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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 2, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm CEST

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the, the, this is the w news coming to live from berlin, a suspected just barely airstrikes. it's a rance diplomatic compound in damascus. officials in syria confirmed there have been deaths and injuries. brands revolutionary guards as a top general is among the debt. meanwhile, in gaza, another suspect it is really air strike chills. several aid workers, the us base relief group, world central kitchen, provide badly needed food for people in gauze of israel calls the incident tragic and says it's investigating india implements a controversial new citizenship law just weeks ahead of its national elections. we find out what it means for muslims in
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the hello. i'm terry martin. thanks for joining us. syrian officials say is really air strikers, destroyed part of the wrench, diplomatic compound in damascus. ranch revolutionary guard says, one of the senior commanders was killed along with several officers in the suspect . it is really our strike. a foreign ministry. spokes person into a run says it's considering a response and punishment for the attack. this is what's left of the uranium conseula, it's in damascus. officials say, and these really stripe on the building killed several people, including members of the runs is why make revolutionary god of the well deed which strongly condemned this criminal act carried out by the zionist enemy,
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which led to the death of some innocent citizens who are passing by the streets and so again, we emphasize out position, besides brothers in the arabian embassy and the atlantic republic of be around it. and we can assure that syria and the islamic republic don't forget the enemy's sort of yeah. what did you want to go to? some of the last one, the other home among the dead is pretty a general mohammed res. as a haiti, he was a top command in the elite codes for us, the, for an operations of these, why mach revolutionary god? these riley nutri hasn't commented on the attack there. israel has been increasing its operations against iran linked forces in syria since the october 7th. how much terror attacks iran says it reserves the right to retaliate. after we told you before, the zionist entity knows very well that such crimes and any kind of crimes will not
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remain without response. as rescues comb through the rubble for survivors or body use concerns over a rapid escalation of violence in the region arising. as military expert, roger shudder hun instead they why is real allegedly chose to strike a ranch diplomatic compound in syria. but you would imagine that um give them a senior already of the military post. know that i was talking that it presented opportunity with the head very solid intelligence. it was a limited time value, so they elected to the killers. i chose a person when had the opportunity. so is a target of opportunity, obviously uh informed by uh, quite good intelligence, but it fits into the broader patton of is around trying to target right
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around and writing unsupported elements in its region. now several high ranking members of iran's revolutionary guard corps are said, have been killed in that attack. what do we know about them? as for what we know is that they, um, uh, i j say come on the, for the pro ron enforcers with lots of drug that has bo, here in syria and living on i was killed, including, along with his deputy. so we're talking about a significant capability loss in those people that's kind of set back right, operations in the region somewhat. everybody can always be replaced, obviously, but give them a senior already of the table that were killed in one sale swoop. it shows, as we said before,
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that is riley intelligence was quite so on this occasion. now iranian president abraham, right, you see it has just said today that israel's attack on iran's consul, it in syria will not go on, answered what might 2 runs answer look like. this is mr. very good question. and that's the one that i, thing and lists and ottoman is also a grapple, which today is the 2 questions that he's a senior i a j se offices. so the value to a ron is significant, that kind of a tech really can't go on. and so that if you want to buy in time, some degree is terrence on the right hand side. and sorry, you'd be looking regionally to strike these route directly if that's possible. so you're probably looking at pro, writing groups in syria or rock or his ball lot in live and on. but there's only
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really a limit to what i can do then use you're looking at it's national targets that represent is route in some way, shape or form that heavy bank said ron has in the past threatened retaliation. but their options are relatively limited because i want to buy, they want to ensure that the situation doesn't go out of their own control. so it's a difficult issue about how ronnie is going to respond frontier. thank you very much for talking with us today. that was roger shawna hun, middle east analyst and military expert in sydney. meanwhile, the food 8 organization world central kitchen says 7 of its team members in gaza have been killed in an alleged is really our strike in the statement. the n g o says the group were traveling into armored cars, branded with the organizations logo alongside another vehicle. and we're here to
