being the anti, it has changed the usual rules of engagement. this thing is right. let me run, have been in something of a shadow barn off for a very long time, asked for more than a decade. but part of the rules was that, you know, you don't do actions like this doesn't mean attacking a you, ronnie, and constituted, which is considered internationally your own. and territory is it's almost unprecedented. all laser has also, of course, done many operations on your audience story. but also it killed a big brother, hired i came on our gc official design id was very important in many ways in charge
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of, of the operations of the i r g c in the syria and lebanon. but it's not entirely unprecedented . as in the last few months is right, and i've also sort of queued other officials that are not quite at this level, but not so far from it either. but at any rate it's definitely a day done. just act of excavation if it was used well, what has it gained by telling this top command, or is there a has a program of cheating top i or do you see a picture of what it has gained is that it undermines the abilities of the eye or gc to support its allies in the regions that, you know, there are just these diminish of that on the go to the power of the iranian regime . it has a key role in supplying his belie 11 on and also the solve the see man forces at times, although really in this case is most visible on and other really shows the rocky munitions and the rest that operate on your, on, on
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a syrian territory. i know about what does that den also? i mean it's, it's, uh, it's clearly it's showing that if the are on is not able to respond to this, it shows that it's not through the doesn't have any to terrance the wrong. doesn't have any to terrace against this ro and from the initial responses, if you look at, if you look, i bought the 5 minutes serious thing and what the 5 ministers post 1st. and it's saying it might appear that iran will do some sort of retaliation. i think against us uh for somebody in the region that are tons of us for the region. they might do some sort of a retaliation. it kind of you to be a tech, perhaps one that would ultimately lead to us soldiers getting to that this isn't other rules of engagement. they run has usually tried to observe. but there are a lot of push on the wrong, of course, amongst the supporters of the receiving it wrong. and then mazda support is in the region for the higher ed, for a more directly to allegation against this road. and this is, this really puts us all in
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a adventurous situation and the chances of the broader conflict, which is something that you're on, has tried to avoid the not, the state has tried to avoid, you know, but by the end, it's something that many is, is right, we'd also like to avoid becomes the more real by the minute when was the act like this, at least expert irish as easy officials from as well. and the united states made virtually on monday over a planned ground defensive in rafa. and southern guns, that is why these agreed to consider us concerns about the huge number of civilian sheltering that in central gaza. palestinian media reporting that a suspect it is rarely yes, strikes, killed 5 employees of the age group won't. central kitchen victims of said to be from poland destroyed. yeah, and the u. k. a palestinian was also killed is where the military says it's investigating the incident. the al jazeera news network is close to being shut down and they as well. and you law has paved the way, which could also be
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a threat to other foreign media. and it is stuff in human netanyahu as accuse the category bro costa, of actively taking part in the homicide. october 7 terrorist attacks is ryan's volume in the connect that has cleared the v for the government to how does he to from broadcasting is right and to shut offices for at least $45.00 days. i back out many out the bill preventing a foreign, broad costs from humming state security was accepted in the 2nd and 3rd reading and will be entered into low peak on or let's say a friend who is right and has long headed rock you relationship with a to z, the uk using utah bias again is right. and the prime minister benjamin netanyahu labeled it a tennis channel in a to eat. and he accused it of harming is riley security. does the card that
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a court dangerous and ridiculous lie as the united states said it was concerned about is the right decision. i'll say we're just with, with respect to l to 0. obviously, we, you know, i think it's well known that we've not always agreed with all of alex's years coverage, but it's a new organization that we engage with. what we will continue to make clear is that we support the work that the free pressed us. think our top is news channel is one of the few international media outlets to remain in gaza after the october 7th data tax. some of itself and generally does have also been among the victims of the war. let's take a look at some of the other stories making news for you as president donald trump has posted a 175000000 dollar bond in his new york. simple for the case of voting, the seizure property. in february, a judge found him guilty of over valuing his wealth to get cheap and lawyers ease
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of feeling. the verdict, which includes a totally fine of 454000000 adults. mexico is the latest country to evacuated. citizens from haiti as violent continues to such gains, controlled about 80 percent of the capital. lawmakers have struggled to form a transitional council to select and usually the of the hades prime minister set down last month talk. he's may not position his delta blow to president, branch of tie a bad one, and his conservative a k. p bobby. the opposition sent a left c h, a not only defended or claimed to major cities, but also expanded into areas previously thought to be at one strongholds. election observe is say, it's the a key piece west election defeat of the mold in 2 decades about revolution at the ballot box read space headline searches in turkey, word copy in
