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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 3, 2024 1:00am-1:16am CEST

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the the, this is the, the, the news life from berlin. israel admits killing 7 aid workers in golf on a convoy from the charity world. central kitchen was hit during its operations to provide urgently needed food. israel's prime minister says the stripe was unintentional, the charge, he says it's unforgettable. and a few weeks ago he was in prison. no facility or may say is senegal is the youngest president would take a look out of the challenges facing him as he takes office. i life in america is experiencing its worse recorded outbreak of dandy fever. experts say climate change is to play the
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her most welcome to the program. the charts and group world central kitchen has suspended its operations in gaza after and is really air strike killed 7 of its workers. israel has admitted to carrying out the strike, which had a convoy of clearly marked vehicles. prime minister benjamin netanyahu said israel deeply regretted the strike and is investigating. meanwhile, hundreds of thousands of thousands have been left with such a vital source of food to account for the displaced and rough uh, children hoping for meal are turned away. and i must hold on. i am responsible for fishy families in the house to allow time, the time to people to break that fast is mirroring, and they haven't prepared any food. people rely heavily on what the world central
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kitchen provides because the situation is dia then they cannot afford to buy food due to its high cost. the kitchen is closed. on the door is a sign in arabic announcing the closure to more than a day after 7 members of the food a charity were killed. and then as rarely strikes on their 8 convoy footage taken after the attack show to burnt out armoured vehicles featuring in deals, logo as well as in on armor vehicle. the n g o says the vehicles were traveling through the conflict and soon and had coordinated their movements beforehand with as rarely, authorities, the killing of 8 workers, including british polish australian, us and canadian citizens. a sparks drawn condemnations from foreign governments and the international community, including from israel's closest ally the us. we were outraged to learn of an idea
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of striking that killed a number of civilians, humanitarian workers yesterday from the world central kitchen. but we expect the broader investigation to be conducted and to be done so in a swift and comprehensive manner. we hope that those findings will be made public and that there is appropriate accountability held. israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu has confirmed that israel was responsible for the air strike that's uh, handled by norma. unfortunately, a tragic incident happened in the last 24 hours in the gaza strip and assume it happens in walk. so we are fully looking into it for contacting governments and we will do everything. so these incident won't happen again because there's the notion issue with over 208 workers killed in this conflict. israel is facing increasing pressure to protect civilians and to monetary and aid workers slammed join nearby kate phillips for also vice president of global policy and advocacy and the angel mercy court. thanks so much for taking the time to talk to us on dw k. what
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impact 2 of us are a strike, have one much needed on guessing much needed 8 into the square into the strip. sorry. well, thank you for having me. this will be yet another barrier to to get an aide into the people in the office directly, desperately need it. um yeah, this insurance strike is a tragic illustration of the, the security barriers that humanitarian organizations have been raising for the better part of 6 months. now they're effectively no safety guarantees for humanitarian aid workers, which have led to roughly 200 people being killed, including the 7 with world central kitchen over the last day. and unfortunately, this has been a feature of this conflict and, and because me, a humanitarian operations in garza, among the deadliest in the world,
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in terms of humanitarian work or safety. this has proven to be one of the most difficult places to work. and it has really been a real barrier to getting assistance to the people who desperately need it in gaza and with world central kitchen, not having suspended their operations on honor as well. another relief group not being allowed to operate in some areas. what aid is actually guessing intake also? right? not the answer your question is, is very little. even if we're not facing all of these challenges, which are of course the safety and security issues which we're discussing here around the strikes on the world. central kitchen conroy, there is, there are a number of bureaucratic restrictions, slow entries of a going into cause or destroyed infrastructure, making it difficult to deliver aid and a number of other factors that have basically created a gauntlet to getting assistance inside of gauze dash. but it is also not able to
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replace the basics of life, which has been cut off in the siege of the cops district since october 7, meaning the cut off of the clean water, electricity, telecommunications, and other things that are vital to people being able to live and as a result of the siege of gaza and the fact that there are these difficult conditions that have been put in place for the delivery of aide, we now see 1100000 people, that's half of the costs as population on the bring to famine so if we want to see the tide turned on these famine conditions, we need to see a dramatic change and the security conditions. and also the way that aid is allowed into the cause of stress, which is why we are calling very firmly and loudly for uh, for a ceasefire. because we see it as one of the only ways that we could deliver aid out of scale that would matter in this environment. yeah, of course. okay,
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so it's moreso vice president of global policy and advocacy mercy cor. thank you so much for talking to us on dw. thank you. let's take a look at some other stories making use around the world. ukraine's presidents, a lot of music lensky has called for increased efforts to prosecute russian war crimes. speaking to delegates as a conference on justice for ukraine in hey, he said, the aggressors must be held accountable. ukrainian for ministers said the massacre of civilians in boucher has become a symbol of russian atrocities you're with me before. turkish officials say at least 29 people have been killed and several other is badly injured in a fire at a night club and assemble. the club was closed for renovations, and the victims are believe to be construction workers. authorities are investigating the cause of the place on police in finland, say a 12 year old child has died and 2 others have been seriously injured in a shooting at
