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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 3, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm CEST

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the, the, you're watching, you know, the news coming to live from berlin. hundreds injured in a powerful earthquake there rocks high, want the tremor hits near the eastern city of want the bringing down buildings knocking out power and traffic. people in the room and also coming up on our show nato's board ministers meet in russell's aid for ukraine at the top of the agenda. with further discussions on making support per cube less dependent on the united states. and how russian recruiters are alluring, young man in the call, into the war in ukraine with promises of money and fast track russian citizenship. the
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enquire, richardson, welcome and massive earthquake has hit taiwan, causing damage and knocking out power to tens of thousands of people. it is the strongest earthquake in 25 years and was centered near the city of quality inn on taiwan eastern coast. at least 9 people have been killed as more than 900 confirmed injured government officials say over 70, people are tracked after dozens of buildings and tunnels collapsed. the powerful plague initially prompted synonymy warnings for japan and the philippines. but those were later withdrawn. as the reading spring morning and type a interrupted by the biggest us quite to strength, taiwan in 25 years at once. i once brung at east coast the city of quantity and was west, hates. the falling rocks killed hika and violent shaking his damaged dozens of buildings . some were left on the verge of collapse,
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which shocked residents warning each other not to touch the strait electric wires. there's nothing we could do. everything fell down every pink last time. some of the trees assisting ongoing search and rescue operations. but if it's a being made more challenging by frequent talk to show to use and some main quaker have been stronger than magnitude 600 more expected in the coming days. time once president search the public and emergency response teams to remain courses watching, i'd like to ask you to continue to pay close attention to the situation in various places and initiate various contingency measures to protect the safety of the people and the power from from not sure gets to know me. evacuation warnings in japan and the philippines. some waves hit japan, south west and ok now. prefecture within an hour of the quake. good morning's release. lifted in both countries with no major damage. reported to these correspondent james taylor in taipei. explain the challenges facing rescue workers
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. yeah, well for chrome sites, this is the city on taiwan eastern coast. um east thormeyer for that some of the imagery of the geography reading the coastline and what it looks like. this is an area where a lot of these cliff space is really dramatic. their face is kind of full into the sea. and this is why we're hearing now. reports lights are in today about some 50 people are missing. it amounts and us national park. it just north of wiley and actually and rescue operations. so to find those people are ongoing. this is the city to it's one of the cities as most prior to us craigs in taiwan. and again, this is why the majority of emergency response results. is it going to be we're any channels this evening given that this is where the majority of people, who for, for example, are still trumps, under the rubble all located. and it's also, of course, um where the, the majority of deaths have been reported. again, as i mentioned in that report, that reports off the shots continue have continued during today. we've had adding
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some more than 50 or so in the 4 hours the media, the off, the quaid and authority. so i wondering analogy and caution that some more of the shots could come in the coming days complicating those rest of your efforts further . now, taiwan lies on the pacific ring of fire, a well known for being an earthquake hot spot. and as a result, it does have measures in place to protect against them. how well did preparations hold off in this like yeah, what is a rightly points out of high one that has a very well the world's response mechanism to this type of natural disaster. it's one of the most size indicate active regions in the well to the very used to this type of activity. it will be, it may be not only on the scale that we seen today, but i really did spring into action today. we've had the entire ones present saying that the ministry was going to be dispatched to these areas. and of course, i mean this is something, but it's, i want to talk to,
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to really learn from past experiences resort in 1999. this is a really prince columbus or taiwan, where i really pass last week about the same are going to be sold today. killed some, 2000 people and left tons and tons of thousands of buildings damaged. and it was really also that moment that we saw most stringent regulation come into force in taiwan for quite proved infrastructure. and you know, although we have seen a pretty significant degree of damage today, it's fat to say the, you know, without those experiences without bots in building knowledge, that's why one has to deal with this type of natural disaster. the situation could have been much worse. and what kind of international response have we seen while a number of countries are really concerned that they were going to be in some, in some way implicated in the immediate off them off of this i was quite besides, craig was powerful enough, but it was folks in shanghai and of course, as i mentioned that in that reports, you know, me evaluations, warnings were issued in japan and the philippines again. um, late uh,
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withdrawal and, and it seems that no major damage has been reported in either of those countries. but of course, the attention already time. so those, those rescue efforts in taiwan a number of countries have said that they're willing to provide disaster relief to taiwan if the government to says it's required. thank you so much for that. that is james at cheater for us and type pay for ministers from nato countries are meeting in brussels to discuss maintaining a long term support for ukraine. state or chief in fulton park is proposing the creation of a 100000000000 euro funds to bolster caves defenses over the next 5 years. and i was supposed to move as part of a push for the alliance to take over. the us led a group that coordinates weapon shipments to ukraine. data was seeking to reduce its dependence on us, where a $60000000000.00 you printing a package has been installed in congress for months, spelt and burg, also told members of the price,
