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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 3, 2024 2:00pm-2:16pm CEST

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the the, you're watching, you know, the news coming to you live from berlin. hundreds injured and a powerful earthquake about rocks at taiwan. a tremor hits near the eastern city of juan leanne, bringing down buildings, knocking out power and traffic. people in the ruins of the coming up on our show. nato's foreign ministers meet in brussels, aid for ukraine at the top of the agenda. with for the further discussions on making support for q of less dependence on the united states. the
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empire. richardson, welcome, a mazda of earthquake has hit taiwan, causing damage, and knocking all power to tens of thousands of people. it is the strongest earthquake in 25 years and was centered near the city of juan's. yeah, and on tai ones, eastern coast, at least 9 people have been killed and hundreds confirmed injured. government officials say dozens of people are trapped under buildings and tunnels, after the collapse of a powerful, quick initially prompted sonoma warnings for japan and the philippines. but they were later lifted to w's james a tater in taipei. explain to the challenges the rescue. workers are facing a yeah. well for complex, this is a city on taiwan eastern coast. you story my report, that some of the imagery of the geography rated in the coastline and what it looks like. this is an area where a lot of these kind of space is really dramatic, say,
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face is kind of fall into the sea. and this is why we're hearing now reports later in today. um that some 50 people are missing. it amounts in us national park, it just north of wiley and actually and the rest of the operations that to find those people are ongoing. this is the city that i'm one of the cities as most prior and to us craigs in taiwan. and again, this is why the majority of emergency response resources are going to be we're any channels this evening given that this is where the majority of people are for it. for example, us so thompson's of the rubble all located. and it's also, of course, um, where the majority of deaths have been reported. again, as i mentioned in that report that reports off the shots continue have continued during today. we've had some more than 50 or so in the 4 hours, immediately off, the quade and authority. so i wondering analogy and caution that some more of the source code come in the coming days complicating those rest of your efforts further . now taiwan lies on the pacific ring of fire,
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a well known for being an earthquake hot spot. and as a result, it does have measures in place to protect against them. how well did preparations hold off and dislike? yeah, what is a right? you points out high one that has a very why the world's response mechanism to this type of natural disaster. it's one of the most seismically active regions in the world. so the very used to this type of activity, it will be, it may be not only on the scale that we seen today, but i really did spring into action today. we've had done so i was present saying that the ministry was going to be dispatched to these areas. and of course, i mean this is something that taiwan has had. so it's a really learn from past experiences. restoring 1999. this is a really chris columbus, a tie one where i really passed the last week about the same magnitude. we saw it today, killed some, 2000 people, then left tons and tons of thousands of buildings damaged. and it was really also that moment that we saw most stringent regulation come into force in taiwan for
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quite proved infrastructure. and you know, although we have seen a pretty significant degree of damage today, it's fat to say the, you know, without those experiences without bots in building knowledge, that's why one has to deal with this type of natural, dissolved. so the situation could have been much worse and what kind of international response have we seen while a number of countries are really concerned that they were going to be in some, in some way implicated in the immediate off them off of this. so it's quite a bit soft credit was powerful enough, but it was folks in shanghai. and of course, as i mentioned that in that report. so you know, me evaluations, warnings were issued in japan and the philippines again later withdrawn. and it seems that nobody's insomuch has been reported in either of those countries. but of course, the attention already time. so those, those rescue efforts in taiwan a number of countries have said that they're willing to provide disaster relief to taiwan. if the government says it's required. thank you so much for that is james
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at cheater for us and type pay for ministers from nato countries are meeting in brussels to discuss maintaining long term support for ukraine. nato, chafee and spells and bergs, proposing the creation of a 100000000000 euro fund to bolster kids defenses over the next 5 years. what's gonna happen seems to move as part of a push for the alliance to take over. the us led to group that coordinates weapon shipments to ukraine. nato is seeking to reduce its dependence on the us, where a $60000000000.00 ukrainian a package has been installed in congress for months. sold and burg, also told members of the press that the security of the block depended on bolstering the rule of lot throughout the world's ukraine will become a member of nato. it is the question when nope, if tomorrow we also need to, well, we're in the pacific partners, australia, the seasons are pano southcourt out together with the european union. we know that
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our security is now regional. it is global. the war in the crane industry. it's this clearly russia's friends, the nation are vital for continuing its war of aggression. signed laws popping up russia's war economy in return, most goal is mortgaging its future to bridging north korea. i'm it wrong or the living substantial supplies of weapons and ammunition in return from young. i'm fed on receiving russian technology and supplies that help them advance. let me start a new set of capabilities these as the regional on global security consequences. so like minded nations around the world needs to stand together to defend a global order rule by law not by force. always get the latest on this from our brussels correspondent terry schultz are joining us now from nato headquarters.
