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tv   In Good Shape  Deutsche Welle  April 3, 2024 8:30am-9:01am CEST

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the now when we say there about never giving up every weekend on dw, the do you want to know how fit your lungs are? here's a simple test inhaled deeply and then blow up a balloon with one brass. if it then ends up bigger than your head, well everything's fine. try to blow out a candle from a distance of one meter. if you can do that, your lungs are in great shape. but before you put them to the test, stay tuned to learn a lot more about breathing and your lungs in general. welcome to in good shape. the
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sure juicy food and delicious suites are very tempting. our appetite for oxygen is insatiable. only very few people can go without it for even a minute. why is that? we take a deep breath and start the clock. when you inhale, the diaphragm contracts and the lungs are stretched. air flow through the bronte into the valley where it enters the blood stream by capillaries. red blood cells been buying the oxygen and transports to the furthest parts of the body. almost all cells have their own little furnace is called mitochondria that produce heat and energy. but they need oxygen to burn glucose.
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both are supplied by the blood. so trillions of tiny furnace is take oxygen from the blood. as the amount of oxygen depletes the level of c o 2 increases. but don't worry chemo receptors and the respiratory center of the brain. notice this in balance. if carbon dioxide levels get too high, the alarm sound and the respiratory stimulus kicks in. a minute has passed the body now urgently need fresh oxygen. because unlike food or liquids, bodies can't store oxygen for very long. and if oxygen levels continue to drop, there's a risk of painting the brain cells start to die after just 4 minutes. the normally the lungs in hail and ex sales 15 times over
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a minute. so now they'll try to make up for lost time as quickly as possible. the, the 1st sign of any problems with your lungs is off and coughing. if you just have a cold, you know what's causing it. usually it's harmless and we'll hopefully soon pass. but there are some cases where you should see a doctor. it's a call if last longer than 2 weeks for occurs mainly at night. if it's accompanied by wheezing or similar sounds. and especially if you're short of breath for having chest pains because they could indicate a serious problem such as pulmonary hypertension, or potentially life threatening conditions. 20 months ago, life couldn't have been better for honda after she had given birth to her daughter . but then she received some devastating news offence when i was diagnosed with pulmonary hypertension 5 months ago,
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it's drastically changed my life. it's commonly linked with the elderly or people with preexisting conditions. online research didn't help just a 2nd. i was shocked to read that you could even dying within a couple of years that there weren't really any drugs available. but thankfully, that's not actually the case anymore. i'm click while there's still no cure for pulmonary hypertension, there is some good news as the loan whole to go to the home and there were a hyper tension used to be fatal in many cases. but the progress made over recent decades has helped us to make it a chronic but treatable disease. so, and that's a huge step forward and the most and does social 9 course of course f, like patients with regular hypertension or high blood pressure won't typically notice anything wrong. but those with pulmonary hypertension will at some point experience, shortness of breath, growing fatigue and other symptoms. as was the case with honda for me. last time i
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would feel dizzy and faint. it felt very strange coolness. a deterioration in the patient's condition can have fatal consequences. but water is the causes of pulmonary hypertension and in addition to the main circulatory system, we also have a 2nd to smaller one for the lungs. the right ventricle seem here in blue pumps blood into the lungs. the blood pressure here is far lower than in the main circulatory system, but it will rise to dangerous levels. if the blood vessels in the lungs are damaged or blocked, there were a varying reasons for this. the most common causes are long diseases and the left side at heart disease they have but sometimes with younger patients, pulmonary hypertension has no discernable cause. here the disease often develops very slowly and initially with no symptoms. when honda was diagnosed for lung pressure, it was extremely high and my desktop is multiply this pressure by 3 and you've been
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walking around with an equivalent blood pressure of 400 and probably for many years . but it doesn't happen over night or over the course of a few weeks. messenger substances and the blood undergo changes and the blood vessels constrict, while also be coming figure due to excessive cell growth. the result of further rise and blood pressure and are restricted oxygen supply. early treatment is vital, as by the time the 1st symptoms appear, the pulmonary vessels will level ready incurred significant damage. is that we know that completely removing one long, for example, doesn't necessarily lead to a pulmonary hypertension. so this high blood pressure in the lungs means more than the equivalent of one whole long is incapacitated. francisco home on also has pulmonary hypertension. in her case, it was caused by a congenital heart defect that could not be operated on at the time. she was just