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but the security of the block depended on bolstering the rule of law throughout the world's a do crane will become a member of nato. it is the question when, nope, if tomorrow we also need to, well, we're in the pacific partners, australia, the seasons are pano southcourt out together with the european union. we know that our security is now regional. it is global. the war in the crane industry. it's this clearly rush of friends, the nation are vital for continue. it's war of aggression. signed laws popping up the rest of the war economy in return, most goal is mortgaging its future to bridging north korea. i'm a wrong are the living substantial supplies of weapons and ammunition in return from young. i'm fed on receiving russian technology supplies that help them advance. let me start
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a new fate capabilities this as the regional um global security consequences. so like minded nations around the world needs to stand together to defend a global order rule by law not by force. to have these brussels correspondence, terry schultz has more on what the foreign ministers will be focusing on as well with tomorrow, being the 75th birthday of nato's founding. the very much want to use this as a celebration of the longevity of the alliance. the fact that has been able to pull together through many challenges in the past, even though they're facing a truly x, a central one today in the eyes of, of many nato allies. so they'll be talking a lot about unity and about how they are able to withstand whatever comes their way . i mean, it's not just russia that's also cyber. it's also challenges of from some of the asian countries like china. so this is going to be something that they're very much talking about. and as secretary general's tools and berg mentioned,
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expanding nato's partnership, not his presence in terms of being a military alliance, but in terms of reaching out hands and, and having more crop cooperation with particularly those countries depends south korea, australia, and new zealand. and tear, i'd like to hear a little bit more about this new ukraine fund, nato. chief in stoughton parks. i saying this is sunday, a strong message to rush. i can you tell us a little bit more about it and how united nato members are on it? so that's right, this is something they're really cheating up for the washington summit that takes place in early july. they are not expected to grant you crane membership as keep would like at the summit. but they do want to extend a solid package of support. and as you mentioned earlier, there's a lot of concern about where the us will stand, not necessarily in july, but after november. and so they want to make sure that this group that was founded . in fact, by the us defense secretary, lloyd austin,
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the ramstein group will continue in some form after the elections, no matter what happens there. and that's why they've been talking for some time about moving some of those responsibilities in the us led group under nato. that would make sure that no matter what happens in elections there or in any other country for that matter, that this kind of cooperation with ukraine would go on and then it gives them a way to ensure you claim that you may not be ready for membership now in july, but we will be there and we will help shepherd you along the way. so that's something they're going to be trying to get on the same page here as of this meeting. but we're already hearing that hungry is a going to be a post do it. now, putting of course, has been re elected as president earlier this year, and many leaders in europe worry that this could further in bold and him. can you tell us more about how concerned nato is about russia's next steps as well? i don't think anyone expected any other result out of those russian elections and it's hard to see how the president could become more brutal when it comes to
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ukraine. so i think everyone was ready for that. and of course, we hear that now he's going to launch a new conscription campaigns that he has even more bodies to throw at that war, which is a big concern for everyone here. this ukraine package that i'm talking about is going to be something that helps them and they will also be discussing, you know, what more support countries can give by laterally to ukraine. they can't control what russia does. all they can do is try to help you frame was found whatever comes next. thank you so much. as always, that is d w as brussels correspondent terry shells for us. this. so as nato gets set to, especially mark it's 75th anniversary tomorrow. it is also looking to the major challenges that it will face in the future. the military alliance was founded in the wake of the 2nd world war to counter the perceived threat posed by the person, the soviet union, largely with germany playing a reduced role. but many of berlin's partners say it's time for that to change. nato's 1st secretary general lord is may famously said the alliance was created in
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1949 to keep the soviets out, the americans again, and the germans down 75 years later, the doesn't. the original members have added 20 more. they're still focused on keeping russia out as it wages award, the borders of the alliance, and the americans in as a central guarantors of europe, security. but the original desire to keep germany down is long gone. and some observers accuse berlin of using history as an excuse to under perform in military spending and readiness. being down off to the end of the gulf war really became the thing on it, but it meant free writing. and what you can see now is an increasing number of countries gaining up on germany, and rightly so, because they've got the memo that they've understood what needs to be done that point. and that purpose and how to do it until berlin gets that though we won't see the necessary unity and you're up to actually achieve that goal. that message that
