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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 3, 2024 7:00pm-7:30pm CEST

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the, the booth is dw news lie from then 9 dead and hundreds injured as a possible quake rocks, taiwan, press queue, cruise search for survivors. biggest quite for 25 years and shakes the ivan tough those buildings, noakes of power and triggers to nami warnings. even nearby countries also on the program, based on foreign ministers, mates to discuss 100000000000 euros with a funding for ukraine on ways to make support for keith. less dependent on the united states. russian recruits as they are not police man into it toward against ukraine with promises of money and fast track russian citizenship the
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until gal. welcome to the program. a massive us. great. because it's taiwan damaging buildings and infrastructure and knocking our power to tens of thousands of people. the strongest upgrade for 25 years was sent to the in the city of quantity and on taiwan eastern coast, at least 9 people have been killed. more than 900 confirmed injured government officials say more than 70 people are trapped after tunnels and dozens of buildings collapsed. besides, my friend was so strong about initially prompted to nami warnings for japan and the philippines. that would later withdrawal. a serene spring morning in taipei interrupted by the biggest us quite to strength, taiwan in 25 years. this once i once brung it east coast, the city of quantity and was west hits, the folding,
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rocks killed hika and violent shaking his damaged dozens of buildings. some were left on the verge of collapse, with short residents warning each other not to touch the straight electric wires. there's nothing we could do. everything fell down. everything collapsed time, some of the trees assisting ongoing search and rescue operations, but efforts to being made more challenging by frequent talk to show to you. since the main quaker have been stronger than magnitude 600 more expected in the coming days. time once president search the public and emergency response teams to remain cautious. watching, i'd like to ask you to continue to pay close attention to the situation in various places and initiate various contingency measures to protect the safety of the people. and the power from, from not sure gets to know me evacuation warnings in japan and the philippines. some waves hit japan, south west and ok now prefecture within an hour of the quake, good morning's release. lifted in both countries with no major down to poor. james
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chase. a is a correspondent in taipei and told us more about the quakes estimate to fall. the majority of those killed or still missing this evening are in the eastern coastal city of holly. and this is the, the city and taiwan this closest to the center of the, of craig. i'm a city of some, a 300000 people. and just to give you a sense of what the geography of this se, um, it looks like you saw a little bit of that in my report. this is a, a pause of taiwan, which is extremely mountainous. and actually some of the people that remain missing this evening, i'll put only in a national park, which is an extremely mountainous national park, just north of quality inn. but of course, you know, looking at head taiwan, really is a place which is well wild infer use of this type of seismic activity isn't one of the most size making active locations in the world. and we've really seen over the course of the day that that spring into action that government responds the middle
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tree being dispatched to help with ongoing rescue operations. of course, all the countries are initially interfered. they would be coming to case it's an important impact, have decided quickly help us, you know, mean warning earlier today in japan, in the philippines which was eventually withdrawn. and later in the day, what we're really seeing is those countries offering most supports. we've heard officials in tokyo and also badging, saying that they are willing to provide that disaster relief um, as then this tie one needs a but again, the concern going into this evening as we approach 24 hours since of craig's truck is really the number of off the shots that we've seen over the course of today, and the concern very well thought is wanting that those shots might continue to have ongoing rescue operations type site. so now you crunch presents that i'm getting assigned to a new law and lowering the age of mobilization for the ministry from 27 to 25. the change allows caved to cold up tens of thousands of additional soldiers after
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suffering a 2 years of heavy battlefield loss is fine to go rushes invasion. russia is also trying to, to good times its forces. i'm just increasingly looking abroad for recruits. thousands of young men in the pool had been the fights in ukraine on a promise of attractive salaries and fast tracked and russian citizenship. the naturally sciences i sent to the front line with little no training and the hopes of a bachelor life often and tragedy. a correspondent little box reports not from the net police capital account manager someone is that just demco just tag god for saving his life. it was a world that we he suffers from night meals deeply traumatized by what he experienced on the front lines. and you clean normally on the right. nobody cares about the dead in russia. you know, the life of the enter depends upon the seriousness of the wound,
