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tv   The Day  Deutsche Welle  April 2, 2024 7:02am-7:31am CEST

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right, these are hell says it's 2 weeks operation was successful in his 5. the games thomas . meanwhile, prime minister benjamin netanyahu has dismissed calls from tens of thousands of protesters for him to resign. every timing of the war against him, us, and of the hostage negotiations. h as early elections would only benefit how mass i'm feel go, and this is the day the, these fairly shows that these really probably woke up in order to bring back the all we need new legal sheet was sent to the people. it was sent to knock the, to the government, the not doing his job
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immediately. also on the day of voters intact is likely elections, deliver residing, rebuke to president red chip type of these election results of the new response to the a k t regimes repression to what they've done to the economy and the social structure of this contract. and that's why i'm very happy now for my country boys under kim with the not to welcome to the day. israel's military has now withdrawn from causes l shape for hospital climbing that be too weak. operation was one of the most successful and it's for gardens, thomas in gaza. the idea says it kills schools have, have us fighters and gathered weapons and intelligence as part of its response to the october 7th era attack. to this is our, she's the hospital, the largest medical facility in gaza after
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a 2 week range. by these way, the army, it is now a shell of its full themselves, situated in a devastated neighborhood strewn visit level. as with the amount of destruction is far and wide and the chief of compounds, as you can see, and that been many casualties. now we will move the stick and what we did from el cheapo to the baptist hospital, which is the only one in the gaza strip and still providing services to patients in the video probation described by as well as one of the most successful of the 96 month war is now or the end, the troops has withdrawn. these vial, defense forces, say around $200.00 militants, are killed during the ride. and the tech seized over $3000000.00 in cash. market intelligence, documents, and weapons who have asked and medical staff deny that published an insight does have any um, presence in hospitals is really, i mean, those sides. the raid was carried out well preventing home to civilians,
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patients and medical staff. however, the world health organizations, director general disputes is claim his post on x formative twitter paint, so die a picture. he says 21. patients died during the siege and more than $100.00 was still lacking. vital medical cat involving troops may now have pulled out about seaford, well, they've left behind. is a community in shop that's, i guess on, i believe, states as a surgeon who spent more than a month working in gauze after israel invited. it tells us more about what the destruction of the hospital means for people seeking medical attention. what's the percentage of the health system is now in ruin? and so one of the few functioning or partially functioning health facilities that
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existed in north and gaza to provide services for the $600000.00 palestinians still in the north has been liked out. and if there were to be a ceasefire, it will be years before a hospital of the size can be rebuilt and refurbish speaking gaza uninhabitable for the next several years. meanwhile, prime minister benjamin netanyahu has rejected protest as calls for his resignation, claiming that the elections would only benefit how my son jeopardize negotiations for the release of hostages. sunday. so crowds of people block roads in jerusalem and march on the problem set up and furious. israel, he's taking part in the biggest anti government demonstration seems to be october 7th terrorist attacks demanding. the benjamin netanyahu quit and for an immediate deal to get is rarely hostages back of the to
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the the election now. yeah. who has pushed back on the grounds of national security. can you look up the coals for elections now during the war right before our victory would power lies israel for at least half a year. it would power lies the negotiation for the release of all hostages. it would end the war before it's subjective, sol completed. and the 1st one to benefit from this would be have us go to protest, not just over the war and hostages over the weekend. military veterans tangled with ultra orthodox jewish man over their exemption from army service. netanyahu's government face is a monday deadline to come up with a plan to reform conscription with overwhelming public opinion in favor of forcing the ultra orthodox to serve. netanyahu relies on ultra orthodox parties to keep
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them in power. they've threatened to drop out if it's coalition, if young ultra orthodox man lose their exemption. but if it continues to unlikely lose centrist members, either way, it smells trouble for the colors and government. the terminal inside his cabinet, reflecting the frustration outside were protesters say they'll take to the streets again and again. somebody. so i'll call as a journalist in israel and joins us from jerusalem. a welcome sammy, why these protest as angry of the prime minister? yeah, well this is an go that has been building up now for the quite the was already before the 7th of october and there was a strong protest movement against the new. oh, and the these people says that during the time of war, it is better that they would sit through the home rather than going out to the