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good to see you there. terry secretary salton berg laying out some of the challenges facing the ally and see here what our foreign minister is going to be focusing on at this meeting as well with tomorrow being the 75th birthday of nato's founding. they very much want to use this as a celebration of the longevity of the alliance. the fact that has been able to pull together through many challenges in the past, even though they're facing a truly x, a central one. today in the eyes of, of many nato allies. so they'll be talking a lot about unity and about how they are able to withstand whatever comes their way . i mean, it's not just russia that's also cyber. it's also challenges of from some of the asian countries like china. so this is going to be something that they're very much talking about. and as secretary general's tools and berg mentioned, expanding nato's partnership, not its presence in terms of being a military alliance. but in terms of reaching out hands and,
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and having more corrupt cooperation with particularly those countries depends south korea, australia, and new zealand and tear. i'd like to hear a little bit more about this new ukraine fund, nato chief in spartanburg, saying this, and send a, a strong message to rush. how can you tell us a little bit more about it and how united nato members are on it? that's right. this is something they're really cheating up for the washington summit that takes place in early july. they are not expected to grant you crane membership as keep would like at the summit. but they do want to extend a solid package of support. and as you mentioned earlier, there's a lot of concern about where the us will stand, not necessarily in july, but after november. and so they want to make sure that this group that was founded . in fact, by the us defense secretary, lloyd austin, the ramstein group will continue in some form after the elections,
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no matter what happens there. and that's why they've been talking for some time about moving some of those responsibilities in the us leg group under nato. that would make sure that no matter what happens in elections there or in any other country for that matter, that this kind of cooperation with ukraine would go on and then it gives them a way to ensure you crane that you may not be ready for membership now in july, but we will be there and we will help shepherd you along the way. so that's something they're going to be trying to get on the same page here as of this meeting. but we're already hearing that hungry is a going to be a post do it. now, putting of course, has been re elected president earlier this year, and many leaders in europe worry that this could further in bold and him. can you tell us more about how concerned nato is about russia's next steps as well? i don't think anyone expected any other result out of those russian elections and it's hard to see how the president could become more brutal when it comes to ukraine. so i think everyone was ready for that. and of course,
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we hear that now he's going to launch a new conscription campaign. so he has even more bodies to throw at that war, which is a big concern for everyone here. this ukraine package that i'm talking about is going to be something that helps them and they will also be discussing, you know, what more support countries can give by laterally to ukraine. they can't control what russia does. all they can do is try to help you frame was found whatever comes next. thank you so much. as always, that his date of use, brussels corresponded terry shells for us and we can bring up to speed. now with some other world news headlines. world leaders have condemned is really strikes on a humanitarian convoy that killed 7 people working for the n g a world central kitchen for nationals from australia, poland the us and the u. k. are among the victims. us president joe biden said he was outraged and heart broken while australia slammed the attack as completely unacceptable. israel has blamed the strikes on a miss identification and called them a grave mistake. you're gone to the constitutional court has rejected
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a bit to overcharged. one of the world harshest anti home with sexuality laws, the legislation passed in may last year and it criminalizes same sex acts with punishments, including life in prison. and the death penalty. ugandan government has accused western nations of trying to pressure africa into accepting what it calls important values. the former president of the spanish football federation, we sort of yeah, this was a briefly detained by spanish police as part of a corruption investigation movie all this was returning from the dominican republic . i'm at a prob, into the business deal to hold the spanish super cop in saudi arabia. he was question by police at madrid. the airport before being released, the last in america is experiencing it's a worst ever recorded outbreak of den gay fever. the virus causing the fever, has infected more than 1400000 people in the region this year. now the infection is
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spread by mosquitoes and effects. almost every country in central and south america . about one and 4 people infected will develop an illness. and then a small proportion of those the illness will become severe. the number of recorded cases this year is almost 3 times as many as last year. experts say climate change is partly to blame with rising temperatures, allowing mosquitoes to survive winter in larger numbers. in rio de janeiro, health workers are fighting an uphill battle to eliminate the mosquitoes. breeding grounds you put in my beach in rio de janeiro, late summer heat wave, and over 90 percent humidity, ideal conditions for the egyptian tiger mosquito, which transmits one of the country's biggest health problems. thank you. fever authorities estimate there almost 2000000 cases. that's led them to set up emergency centers across the country. this woman has come with her 6 on the same way with that of the where i live there many dinky hot spots. don't worry. we have
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a few water tanks in the area and lots of mistakes hers. so i think my son got infected. brazil is acutely vulnerable to the virus. there is a vaccine, but the state has to buy it from japan at great cost. so far, only children and young people have been vaccinated, rusty, now the we have an effect seems for 25000000 people in the next 5 years. that's just 13 percent of our population. we cannot contain the virus in our country like this of being a by the health department has sent workers to this for vella. i do need conditions . there are often difficult volunteers must explain that garbage that lies out to rod is an excel or and for danny. the mosquitoes must not have access to standing water because that is where they leave their eggs. a female can only up to 90 eggs at a time. but with that water, the eggs cannot develop into large of a. i will buy you if we don't want to get sick,
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we must take care of ourselves. because if there are mosquitoes here, the disease spreads to my neighbors and everywhere. that's why everything here has to be clean contest too, because i want this to ontario manage. but some things are beyond the residents, control like garbage and mosquito breeding spots can show up in unexpected places pull. okay, well i think there's a puddle of water in this car. i didn't find any larvae, but they could be mosquito x in there. you can't see them with the naked eye. i put poison in it. now, what obviously the volume leave me that dang b. as in just a problem, in poor neighborhoods, mosquitoes are attracted to wealthier areas with gardens and pools, as well, and neglected swimming pool. leftover water implant pots, breeding grounds for the tiger mosquito pesticides would help, but can be used everywhere. and that's what makes fighting the tiger mosquito. so difficult. you're watching the news live from berlin,
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a see. yeah. could the is feel.


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