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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 2, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm CEST

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the, the, this is dw news line from the israel admits accounting steph and aid workers in gaza called volume from the char, receive world central kitchen, was head during its operations to provide urgently needed food. israel's prime minister assessed instruct was unintentional the charge. he says it's unforgivable, sprains. prime minister describes the is right, the strike as a brutal attack during a visit to join the petro sancha, especially as government is determined that these countries pod eventful, recognized palestinian states by some, also on the program. a few weeks ago, he was in prison. now across the river deal, my fi is setting goals,
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and youngest presidents can take a look at the challenges facing it. takes off the i'm feel welcome to the program is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu has responded to international outrage. a beginning of 78. what is in gaza? i have missing was the cold on unintentional is riley strike the food chat with the world. the central kitchen announced that one of its convoys had been hit after leaving the warehouse in central garza, which obviously has now suspended operations in the territory cypress, which has played a key role in trying to establish a c routes to bring in much needed a says that means ships carrying more than 200 tons of supplies to gaza. now turning back, we'll start off consideration of international reaction by hearing from us
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secretary of state and to me blinking of the victims of yesterday strike joint. a record number of the amount of trained workers has been killed in this particular conflict. these people are heroes. they run into the fire, not away from it. they show the best of what humanity has to offer when they're going really good stuff. they have to be protected. well, have a job at a foreign minister on the line. a bad bulk has expressed a condolences to the families of the dad and she calls on these rang the government to investigate the incident quickly and thoroughly. israel said that has already begun actually continued his walk on some ice in response to the october 17th attacks. and actually force includes images that you may find distressing. another day in gaza. another tragedy. 7 members of the food i'd shabbots the wealth central
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kitchen were killed often is right ash kit tonight, conroy footage taken off to the attack, shows to bent out of the vehicles featuring then g as level go as well as a saw in vehicle a statement published online wealth, central kitchen, c, e o, having goals said she was hot, but it could adding that, using food as a weapon of war was unforgivable. the n g i would say is the vehicles are traveling through a d conflict and so on had coordinate to the movements beforehand with deal solid tease among those killed was 44 year olds. they, me, friend, come from meld and so you know, on the left here at the food tent in gaza last month, australia is prime minister. and it's now been easy described to us as tragic and reiterated his cool for sustainable ceasefire. my problem and to go with this is someone who is volunteering this is to provide, i threw these charity for people who are suffering
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a tremendous differ vice in gaza. and this is just completely unacceptable. we want full accountability for these because this is a tragedy that should never have a good is about 5 minutes to say is well, was responsible let's i'm gonna bring them up. unfortunately, a tragic incident happened in the last 24 hours in the gaza strip. and assume it happens in wall. so we have fully looking into it for contacting governments and we will do everything. so these incident won't happen again because there's the notion issue. well, central kitchen has announced its pausing itself, protections in the region until further notice. the biggest provider of humanitarian aid to gaza is the lens relief and works agency for palestine. refugees under the communications director juliet tomb joined me. i so let me start by saying how they will stay since we all are at the under uh uh,
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this, this, this news. this is a huge bill to the humanitarian community and it comes on the subject critically time as we work all together inside calls out to efforts. simon, where the clock is ticking very, very fast, especially in, in, in northern garza. okay. and israel has just looking at the, the why the a picture israel has bought your agency from delivering a to the north of gaza. other i'd groups as se, sending a convoys north is difficult because of restrictions placed on them by the idea. so what a is getting through to gauze as noise. so right, that's the question i think is very, very true. is that getting to the north or if anything, a tool and you're absolutely right is really for tease, have band around which is the largest the humanitarian organization in the
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gaza strip from getting to the north and delivering much needed food and nutrition supplies, including for children and we call number is really all. busy things, especially in light of the tragedy from last night to reverse this decision and allow under a once again to be able to fulfill its duties and deliver most need to to minute terry. in the systems including food, to people who aren't hungry in northern gospel. as of the fact that the world kitchen is now a no longer operating, that must have a significant impact on the ground. or why gone and people need to, bryant now is more humanitarian. 8, not less human to turn a and therefore there needs to be more human to time assistance that flows via the
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gold computing through the crossing points that can make the enclave with is read. that needs to be more access to northern gaza, including through honora, which is the largest human. it's an organization at the moment that i've been, you know, secretary of state, the engineering thing today described israel steps to allow aid into gaza as in sufficient given the mileage again, to national pressure. is it possible that this tragedy could actually become a turning point? and perhaps even giving is ro unexcused to ease restrictions on, on a, into the territory. right. is there any needs to use those restrictions and lift or these limitations public i'm politically equally to and now organizations like i'm brought to the left very much needed supplies. you see the clock is sticking very, very fast towards famine. there is no time to waste on the real estate and politics
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it this time for human action. and that can be done including via on route, which is the largest humanitarian organization. and also i'm what all the restrictions that, that's a humanitarian that i all facing, that you that asset to being posed by israel. as with the beginning, when there is a scene which means bout there is a very routine human in terry and the more commercial supplies that come into the office trip. and when we do eventually get the fair we, let's a number of trucks that is really associates allow, get taken because those supplies up north is also a challenge because of restrictions without that is really all towards these have imposed on the movement of the convoys and then you have the risks and the security involve, do you see on 3 different occasions under uh, we have is really all sort. these is really forces hayes at our home voice,