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a school girl when she was diagnosed. is that and i kept on sending blue geron gym to us and had trouble breathing. and no time i did a cardiac catheter test. like with many patients, the doctors prescribed a combination treatment in order to at least stop or disease from progressing. francisco regularly measures the oxygen saturation in her blog to monitor her condition. your home is to your medication. we have now essentially improves the blood circulation and the lungs quite quickly and widens the blood vessels. as they absorb more blood, it helps to relieve the stress on the heart. it last that patients have a strict regimen to follow to prevent over exertion, because the damage done to the lungs can be reversed. then there's the stream in the heart, it has to work harder to keep pumping despite the increased pressure that causes the right side of the heart to become enlarged,
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potentially leading to stiffer arteries, oxygen and sufficiency and heart failure, the cisco home on news why her limits are even pre physical exertion, leads to a significant drop in her oxygen values. the saturation level among healthy people is over 90 percent. fuel. oxygen is 64 percent of pulse a $116.00. why such ration drops falls, but bounces back, falls to her condition. has been stable for years now, thanks to treatment. and because the pulmonary hypertension was detected early on, the diagnosis is made with the help of a cardiac catheter, which measures the pulmonary pressure directly inside the chambers on the right side of the heart. bins and pool minus the patient is short of breath for no apparent reason that has to be clarified and pulmonary hypertension has to be
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considered because we can treat it in come of a 100. phyllis honda has also been feeling well thanks to the medication for dia, leading her blood vessels. she can now manager daily routine again, despite the limitations. mid blood vine is to so these days our treatments can improve patient's physical capacity. nice to exceed and reduce the associated risk to become is the need to get a piece of cooper high and a lower risk is associated with a better chance of survival also to you. and how does hannah see her future? yeah, as one, it does make you worry about the positive energy from my daughter just made it pretty easy to come to terms with aflac and as a mom, you just have to keep going look a full for him as well. the nose is the outermost part of our respiratory tract and does not just have an
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impact on our appearance. in addition to transporting air to the lungs. it also purifies moisturizers and forms the air we inhale. our nose enables us to smell and taste things that is involved in speech production, to its prominent position and makes the nose the 1st point of contact with pathogens, which is why we often get this sniffles. carla has been sneezing all day. her body does it automatically, before each one erupt, she takes a deep breath and take cover every sneeze, objects, thousands of tiny droplets out of a nose and mouth. the cloud is made off of a combine with mucus and saliva. during this means the expelled mix, stick and reach speeds of up to a 160 kilometers our lots as false as a ca, speeding down the highway. but sneezing doesn't happen without reason.
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something must have irritated con, his nose is she's healthy, but happens to inhale dust, poland, or other stuff that can trigger a sneeze. but conic company has a cold. nose is stuffed up, and sneezing also helps the body get rid of excess mucus. and the nose is actually a protective reaction. kind of like blowing your nose quickly. good for kind of maybe not so good for those around a. because the midst of mucus and saliva droplets also contains lots of pathogens. and they spread easily since has nice cloud can expand for several meters. sometimes you might not even have a cold, but you still can't stop sneezing. at the same time you have a blocks and runny nose. all typical signs of an allergic rhinitis
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among the common traders, flour, poland, pat here, house, dust, mites for fungal stores. hay fever is especially problematic. it can migrate to the lungs and bronco tubes and lead to ads, which is difficult to treat. back on her bike at last. christiana chetry, but it's almost a miracle just a few months ago, she could hardly get off the sofa. she suffered from allergic as much as a child, but it went away until last year, when the condition returned with a vengeance. not so we can move indigo this i started sleeping less and less at night. that's was because my nights was spent sitting on the sofa trying to catch my breath upon me. i was played by panic attacks. it got to the point where i couldn't work during the day. i was just incredibly tired and globally smooth as per doctor at the time prescribed increasing amounts of cortisone. but the symptoms worse and,
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and stuff. and she has to think about how i could just getting through each day use the most normal stuff in the world of like meeting up with friends if it didn't work at all comfortable. i'm not ultimately took a heavy toll on my mental health who could fit to see sushi show shock than i could put a home been. in most cases, people can usually cope well with asthma. if they receive the right treatment or the see the update of the aim of today's asthma therapy as for a patient to be symptom free is 90 percent, we achieve this and 80 to 90 percent of all patients. usually with a therapy involving inhalers, questions which is the phone and this means we're no longer talking about just treating the asthma, but about bringing it to a standstill. let's do something. so the medical approach has moved away from acute emergency treatment towards ongoing maintenance therapy. it can only work, however, with the right medication and dose. an allergy test helps to ascertain which
