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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 3, 2024 10:00pm-10:30pm CEST

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the, the, this is the deputy news line from about a nato debates, a 100000000000 euros in funding for you cried. it's a foreign ministers meeting brussels, the short of long term support the case. so it's less dependent on the united states. also on the program, 9 that of hundreds injured as a couple of quick rocks, taiwan, rescue pro, search for survivors. that's the biggest craig for 25 years shapes to i haven't come think buildings and nothing on the
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i'm feel go welcome to the program. nature of foreign ministers, a meeting in brussels cities, cassandra 1000000000 euros in support for ukraine. the proposed funds would help both the keys defenses over the next 5 years. it's part of a push for the west administrative lines to take over the us like group that currently coordinates lessons shipments to ukraine. a native also wants to make support from key less reliance on contributions from washington. because of the month long impasse in the us congress over $60000000000.00. you training a package is the allies, the secretary general, again, stultz and back the craziness on running out of courage. they're running out of i'm a nation. so we need to step up now unsure of support is built to last. today, allies have agreed to move forward with planning for the great nectar role in coordinating security systems. training. the details will take shape and the
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weeks to call but make no mistake. you crank and rely on the to support now on for the long hold. i thought responds in a terry schultz told me more about the secretary general statement. secretary dental stilton burg is talking about a new plan that he says will take shape between now and the nato summit in july. and this has come out of a few factors. one of them is that they want to show the united states that the european allies are stepping up in their aid for ukraine. they want to make this. so put this project called the ramstein group at the moment, which was started by the us, less dependent on whatever might happen after us elections in november. and that's why bringing the these responsibilities for helping to coordinate the military 8 to ukraine, bringing that under nato auspices would really sort of settle the future of,
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of how this is managed. but as those and bring says, the fact that they still have so many details to iron out means we really don't know what the shape of it is. whether it's going to be this 100000000000 euro is that was announced. and nobody knows yet where that money would come from. so there are indeed a lot of things yet to be agreed upon between now and july. why i'm it doesn't seem to be you in an embassy on this. we'll hear from the german foreign minister unrelated. bab box and then we'll come back to you, terry. these pages here does what it's important that we don't duplicate the processes between the e u. m. 's may tell you that, which is why i don't think it makes sense to discuss individual variables here again. or include contributions that were already made eyes because that's why we're here for 2 days to discuss this together and p lines on. but it's also completely clear to the german government that we need reliability, phyllis,
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it's about financial and material security. and above all, we need the tier support of ukraine because this is about our own security and our own freedom into the i can a fry. hi, terry schultz in process. what does the german foreign minister mean by juggling variables between the a, you and nature? so is everyone's confused after listening to her. you're not alone because she's pointing out some of the problems in coming up with, with a fund under nato auspices because the european union already, of course, has, has a funds for ukraine also has weapons programs for ukraine. and so it has largely been in the past that nato coordinates contributions, not just from nato allies, but also from more than 20 other countries which are helping ukraine. so a lot of countries are going to be worried that they're going to be asked to give money on the use side of town and then also out at nato headquarters. and nobody wants to be having to come up with 2 funds. so that's going to be uh, the,
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it's going to take a lot of work to iron out, any possibility of duplication. and that's what she was speaking about. but there are also have been some approval from countries, including germany, on the idea that the it would be nato, that coordinates even legal assistance to ukraine. that used to be something that was a no go for many allies. and that seems to not be a problem, but remember, you can always count on hungary to throw a stick in things. and the hon gary ends have said they are not in favor of anything about this new planet nato. of course, that type of shows and brussels. thank you so much. well, it's nice to get ready to market 75th anniversary tomorrow. it's considering future challenges. now the ministry alliance was funded in the wake of the 2nd world war to count to the perceived threat from the soviet union with germany playing a reduced role. but many of buildings aligns pot does not feel it's time for about to change. nato's 1st secretary general lord is may famously said the alliance was
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created in 1949 to keep the soviets out, the americans in, and the germans down 75 years later, the doesn't. the original members have added 20 more. they're still focused on keeping russia out as it wages award that borders of the alliance and the americans in as a central guarantors of europe, security. but the original desire to keep germany down is long gone. and some observers accused berlin of using history as an excuse to under perform in military spending and readiness. being down off to the end of the gulf war really became the thing. and it meant free writing. and what you can see now is an increasing number of countries gaining up on gemini, and rightly so, because they've got the memo, they've understood what needs to be done. that point in that purpose and how to do it until berlin gets that though we won't see the necessary unity in europe to