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after leaving the warehouse in there. um, it says citizens from several countries were killed. australia as prime minister says 8 worker. so me, frank, come from australia was among them. she's seen here on the left and a world federal kitchen video post of last month. israel says an independent group will now investigate as it continues as operation and gaza in response to the home us october 7th terror attacks. several countries are now demanding an explanation for the incident. tuesday, australia, and prime minister engineer albany, easy astray. i expect full accountability for the depth of i'd with his, which is completely unacceptable. i'd workers and those doing humanitarian work and the date on innocent civilians need to be provided with protection. as the w corresponded rebecca richards in jerusalem to tell us more about the incident well, terry,
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it's been concerned that this team is work because as you mentioned, had been working in this warehouse, they had been unloading about a 100 tons of aid that had just arrived on a shipment from them through the maritime cardo, from cyprus of the world central kitchen saying that they were at they need a warehouse india ball as you mentioned in central garza. and that they had been traveling in a convoy. so 2 of the vehicles in that home, boy, what ahmed one was what's known as a soft skin, a regular vehicle. and that they were mocked very clearly with the will central kitchen logo on the roots. pictures that we're in fact seeing i showed just with the impact whole went right through that signage on, on the roof of one of those vehicles. so they were clearly mocks. now the world central kitchen has released a very strong statement in the off the mouth of this incident saying this is not only an attack against will of central kitchen. this is an attack on humanitarian
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organizations showing up in the most dire of situations where the food is be used as a weapon of all very strong was that i have seen suspended their operations in the area and till they take stock and figure out what the next move is now, as you mentioned, the audience has released a statement. this is fairly standard in the off the mouth of these events. the statement says that it's conducting a thorough review at the highest level. it didn't deny no concern and hasn't yet we are expecting to potentially get so the statements throughout the day from is riley military though they did concern that they had been working closely with the world central kitchen. um, as i said now multiplication is decided to suspend its operations and they were expecting a so the shipment of a through that maritime cargo that has reportedly also been halted. so you say the world so from kitchen has suspended his operations in gaza. other 8 organizations of course, are watching this closely as well. could this end up having an impact on the
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provision of humanitarian aid and gaza at such a desperate time as well? i think most certainly, terry, i mean if this is concern to his pain and his riley strike, i think it points to a real problem with the process. so what's known as d confliction? now, that is the process where organizations, individuals and people trying to distribute. i discussed with the military and are assured that safe passage basically now and here is a, has been saying for some time that there has been a huge problem with this process. in fact that it's completely broken. and we know that this isn't the 1st attack that has that the, you know, that has killed for up kills and g. i work as a, the owner of the organization that you in organization task with assisting palestinian refugee. certainly one of the biggest operating in goals are at the moment, it says that more than 170 of its employees have been killed throughout these operations. so certainly when we're looking,
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when the us is looking at petition lee and up in the amount of a that may come through that maritime border, trying to build a j t of temporary j t to allow for more a to come in via a c is it me wondering who will, who will be willing to distribute that aid if they fee, if organizations fee that they would be putting that and your work is a huge risk of being taught, you know, targeted or caught up in these, in these as strikes. becca, thank you very much. that was a, correspond rebecca rivers in jerusalem. take a look at a few other stories making headlines today. 3 children have been wounded in a shooting at a school in southern finland. please say a 12 year old student opened fire on the other pupils at a secondary school in the city of bun todd just outside the capitol hill thinking stuff back was late arrest as the 1st vessel has passed through a temporary channel that's been open near where a bridge collapse in the us,
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baltimore's princess scott key bridge, came down after being struck by a cargo vessel lost power last week. authorities believe 6 workers plunged to their debts in the collapse. former us present, donald trump has posted a 175000000 dollar bond in his new york civil fraud case birching the seizure of property. in february, a judge found him guilty of over valuing his wells to get cheaper loans. he's appealing the verdict, which includes a total fine of $454000000.00 staying in the us, the f. b. i says, a driver has rammed his vehicle into the front gate of the agencies offices in atlanta. and that's atlanta, georgia official say, the man tried to follow another vehicle inside but was stopped by security measures . he's been taken into custody to set a goal. new leader is being inaugurated as the country's president on tuesday.