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a school in the size of of the country. officers say another 12 year old student opened fire up to secondary school in the city of montage, just outside the capsule, helsinki, the suspect was later arrested. senegal has a new president, bus 0 do you may say was sworn and today mocking and dramatic change for the former opposition speaker, who was in jail just a few weeks ago before she 4 year old sweat last month. selections on pleasures of radical reform. just 10 days after being released from prison, several african leaders attended his swearing in ceremony. here's a look at africa's the youngest elected president on the challenges he noted faces his supporters call him mister clean. that's because president the see do, do you my say is promising. a new synagogue of the senegalese people have chosen to break with the past. i think i pledge to
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govern with humility and transparency and to fight corruption at all levels. i pledge to devote myself fully to rebuilding our institutions and strengthening the foundations of our way of life together on the up and oh, no say was not a well known political figure. and he only entered the leadership race as a substitute for his mentor. it was mon sonco, a long standing opposition force in the country who was disqualified from the election because of the conviction released from jail himself less than 2 weeks before the vote. 44 year old fe is now synagogues youngest president, riding on the back of sancho, as young supporters. the you will see a different face of the senegalese people and of synagogue because it's a total revolution. everything is going to change behaviorally, socially and financially. everything is going to change. ready to say appeal to
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jobless voters struggling under the weight of high unemployment. he also rallied support under a populous pen african platform that included promises of economic independence and a new currency, not peg to the euro. but cynical will also start producing oil and gas garcia, which could mean new international partnerships. term that are set to go will always hold his ground and remain a friendly country and a reliable ally to any partner who engages with us and virtuous, respectful, and mutually productive corporation. in the run up to this election was filled with peers of democratic back fighting fe. now faces the challenge of inspiring confidence on all levels. exploits say, send a goal will need sweeping reforms if it's to move forward to the need for the grand
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legislative reform that is going to probably people in presidential power in the country and then to hustle fights, colorado so which i think as being to be no development to this country. now it's time to see a say, a young and unexpected leader can really lead synagogue into a new chapter. now latin america is experiencing its worst ever recorded outbreak of dang, the fever, a virus that has infected, more than 1400000 people in the region. this year. the infection is spread by mosquitoes and affects almost every country in latin america. about $1.00 and $4.00 people, in fact, it will develop an illness and a small percentage of those. the illness will become severe and possibly fatal. the number of recorded cases, this is almost 3 times as many as last year. experts say climate change is partly to blame, with rising temperatures, allowing mosquitoes to survive winter in larger numbers. our next report takes us
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to rio diginero in brazil. warehouse workers are fighting an uphill battle to eliminate the mosquitoes breeding grounds. you put in my beach in rio de janeiro and lead summer heat wave and over 90 percent humidity, ideal conditions for the egyptian tiger mosquito, which transmits one of the country's biggest health problems. thank you. fever authorities estimate there almost 2000000 cases that's led them to set up emergency centers across the country. this woman has come with her 6 on the same with our with that of the where i live, there are many dinky hot spots on right. we have the water tanks in the area and lots of miscast hers. so i think my son got infected. brazil is acutely vulnerable to the virus. there is a vaccine, but the state has to buy it from japan at great cost. so far, only children and young people have been vaccinated, rusty, now, we have an effect seems for 25000000 people in the next 5 years. that's just 13
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percent of our population. we cannot contain the virus in our country like this. i think, you know, by the health department has sent workers to this fellow, i do need conditions. there are often difficult volunteers must explain that garbage that lies out to rod as an ex solar. and for daphne, the mosquitoes must not have access to standing water because that is where they leave their eggs. a female can lead up to 90 eggs at a time. but with that water, the eggs cannot develop into larvae. it will by if we don't want to get sick, we must take care of ourselves. because if there are mosquitoes here, the disease spreads to my neighbors and everywhere. that's why everything here has to be clean contests too because i want this to ontario managed, but some things are beyond the residents control like garbage and mosquito breeding spots can show up in unexpected places pull. okay, well i think there's
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a puddle of water in this car. i didn't find any larvae, but they could be mosquito x in there. you can't see them with the naked eye. i put poison in it. now what obviously the via the mean the dang b as in just a problem and poor neighborhoods, mosquitoes are attracted to wealthier areas with gardens and pools as well, and neglected swimming pool left over water implant. pots, breeding grounds for the tiger. mosquito pesticides would help. but can be used everywhere. and that's what makes fighting that edgar mosquito so difficult. now people in japan's capital tokyo have been seizing the chance to behold the country's famed cherry blossoms, the head of potential rains that could cause the flowers to fall. residents enters to light, came back to see the blooming cherry trees before the rains were forecast to arrive . the tradition of you in cherry blossoms is known as a cora and draws huge crowds each year. the blossoms in tokyo arrived later than
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usual this year due to low temperatures since late february you're watching data in use up next isn't global. awesome, thank you so much for watching dw. stay tuned on take the discovery stories. change your mind just to click away. find out best document trees on you to see the world, the subscribe now to dw talking entry, the .


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