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but that if treatment is possible, we rescue them. otherwise, we are instructed to shoot this seriously injured soldiers where they lay out on someone managed to escape. most of those do not keep it around. 2000 utilized russian agent who helped him to the and get back home. now he's burdened with heavy debt. since is that a ton t has been job less desperate to find work. he's that need to be at the region they live. they said, don't brother, do you have any work complaints or? i know we don't have any work for you. it's not a lucky deal for him. nipples economic situation is gram or on employment as high. inflation is soaring, the country depends on remich, dense is sent home by millions, look abroad. some are ready to seek risky options. all fun. you would like pulse
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promises of brokers and recruitment agents, and nip off hundreds of families. what do you about? the fate of the allowed ones would join the russian army. they had been out of contact with them for months. now. those come from did the families struggling to get the dead bodies? the country is gradually turning into psyched up and loss and disappear. nipples farmer, 40 minutes to who was an office, and just recently told, dw, she had tried to persuade russian offers shelves to stop recruiting napoli, nationals intervene. let's just see again, i would like to express my concern about the enlistment of our citizens in the armed forces of a nation with which we lack and official packed or treated in the recruitment of our citizens implies that it happens with the knowledge of the russian government to some of us in a village outside called on to this family bones. the loss of a son and husband were not a 100, was killed 2 months ago in
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a bottle on the ukraine in the front lines. she had received barely 2 weeks of training before being sent off to fight a fellow napoli soldier called his wife, the new kind of a shocking message on his bill. it was when i heard the news of my husband's death . i felt like jumping off a cliff and ending my life. besides it, it took me weeks after hearing the news to actually believe it was over with. i couldn't believe that he is no more. and i still feel like i may receive his call, but that's all she knows. now. com the family don't even know whether they will get his body proper video. look wrong and know daddy's more than her grief. she also has her d for the death of $6000.00 euros, that her husband beat at each end,
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beat him to russia in the 1st place. back in to bundle someone's p o as an uncertain future. scott, from his experience in a foreign war. many of those are still stuck in that war on sure david would get home life national. i'm excited that professor of the national defense university and author of the new rules of war is also a form of a soldier and a former private administrative contractor. welcome to the w professor. can you estimate how big a problem this is likely to be? napoli is man lowered into fighting for russia and ukraine. well, we don't know the exact numbers. it's been estimated up to $15000.00 police men, but it's not just not police man. this is happening in india and 3 loc as well.
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yeah, i'm that was, that was my next point. visit that, but we had just last month about indian men. but the thing there with it, they being, in cases where they, they play and they with tricks, they claim they were, that they were being taken to russia for jobs and then suddenly found themselves with their passports, confiscated and on a truck to into a training camp. so this is clearly some sort of past, and this is part of a problem with the russian forces at the moment. yes. so it's a scam is really what it is. these men are being duped into it. now there are some of them as you're a port tires covered. actually you have paid an agency like up to $3000.00 us dollars or $4000.00 to get the job. and they're promised 3 months of training and uh, fast a fast track to russian citizenship, which is attractive to net believes since their, their passport doesn't have much mobility to it. but then they get there and
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they're given a couple of days of training. they're thrown into the front lines and they feel like they're human shields. the whole thing is really a scam. it's organized crime. and it's a, it's a weird form of mercenary human trafficking rights. we've all with that with the complexity of the, the russian establishment. well, it's difficult to it's, it's really hard to say there's no rush to establish. it's not the implicit, since they are certainly receiving a south asian troops and putting them on the front lines with part of the russian military. so i don't know if it's true that the russian military is directing this type of human trafficking, but there's certainly complicit in receiving it. and they have also use moscow has used international criminal organizations before sort of like a 5th column, but for wherever they need to. so this is within the so called the wheel house of the kremlin we had and the reports that natalie is minister. we've also heard from
