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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 3, 2024 9:00am-9:30am CEST

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the, the, this is the, the news coming to live from berlin. a powerful real quick rocks, taiwan. the tremor hits near the eastern city, a plug in bringing down buildings and knocking out power, local media, se several people are believed to be trapped. also coming up, israel says it's air strikes that killed international aid workers and gaza was a grave mistake. israel's army chief says, the incident which killed 7 people was the result of a mis identification under complex conditions and should not have happened. and how russian recruiters are lowering young man in the fall into the war and ukraine with
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promises of money and past practice. russian citizenship the hello, i'm terry martin. good to have you with us. a massive earthquake is hit taiwan, causing damage and knocking out power to tens of thousands. the strongest earthquake in 25 years was centered near the city of while yet on taiwan z, eastern coast. 7 people had been killed in more than 700 injured government. officials say over 70. people are trapped after dozens of buildings and tunnels collapsed. the power 7.5, magnitude quick initially prompted. so now me warnings for japan and philippines, which you have since been lifted still. no, there's yet a short while ago i spoke with our correspond to james change or in taipei. he says, most of the deaths and injuries are being reported in while you will. as you
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mentioned in the introduction, this is now the most powerful of crates of strikes high one and 25 years. the majority of those casualties and injuries you mentioned we're seeing and not east and city of holly. and that's also why we're seeing the most shocking kind of social media images coming out from this quite some line slides. reducing wrote faces to dust and rubble. also some buildings angles almost at $45.00 degrees to the ground. and that's why we also believe some of the people are still trapped in those buildings. now one of the other things that people, of course be looking at is the impacts on the semi conduct your industry in taiwan, which produces some 90 percent of the was listed on sunday, conducts his biggest company the most important company to see so far says the operations of the front trees have been largely on handed, that was a brief period of evaluation. but operation so far seems to be present proceeding without too much interference from the south clay. but just the other thing that
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people will be concerned about in the coming hours is that we've had a really significant number of off the stroke since this main of craig's talking about the 8th, hey, i'm in the for hours off of the quicker we had about $58.00 off the shots, 2 of which were above the magnitude 6 or concerns in the coming i was about. that's the impact of those off the shots. what about the other countries in the region? james, tsunami warnings were issued for a wide area. are absolutely the main area of japan that was potentially looked like it could be impacted by the side of the clinic with the south western islands. ok, now pretty fight you some of the islands and not proof i trust the very, very close to the time these may not, this is islands like you on a journey. it should ducky wes unami warnings y issued in some so you know, many ways i she reached those islands and within an hour i asked you this is quite taking place. those warnings have since been lifted. it seems that the impacts on the japanese parts of, of ok now for the federal that was,
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or the philippines have been launch the on the sites and flights of resumes to oxy malware. but again, japanese authorities say here, warning, given that we have seen this, this large number of off the shots, the people in these islands should remain cautious because of the shock even of a magnitude 6, which we have seen still have the potential to, to trick a single many ways. now the reason is no stranger to earthquakes are people, they're generally well prepared. yes, high one has a very well wheels response mechanism to this type of the quake. and the, the, the response and emergency services where the spring into action taiwan is present time, one to submit a tree personnel or on their way through the list um, cited zones. and of course, you know, we have seen really, really damaging of quakes entire ones. history. for example, the 1999, a craig, where we had some, 2000 people killed in tens of thousands of buildings destroyed since that off crate
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took place. we've had much more stringent restrictions and sorry, regulations in terms of, of quite freezing buildings. and that's why we really don't see the level of destruction you might expect from an outbreak of this magnitude in taiwan. james, thank you very much. that was our correspond to james chase or in taipei style to the war in gaza and world leaders have condemned and is really air strike on a humanitarian con boy there that killed at least 7 or killed 7 people working for the n g a world central kitchen for nationals from australia, poland the u. k. in the us are among the victims. us present, joe biden said he was outraged and heart broken by the tragedy while australia slammed the attack is completely unacceptable. is real, his blame to strike on miss identification, then called it a grave mistake. un secretary general, antonio gutierrez, also condemned the attack and has called for an immediate cease fire. devastating
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is rarely have strikes that skills rolled simple kitchen personnel yesterday brings the number of age workers skilled in this conflict, 196, including more than 175 members of all new n stuff. these is uncomfortable, but it is an inevitable result of the way the water is being conducted. let's now speak to our corresponding in jerusalem tanya kramer, tanya, the air striking garza the killed those 78 workers, has drawn strong international criticism. we just part of the un secretary general calling it unconscionable. washington has also condemned it. will this put further pressure on israel's government to change its garza strategy? miss watson? this is still a to see because we've heard a lot of this international and criticism. a lot of international pressure on the is rarely coming that to protect or to do more to protect civilians given to high