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either on the way off or back from northern jones out we can voice um and deliver it food 2 to north. and as a token, you, thanks so much for joining us to, to, to, to my, from under the spanish hold on as well. to clarify the details surrounding the death of the 781, cuz this comes as reports, imagine spanish media that the country will recognize palestinian statehood by july . the spanish prime minister petro sanchez speaking in jordan c. c. and they died doing what this n g o has been devoted to for years to deliver food in devastated areas is made. oh yeah. i heard the mon, the is ready to got on the play is up the circumstances of this brutal attack that has taken the lives of 78 workers who was simply offering help. can you your
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call responding to jack power kind of more on the spanish prime minister statement it's i think it was clear from the press conference the petri sanchez gave in jordan, the spanish prime minister is getting frustrated with the situation on the ground in israel. he's cooling, he wasn't just cooling, he said he expects on demands ons is from the is right. the government has to what happens to the 78 workers who were killed from the world central kitchen in that calm voice of a. we know that the, the 5 and rolls low central kits in is jose andras, who is a spanish american chef investor to. but as i say, the europeans have consistently said that israel has a right to defend itself. they have been pressing to get israel to allow a into the gaza strip. now with this strike on an 8 convoy, you can see that the patient is starting to wear thin. and indeed what we saw from
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the spanish prime minister. he was widely reported in the spanish press. he gave them an informal briefing saying that he expects spain to recognize a palestinian state, the state of palestine by july in the lights of the european elections that are coming up in june. but also he also said he expects of the e u countries to follow as to we know, countries like belgium island, multis, lavinia will be in considering such a move. somebody you countries do right already recognize the state of palestine, for instance, a sweden, opponent and bulgaria. some of these countries recognized it before they entered the european union. but there is now move to that. the i is would be on germany as if the e u. countries start to do that with germany, recognize the state of palestine as well. currently, the position in new york in union is it all of the 2070 you member stays cool for a 2 state solution. but it's, i'm big us about whether the use individual member stays and indeed the you as
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a whole sort of recognize the state of palestine. but now what we're seeing with the spanish announcement with these, with these informal commons, is that discussion and really starts get going. no correspondent jack power will take a look at some old stores making news around the world. now, germany's criticized israel's plans to stop pick autonomy, news, object outages, era from authorizing and israel. the kinetic pass, the little permitting the government to a band with broadcast on the other following channels that it deems of risk to state security, seventies for an office of stress, the importance of press freedom to press freedom to democracy. beneficial say at least a 1000 people have been wounded in ukrainian drug and strikes in the central tato stand region. you try and you claim claims to talk to the drug production plant and an oil refinery with the 1000 kilometers from each border. this appears to be the deepest attack inside the russian territory by you training drugs. and you trade in
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no, sorry, say at least 18 people, including 5 children have been injured in a russian missile attack on the eastern states. you have to meet pro. is that the strike distorted kindergarten and the university moscow has recently stepped up a tax on ukraine, but the nice deliberately targeting civilians knew crating presidents loved them. is that landscape has called for more to be done to prosecute the russian war crimes. it was addressing a conference in the hague on how to deliver, just as for you, craig, and who will victims be here by video and the message. the crate on the president told delegates, said, holding russian aggressive, accountable would increase security in his country. he's just is committed a commissioner defined, this was the conference and he told the w, but he's hopeful that his special tribunal for ukraine will be established in the hey, by the end of the so if we have the cabbage to prosecute and then the capacity to organize a trial, it wouldn't be possible one day in the near future to have maybe somebody that was before driving it,
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but is the way we need to work. now with an s progresses relatively slow, there's still no tribe. you know, it's also not clear whether this would be a hybrid tribunal or an international tribunal to really go off to the crime of regression. but what makes you so confident that this would happen and, and why are there so apparently so many road blocks. but 2 reasons, the 1st one, we have a fob because we have already many persecutions and try as a new crane before the tribe. another call to train. we have a solid international command of cold air in the hague. we have so many that should i mean just to get sions and trials in different countries. and we have already a center for the 1st section of the content migration. so we are just working on the last step, this patient finding. the 2nd reason is that we are doing that for the 1st time ever dream to wall, because that many people speaking about nothing but but new book is west after the end of the 2nd world war. it to us not doing is the 1st time. did we all doing all those things, doing the walter prep for all the next step. so the trials that we'll have also for
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the credit of migration. well, when do you expect that there will be a special trip tribunal? all i'm hoping that to increase was it will this year to build such a 5, you know, but you know, it's a long process. the 1st way was to collect evidence of crimes. also to kind of migration is done because know we have a database and yours is what so. so to build the capacity to have a real leg of hard to good before try me though, and was the center for the prosecution of the kind of aggression though it's possible. we have procedures dedicated to that and that it would have to, to try enough to make the trial. but again, for the 1st time, we are doing that during the rule. you know, that for the moment russia is occupying a part of the korean territory. so it's very new to be able to do all those things, doing to roll and look after. and so you can use just as commission of today line to speaking to the archives of brussels. correspondent lucio shelton. the sound of goal, which has a new president passed through. do you mind if i was wanting today?