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any crack in need of cohesion or capabilities could encourage kremlin aggression, is regularly reiterated by frontline allies feeling more vulnerable since moscow launched full scale war and ukraine in 2022 countries. lake is sonia, where it's not just the 75th anniversary. as nato's founding, after world war 2, but also of the brutal soviet exile of thousands of citizens, my mother was deported on her 15th birthday on, on uh, default of march, uh, 1949 mazda on a sunday. it has the farm on valley lands that was heat biogen and bolt the $9041.00. so i'm perfectly example of how it seems to be caught in the middle. these days, the middle for european allies may feel like it's between moscow in washington to the concern about declining us. support for trans atlantic ties, especially ahead of november elections that could bring the anti nito donald trump back to power the 1st term to them. of course was not an easy time oliver,
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but to at that time you could still hope but to brush as also stake and his relationship boot. but weston both has a motor, a think effect on its behavior nowadays, no longer my case. let me bring it by decided to conduct a special military operation. get this out. what we hope for when the bowling ball came down. clearly, no jimmy shays. i'm plenty of anniversaries in almost 4 decades at nato. his last post dealing with emerging security challenges to be fit for future birthday, she says the alliance needs to also see beyond russia, allies a face of all forms. that's right. and if nato doesn't help them a deal with those of the crisis, right? what would be climate change or cyber attacks? so, you know, critical infrastructure protection or whatever it will be less relevant in those particular capital was for almost 75 years. basically the lives has
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shielded our nations on this, on a bursary, though, amid all the praise for nato's longevity, there's broad agreement that the best way the alliance can defend itself against future russian advances is ensuring there's a russian retreat now in ukraine to let's bring you up to speed now with some other world news headlines, egyptian state media saves the bodies of 64, and 8 workers, hills and is really air stripes. have been brought across the border from garza. the victims include citizens of australia, poland, the u. k, and u. s. were working for the andrea world central kitchen, a policy and staff member was also killed. israel has blamed the strikes on a mis identification and called them a grave mistake. zimbabwe has declared it's ongoing drought, a national disaster authorities, a $2000000000.00 and $8.00 as needed to prevent millions of people from starving
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neighboring zambia and malawi, made similar announcements last month signed to save the draft is induced by the new weather phenomenon. and the former president of the spanish football federation, luis, literally, alice was briefly detained by spanish police as part of a correction investigation. really, this is returning from the dominican republic. i'm in a probe into the business still to hold the super, excuse me, the spanish super comes in saudi arabia. he was questioned by police that madrid airport before being released. your brains president has signed a new law lowering the age for mobilization, for the military from 27 to 25. that will allow him to call up a tens of thousands of additional soldiers. ukraine has suffered heavy losses on the battlefield after 2 years of war with russia. russia is also trying to replenish its forces, but it is increasingly looking abroad for its recruits. thousands of net believes has been lowered by russian recruiters to fight in ukraine and promised an attractive salary and
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a fast track to russian citizenship. but the monthly's fighters are sent to the front line with little to no training their hopes for a better life, often end in tragedy. to have these corresponding idea of bought, such as this report from the pals, capital catchment do to someone is that this damsel does tank god for saving his life in a war a well now we he suffers from nice meals deeply traumatized by what he experienced on the front lines and you clean nobody on the right. nobody cares about the dead in russia, you know, the life of the intern depends upon the seriousness of the wound. if treatment is possible, we rescue them. otherwise, we are instructed to shoot the seriously injured soldiers where they lay out on someone managed to escape. most of those do not keep it around. 3000 utilized russian agent who helped him to the and get back home. now
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he's burdened with heavy debt. soon says that a ton t has been job less desperate to find work. he's a they need to be a daily read. yeah they, they said don't say brother. do you have any work on plains ela. i know we don't have any work for you. it's not a lucky day for him. naples, economic situation is gram on employment as high an installation is soaring. the country depends on reminiscences, sent home by millions and work abroad. some are ready to take the risk options off on you would like pulse promises of brokers and recruitment agents and nipples . hundreds of families. what are you about? the fate of the allowed ones. we joined the russian army. they had been out of contact with them for months. now. those come from dead. the families struggling to
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get the dead bodies. the country is gradually turning into psyched up and loss and disappear. nipples farmer, 40 minutes to who was an office of recent feet, full dw, she had tried to persuade, rushing to offer shelves to stop recruiting napoli as nationals intervene. let's see again, i would like to express my concern about the enlistment of our citizens in the armed forces of a nation with which we lack and official packed or treated in the recruitment of our citizens implies that it happens with the knowledge of the russian government to some level in a village outside gotten on to this family moans, the loss of his son and husband were not the 100 was killed 2 months ago in a bottle on the ukraine in the front lines. she had received barely 2 weeks of training before being sent off to fight a fellow nippy soldier called his wife, the new kind of
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a shocking message uninstall it was when i heard the news of my husband's death, i felt like jumping off a cliff and ending my life, besides it, it took me weeks after hearing the news to actually believe it. a hi, this is over with. i couldn't believe that he is no more. and i still feel like i may receive his call, but that call. she knows. now. com. it's the family don't even know whether they will get his body proper video. look wrong and know daddy's more than her grief. she also has her deed for the death of $6000.00 euros, that her husband beat at each end to paysimple russia in the 1st place. back in to bundle someone's view as an uncertain future. scott, from his experience in a foreign war many of those are still stuck in that war.