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streets. but as the months are passing by. and since there is no breakthrough in the war in the gaza, it seems like it said at war with no in the hostages have not being released. and there is a strongly denied that nothing you know, resigns at both for his failure. on the 7th of october, both for his failure to release the hostages. and of course, because of the corruption eh, cases that are against them. and what has happened most recently is of the families of the hostages. they have decided to join this protest and to the demand, the resignation of the prime minister. somebody's doing nothing. you know, of course you say i want to go. he says that i'm election, i would part of lies the country and how, how mass it'd be only
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a member of this fragile coalition that saying that he doesn't need to go at this stage of the will. of course, the members of the coalition. they want to stay in power. they're not interested in any elections since, according to all the phones, if they want to be early elections, they would find themselves in the opposition. today you have a 64 members out of the 120 seats in the is there any parliament that is supported in at the yahoo? and it hasn't been one phone that showed that this school issue would be able to succeed. it backs that make sense. so deal and clinging to each other, hoping the election day will not come. it seems like quite a strong argument. no, it doesn't. it's we're in the middle of a war now is not the time full on the elections. i. what is the protest as responds
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to that? yeah, well, you know, the boat this the, they don't have much face or trust in and that button, yeah. oh uh they think that if it's just another creek a to stay in power and the they will also tell you this is valerie, do you have elections a quite the recently municipal elections during the war when the situation was even worse when it comes to the from the, with the gaza. is so technically it is possible to have elections if it has been proven. and this is a what the majority of the public wants. i what does it come to that because clearly we have these loud bees noisy demonstrations in the strange calling from nasa in yahoo to, to, to go. but if at why the public support a for him to go or i,
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i just the allowed minority of what surprisingly enough this really public, even though it was like them to find themselves with as centrist or even white right wing positions. they're not barking. and at the yahoo, they think that in that then you know fade on the 7th of october, and they want to see it different the leadership and the, the majority of the public today is really once early elections. they want it to change the politicians. they want to see a change, so it's not change happened. what would happen to benjamin netanyahu if he were to, to lose power? yeah, well then you would find himself in the position. because according to all the polls
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a, been the guns his arrive um would be able to form a coalition with the other political parties, which would put nothing. yahoo was a party and z as to orthodox sparky's in the an opposition. and this would mean that is really where the have and the fall. 1 type in the, in the opposition is so it doesn't mean that we're going to have a piece in the mid lease. one has to remember that most of the public, it does not support a say, a 2 state solution, which is what the international community is expecting at to see after this was over. but still they do not want to see nothing. yeah. oh, this, all of this something assuming out from the final word, how much is cooling, diplomatic relations with the united states of fueling these protests to
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what i must say that the time is not very strong. it is really that i used to having these kinds of conflicts with the americans. and so far, there has been some rhetoric on the behalf of the ministrations as been some criticism. we've also seen the both of them suspension and the security council. but after all, the americans are still sending their munitions to his room. is there still a barking is really, militarily. so these really spin seems to have the 5 of the americans. this is not really the thing that's pushing people into the streets. in fact, even most of the public support also in operation in their life. thanks a lot. so i me as
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a summary stucco and give you some and thank you so much. i of the kentucky is made opposition, is delta blow to president vegetative type of the one on his conservative a cape poverty and local elections with almost old votes, counted the opposition, sent them back to the age, pay another, and the defendant. it'll claim to major cities, but also expanded into areas previously thought to be the one strong holes election observe sites. the a i k piece was to ever election defeat after 20 years in power revolution at the ballot box read space headline searches in turkey work up in a very different political landscape of to president edwin's a k policy summit. i'm president of losses in local elections. he had thrown everything at winning east on bu tech. he's economic and political powerhouse. but he didn't succeed. and the policy even lost ground in areas they had considered