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walk into jim. i think change from the form opposition figure who was in jail just a few weeks ago before the 4 year old swift last month's elections unplugged as a radical reform just 10 days after being released from prison. several african leaders attended his reading and settlement as low as africans the younger still active presence, the challenges he now faces, his supporters call him mister clean. that's because president proceed to do. my thing is promising. a new synagogue of the senegalese people have chosen to break with the past. i think i pledge to govern with humility and transparency and to fight corruption at all levels. i pledge to devote myself fully to rebuilding our institutions and strengthening the foundations of our way of life together on the
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up and oh, no say it was not a well known political figure. and he only entered the leadership race as a substitute for his mentor. it was months sancho, a long standing opposition force in the country who was disqualified from the election because of the conviction released from jail himself less than 2 weeks before the vote. 44 year old fe is now son, a gold youngest president, riding on the back of sancho is young supporters. the you will see a different face of the senegalese people and of synagogue because it's a total revolution. everything is going to change behaviorally socially and financially. everything's going to change to say appeal to jobless voters struggling under the weight of high unemployment. he also rallied support under a populous pen african platform that included promises of economic independence and a new currency, not peg to the euro. but cynical will also start producing oil and gas garcia,
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which could mean new international partnerships or send a goal will always hold his ground and remain a friendly country and a reliable ally to any partner who engages with us and virtuous, respectful, and mutually productive corporation. in the run up to the selection was filled with peers of democratic back fighting fe. now faces the challenge of inspiring confidence on all levels. exploits, say, send a goal, we need sweeping reforms if it's to move forward to the need for the grand legislative reform. that's going to probably people in presidential power in the country and then 2 of us will fight for up. so we're driving as being to be no development to these country. now it's time to see say, a young and unexpected leader can really lead synagogue into
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a new chapter will fight and corruption seems like an obvious priority. but why is the following presidential power seen as a necessity? and i asked you and list our bach holla and the singular sounding of these capital . com or to the corruption has been a big topic. because during multi sol or era, there has been lots of new stopping that have broke. and that's where and where he, there was absolutely no consequences regarding corruption, the regarding new, new partizan as well. and people who basically were part of the family of microsoft in the government for instance, and were a point of pointed to places such as ministers, etc. where as you have also a very experienced people and very qualified people who never had a chance to show what they can bring to the, to their, to their, um, to their country. because of political reasons or just because of nepotism,
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for instance, for absolutely no reason, but rather impunity that is, that they have been enjoying sometimes this is something that a has to the anti corruption. the will of this president today that we had in the before the president fi uh, was a light stand in as a candidate, as after the opposition nita was months sancho was bought. so it's sancho likely to play a role in the new government. absolutely. some who is definitely going to play a role in the car and maybe not in the government, but she will definitely be an important advisor. so maybe you don't know, but when you, when um someone who is not available for change, the debates. do you mind if i was the one who was actually very present in debating and defending some cause program and vision before she actually was appointed as the company to come to the test?
