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tv   Close up  Deutsche Welle  April 2, 2024 11:15pm-11:45pm CEST

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thank you. i'm without your up to date. well well here's the top of the hour. next on dw, close up, takes a trip to copenhagen to find out how to danish capital has become, become of the sustain, administer good, the innovation, green, the green revolution, global. so listen to a whole lot of time. it's probably up to speed if the carriers subscribe to the subscribe to plan, it's a the skiing with a difference. there is no snow,
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but that doesn't matter. here you can hit the slopes all year round. colbin hill, as it's called, is located in the danish capital. the artificial sky facility was built in 2017 on top of a waste incineration plant. there are lift to take ski fans to the start of the 100 meter high piece, which stretches over half the kilometers. not europe the most challenging slope, but it's most unusual. yes and scanning in summer is great, so risky and some of the show really funny and show some t shirts for the environmental. the conscious danes have turned this into somewhere fun, a futuristic power plant where you can also ski climb and hike. one of the many attractions of a city which prides itself on being stylish, modern and practical. the mild, so full just thought gets it to us
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a fairly there's a focus on architecture here that the escape and uh, that's why i find it very danish and copenhagen ish to build a ski slope on an incineration plan to yeah, did you go the copenhagen a city where historic buildings mingle with modern architecture. they do things differently here. the buildings are sustainable and visually dazzling. the green city has an ambitious goal. it wants to be the world's 1st climate
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neutral capital. the copenhagen has the top ranking says the world's most livable city on several occasions. copeland hill is just one of the many spectacular projects here. camilla vendors has the overview. she's the chief strategist in charge of copenhagen's green transformation. in my everyday life, i get to visit amazing places in the city like copeland hill and really use the entire city as my office. it's a job where every day i get to talk about the details of this great city and meet a variety of people that are all passionate about making chairs and chat. she's been copenhagen's, chief city architect since 2019. she plays a big role in shaping both urban planning and our conjecture in the capital. so 1st
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of all, i think it's about creating a livable city. as so, thinking very much from the perspective of the inhabitants here, what would make the everyday lives and the experience of moving around in the city being a child in the city, a better experience. and then of course, that translates into numerous factors. how green are streets? what is the quality of the ground floor as you move? and how do you create lively public spaces that up sun and the cubic cheese? i always try to sit stop in this need of. what do we need to make this a great city to live in? and then scale the solutions and the architecture up from there. the vision is to create a 21st century city. a city that combines commerce and ecology. living and working,
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relaxation and adventure. but even in a green city like copenhagen, not everywhere is squeaky clean. the canals, for instance, goods here in copenhagen, there is quite a lot of trash. but as to see there is a lot of trust me just yeah. so this is where we start and from when we finish here we go explore the hub, right? green kayak combines the fun of messing around in a boat with cleaning up the environment. toby is one of the founders called it a trash hunt. so this is like a typical thing off mcdonalds and sort of can change it favor more passes. the concept is simple. anyone can you,
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is the kayaks for free as long as they help fish trash out of the water? and sometimes so i wonder if i should be happy or sad about that because it's like okay, it's good that's we food on so much josh from the walter. but things on the other sides. this isn't the end up there. the 1st phase go after 2 hours on the water time for the way in 17 kilos of trash. a sizable haul. edited freely that for molten 60000 people have collected molding and 94 metric tons of waste with kayaks. and we're working hard to hit the 100 ton mazda tons, deal. the message of greene kayak. we're all in the same boat.