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india and uh, indian ministers in the past week. so they've made representations to russia to please stop tripping out people into fighting in your was what's the russian response to this? the 1st response has been um, hands off. uh, sort of a plausible deniability, some would say plausible deniability. i mean, right now rush uh, just like ukrainian has run out of troops to fight the war and ukraine. and so i just recently put in as announced another draft. and so the use of foreign fighters, and previously the bar to group was a way of russia to fill bodies in a battlefield without actually having to use a large, wide scale draft. so that's why russia has used the mercenaries in of, in the past. and now they're sort of press ganging private military contractors as
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well today, but they're also kind of starting up a new draft. okay. but the other 2 numbers is one thing useful, effective sold us is quite another i'm. it's hard to think how useful or effective fees for people can be if i don't speak the language, don't want to be here. i don't even know why they are there. yeah, the people are cannon fodder. just like the wagner, a group of folks that were dump, that are rushing jails were and this sadly as part of russian, the russian way of war going back to stalling brad and world world to just throw bodies at the problem. it's almost like world war one with battles like don and was some there doesn't seem to be much nuance to their to try their tactics. it is, i'm the grinder. and so presumably this is politically convenient because if you, if you, if it's dead far and those who are being killed rather than young russians, you're going to suffer less backlash. or that's exactly right. so the reason why
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prudent since the beginning of this war in march of 2020, to turn to the wagner group, turn to con scripts in the periphery of rush or not from the core. it's a way of, of, of disguising the political cost of the war. russian is just like other people, they don't like seeing their soldiers coming home in body bags, but they don't care about good foreigners, dead contractors. and even if you're an autocrat like who you still are a bit sensitive to domestic, political violence and instability around an unpopular war. so a ducting foreign fighters is a, is one method of concealing the true costs of the war and ukraine. ukraine also has foreign nationals, the pricing in the wrong side of that every created they are volunteers. there's no duping involved. so that the ukrainian since the start of the war in february 2020
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to announce they would have 4 and legions that are similar to the french form leads and which are not mercenaries per se. they are part of the training and military. they're run by you printing officers. they don't work for anybody else except for the premium chain of command. and they're on the list. they're listed troops come from around the world. they're not duped, and they're not paid anything more or externally more than other ukrainian soldiers . that's very different than what russia is doing, what russia is doing is organized crime because it's all gonna serve that professor, professor, show them excites from the national defense university. thank you. of nights our foreign ministers are meeting in brussels to discuss a 100000000000. your wrote to excuse me, to discuss 100000000000 euros in support for ukraine. the proposed funds would help both the case defense is over the next 5 years. it's part of the push for the
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airlines to take over the us lab group that currently coordinates, weapon shipments that nato also wants to make support for ukraine, for ukraine, less reliance on following. treat your contributions from washington. this is of course, just because of the months long, impasse in the us congress over $60000000000.00 ukrainian a package is based, our secretary general again, stultz and back the craziness unlocked, running out of courage. they're running out of a nation. we need to step up now unsure of support is built to last. today, allies have agreed to move forward with planning for a great today to roll in coordinating security systems. training. the details will take shape and the weeks to call but make no mistake. you crank and rely on the to support now on for
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a long hold that's doing the brussels corresponding to teddy showed sues at nato headquarters that welcome to henry. so what do we take from the secretary general's comments? secretary general stilton berg is talking about a new plan that he says will take shape between now and the nato summit in july. and this has come out of a few factors. one of them is that they want to show the united states that the european allies are stepping up in their aid for ukraine. they want to make this. so put this project called the ramstein group at the moment, which was started by the us, less dependent on whatever might happen after us elections in november. and that's why bringing the these responsibilities for helping to coordinate the military 8 to ukraine, bringing that under nato auspices would really sort of settle the future of, of how this is managed, but as told and bring says the fact that they still have so many details to iron
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out means we really don't know what the shape of it is, whether it's going to be this 100000000000 euro is that was announced, and nobody knows yet where that money would come from. so there are indeed a lot of things yet to be agreed upon between now and july. why i'm, it doesn't seem to be you in an embassy on this. we'll hear from the german foreign minister on the light of bad luck. and then we'll come back to you, terry. the speaker is here to us when you, it's important that we don't duplicate the process between the e. you may tell me, which is why i don't think it makes sense to discuss individual variables here again, or include contributions that were already made eyes because that's why we're here for 2 days to discuss this together and p lines on. but it's also completely clear to the german government that we need reliability, fitness. it's about financial and material security. and above all, we need the tier support of ukraine because this is about our own security and our