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a very different political landscape of to president edwin's a k policy suffered on presidents had losses in local elections. he had thrown everything at winning east on bull taxis, economic and political powerhouse. but he didn't succeed. and the policy even lost ground in areas they had considered strongholds homeless. and if i voted for the current government to 15 years, i didn't buy them yesterday. obviously, the economic conditions and the premises, the one kept and the a 70 percent annual inflation rate. and the devaluation of the lira his hip 1st as well as hod eroding support for the ruling a k policy. the set us c h p, which claims big victories, sees the result is a sign that it can still succeed at the national level. it's certainly a warring sign to add one who called at a turning point for his policy. i think it's a serious message because
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a turkey has an electric motor time machine and ad once candidates already had the advantages of a tooth of playing fields and yet base the last but the touch. additionally, that still has full us into the next presidential election to change the tide. and the policy still has both the parliamentary majority and the loyal version of bass working in its favor. told me, i was devastated and very upset that the results weren't in our favor. for 20 years there was abundance. everything was perfect kit that we got over pandemic con. there was an earthquake and 11 provinces were destroyed all at once. wasn't everything put back together to put it back together? the person who governs us to didn't he? so now everyone's popularity may be bruised, but it's certainly not basin. is that corresponding dorian jones on whether
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the results are seen is support for c h b policies or vote against the a k b as well. i guess it's a combination of both, but it has to be said, the main factor, it seems behind the ones major and actual set back is the economy. i mean, i'm talking about inflation of around 70 percent here in the sample. it's believe to be an excess of a 100 percent, and you have 50 percent interest rates. so the thing that these were major factors in he's, he's the feats in many places. also the fact that he didn't introduce a major hiking pensions, which was widely expected, the just the full, the polls also was a major setback for one. and i think that to also affective it's, it does appear as so many people a node wants to pull just didn't turn out to vote. there does appear to be the dropping turn out in many key areas about one strong holes. but having said that, the, the magnitude of the success a given the, that the opposition have the school major victories in place that they've never succeeded before by flight mulch is taught to indicate that it was also
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a move towards the c h b. i'm a success by this h. b, the spring secular policy to be accessible to these photos. and i think that that was also a key factor in the success. germany has possibly legalized cannabis for recreational use. adults canal possess up to 25 grams in public and grow up to 3 plants at home . the decision is divided public opinion. critics point to health and regulation concerns. germany is conservative, opposition says it will provoke the law if it gets into balance. at of berlin, beer garden guests aren't worried about the new policy. so i need lots of people should decide for themselves so they will be well informed and can deal with in august we speak during like smelling and the others have the same problem. when people smoke tobacco and also i mentioned often, but there are rules to, for the partial legalization. for example, smoking around children is not allowed. but regulating these restrictions may prove
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complicated. you have one overdue. we don't want to regulate, know a gas and we rely on mutual respect. but i take here, the sage club has outdoor space for some, 2000 people, but management says cannabis is controversial in a, he's always talking to your regular customers. started tossing around a joint till the time that wouldn't be good thing i would use my right to be my, my goal is to hop on now adults can grow up to 3 marijuana plans, but they're still banned in community gardens. you choose to go for this simply because lawmakers have linked us permission to grow cannabis to the home to the place of residence. and this is generally not the case for a lot of them. gardens, anyone over 18 can now cause this up to 25 grams. of cannabis outside and 50 grams at home, beginning and july smokers will be able to legally buy weed from so called the cannabis clubs. and after 2 years, authorities will examine whether miners have been adequately protected. and if the
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legal ization of cannabis reduces drug related crime, now you're up to date updates. we look at the importance of traditions in women's lives on paints as well. and so you next out with mobile x by the conflicts of crises. every single connection mapped out shows the geophysical reality, the on the board is what makes things the way they are mapped out. navigating a changing world now on youtube talked about why does that mean? because now i'm lisa and the new host of.


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