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but when it comes to getting around town, the danes like travelling by bike best. michael coldwell anderson has explored almost every city of the world on 2 wheels. the bike blogger has cycled in japan, brazil, and the united states. his favorite remains amsterdam with copenhagen, a close 2nd. 60 percent of the people living in the city of copenhagen, right. of like every day, it's my doctor. it's my politician. it's you know, my lawyer and it's students and children. right. so it's not like psycho list. it's just copenhagen, her son bikes. and we does that, you can design the city for that, making the bicycle the fastest way from a to b. everybody will do that. my goal is regarded as an expert on urban mobility. he's the host of the series, the live size city. the designer advise is on how to make cities more attractive
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and more livable. copenhagen is a model of world wide. just think about the last century. we're a design country and we're proud of it. my kids of design in the 3rd grade, you know, and we learn the principles of danish design, practical, functional, elegant right? you really, there's a whole nother episode about how deeply rooted design is for the danish people. but that is how we've been thinking about the city for a long time. we're designing it, right? make it fun, but make it practical. like you said, you know, combine all of these elements instead of just putting them into compartment fashion week in copenhagen is hale that the world's most sustainable fashion we. it is banned the single use materials like plastic bottles, for example. the brands themselves also have to meet specific sustainability standards. the
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one fashion designer has turned away from conventional fashion and is having success never the less or for precisely that reason. secret bunk creates high quality garments in his copenhagen studio from dead stock or leftover material as well as recycled fabric it started, the industry has to stick with it. otherwise it's just a marketing ploy. i think it's good what they're doing, but i don't entirely believe it's changing more. at least this way. more focus is on the fashion industry. edit is getting pushed towards sustainability. his label m f, p n. taylor's exclusive clothing from classic styles to business and the casual aware seager the bunk is one of the new stars of the danish design theme. or he doesn't
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regard himself as a rebel, but as an outside or who calls things into question. because it does a will note too much he's being bought and produce that for my as a my position, it's a difficult thing to say, but we have to reduce our consumption. that's true for everything in life, from electronics to fashion, to toys, to is go to the healing skiing down the slope. well, trash is being burned. below the glass lift reveals what is happening inside the plant. 70 tons per hour. each day, $300.00 trucks arrive loaded with trash, which the plant uses to create electricity and heat. the technology turns the trash into cleaner energy.
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it's crazy that a waste bond can boast of the image of a city. usually these kinds of facilities are outside the city, hit no way that's not our problem. a city produces trash that has to be disposed on . it's important to make citizens a way to show them what happens here. as part of the solution. beyond the facility is not without its critics who say it is too big for local requirements and argue it would be better not to produce the trash and the 1st place. and yet it's part of the city strategy to become carbon neutral. and the waste to energy plant, as it's described as intended to help under pen copenhagen's reputation as the greenest of all capital cities. if we didn't found the trash, it would end up in landfill and release methane gas. we're making energy out of waste, turning a profit from a problem, making it sustainable. it gets pretty down towards the content consumption and
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recycling things that no trash has created in the 1st place. that's still a long way off. by dancing. copeland hill is a power plant that turns waste into electricity and but it's so huge, but it's going to be the biggest and told instruction i know of copenhagen. how could we transform a little crazy? you might say, well, plan copeland hill is his work. bianca ngos, 49 years old, danish star architect. but we do have mountains of trash. this sounds like science fiction. but this is the world changing potential of architecture. what started off as wildly fictional ideas, ski slopes and smoke rings, is turning into everyday reality. his designs are internationally renowned around and he's in big demand. bianca ingles has already built a lot of buildings in his home city. there are few other places that can make bold
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ideas like these come true. did you compare copenhagen's of stock? comstock. com is this dramatic occupied i go with rocky islands and aust, lowest basically at the foot of of the hard to get caught in mounts and then the ski jump in the middle of a beautiful fjords. copenhagen is kind of flat. but when you look closely, everything man made is, is thoughtful and has, as has been made with attention and care. it's the design is formed even that that makes the copenhagen what it is got to ingles designs, buildings that have a lot of different above all diverse functions, themes to create ordinary things. and extraordinary ways. there's no need for green buildings to be uncomfortable. enjoy lists according to ingles, philosophy because he needs to stay after we call it. i've had to this day,
