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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 2, 2024 11:00pm-11:16pm CEST

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the, the, this is the, the, the news by from violent israel admit killing 7 aid workers in gaza. a convoy from the chatter st world's central kitchen was kate's. during itself, the reasons to provide urgently need to israel's 5 minutes to assess the strike was unintentional. the charger says it's unforgivable. also on the program a few weeks ago he was imprisoned. not a vast through d o. mind. 5 is signing goals. youngest president will take a look up the challenges facing him as being type office the
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i'm sure ok welcome to the program is the prime minister. benjamin netanyahu has responded to international outrage at the counting of 78 workers in casa, by admitting, lottie, cold and unintentional, is riley strike. the food charity will. central kitchen announced that one of his convoys had been hayes. after leaving a warehouse in central garza, the charge is now suspended operations in the temperature, cypress, which is played a key role in trying to establish a see route to bring a in, says that means ships carrying more than 200 tons of supplies to the territory and how turning back israel says it has begun investigating the strike as it continues is what kinds, thomas? in response to the october 7, tara attacks. meanwhile, people in the region waiting for much needed a but vote now arrive face on increasingly desperate situation to account for the displaced and rough uh children hoping for meal are turned
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away. and i must hold on. i am responsible for fishy families in the house to allow time for the time to people to break the fast is nearing and they haven't prepared any food to the people rely heavily on what the world central kitchen provides. because the situation is dia when they cannot afford to buy food due to its high cost. the kitchen is closed. on the door is a sign in arabic announcing the closure to more than a day after 7 members of the food a charity were killed. and then, as rarely strikes on their 8 convoy footage taken after the attack showed to burn out armoured vehicles featuring the angles logo as well as an arm vehicle. the n g o says the vehicles were traveling through the conflict and soon and had coordinated their movements beforehand with as rarely, authorities,
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the killing of aid workers, including british polish australian us and canadian citizens. as sparks drawn condemnations from foreign governments and the international community, including from israel's closest ally the us, we were outraged to learn of an idea of striking the killed a number of civilians, humanitarian workers yesterday from the world central kitchen. but we expect the broader investigation to be conducted and to be done so in a swift and comprehensive manner. we hope that those findings will be made public and that there is appropriate accountability health. israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu has confirmed that israel was responsible for the air strike. the unfortunate like a tragic incident happened in the last 24 hours in the gaza strip and assume it happens in walk. so we are fully looking into it to identify contacting governments and we will do everything. so these incident won't happen again because there's a, the notion issue with over 208 workers killed in this conflict. israel is
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facing increasing pressure to protect civilians and to monetary and aid workers. the biggest provider of humanitarian aid to gaza is the wens relation works agency from palestine. refugees underway that communications direct to julia to, to join me a so let me start by saying how they were state that we all are and drop out at this, this news. this is a huge bill to the humanitarian community and it comes on the subject critically time as we work all together inside calls out to efforts simon, where the clock is ticking very, very fast, especially in, in, in northern, gone as resonates to use those restrictions and lift or these limitations so they will copy company to come in quickly to and now organizations like on
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route to deliver the much needed supplies. you see the clock is ticking very, very fast towards funding. there is no time to waste on the route because see, and politics at this time for human action. and that can be done including via on route, which is the largest humanitarian organization and got some, it's general communications. all right, so do you with that too much? well, spying this cold on there as well to clarify the details surrounding the death of those 78. what? cuz comes as reports. imagine spanish media that the comfortable recognized palestinian statehood by july, the spanish prime minister petro sanchez, speaking in jordan. i'm with them. you say i feel like they died doing what this n g o has been devoted to for years to deliver food in devastated areas. you said, oh yeah, i heard that in mind that these, right, the government plays up the circumstances of this brutal attack that has taken the
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lives of 7 age workers who are simply offering. how can i do that? they w shop power told us more about the spanish prime minister statement. it's, i think it was clear from the press conference the padre son says gave in jordan, the spanish prime minister is getting frustrated with the situation on the ground in israel. he's cooling, he wasn't just cooling, he said he expects on demands on this is from these ready to governments as to what happened to the 78 workers who were killed from the world. central kitchen in that calm voice of a. we know that the, the 5 and rolls low central kits in is jose andras, who is a spanish american chef investor to. but as i say, the europeans have consistently said that israel has a right to defend itself. they have been pressing to get israel to allow aid into the gaza strip. now with this strike on an aide con voice, you can see that the patient is starting to wear thin. and indeed what we saw from
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the spanish prime minister. he was widely reported in the spanish press. he gave them an informal briefing saying that he expects spain to recognize a palestinian state, the state of palestine by july in the lights of the european elections that are coming up in june. but also he also said he expects of the e u countries to follow as to we know, countries like belgium island mold tests, lavinia will be in considering such a move. somebody you countries do right already recognize the state of palestine, for instance, a sweden, opponent and bulgaria. some of these countries recognized it before they entered the european union. but there is now move to that. the i is, would be on government is if all the you country start to do that with germany, recognize the state of palestine as well. currently, the position in new york in union is it all of the 2070 you member stays cool for a 2 state solution. but it's,