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treatment is needed by me, and there are basically 2 main forms of asthma. one is allergic asthma, which is triggered by holland. the other is non allergic. asthma, which is essentially triggered by viral infections of the airways. and as my patients, the bronco tubes are chronically inflamed. this causes the muscles to cramp and restricts the airways. the re, treatment can significantly improve lung function of a blood test can detect special biomarkers known as your center foes. these are at least partly driving christiana supers asthma, which is why the cortisone spray alone didn't help much. now she's also taking a biologic, a modern medication made from biological sources. video of attempted most of the the patient receives an injection every 4 weeks that she can administer herself. even then she's also using an inhaler mornings and evenings that contains both a bronco died later and a little cortisone as well. that's
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a local therapy that targets only the bronco tools and doesn't affect the rest of the body. misconduct. asthma isn't always caused by an allergy. there are also forms in which the immune system a tax, the patients own airways, the seeing why we often see patients who 1st present with bronco us most in adulthood. high lakisha's, they don't have allergic asthma, but intrinsic asthma, which is associated with high levels of incentive hills. it often takes us to vehicles with acute flare up stuff and they spell them in hot. biologics can also help these patients. cortisone inhalers and a powder form can be used as needed to, but many patients don't can hail them properly. that's the toys this monday pets you have to train patients home to inhale correctly. to take away that fear of inhaling co design, i'll say that the medication really gets into the a ways and doesn't just end up in the throat or itself because it's comp on the
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snow and then who device to induce buys development, house dust. and collin can both trigger i lean shifting his asthma, but she can control it with a combination inhaler that includes a long acting bronco diet later. i've adjusted well now. i no longer need my emergency spray. i spray was quoted the mornings and evenings. i know so have i dropped some tablet off from my allergies and they keep telling me that, you know, even in the spring time is no longer a problem for her. christiana stewart, but no checks or lum function every day at home. she's doing much better. is cutting, let's empty list basically i can do everything i want to. again, remember i started swimming again without problems. and i'm meeting up with friends that i've been socializing for about 6 weeks. now. each maintenance contract though,
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and i've been back to work for about 2 months and i'm really enjoying life. just leave. the asthma is under control and she and her racing bikes are finally back out on the road. do you have a passion for science and health? check out d, w, science, tick tock, and why do something does not get drunk? why do gravitational waves squeeze out bodies? how much was it? do we need to pay days? do stressed out on screen for help. know, and what is the perfect to football by the fun beyond says yes, mos on dw signs. oh take talk channel an estimated 1300000000 people voluntarily damage their loans every day. smoking tobacco leads to ongoing inflammation in the wrong cause. it can seriously damage the loans and
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contributes to 4 out of 5 cases of lung cancer. the w h o says the number of tobacco smokers worldwide is following the young party revelers are also smoking for inhaling. other substances like laughing gas. sounds like fun. but it too can be dangerous. it's a relatively cheap and in most countries legal high god has made nitrous oxide or laughing gas. and extremely popular that intoxicant policy go is get a quick kick by inhaling it from free feel. balloons also can get out of cartridges in which green guns it's widely available in many countries. but the pressure inside the dispenser can rupture long tissue and even close respiratory arrest and the other health risks to hold on the fluid and couldn't they could stop your nervous system from functioning properly. you could lose sensation in your land ice
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and vitamin b 12, which is very important for our bodies may not be metabolized properly anymore with serious consequences for your internal organs. they stop working properly from 10 until furnished memory stick. laughing gas is becoming increasingly popular among nighttime revelers closing fits of giggles, hallucinations, and feelings of euphoria. what they don't raise about is the dizziness, nausea, breathing difficulties, and people pulsing out which are other side effects. expos, oversight, save, frequent uses. have to constantly increase the fix in order to feel anything, and that's where it gets dangerous. the tickets the glow overdosing could lead to cardiac arrest done, and there's also damage from long term use, like the chronic usage has a cron contact on your nervous system. coatings, my nephew, his team, in the most severe cases dr. say that can even be to power play just nitrous oxide
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is used in health care settings, so anxious patients, the dentist, for example, not to make them off, but to help them relax. yeah, i'm just, i think if we introduced that because a lot of patients wanted something to relieve their anxiety. and nitrous oxide is actually very good for dental care, what kind of discount. so it enables me to con patients down safely and relatively quickly and perform procedures that they probably wouldn't go through with otherwise. for her, i'm just going off to the dentist is careful to administer the right dose of nitrous oxide, which varies according to the patient's weight. and there's also a post monitor that's kind of tennessee people just looking to get high, don't get a control dose, of course a transmission, but they have no control at all over what they're breathing and often. and so we end up in hailing an amount that's above the right level. we just don't know what the and that's dangerous to know this is confused. so recreational uses, it's