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as dana ability, electrically came on a project, we trying to create a stain advantage that is not just good for the environment, but then, but it also improves people's line. i think on the project every day. what a po uh, put in the sustainability that doesn't involve going without the whole compromising and bathroom some it, it couldn't. it should be the same thing that you want it to the museum in aust baptist. if it did the pillow, the red square in copenhagen, neon signage, from moscow in china, benches from a ron, a slide from japan, no pool. once it was seen as a rough neighborhood, but now it's become a hip multicultural melting pot. the square is a conscious cultural invasion, made up of $108.00 objects for more than 50 countries. it was designed by bianca ngos together with local residents,
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the kind of big city who lives here. it's also where she gets her inspiration. her songs are about autonomy and self determination, but also about how copenhagen text him. you for you to be climate and sustainability play a big role at the moment i'm considering whether to release my album on vinyl is not possible. can you do that sustainably? and how should i travel to my next kid? that's no problem here in copenhagen for that. but what about when the further away? how can you avoid being an environmental center? i ask myself that a lot. it's 5 pm. the top last little piece of trust time for you, we to have 29 year old on a alias nukes is one of the few women in the cities rap scene. she moved to
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copenhagen 10 years ago. the the for the 1st time i can go, we can go almost any way i want to push here to go scale. sometimes people give me funny looks when i say i'm going to work. but that's how it is. a golf and everything is close by m. copenhagen is like a big village compared with the lenient. for example, police exempt copenhagen's young pen. his no other city has worked harder to transform itself into a sustainable and attractive place to live. this square is just one example. since opening this area, it's really become as a friend of snapple. it's like the living room of,
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of just out of the city. and so many people's that would never have come to this area now come here to do cultural events to go inside the sports facilities or just to hang out on this the great square. so it's really changed the friends and the image of this place and opened it up and invited people from other places of the city to come here. when it comes to the mobility revolution. copenhagen is outpacing itself. in the last 10 years alone, the city has invested 300000000 euro is expanding bike pads. so many people cycle that there is not enough room for everyone. especially at rush hour. now the city is creating more places for bikes to park. that's really a challenge for us. is the city how to deal with the bicycle parking?
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we have to start investing really a lot of money in bikes we come barking. and one of the ideas is to build pipe bicycle parking out onto on top of the train tracks. 500 kilometers of bike pads. the city has been extending the network for 20 years now. the capital also has downtown leisure opportunities. we have a number 7 harbor best in the city. and really this whole experience of opening up the water making. it's much more livable. people for my work. they go down during the lunch break, they just have it take a swim, then they go up and work again. architecture and quality of life made in copenhagen. camilla vendors gets inquiries from all over the world. this time she's meeting urban architects and planners. from belgrade, like many others,
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they've come to learn from the city. the serbian capital face has different problems, but shares the same goal to become a better place to live the able to, to build those. when you come to copenhagen, what are the kinds of the lessons or the things that we can maybe show you that can be interesting. biggest issue for us, the green ways of transportation to the point 7 percent. people driving by one of the successful, the bicycle and destruction coming in. also that we always started putting it on the street and not in the parks. it takes a lot of courage from the planners and some of the local politicians to take space away from the cars. right, in the middle of it all green instead of gray. that's the goal is denmark's 1st urban roof garden, a little low races, flowers, herbs,
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fruit and organic vegetables grow here over 600 square meters. every tuesday is volunteers day. when members work alongside volunteers up here on the farm. and 9th as to the e. i'm interested in ecology and i like being out doors. i live on the 3rd floor and i don't have any possibility of growing anything. my so guarantee. so do you have the newest say, face the night? see about it is so many different people coming together from all around the world . and we're going to come in close just to and voluntarily on tuesdays and that's willing to die. we will just come because we want to be here. and because we like to be at nature and i think that's really really cool. yeah. up to 2014. this was the roof of a former car auction house. now it's a grow your own paradise with several be colonies. its own hand coup,