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i'm big us about whether the use individual member stays and indeed the you as a whole sort of recognize the state of palestine. but now what we're seeing with the spanish announcement with these, with these informal commons, is that discussion and really starts get going. w correspondent, john powered in brussels. the sunday goal, which has a new president passed through during my fight, was born in today mocking. it's an amazing change for the former opposition figure . it was in jail just a few weeks ago. the 44 year old sweat last month's elections on the sides is a radical before just 10 days after being released from prison or office in the latest attendant to swearing in ceremony. so here's a little out. the confidence youngest elected president on the challenges. so you know, faces his supporters call him mr. clean. that's because president the see to do my say is promising a new synagogue. the senegalese people
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have chosen to break with the past. i think i pledge to govern with humility and transparency and to fight corruption at all levels. i pledge to devote myself fully to rebuilding our institutions and strengthening the foundations of our way of life together. on the up until now, fay was not a well known political figure and he only entered the leadership race as a substitute for his mentor. it was months sancho, a long standing opposition force in the country who was disqualified from the election because of the conviction released from jail himself less than 2 weeks before the vote. 44 year old fe is now son, a gold youngest president, riding on the back of sancho is young supporters. the you will see a different face of the senegalese people and of synagogue because it's
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a total revolution. everything is going to change behaviorally socially and financially. everything's going to change. to say appealed to jobless voters struggling under the weight of high unemployment. he also rallied support under a populous pin african platform that included promises of economic independence and a new currency, not peg to the euro. but cynical will also start producing oil and gas garcia, which could mean new international partnerships or send a goal will always hold his ground and remain a friendly country and a reliable ally to any partner who engages with us and virtuous, respectful, and mutually productive corporation. in the run up to this election was filled with peers of democratic back fighting fe. now faces the challenge of inspiring confidence on all levels. exploits say, send
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a goal will need sweeping reforms if it's to move forward to the need for the grand legislative reform. that's going to probably depot the president, she, i'm in the country and then 2 of us of pipes later on so which i think as being to be no development to these country. now it's time to see say, a young and unexpected leader can really lead senegal into a new chapter. will fighting corruption. seems like an old vist priority, but why is devolving presidential power as seen as a necessity? i asked you and this to our bach holla in the setting of these capital baca to the corruption has been a big topic because during murphy, sol, or era, there has been lots of a new stopping can that have broke. and that's where and where are you? there was absolutely no consequences regarding corruption, the regarding new, new partizan as well. and people who basically were part of the family of microsoft,
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even government, for instance, and where a point of pointed to places such as ministers, etc. where as you have also a very experienced people and very qualified people who never had a chance to show what they can bring to the, to their, to their, um, to their country. because of political reasons or just because of nepotism, for instance, for absolutely no reason, but rather the impunity that is that they have been enjoying sometimes this is something that a has to the anti corruption, the will of this president today. and so i went ahead and the before the president fi, uh, was a light stand in as a candidate, as after the opposition leader was months sancho was bought. so it's sancho likely to play a role and then you comment. absolutely, sancho is definitely going to play a role in the car and maybe not in the government,
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but she will definitely be an important advisor. so maybe you don't know, but when you, when, um, so what was not available for changing debates. do you mind if i was the one who was actually very present in debating and defending some cause program and vision before she actually was appointed as the company to come to take up the test if darcy. so together it will be very interesting to see how it will be an unofficial by a brain policy that will function altogether and the policy department and apply for this for this policy. and another promise of a new president listing. and getting rid of this, if i, frankly, just inherited from the french colonial era. and that's pegasus to the order of, i'm is this doable? it's technically kind of doable. you already have heard that money working out by so an easier wanted to get rid of this currency. so maybe there will be,
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there will be like a big intention. but is it going to work if that is something that will take time to demonstrate the chef a currencies and did one of the biggest topic. but it's also because it's the biggest symbol of a breakup of against the import and the former imperialistic money. and the former colony, and it's the last race that you have on a daily basis in your head of the colonial era. so this is actually more of a symbolic breakup with, for us and with the urine. so rather than that in his speech today, she mainly spoke about the piece and also the security in the region, the piece in the country, but also to secure the a and us to, to fight against the direction as we just say. ok, thank you so much for talk us through that 6. any janice that our bach color in
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deca. thank you. and without your up to date, we'll, we'll use the top of the, our next on dw, close up, takes a trip to copenhagen to find out how to finish. capitals has become, become of the sustained administer of good faith innovation, green the green revolution global. so listen to crime would probably be secure, subscribed to this channel every friday. subscribe to plan. it's a the
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skiing with the difference.


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