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a brief hit for a brief high, but the impacts on the health could be long term. wants to protect your lungs from a necessary damage. here are a tips for the home. easy on the incense and candles they release organic compounds and ultra fine particles and scented candles often contain synthetic additive and careful. as you cook, due to the vaporized fat and smoke produced plus gas stoves released nitrogen oxide, in particular, it's linked to asthma in children. so eventually regularly take care when cleaning too many products release harmful chemicals into the air. so just use warm water in mild soaps wherever possible. finally, sitting is not good either. so get up and stretch for the benefit of your chest and diaphragm. that's a really boost your lungs. there's a door and sport every wednesday here on
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germany's baltic sea coast, a group of locals meet for a healthy running session. but that's not all in this training course. participants also work on healthy breathing the yeah, there's an app or even through your nose in the course run by stuff you fuck month is called simply running and breathing. the running is at a modest pace and with repeated breaks to enable members to properly catch their breath. and now white inside does a slide these days leads will brief found too quickly, and these techniques help us to regulate how breathing, than all the different techniques we use are allow us to vary operating my attitude, have 4 participants learn to listen to their bodies, read consciously and control their sense of well being through breathing. it was
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their own experience that prompted step few folk month to devise the course. that was one that came from a time when i was suffering from, but i think a time because i learned about the importance of breathing and then started running as a kind of tool that gave me some buttons of to daily stress out life and content from from i attacked the panic attack stopped, but she's still running 4 times a week here to she believes it's important to consciously pay attention to her body and to not just run for approaches, always holistic and wellness. life is it's uh for me, healthy running means focusing on myself. any flight, it's not about expectations that others might have of me. but of mine to produce is focusing on my needs 1st and foremost. yeah, i'm not expecting too much of myself. this mission is to be that hard on the breathing exercises on for everyday use. one that can be done anywhere,
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any time is for 2nd breathing. so as with gums, you're using naturally you inhale for 4 seconds. try to mentally comb full 2nd awesome and then hold your breath before spectrum and then exile then for 4 seconds . then hold your breath again for full seconds. and then hey again, that's a full, a 2nd line. i'm trying to get into a flow, maybe over 5 minutes to slow yourself time. folk months running and breathing courses are free of charge. she says she exercises any way, and it's happy to have company in good shape, very own fitness coach also as an exercise for you. now, of course to help strengthen your lungs. why not give it a try? over to 10? i everybody and welcome to a nice exercise which is called the site over now, which stretches your spine and strengthens good. all right,
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you said cypress to one of your favorite walls in your home. then you place the 4th, which is next to the wall in front of you. second place placed both hands against the wall and the upper arm. totally straight. now you pushed cautiously, the wall away from you and the hips as well away from the wall until you feel a nice stretch. inhale courteously. if we do this exercise for 8 to 10, we'd have cycles twice a day, which is a nice kick off for you long and of course to the same on the other side the,
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this exercise is really great because it extends your spine which is support for your briefing and good breathings, of course. let me good for you all wellbeing. have fun with that. thanks for watching and see you next time fun in good shape. the the, the
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welcome to a place that gives a lot of things right. copenhagen's. bustling bicycle friendly city is known for his design. in architecture. the data is capital might give us a glimpse of the urban future. copenhagen hits green, sustainable in 30 minutes on d, w. go india. asians cross to turn in
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india weaving is being done by her and again the number of times is growing and so is the income because customers are prepared to pay more for him with the industries flourishing to the next level, we need to educate and cranes the eco india in 90 minutes on dw the one unit interested in today's, to my parents because of my family, what killed, how was this age? i'm on a journey to find out about the russo the 19 are to put you on the side produce the to see through under my name is some way to shimmer. i'm a feeling mix sweet shaving history out documentary stuff. april 6th on dw,
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. this is the, the news coming to live from berlin, a powerful real quick rocks, taiwan. the tremor hits near the eastern city of quality inn, bringing down buildings and knocking out power, local media, se several people are believed to be trapped. also coming up israel, so as its error strikes, it killed international aid workers and gaza was a grave mistake. israel's army chief says the incident which killed 7 people was the result of a mr. identification under complex conditions and should not have happened and how russian recruiters are lowering young man in the fall into the war and ukraine with
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promises of money and pass track.


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