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if darcy. so together it will be very interesting to see how it will be an official by a breed policy that will function altogether and the policy department and apply for this for this policy. and another promise of a new president listing. and getting rid of this is a frank, which is they've had received from the french colonial era. and that's pegasus to the order of. i'm is this doable? it's technically kind of doable. you already have heard that money working out by so an easier wanted to get rid of this currency. so maybe there will be, there will be like a big intention. but is it going to work? that is something that will take time to demonstrate the chef a currencies and did one of the biggest topic. but it's also because it's the biggest symbol of a breakup of against the import and the former imperialistic money and the former
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colony. and it's the last race that you have on a daily basis in your head of the colonial era. so this is actually more of a symbolic breakup with, for us and with the europe. so rather than that in his speech today, she mainly spoke about the piece and also the security in the region, the piece in the country, but also to secure and us to, to fight against the directions as we just say. ok, thank you so much for talk us through that 6. any janice stuff out by color in deca . thank you. so will headlines from around the world starting tuck a router official say at least $29.00 people have been killed and several of us badly injured in, in a fire as a night clubbing a stumbled glove was closed for renovations, and the victims of buildings to be construction workers,
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resources are investigating the cause of the base police in finland said 12 year old child has died into others have been seriously injured after a shooting. a school in the south of the country. officers say another 12 year old student of 5 as a secondary school. and it says, you found top just outside the capital health thinking, the suspect has been arrested for those new sense of live governments has been sworn it reset montenegro to bureaus as prime minister of these democratic lines policy one last month's election by a narrow margin. the ceremony in lisbon monks and end is approved by socialist governments. police can sell a lot of the americans experiencing. it's worse to have a recorded outbreak of den guy fees, a virus that's infected, more than 1400000 people in the region this year. infection spread by mosquitoes and effects, almost every country in central and south america about wanting full people. in fact, it will develop an illness and
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a small proportion of those lists will become severe and possibly fatal. the number of recorded cases this year is almost 3 times as a lot, 3 times what it was last year. as website climate change is partly to blame with rising temperatures aligned mosquitoes to survive when to in launch and numbers. next report takes us to rio de janeiro in pursuit. health workers are fighting an uphill bottle to eliminate the mosquitoes. breeding grounds. the name of beach and rio de janeiro and lead summer heat wave and over 90 percent humidity, ideal conditions for the egyptian tiger mosquito, which transmits one of the country's biggest health problems. thank you. fever authorities estimate there almost 2000000 cases that's led them to set up emergency centers across the country. this woman has come with her sick son. same with the with that of the where i live, there are many dinky hot spots on right. we have
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a few water tanks in the area and lots of miscast hers. so i think my son got infected. brazil is acutely vulnerable to the virus. there is a vaccine, but the state has to buy it from japan at great cost. so far, only children and young people have been vaccinated, rusty, now the we have an effect seems for 25000000 people in the next 5 years. that's just 13 percent of our population. we cannot contain the virus in our country like this. i think it will find the health department has sent workers to this fellow. i do need conditions. there are often difficult. volunteers must explain that garbage that lies out to rod as an excel or and for daphne. the mosquitoes must not have access to standing water because that is where they leave their eggs. a female can lead up to 90 eggs at a time. but with that water, the eggs cannot develop into larvae. i will buy you if we don't want to get sick,
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we must take care of ourselves. because if there are mosquitoes here, the disease spreads to my neighbors and everywhere. that's why everything here has to be clean contest too because i wanted to ontario manage. but some things are beyond the residents control like garbage and mosquito breeding spots can show up in unexpected places pull. okay, well i think there's a puddle of water in this car. i didn't find any larvae, but they could be mosquito x in there. you can't see them with the naked eye. i put poison in it. now what obviously the volume leave me that dang b as in just a problem. in poor neighborhoods, mosquitoes are attracted to wealthier areas with gardens and pools as well, and neglected swimming pool. leftover water implant pots, breeding grounds for the tiger mosquito pesticides would help. but can be used everywhere. and that's what makes fighting the tiger mosquito. so difficult
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decided reminder of our top story. this, our israel's prime minister, has admitted that 712 central kitchen aid for our cars in central garza with calvin when he pulled on unintentional. it's right and strikes a char to suspended himself, relations and to package post accounting desperately needing phones. the reason this one says an investigation has begun about your up to date, so i'll be back in just a few moments to take you through the day today. continuing to look at before that from the tests of those aid with this in on these writing the strikes, i'm looking at the implications of the ukraine strong, strong faith in the the, the
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a journey to find out about the roots of the 19 are to put you on the side for days for to see through under my name is from way to ship, i'm assuming, re shaving history. our documentary stops april 6th. and d w. the it happens in war. the was, it is rarely prime minister benjamin netanyahu reacting to the killing of $78.00 workers in gaza. israel defense forces mr. nasa in yahoo to describe the strike us tragic count, unintentional the will central kitchen said that workers have been targeted despite co ordinating that movements with these really military mister netanyahu's promise of john spartans investigation and to show the governments of the dead. foreign i'd work is that they, that he's country would do all that could to prevent incidents like this happening again. i'm feel guideline by then and this is the day
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