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deaf sold in gauze on the civilian population. but that also, of course, includes humanitarian workers that doing essential work there to bring this much needed age to the civilian population. and we heard, you know, this is this, this pressure is not really always reflected on the ground and the military efforts . there seem most of the times a take a precedent. although israel says it's, it does enough to protect a civilian snow. you, any officials here in jerusalem have said after the incident that this is not an isolated incident, but it's of course, the most serious, the most tragic one. but that the needs to be done more to have a working mechanism to make it possible to that these convoys can go into garza and deliver the aid that's needed. and also that you, many tiring 8 workers are protected on the international humanitarian. little
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israel describes the incident as a grave mistake and it's promising a thorough investigation. but is that likely to have any consequences? tanya? it was always the military then says after such incidents that the investigating there are investigations under way as to why and how this could have happened. but of course, it's also seen as problematic because it's the military investigating itself. so we have to wait and see what are the outcomes of this investigation. the military said they will share this then a with the and he also avoids central kitchen and other humanitarian active. know what is very important to you for a monetary and a workers and for 8 workers here is that there will be a review of the security arrangements. they are saying, basically the mechanism or the conflicting mechanism as they call it. which means
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the coordinating with the military, every movement of the convoys of the cars that are moving around in an active combat. soon. it's a very, a dangerous environment for them is not a properly working. and we've heard from was central kitchen. they had fully coordinated, as they said, with the military, and it's more details and much there, a lot of questions. now, how this could happen is this was a con way of 3, cause one of them at least, was clearly marked as world central kitchen to them are much as we understand. and they were all 3 targeted apparently, according to reports here by drawing a strike. so this is very important for the 8 workers here so they can continue to do their work. israel is also implicated in the attack in damascus. the killed tougher rainy and generals tonya, the kind of gone says it believes is real, carried out the air strike. how is,
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is real reacting to all those ton is usually not commenting on such so strikes. but again, here in the media of course, my military and is this very much discussed as to the implications and the consequences of this strike that was in the syrian capital, damascus. and we heard from the wrong and supreme leader saying that this will require punishment. now the question here what's being discussed is how will the retaliation look like this? we're discussing you that this is a, you know, this, a shudder was, it was cold between iran and israel is coming out of the shadow. and it's a serious scene as a serious escalation. and of course, everybody is waiting to see how iran will react to this other could be uh, you know, several possibilities. we don't know yet the cruise, you know, a talk,
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a diplomatic overseas of the, of embassies, for example, but also more closely here in the region. you know, it's proxies such as the who sees from yemen or iraq a minute shows uh, or has blocked in a southern living on could we tell you that that of course is a concern because the northern area here, the border region is already a on the very hard tensions, tanya, thank you very much. that was our correspondent tony kramer is originally so you look at a few other stories making headlines around the world today. hundreds of gathered in the syrian capital damascus to more. and those killed by knowledge is rarely strike on the rainy and console. monday's attack killed 13 people, including to a rainy in general's, their end supreme leader, until the company has failed to retaliate raising fears of a wider regional conflict. the north korea, which says that his test at
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a hypersonic missile. how that can be fitted with nuclear warheads on leader kim jong on praise. the successful test of this solid fuel system which can launch faster than traditional missiles. it comes a day after japan and south korea detected the north korean missile fired into the sea. between those countries. turkish officials say at least 29 people had been killed and several others badly injured in a fire out at night club and assemble. the club was closed for renovations, and the victims are believed to be construction workers. authorities have detained a people as they investigate the cause of the play. ukraine's president below him is the landscape has signed a new law lowering the age for mobilization, for the military from 27 to 25. it will allow teeth to call up tens of thousands of additional soldiers. ukraine has suffered heavy losses on the battlefield after 2
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years of war with russia. russia is also is trying to replenish its forces, but is increasingly looking abroad for its recruits. thousands of young man from the pole in south asia had been lowered by russian recruiters to fight in ukraine. they prompt their promised and attractive salary and fast track citizenship in russia. but the net police fighters are sent to the front line with little or no training their hopes for a better life. often and in tragedy, dw corresponded audio. bob sent us this report from the pulse capital cap under somebody's on this down pool tank. gone for saving his life and it was a well, now we he suffers from nice meals deeply traumatized by what he experienced on the front lines and you clean nobody had the right nobody cares
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about the dead and russian, you know, the life of the injured depends upon the seriousness of the wound, but that of treatment is possible, we rescue them. otherwise, we are instructed to shoot the seriously injured soldiers where they lay out on someone managed to escape. most of those do not keep it around. 2000 utilized russian agent who helped him the and get back home. now she's burdened with heavy debt services. at a time, she has been job less desperate to find work keys. they need to be a daily retail. they, they've done something. napoli is nationals intervene. my city again, i would like to express my concern about the enlistment of our citizens in the armed forces of a nation with which we lack and official packed or treated in the recruitment of our citizens implies that it happens with the knowledge of the russian government to some level in a village outside gotten on to this family moans,