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on sure. david, i would get home duck light. let's turn to las vegas now where and die hard fans of a landmark. there have been bidding farewell to one of sent cities, most of fabled hans, the tropicana hotel and casino made famous and movies and tv shows has checked out . it's last overnight guests. later this year the tropicana was to come to the wrecking ball or the end of an era for an american icon. loyal customers join staff in saying good bye. as las vegas as landmark, tropicana casino and hotels closed its doors for good. when it opened in 1957, it was the place to stay in vegas. even james bond checked in the 1971 film diamonds are forever the truck that cannot posted all the latest amenities we have . a lot of people come here. they love chop can have us talking about swimming on
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our sleeves. amazing. we had one of the best who lives in los thing is when i started working here everybody there were trying to work here was like, you look at the top of the channels. how do you get in there? as newer and bigger megan resort. spring up in vegas. the tropicana retained an air of mist elgin. but even his biggest fans acknowledge the times have changed. it's a whole different city. it's vegas reincarnate self every 12 years, which is re makes itself and we mix. i've been coming here personally since the eighty's. and i've seen all the changes. the tropicana complex is set to be demolished later this year to make way for a new sport studio. part of las vegas as latest efforts to re brand itself as a sports venue. well, hey, t is still grappling with the establishment of a transitional presidential council. i made a recurrence, attacked by armed gangs in the capital porto friends. the councils made responsibility would be to select
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a new leader for the country after prime minister aria on revolved to resign. henri is currently locked out of haiti after he had left to sign an agreement that would bring canyon police officers to offer security support. but as dw is 8 of kamani reports from nairobi, the deal is proving a hard sell in the east african country. in haiti's capital for the prince, bonus erupt his seconds and flows uninterrupted onto the city streets. on the when the gun fi, it ends just civilians dead to assess the damage to possible games that believe to have to watch this open air garage for the survivors, there's nothing left to put new events to leak back. another one, everything has been bent down. we're living, it's such a bad time. this is not life. young people who have a professional cannot live here. the country is, i don't remember the, i believe up from 12000 kilometers away. 10 as president william router says we
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might have a solution for haitians. at the beginning of march, who to inc, a deal that would see a 1000 canyon police officers sent to haiti to lead multinational secuity to support the importance. significance and agency of this mission cannot be overstated. is mission for humanity. it is a mission in solely deputy with our brothers and sisters in hate to some of the presidents also to send kenyan boots sofa from home, has been met with cost resistance, with critics accusing him of using the deal as a cash grab. america has committed up to a $100000000.00 to finance this arrangement. security analyst, georgia with somebody says kenyans have no business in haiti, like in, in the whole arrangement to something more sinister from us. it could be perspective. we're going there as much,
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and that is because now you're talking about being given equipment. you're thinking about being paid. you're thinking about being trained. so basically, this is what happens to my, somebody's, i think this is a little bit item of the tenant has a history of sending its police officers abroad, including to liberia and yugoslavia with somebody whoever says this mission is different for one main reason. right now we're going to a country that has no government to talk about. lift the hate to people themselves . hasn't themselves. so you can know type of people who don't really trust themselves and helping themselves is accepting that they have a problem. they sit down around a table, have a political solution, agree to this, and then now we can send in a mission to go and support the official support of this deal, save the kenya as part of a global community, has the responsibility to support the allies and up sending police offices training institutions such as these low so hate see, will signal can you as a reliable partner?
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however, beyond the diplomacy question, there's also a legal one. the can in quotes routing generate that deploying police officers for peacekeeping missions, is illegal. router's insistence on this matter is seen as a violation of the law. in a recent article, kenya's, former chief justice william with whom god accused the country's government, the us and the un security council of luring the offices to a death trap. in defiance of the quotes, according to the, to these institutions a guilty over throwing the condemned constitution. william brutal now will accept political tightrope as he policies kenya's, domestic, and global interest. in the absence of a solution, violence remains the only constant in haiti. and that is your news update at this hour. stay tuned for our show is made in germany coming up next. or you can find more news and analysis on our website data. com or checks out on social media to our handle. there is asked w news. i'm clear,
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richardson in berlin from the whole team working behind the scenes here. thank you so much for watching. the,
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