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own freedom into the items by heights. terry shields in process, what does the german foreign minister mean by juggling variables between a, you and nature? so if everyone's confused after listening to her, you're not alone because she's pointing out some of the problems in coming up with, with a fund under nato auspices. because the european union already, of course, has, has a funds for ukraine also has weapons programs for ukraine. and so it has largely been in the past that nato coordinates contributions, not just from nato allies, but also from more than 20 other countries which are helping ukraine. so a lot of countries are going to be worried that they're going to be asked to give money on the use side of town and then also out at nato headquarters. and nobody wants to be having to come up with 2 funds. so that's going to be uh, the, it's going to take a lot of work to iron out, any possibility of duplication. and that's what she was speaking about. but there
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are also have been some approval from countries, including germany, on the idea that the it would be nato, that coordinates even legal assistance to you create that used to be something that was a no go for many allies. and that seems to not be a problem, but remember, you can always count on hungary to throw a stick and things. and then gary is of said they are not in favor of anything about this new planet. neither of course, etc. sholtes and brussels. thank you. so much the hate today is gripped by violence. hassan gangs tightened the hold on the capitol porter prompts were and they now control almost 80 percent of the states. a transitional government is in place. have to perform a prime minister. otto only stepped aside last month, kenya is proposing to send hundreds of police to the country to help stop the violence, but many are increasingly worried about the idea. in haiti's capital puts a prince. bonus erupt his seconds and flows uninterrupted onto the city streets. i
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wonder when the gunfire ends to civilians dead to assess the damage to possible gangs that believe to have torched this open air garage for the survivors, there's nothing left to put new ones to leak. but another one, everything has been bent down. we're living in such a bad time. this is not life. young people who have a professional cannot live here the country, even remember b, i believe up from 12000 kilometers away. thank you. can. as president william router says, you might have a solution for haitians. at the beginning of march, who to inc, a deal that would see a 1000 can and police officers sent to haiti to lead multinational secuity to support the importance significance and i get all of this mission cannot be overstated. these mission for humanity is our mission. in solely deputy with
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our brothers and sisters in hate. the presidents also to send kenyan boots, so far from home, has been met with cost resistance, which critics accusing him of using the deal as a cash grab. america has committed up to a $100000000.00 to finance. just arrange meant security analyst, georgia. when somebody says kenya is have no business in haiti. like getting the whole arrangement to something more sinister from us. it could be perspective, we're going there as much and that is because now you're talking about being given equipment, you're thinking about being paid. you're thinking about being trained. so basically, this is what happens to me or somebody, i think, very seasonal that i can now has a history of sending its police office as a broad, including to liberia and yugoslavia with somebody. whoever says this mission is different for one main reason. right now we're going to
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a country that has no government to talk about, lift the hate to people themselves has to themselves. so you cannot take what people don't really trust themselves and helping themselves is accepting that they have a problem. they sit down around a table, have a political solution, agree to this. and then now we've been sending a mission to go on support. individual support of this deal say that's can you as part of a global community, has the responsibility to support allies on the sending police offices trained in institutions such as these low so hate see, will signal can you as a reliable partner? however, beyond the diplomacy question, there's also a legal one. the can in quotes, rooted in january that deploying police officers for peacekeeping missions, east legal boots, as insistence on this matter, is seen as a violation of the law. in a recent article, kenya's former chief justice william with whom god accuse the country's government, the us and the un security council of luring the offices to a death trap. in defiance of the quotes. according to matilda,