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the loss of his son and husband were not by 100 was killed 2 months ago in a battle on the screen in the front lines. she had received barely 2 weeks of training before being sent off to fight a fellow napoli, soldier called his wife, the new kind of a shocking message. unintelligible when i heard the news of my husband's death, i felt like jumping off a cliff and ending my life. besides, it took me weeks after hearing the news to actually believe it was over with. i couldn't believe that he is no more. and i still feel like i may receive his call, but that's all she knows. now. com. it's the family. don't even know whether they will get his body proper video. look wrong and know daddy's more than her greeks. and she also has her deeds,
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but the deck of $6000.00 bugles, that her husband beat at each end to paysimple russia in the 1st place back and to bundle someone's view as an uncertain future. scott, from his experience in a foreign war many of those are still stuck in that war on shore. david, i won't get home tonight for more of this, let's bring it in frank language. he's a former military officer of the senior lecture. now i was in your studies at portsmouth university in the u. k. frank, what do we know about the foreign nationals who are fighting for russia and it's war against ukraine? good morning, terry. we know that they are from many different countries you saw in the pile that there's a big stress. tons of numbers i think on south asia. so also it did nationalist for
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line comes and paradoxically inside us guns were the focus for the russians anyway on trade soldiers. so just trying to coast by the west. they've been looking for those and they've been recruited both directly on through iran that had been saving souls and seen some of them trained. some of them experienced was a minor diplomatic spot with cuba last year, which is now settled is different and they're all cubans and not many on south africa troops to last year. the lowest with liberalized as well to recruit for the soviet citizens into the army. and of course, the d o is money you're off, rich russian soldier conscripted a rather volunteer enough in this case uh, receives about $2000.00, which is a huge amount of money, of course. so we think, as i say there, about several 1000 of these people probably don't tens of thousands. how is russia
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going about recruiting these before and fighters? frank, give us an idea of how it works in practice. this direct recruitment, of course, and not recruitment. the model for that would be asked on soldiers through, through the writings to iran. and, and of course directly, if they kind of adopt the rest of the agents in a rush and nationals and you're not going to scan, recruit, take, or in any of these countries. this will be done through intermediaries. and the deal of course, is, is money. and also the lowest with change study last year obviously was the russians are desperate for troops to make it much easier to get rushing, nothing ality of citizenship allowing you of course, to work that bring your family to. so these are serious, these are serious pull factors and are all very attract, gives you so that are the feel they're also a direct recruiting. of course of more experienced fights isn't, makes the method syria with some of the more experienced units the are the units uh,
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set off kind of stop on are, are, are in south asia as well. right? cuz some of the boys, especially places luxury like where, where they've got experience places. very few of them. i suspect now for nationals are also fighting for ukraine. what's the difference, frank? between what ukraine is doing, what russia is doing, in terms of uh for an national funding for the i think the difference is fairly straightforward. you can top cut, categorize or characterize so just like those you saw in the report as being traffic that promise to a very great deal and end up in awful, terrible situations. and also after dead it's and also to clear whether they are paid properly. whereas the volunteers and the ukrainian lead to the international legion, i think 2 of my volunteers and not just volunteers but but, but because they said volunteers by a large there are no conscripted foreigners in the credit. on the as far as i'm
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aware, all those i messed up committed to the fight. many of the very effective, some of them, not so much, some of them with military training, some not. they got some training well that, that ranging from choir and troops to sort of, uh, accept regular western european. so just to those who perhaps have loaner training, but a little bit of it does offer adventure or commitment to the course under pages ukrainian soldiers. so that's a different step and sweet human traffic essentially. and uh, lets accept most and rate most and re, uh, motivations. on the russian side and ideological commitment, what might say, a new crated about 20000 people estimate. many is very effective. they are, they contribute one of the problems that they have, of course, as of every other elements, the opinion on forces is resulting, as i think got, well, certainly mind even told me. but nonetheless, i still committed and highly motivated. most mostly frank,
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thanks very much. that was military analyst, frank language. thank you, terry. are now to say to you, which is gripped by violence, says armed gangs tightened their hold on the capital for the prince. and they now control almost 80 percent of the city transitional government is in place after the former prime minister area only stepped aside last month. can you is proposing to send hundreds of police to the country to help stop the violence? but many are increasingly we're worried about the idea you've to have to watch these open air garage for the survivors. there's nothing
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left to put new ones to leak back. another one, everything has been bumped down. we are living in such a bad time. this is not life. young people who have a professional cannot live here. the country even remember the eyes you've up from 12000 kilometers away. thank you can, as president william router says, you might have a solution for haitians. at the beginning of march, who to inc, a deal that would see a 1000 can and police officers sent to haiti to lead multinational secuity to support the importance, significance and audiences of this mission cannot be overstated. these mission for humanity. it is a mission in solely deputy with our brothers and sisters in hate. the presidents also to send can boots so far from home has been met with cost resistance, which critics accusing him of using the deal as