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a rabbits pins. and a compost facilities the idea of transplanting green agriculture from the country end of the city came from libya, opened swap holland. she was studying horticulture at the time this the cool growth, again, is the dream into. and we wanted to create to see fun with local and sustainable agriculture, which would give urban residents with little contact to nature that to up the possibility of experiencing organic farming 1st because of it and supporting in just a minutes where people say, but i think too is not enough discovering the joys of growing your own food. watching plants develop and finding out what they need to, anyone can participate and community is important to you. and of course, there's also a message so you can work with them. didn't just go to the again what this to grow so nicely demonstrates, in my opinion,
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is that we should eat more locally grown food. if you could please me and we should eat more vegetables yourself or space or cannot, we should make sure that we eat organic food and we should show respect and pay more heat to the natural cycle and the seasons part of naughty off to or this may not be off to gas toronto me is also part of the concept. that's the goal is the 1st urban rooftop farm that's a restaurant to under is cooking for the members today. on the menu is a penny, fennel baked red potatoes and a colorful salad. and then those have any grad, many grid on the side. that's one unit. so for the reasons don't say that and this my and a and catch up herb and gardening is a relaxing kind of work. you can either take the vegetables home with you or
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enjoy the reward of a sit down meal. at the end of the day this takes urban gardening to a completely new level from banker to vegetable grower. 8 years ago, under friedman switched in office for a production site and a suit for protective clothing when he set up europe's biggest indoor vertical farm in the danish capital. the same time in 14 souls
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spanish in similar leafy greens can be harvested after just 4 to 6 weeks. his goal is to achieve urban food security officer and the wall and your brain. we are available for security or supine pool. so we need to be able to pass full production inside of the cities as part of the infrastructure of denmark, imports the bulk of its greens from elsewhere, the understanding and says that 20 vertical farms like his could meet domestic demand, the conventional agriculture accounts for 30 percent of global warming and uses 38 percent of the world's land surface. they opportunity i want to in the race and have seen these uses that we have access
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to technologies that would enable us to produce much more food on this space. so we can free off accurate quotes in the end and turn this back into what it was originally useful. namely, force punishment is optimistic, that vertical farms like his will soon be contributing to food security and healthy nutrition world wide. the cities iconic, little mermaid. she isn't worried about rising sea levels, but copenhagen is over the next 10 years, 350 trucks, a day will travel through the city to the port. it's part of the biggest building project in danish history. several $100000000.00 metric tons of earth and sand will go into creating luna at
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a 100 and the new artificial peninsula is meant to shield the capital from the impact of storms and provide additional living space . the funding is 150 or the peninsula is so important because it results many of the capitals challenges in one fell swoop and i missed it. protects by say to you from the consequences of climate change provides a way of disposing of excess excavated us. and creates a living space with schools, offices, and commercial property. i knew it as being a defense against future storm searches and a completely new waterside district. housing, $35000.00 people on 3 square kilometers. that's how politicians and developers are promoting the project. michael cobit and as in hopes it won't get that far. he isn't the only one concerned about the baltic sea in the middle, hong it's it says environmental catastrophe. and yeah,
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they're not talking about that about and we'll, we're moving all of this diverse ocean life from the ocean floor. and also all the fresh water that comes in and out of the baltic sea to germany as well. we're basically putting a cork in one of these under ground, you know, channels. so like the water quality in the baltic sea already bad, it's going to get worse. an act of preservation or destruction. denmark's historic project to counter climate change is highly controversial. it's due for completion in 2017, something called the green washing. other say it's an essential defense against flooding. copenhagen is regarded as particularly at risk. jeanetta harmon is a solution to it and the solution and the discussion is cost. and how big should it be? a how much of he needs a home and should be a natural landscape, how much should be building. but i think regardless of who you talked to, there's an understanding that we have to do something because otherwise the
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historic city will be flooded in a 100 years. and i don't think anyone is, is reading, it's do that, get a city with a flare for forward looking design that's combining sustainability and fund and wants to be applying in the year when it comes to social cohesion and healthy living. a green vision here, people count not cars, hip hi tech and who believes while other cities struggle to face the sure. in copenhagen it is already arrived.
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