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strong holds homeless. and if i voted for the current government to 15 years, i didn't buy them yesterday. obviously the economic conditions and the promises that weren't kept and this 70 percent, annual inflation rate and the devaluation of the mirror his hips, those as well as hod eroding support for the ruling a k policy. the set us c h p, which claims big victories, sees the result as a sign that it can still succeed at the national level. it's suddenly a warring sign to add one to pulled at a turning point for his policy. i think it's a serious message because a turkey has an electric motor, family, shame, and ad. once a candidates already had the advantages for participant playing fields and yet based the last. but the touch actually that still has full years into the next presidential election to change the tide. and the policy still has both the
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parliamentary majority and the loyal version of bass working in its favor. told me, i was devastated and very upset that the results weren't in our favor. for 20 years there was abundance. everything was perfect. there. we got over pandemic on there was an earthquake and 11 provinces were destroyed all at once. wasn't everything put back together to put it back together? the person who governs us to didn't he? so now everyone's popularity may be bruised, but it's certainly not basin. let's take a closer look at basic, profess out and go to tall, ashley's director of the tuckers program at the middle east institute and joins us from a washington dc. welcome to dw professor at these local elections that visit valley to extrapolate to what might happen nationally in presidential elections in 4 years . because it does look bad for president on that. i'm as it does indeed. and
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uh, yeah, some of these photos about this or supposed to be about and electing mirrors and we'll click new strangers. and yet i turned it into a referendum of useful by the campaigning. very heart ahead of the boat by even 13 disorders. that if they did not piece he's holding for these candidates that they will not receive services from the central government. so i've seen the way he framed and the way he injected himself into the campaign made the sort of friend are on his full. so the positions victory on sunday is not just a defeat for the ruling party a, but i think it's also a big signal about our doors waiting popularity. okay, so tell us more about about c h p we we, we know of, oh do i'm this big, big,
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big guy who's been looming over to a place called a 6 foot foot for 20 years, but us c h a is what a, c h p government necessarily be a good thing just because it's not a k. well, certainly because a c, h fees, main political agenda has been putting turkish democracy back on track. and on the ad was watch, a turkey has become, it takes the case of a competitive will forward to the machine where the oil field is very much to it in favor of the incumbent and what the elections are still help. and they are competitive and, and the siege, he's main agenda last year to before and may presidential and parliamentary election. was that the main problems off the country? where did you make result of our dorm centralization of power and base such as the
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only way to fix the economy to fix the countries growing social and economic problems that the country needed to go back to the part of battery democracy. so that was the main election pledge and as someone who cares deeply about turkey's democracy, and as we've seen all sunday and majority of the country box a turkey going back to a somewhat democratic regime, i think democracy, restoring democracy is a great thing. and that's what the main position part of the pledges to just pick out a couple of the results. we'll start with a sample. so when for a man act from a mother against the other ones, a pay stub. that's a result that must of uh, the president particularly. oh, that's right. you saw movies a unique place for i don't personally because it's the place where you launch teeth pulled into the courier. he was mayor of his campbell before he and he became
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a prominent, figuring the national stage. so based on what was important for personal reasons, but also for political and financial reasons, i stumble these the countries because a cd, it has 6000000 people living in the sambal and it is the financial capital them off the cd. so install a some charge on team to towering to 1000, to between the center piece of the the bedrock of our doors efforts to se she's client who is the network. the financial type in use that was generated installed jamie, very handy for, for ad one and justin power. so that's why it was a huge flow to, to he's when he lost the city for the 1st time in 2019. as he's done, he's done everything in his power to make sure the current mayor is on t mobile and it does not get what he wants doesn't get the job done. and despite
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all of that, and despite the state resources are drawn used on the campaign trail, if he's disposal to attack it to do more low. and the fact that all positions, warranties on like 2019 local elections or physician parties did not really around the age of the mobile. and it, it turn the mobile to manage to secure, to speak to you. and so the vin and up to a for he's a for it for his rights to have plumbing figure nationally. so how will president of on time turn this around in full, you need deed when he actually be able to stand for another time as president, as well, according to the current turkish constitution. he cannot, but i think he was hoping before the elections that he could, after securing the what he hoped was going to be a big victory on sunday, capturing irritating it'd be cities like to solve lynn, aka. i think his plan was to revise