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after a surprise when largely driven by young voters hungry for change. opposition leader, bossy root of foster roads. you're my i promise to tackle corruption and protect sending goals. economy from the influence of foreign powers. you know, faces a series of major challenges as he prepares to take office. his supporters call him mister clean. that's because president elect the pseudo dom i say, is promising a new synagogue. the senegalese people have chosen to break with the past. i pledge to govern with humility and transparency and to fight corruption at all levels. i pledge to devote myself fully to rebuilding our institutions and strengthening the foundations of our way of life together. on the se
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is not a well known political thing here and only into the leadership race as a substitute for his mentor. it was months uncle, a long standing opposition for us in the country who was disqualified from the election, a release from joe himself less than 2 weeks before the vote. 44 year old phase now set to become senate goals, youngest president, writing on the back. a song goes young supporters, you will see a different face of the senegalese people and of synagogue because it's a total revolution. everything is going to change behaviorally socially and financially. everything's going to change. to say appealed to jobless voters struggling under the weight of high unemployment. he also rallied support under a populous pin african platform that included promises of economic independence and a new currency not paid to the euro. but synagogue will also start producing oil
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and gas this year, which could mean new international partnerships in german or send a goal will always hold his ground and remain a friendly country and a reliable ally to any partner who engages with us and virtuous, respectful, and mutually productive corporation in the run up to the selection was filled with fears of democratic back fighting fe, now faces the challenge of inspiring confidence on all levels experts face. and the goal will need sweeping reforms if it's to move forward the need for brand legislative reform that is going to probably default the presidential power in the country. and then to hustle fives, colorado, so which i think as being the mino, development to this country. now it's time to see of say, a young and unexpected leader can really lead synagogue into
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a new chapter. india is implemented a new citizenship law just weeks before a general election. the bill was 1st passed in 2019 and provides a fast track to naturalization for minority religious groups from labouring. afghanistan, pakistan, and bangladesh. however, it does not include most of them to make up the majority of the population of the 3 countries. the citizenship amendment act had lain dormant since deadly protest in 2019 only to be enacted. now, as the country heads to the poles, the w's monroe chow dre reports. its remo done, and the streets of shaheen, but in delhi, are buzzing the best. with these, after a long day of fasting, in 2019, the most of the majority area became a hot spots in the protest against the citizenship amendment at or c e for short. we meet us with most of us who are
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a little over 4 years ago spent days and nights at this exact spot, leading one of the biggest protest movements independent india have seen someone play as a broken vent to that. and that was the place at a resort and gave speeches in 2019 c. e. a. make changes to an existing law to grand foxtrot citizenship. to undocumented migrants from 6 religious groups including hindus and christians. from 3, mostly majority neighboring countries, focused on all of these and have gone as done are mostly migrants were not included in the provision. any of the lead just lead particular timothy cummings, when the, when i started this for, gets them into fine. i suppose that much when you say it one way to get to the ship it except the last name. that's the point where i have the so c is totally rama for make it to salt lake. trimming the critics call c e in the us post religion
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based citizenship test. and the initial step of a logic agenda there are fuse that it could potentially be used to expand most lives identified as illegal immigrants. they just sit collectively targeting, listen, i'm back. sorry, it's, again, vehicles will be the secular control that can go that we live in. is there a hidden agenda? we need melancholy of egypt, the leader and supreme court advocate. according to koli, the c a is not on team listening, but it's simply about helping minority non muslims in the region for them mostly who wants to be an immigrant osha's to seek citizenship. you to say that i should be false track when he's coming from a muslim majority country and who has the option to go to 50 other countries which i handle doesn't have a sick. it doesn't. that is discriminatory then to the entire calls in fathers. but critics of the, at main themes, the law is discriminatory and that using religion as a basis,
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positive and ship violates of fundamentals right to equality. we spoke to cal shanks into an advocate, specializing, and constitutional law. he told us that citizenship amendment at still face is a number of legal challenges. the question is whether or not the amendment actually boss constitutional muster. and that are already partitions, which have been listed before the supreme court to and this will be in court. we decide on the constitutionality of this act, back in shining buck us. it is what it as he is concerned, that the government might so much the c a with the plant national to just it of citizens for and see for sure the propose to just to would make a list of all legal citizens in india and put dye citizenship rights even more closely to religion, really like, is it possible that the human cannot see because that a huge door to slims and we get on site is we only need anything that we can
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imagine. for now, aust, with is clinging to the hope that india is highest gold would eat over 200 petitions challenging the c e have been filed now why has prime minister modi's government chosen to implement this con, highly controversial law? i put that question to on there up on political analyst and journalist and deli that's a question that actually only they can answer um, but to be blunt, uh like a lot of the of center, right. or authoritarian parties in politics. a lot of dog wrestling happens just before elections because that house polarized supports and it benefits particular parties. this happens in countries around the world and the mother is beat if he is particularly good at the drawings of polarizing content just before elections because it benefits a how would you describe the mood among india is muslim population