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a cash grab. america has committed up to a $100000000.00 to finance. just arrange meant security analyst, georgia with somebody says kenyans have no business in haiti, likening the whole arrangement to something most sinister from us. it could be perspective, we're going there as much, and that is because now you're talking about being given equipment, you're thinking about being paid. you have to campbell being trained. so basically, this is what happens to watson nice, i think, very seasonal that i to move kenya has a history of sending its police officer as a broad, including to liberia and yugoslavia. well, somebody, whoever says this mission is different for one main reason. right now we're going to a country that has no government to talk about, lift the hate to people themselves has to themselves. so you can know type of people who don't really trust themselves and helping themselves is accepting that they have a problem. they sit down around a table, have a political solution, agree to this, and then now we can send in
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a mission to go on supporting the official support of this deal, save the can you, as part of a global community, has the responsibility to support allies and up sending police offices trained in institutions such as these low so hate see, will signal can you as a reliable partner? however, beyond the diplomacy question, there's also a legal one. the can imports ruled in january that deploying police officers for peacekeeping missions, ease, legal boots, was insistence on this matter is seen as a violation of the law. in a recent article, kenya's former chief justice william with whom go a choose the country's government, the us and the un security council of luring the offices to a death trap. in defiance of the quotes. according to move to these institutions a guilty over throwing the condemned constitution, william brutal now will accept political tightrope as he policies kenya's, domestic, and global interest. in the absence of a solution,
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violence remains the only constant in haiti a whole spring in rows of friedman. here she is a professor of law complex and global development at redding university. in the u. k. she is an expert on ation. politics, thanks for being with us. how much help professor do you think a 1000 strong canyon police force would be for restoring order in haiti? i mean this, this police false. she doesn't speak the language of pre owned or french, or even spanish, which, you know, said 3rd language and hate to the doesn't know the local context and does not understand the political climate. it will be very, this will help to, to the haitian police submit it true on the ground. i will actually be more of a hindrance. i'm the bar, it will actually be for the security of this, of this 1000 people coming from kenya. rob then, whether or not they can help with the security on the ground in haiti. as we heard
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in the report, the decision to send kenyan troops has been met with harsh criticism there. why is can use government backing the mission? well, we have to understand the economies of peacekeeping and the economies of intervention can use. government will be paid assessed amounts of money sold, general police officer that is deployed. the amount of money is probably more money than they actually have cheap as individuals. so they won't be back in an economic profit from it. but there's also the political economies of peacekeeping. when peacekeepers are deployed from a country that gives kenya, all of the countries that deployed peacekeepers, they school carpets. so within the united nations, it brings them into tables and rooms of power that they don't otherwise will can say. so there's lots of reasons for candice government to be sending out these 1000 men and women. but those reasons aren't really caring about hate to a feller still talk of funding alternatives to address the problem. uh,
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what about the prospect of a un authorized military intervention in haiti? is that a realistic option for addressing the country security crisis? what, what, let's be clear. the reason that he goes to the side cause of violence and instability is because for the last 200 years, this being international forces and different guys is that um, the takeover. the country festival, the united states uh, occupied the country. uh, between the 2, what was this being the un intervention? i recently lost it for about 15 years and is there any recent need being taken out having get to another international intervention is not what he needs. hatred was the 1st black. so reinstate it was the best country, just throw colonialism to punish slavery. and yet time and again the decade says be more, more interventions that doesn't allow patients to solve their own problems and find patients solutions. patient problems now hated does not have
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a functioning government at the moment. there's a transitional council this being put together, but how could any international force get a proper mandate to intervene of what that would be? no legitimacy for any international force, the traditional count. so the central government may say that it's okay for an international task was to come in, but that doesn't give the task force legitimacy on the ground with haitian people. bear with me in mind that they did not vote in this transitional counseling. in fact, they didn't bridge, and the last prime minister around the race route, the 13 months and elected up to the president was assassinated. the only way that it will be legitimacy on the ground is once free and fair elections are being held in haiti. and the only way that haitians will accept any kind of international support is it, this is a quote that police or military no. if it's a top down intervention. okay, i'm afraid we're going to leave it there. professor. thank you very much. that was
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professor rosa, prevent at reading university in the u. k. thank you. you're watching dw news. thanks for being with us. the dean with a difference. there is no snow, but that doesn't matter. here you can hit the slopes all year round. colbin hill, as it's called, is located in the danish capital. the artificial sky facility was built in 2017 on top of a waste incineration plant. there are lift to take ski fans to the start of the 100 meter high piece, which stretches over half the kilometers.


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