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these institutions are guilty of, of throwing the condemned constitution. william, brutal now will accept political tightrope as he policies kenya's, domestic, and global interest. in the absence of a solution, violence remains the only constant in haiti. let's pick up some of those points with sort of a root and thought who was a visiting fellow at the brookings institution chaise. the, for the plan for the admission planning officer for the un integrated office in haiti. welcome to d. w. i'm. let's start with that. idea about a 100 or so canyon police officers effective be walking into a death trap because it sounds the situation in how you see sounds like more but can be controlled by a 100 or so accomplish or yeah, that's correct. i mean, can you has committed a 1000 police officers, but that's still not enough. i mean,
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it's important to note that kenya is key to the this proposed multinational support 62 security support mission because it offered to lead the mission. and there have been other countries that have offered to contribute troops as well. so the mission, if it does go forward, would not be only a 1000, but could also consist of trips from vinny. they've offered 2000 chat countries in the caribbean region, have off and off, also offered troops. so, but you're exactly right, but the environment has shifted since 10. your 1st made that promise has gotten significantly worse. and i think where kenya looked to be coming into the work alongside the partner of the he so national police, i mean the history national police is really struggling these days. and um, there's obviously kind of a real gap in terms of leadership. so it's a, can you obviously agree to kind of pull back and reassess and wait for
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a new government to be in place following the prime ministers to offer a resignation. but there's a lot to kind of figure out, and it's a very difficult situation to sort through. so kenya has my sympathies, your point about the very patient. national police is an interesting one because they sounds like a job for an army rather than a police force or yeah, haiti's army was disbanded back in 1994 and by the for our president after serious human rights violations. so it's had only um the haitian national police for the last, you know, couple of decades. but the haitian national police is, is quite small. it's even before all of this started happening. the, you know, they're just one, we're not enough to go around. and even when that he's the national police was
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pursuing its own kind of attacks against getting to sort of so i'll walk a mobile type thing where they go in and try and clear things out and then the gangs and come right back. so i'm, yeah, we're in a very concerned situation where it has escalated really beyond kind of the capacity of the eastern ass of police and potentially beyond the capacity of, of resources in general, except the most, perhaps the most robust resources. so i understand you been positive, previous us efforts to try and stabilize, i hate say, why did they say oh, that's a great question. and i think all, all of us have been kind of thinking and, and working on that for awhile. so i think fundamentally, the un wasn't able to address the root causes of the situation in haiti, there are huge political divisions, huge divisions in the country about how the country should spend its money, what it should focus on. um, you know,
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how it should basically proceed forward. and um, security was better involved. the un peacekeeping lesson was there between 242017. but it was sort of a, a kind of a false security. and i think the when and a lot of other kind of servers saw that and said, oh, well, you know, the huge national police is at a point where it can kind of take over authority for the countries security situation. but it really sort of, once the un peacekeeping forces of 2 things have just gotten worse and worse, and uh, yeah, i think it's time to kind of reassess and kind of start thinking about things from the beginning. again. okay, is hey t ungovernable because this is not the 1st time that it's just, it's just that the, it's of, it's the 1st time it's had problems on the scale, but it has a history of political instability. i mean, i would very much argue against that, that it's on there is potential for heidi to kind of live up to the it's status,
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it's kind of as historical beacon of liberty is the 1st kind of independent black republic and uh, i lived there 3 years and, and a lot of what i saw really pointed to just kind of the capacity of patients to come together. but in this circumstance there they have not been able to come together. and they're so seriously deep divisions that are basically preventing the country from moving forward. so i think it's key for patients to seize this moment and put differences aside and, and learn to compromise so that they can kind of recover from this precipice that they're standing. right. thank you for told us through that. so clearly, if you wrote in boss of the brookings institution, thank you so much. i set you up to date more world news at the top of the
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the don't you lot take off from these regions of france or steep tradition and history, but they're changing as a growing number of brits move in. drawn by the beauty and the lower cost of living, a packet comes okay, comes on as well. so yeah, guys have a good weekend just by the new arrivals are buying up and renovating properties. but the cultures often clash for exam.


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