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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 2, 2024 3:00pm-3:15pm CEST

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[000:00:00;00] the, this is dw news live from berlin, is ro, admits responsibility for an air strike that killed several aid workers in gaza. a convoy from the charity world central kitchen was hit during its office operations to provide a badly needed food. israel's prime minister says the strength was unintentional. another suspected as rarely ever strike his iran diplomatic compound in damascus. officials and serious confirms there has been jacks and injuries around the revolutionary guards. as a top general is a month,
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the dead. the emperor richardson, welcome after calls from around the world, demanding answers is riley's, israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu has said that on this really strike a killed 7 aid workers, a strike, he called unintentional the food charity world central kitchens. as one of its convoys was hit after leaving a warehouse in central gaza, the organization has now suspended its operations and gaza. cypress says that means that shipped, carrying more than 200 tons of age, are now turning back without completing their deliveries. as well as, as it is investigating the incident as it continues its war against tomas in response to the october 7th the terror attacks. let's see if we can get more on this
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a story and it gets straight across the to deed up. these correspond antonio cram, are joining us from jerusalem. atanya, can you tell us a little bit more about what israel has said to bump this attack? was what you said. i mean, we heard from prime minister benjamin netanyahu, when you came out of the state and hospital, he said that our forces include unintentional home non combatants. and he added that this happens in war. he for the a said that as thorough inquiry will be healthy. also heard that from the is really military earlier today now and distract the 278 workers from the n g o world, a central kitchen or from a different nationalities. now they were actually traveling in this clearly marked vehicle. and you can see that on the footage of the strike, the roof and the sides of the car to us where clearly marked uh with
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a name was central, a kitchen and also uh this uh, route was approved. uh, the coordinates were given to the uh, is really a military um that is a common standard in gaza that this is all a coordinated windows 8 groups, a moving and an active combat zone. so we know who it was, but we don't know about the why. and there's some a reports in the is really media as saying that it was actually a stripe by a drone. and the 3 misses have been fired, but this is so far unconfirmed. so many questions there are to follow. meanwhile, as we know, how dire these monetary and situation is in garza, we've just also seen that footage of of age ships turning back from gaza. what will this mean for humana, terry, and efforts and gaza as well? this is still to see, but for the moment, i mean word a central kitchen, they have set the
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a suspend to oppose their activities. and none of this will also probably mean the other a n g o's, an u. n. organizations will review their a security protocol because that needs to be this trust. this coordination needs to work in an active, a combat zone for them to go out and deliver this urgently needed. a food now was central kitchen where the 1st to use uh, the maritime corey door was a ship. uh and then of course, now there is this other ship. we don't know whether it will then a come back to gaza. this is still to see, but we also heard a statement earlier before this announcement by prime minister benjamin netanyahu by the u. n. c monitoring coordinator, jamie nichols week. and he, a sudden this statement that the area has become one of the most dangerous and most difficult places to work in that this is not an isolated case. and also that you
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called in all parties to basically act to respect international humanitarian law. so you see how difficult it is for all these organizations to work in an active, a comfort zone. thank you so much for bringing us up to speed that is due to these corresponded tonya prime, our interest. well, we can bring you up to speed now, but some other world news stories, police in finland say a 12 year old child has died and 2 authors have been seriously injured. after a shooting at a school in himself. the country officers say another 12 year old student opened fire at a secondary school in the city of a vantage just outside the capital, helsinki, the suspect was later arrested. the 1st vessel has passed through a temporary channel that had been opened near where a bridge collapsed into us, baltimore, the francis scott t bridge, came down after being struck by a cargo vessel that had lost power last week. authorities believe 6 workers plunged
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to their dots in the clouds. former us president donald trump has posted a $175000000.00 bond in his new york civil fraud case. averting the seizure of property. in february, a judge found him guilty of over valuing his well to get cheaper loans. he's appealing the verdict, which includes a total fine of $454000000.00. and for president has replaced 6 ministers after they abruptly resigned to mit the scandal that's become known as rolex gate over the weekend police rate of the home and office of president. do you know for the wife today as part of the probe into how she obtained a collection of luxury watches, boulevard to emphasis, she purchased them with her own money. she told me in the syrian officials say on his railey air strike has destroyed part of your ron's diplomatic compound in damascus. around revolutionary guards. as one of his senior commanders was killed along with several officers,
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a form mystery spokesperson into front says it is considering its response and punishment for the attack. this is what's left of the rain in conceal it in damascus. officials say, and these railey strikes on the building code, several people, including members of the runs is lumnick, revolutionary god of the well deed which strongly condemned this criminal act carried out by the zionist enemy, which led to the death of some innocent citizens who are passing by the streets, and so again, we emphasize out position, besides brothers in the arabian embassy and the atlantic republic of be around it. and we can assure that syria and the islamic republic don't forget the enemy's sort of yeah. what did you want to go to? some of the last one, the other home among the dead is pretty