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a turkey constitution don't allow him to leave it on in 2028. but i think those hopes are dashed after sunday's election results. ok, so we are looking at potentially in the next uh, in 4 years time. we're looking for a turkey, but he's led by someone who is not unprecedented when it is very much possible, especially for a few like a ton you mobil lube. he is very popular and he proved himself he not only built a great track record, is in there. but he also managed to prove himself as someone who can reach be on the siege. he's traditional western secular space. he managed to appeal to the conservatives to the curtis constituencies. so he's become this really fine feeder . and he, he can very much and a repeat the same victory in 4 years. all right, thank you for getting us through that. so clearly professor,
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professor gunner tom from the middle east institute. thank you. and you have a new law. approximately legalizing kind of a says come into effect midnight. so hundreds gathered central talent to celebrate . the legislation means overnight change and now allowed to possess up to 25 grams in public for personal use and to cultivate up to 3 plants at home. with his registration is chris accept point to know and order and health concerns. gemini is consecutive opposition side by will revoke the law if they get into pub we smokers in germany are lighting a legally for the 1st time from april. first, many are celebrating kenzie, you know the pictures when carol's out loud out to pester for the 1st time after winter. they jump with joy. and of course that will be us in the beginning of april . but the new cannabis measures are only a partial legalization. so what do they mean exactly?
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adults over 18 in germany are now allowed to carry up to 25 grams of cannabis on them. they can smoke weed in public, but not within 100 meters of schools, sports facilities, or playgrounds. people can also grow up to 3 plants at home and store up to 50 grams of cannabis for personal use. for now, there won't be any shop selling it directly to customers. the only way to buy we legally will be through a so called kind of a social club membership, but only from july 1st sorts itself. and the social clubs can have up to 500 members. and they all actively participate in the kind of bas production with working for each individual member and the club can grow up to sweep plans and conducts produce the members monthly supply, which is a maximum of 50 grams. and then give it to then the unit on the side in berlin, people hope of the new law will reduce the illegal market for the drug. conversion
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is a good idea and all because it decreases the black markets, which is essentially the robot because people are buying stuff and they don't know what's in it. it's better to regulate regulated the whole process then just have a brack margin. well, many in germany are celebrating, some have raise concerns about the legalize ation. while police union say it will be hard to enforce regulations checks and penalties. doctors are worried that the new law sends the wrong message and plays down the dangers of cannabis use and the diction. christina lucas speaks on addiction and trump policy in the german parliament for the liberal f d. p policy which is part of the country's coalition government, and she told us why her policy supports this little with the cannabis low, we finally em the policy of prohibition and repression of the last decades. we have seen that the, this kind of policy doesn't work out the cause we have,
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i'm still arising numbers on cannabis consumers, so we want to try another way. and we think that the criminalization and the nice vision the organization is the right way. it's christina lookout, and that is the day for today. you can follow our team on social media at b, w. use places, headlines, allies available on d, w dot com, or on the dfw, at the state of the socials. definitely have a good the
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in the ancient cross in india weaving is being done by her and again, the number of times is growing and so is the income because customers are prepared to pay more for hand with the industries flourishing to take on on to the next level, we need to educate and cranes, the eco in the next on dw, the agent floor on every
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corner or to the present day child was active. espionage began. indeed here was we are in the capital of spies and vans in 16 minutes on d. w. the . 7 daniels and june the you're going to the 77 percent comes who i just got on $65.00. last last those top 5 years. 3 reasons why 1115. we are here to help you make up your mind. we are here on please find your mind. so i was hoping to talk to you from campbell, fixed
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a new culture and in 15 minutes, let's say together parts of our community life on the service of this research is now on the line and evil is, is always a good thing. but such and traditions are always what presented. hello and welcome . i'm saw that god dividing annual, watching equally traditional knowledge, and often had foss gain new prospects for the future. speaking of traditions, what did you have for lunch today? well actually addition to in the new offering how.


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