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right now, especially given the decision to implement this law but i think it's a little hard to talk about the person population as a whole. you have to think of it that this is approximately 200000000 people across the breadth of this country. but on the whole, but the indian listens are wanting, is to avoid any thing that uh, that paints them as a target. and this particular law is seen as something of especially if it's tied to a national center, a nash certification of registration, that it will particularly pick and choose out muslims as people who can be targeted. and that fear is something that
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i mean for any minority anywhere in, in the world. and you see this, i mean, when you saw this in the us with black lives matter, when you give extra power to the course of a political apparatus, particularly the police to check people, you know, to stop and press all of this, always a impacts of repressed minorities, i'm not sure. so a very strong load like this, which can be used broadly, is the fear particularly for poorer muslims would have been recourse that we heard in, in the report. we heard the argument in the report that the and the new law is not meant to be as lama public, that it would simply be helping minority non muslims in the region. can you make sense of the argument? well, there's 2 parts of it. uh, what is that a must live by the way, do is on the also allow a included in that,
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but there's very few jews applying for citizenship and then do a one that muslims are not allowed to be passed. correct. but the other question is you have 3 countries, what this law applies to and that's a lot less time focused on. and by move ish or india is actually hosted far larger publishing or refugee's from she loved got port tom uh and from uh from to bet uh the tibetans, um from my on my the ro here refugee is considered the most persecuted refugee is in the world so how come the largest number of refugees are not reflected in the uh, the countries for which the largest number brokerages are coming in and into india are not reflected. what the question really is, what is the logic of this law? and it isn't, it doesn't seem to have anything to do with any current trend of refugees in
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india. okay. i'm afraid we're gonna have to leave it there about a month in the political analysts, consultant, rider journalist, thank you so much for talking with us. thanks. so much, but germany has partially legalize cannabis for recreational use. adults can now possess up to 25 grams in public and grow up to 3 plants. so the home decision has divided public opinion critics point to health and regulatory concerns. germany's conservative opposition says it will revoke the law if it regains power, or out of berlin. beer garden guests aren't worried about the new policy. so i need lots of people to decide for themselves, so they will be well informed and can deal with as long as we speak during like smelling and the others have the same problem when people smoke tobacco. and also i mentioned often, but there are rules to, for the partial legalization. for example, smoking around children is not allowed. but regulating these restrictions may prove
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complicated. you have one over here. we don't want to regulate, oh, i guess. and we rely on mutual respect, but i think the sage club has outdoor space for some, 2000 people. but management says cannabis is controversial in a, he's always talking to your regular customers. tell that person you around to join till the time that wouldn't be good to see me. i would use my right to be my most people hop on. now adults can grow up to 3 marijuana plans, but they're still banned in community gardens. decreased and i got this simply because lawmakers have linked us permission to grow cannabis to the home to the place of residence. and this is generally not the case for a loveland garden. anyone over 18 can now cause this up to 25 grams of cannabis outside and 50 grams at home. beginning in july, smokers will be able to legally by weed from so called the cannabis clubs,
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and after 2 years, the thirty's will examine whether miners have been adequately protected. and if the legal ization of cannabis reduces drug related crime, which you're watching dw news, just reminder the top story is we're following for you. syria is blaming israel for and is, and there's trying to destroy the ranch console it in damascus, resulting in deaths and injuries are as revolutionary guards. as the top general was among that, it is rarely military who's not commented on the it and the aid organization world central kitchen says 7 of its employees have been killed in central gaza in an alleged is really airstrikes the i'm us run health ministry and gaza says the bodies of 4.8 workers and one palestinian were brought to a hospital in there. a lot. israel says it's investigating fans club next. we have a glimpse of the future with tomorrow today and a story about the wireless charging the cars as they drive this off. now i'm terry
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morrison. thanks for the
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to the new more tangled cables. this is how you fill up on electricity. while you drive inductive charging is transforming roads into power outlet and it's energy you can get on the go. is this a good bye to overhead lines and code? will charging stations vs. think of the past tomorrow today on dw, say, breathing life. but how do you protect your airways? and what should we do if we have asthma allergies or a cold?
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and when do our loans reach their threshold? so breathing, freeze out and tune in to find out. in good shape. 1060 minutes on the if you speak to somebody on which should be some control, some country how do we become different? how is discrete logic? one, the other people in just a 100 days my power is going to because of my family, what killed the i'm on a journey to find out about the roots of the 19 are to put you on the side of things for to see the my name is some way to ship. i'm assuming,
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reshaping history. our documentary stops april 6th on the w. the wireless charging has become a common feature in many cellphones or electric calls. next, it's technically possible to transmit pilot not just to cause, but also buses and trucks, even while they're in motion. on this day we'll take a look at how it all works and check out the current state of inductive charging in vehicles that are on the road. is it the future of transport? that story and much more this week on the dw sign saying, welcome to demo a today the no link to a test car. the charges.


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