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a general mohammed res. as a haiti he was a top command in the elite codes for us, the for an operations of these. why make revolutionary god? these riley nutri hasn't commented on the attack there. israel has been increasing its operations against iran and forces in syria since the october 7th. how much terror attacks iran says it reserves the right to retaliate. i've got, we told you before, the zionist entity knows very well that such crimes and any kind of crimes will not remain without response as rescues kind through the rubble for survivors or body use concerns over a rapid escalation of violence in the region arising. i spoke earlier to military analyst marina moran from kings college london. she told me why is route might choose and around into for many complicated syria as a target. well, israel has been conducted and what is known as targeted killings. namely,
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eliminating high value targets, such as brigadier general is a heavy and it's been going on since the beginning of the so the syrian civil war. so it's been going on for more than a decade. now the situation is of course precarious because israel needed something to we can house, blah, and to secure its moles and border. and in order to begin week and a half of a lot, if it was important to eliminate the key player who has been coordinating operations with hassle off from the rain inside. and this was precisely generals or heavy. so perhaps the timing is odd because it's real how to act on intelligence. we don't know how many times they have tried to eliminate him, but that it has been a name of israel it's. it's no surprise. and how much does killing the leadership. in fact, we can,
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has the law here. the problem is that the ram has lost a very high ranking official. so this is a greatest loss of since the killing of consent, fully money and generals a heavy, he's been to get back to have since the running and revolution in the assignment, corrosion the regards course. so he has great experience in terms of conducting these sorts of operations. releasing him will not be easy. so in the short term, israel is hoping to at least we can and disrupt passable less operations. however, in the long term, will this be enough? just eliminating one of the generals in the higher key because somebody else will most likely replace him. well, let's think about what iran is response might be here. we've heard of president abraham, right. you see saying that israel's attack on errands console, it will not go un answered. do you have
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a sense of what we might see from tyrone nissan? the most obvious response is that iran could use is by activating as a proxies. however, it would seem a high value targets have been happening for a long time. so that is one of the possibilities. what else might come? we don't know, but i think that we will not see the response immediately. and i think for around being in a difficult situation, they will take their a time in order to formulate the response in such a ways that it doesn't trigger escalation in the region because it would certainly not benefit the wrong. well thank you so much as always, that is military analyst arena moran from kings college london. thank you for having me to some other news now and in germany has partially legalized cannabis for recreational use. adults can out possess up to 25 grams in public and to grow up to 3 plants at home. the decision has divided public opinion. critics point to
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health and regulation concerns. and germany's conservative opposition says it will revoke the law if it retains power to. at of berlin, beer garden guests aren't worried about the new policy. so any lot of people should decide for themselves, they will be well informed and can do with it in august, which they don't like smelling and the others have the same problem. when people smoke tobacco and also i mentioned often, but there are rules to, for the partial legalization. for example, smoking around children is not allowed. but regulating these restrictions may prove complicated. you have one over that we don't want to regulate, know, i guess, and we rely on mutual respect, but i think the sage club has outdoor space for some, 2000 people. but management says cannabis is controversial in a, he's always talking to the regular customers. tell the plus you're out of the joint till the time that wouldn't be good. thing i would use my right to intervene on the whole system problem on. now adults can grow up to 3 marijuana plants,
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but they're still banned in community gardens. a decrease that i got this simply because lawmakers have linked us permission to grow cannabis to the home to the place of residence. and this is generally not the case for a lot of them gotten anyone over 18 can now cause this up to 25 grams. of cannabis outside and 50 grams at home, beginning in july, smokers will be able to legally by weed from so called the cannabis clubs. and after 2 years, authorities will examine whether miners have been adequately protected. and if the legal ization of cannabis reduces drug related crime, data is has banned the production of german football shirts. customized the number 44 over concerns, but it resembles a nazi symbol. critics say it look similar to the insignia worn by the infamous s. as students responsible for some of the worst crimes committed under the nazis, need us deny that any similarity between the 2 was intentional. as
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a new fonts for number 4 would be designed. the german football association set on social media that none of the parties involved in the design saw any resemblance. and that is your news update at this hour say $2.00 to $4.00 global aust. would they look at malaysia and how micro classics ends up in our food that after a short break, the vis. shadows of jumping, color costs and video shed lights on the dog is devastating. colonial har is infected by germany across and he employed the score, tactic farms and destroyed lights. what is the legacy of this wide spread races, depression, today? history. we need to talk about here the stories,


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