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actually achieve that goal. that message that any crack in need of cohesion or capabilities could encourage kremlin aggression, is regularly reiterated by frontline allies feeling more vulnerable since moscow launched full scale war and ukraine in 2022 countries like is sonia, where it's not just the 75th anniversary. as nato's founding, after world war 2, but also of the brutal soviet exile of thousands of citizens, my mother was deported. on her 15th birthday hon. on the 24th of that much. 1949, my father signed, you'd have the farm on the islands that was hit by a gentleman born been 9041. so perfectly example of how it seems to be caught in the middle. these days, the middle for european allies may feel like it's between moscow in washington due to concern about declining us support for trans atlantic ties, especially ahead of november elections that could bring the anti nato donald trump
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back to power. the 1st attempt to them, of course, was not an easy time on, but to at that time you could still hope but as fresh as also staking his relationship by weston, by a peasant motorized think effect on its behavior. nobody's no longer my case. i'm going to bring it that i decided to conduct a special military operation. got this out. well, we helpful when the bowling ball came down, clearly, no, jamie, she saw plenty of anniversaries in almost 4 decades at nato. his last post dealing with emerging security challenges to be fit for future birthdays, she says the alliance needs to also see beyond russia. elolize a face of a forms. that's right. and if nato doesn't help them deal with those of a crisis, right? what would be climate change or cyber attack? so, you know, critical infrastructure protection or whatever it will be less relevant in those particular capital was for almost 75 years. basically the lives has
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shielded our nation's out of this center bursary. though, amid all the praise for nato's longevity, there's broad agreement that the best way the alliance can defend itself against future russian advances is ensuring there's a russian retreat now in ukraine. to taiwan, when a massive earthquake has hit damaging buildings in infrastructure and nothing got power, the 10s of thousands of people, the country strongest, quite for 25 years, was centered near the city of wiley and on taiwan eastern coast. and these 9 people had been killed and was 900 confirmed injured. government officials say more than 70 people are trapped off the tunnels and dozens of buildings collapsed. the seismic event was so strong that it initially prompted synonymy warnings for japan on the philippines, which relates it withdrawal. a serene spring morning in taipei interrupted by the
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biggest us quite to strength, taiwan in 25 years. this once i once brung an east coast, the city of quantity and was west hits, the folding rocks killed hika, and violent shaking his damaged dozens of buildings. some were left on the verge of collapse, which shocked residents warning each other not to touch the straight electric wires . there's nothing we could do. everything fell down. everything collapsed. time when some of the trees assisting ongoing search and rescue operations. but efforts to being made more challenging by frequent talk to show to you since the main quake has been stronger than magnitude 600. more expected in the coming days. time, once president search the public and emergency response teams to remain cautious watching, i'd like to ask you to continue to pay close attention to the situation in various places and initiate various contingency measures to protect the safety of the people and the power from tr. i'm not sure gets to know me evacuation warnings in
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japan and the philippines. some waves hit japan, south west and ok now. prefecture within an hour of the quake. good morning's release. lifted in both countries with no major down at your posts are full of dw correspondent james chase in taipei. james john just said it'll tell us more about the aftermath as follows. the majority of those killed or still missing this evening are in the eastern and coastal city of holly, and this is the, the city and taiwan this closest to the center of the craig, mr. see if some of the 300000 people. and just to give you a sense of what the geography of this se, um, it looks like you saw a little bit of that in my report. this is a, a pause of taiwan, which is extremely mountainous. and actually some of the people that remain missing this evening, i'll put only in a national park, which is an extremely mountainous national park, just north of quality inn. but of course, you know, looking at head taiwan,
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really is a place which is well wild infer use of this type of seismic activity isn't one of the most size making active locations in the world. and we've really seen over the course of the day that that spring into action, government responds the mid a tree being dispatched to help with ongoing rescue operations. of course, all the countries are initially interfered. they will be coming to case it's an important impact to decided quickly how about so you know, mean warning audio today in japan and the philippines which was eventually withdrawn. and later in the day, what we're really seeing is those countries offering most supports. we've heard officials and so to and to sort of aging saying that they are willing to provide that disaster relief. um, as then this tie one needs a but again, the concern going into this evening as we approach 24 hours since of quite struck is really the number of off the shots that we've seen over the course of today. and the concern very well thought is wanting that those shots might continue to have ongoing rescue operations. james chase a will take a look at some old stories,
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making that news around the world. the on the head of the child as a group whose aid counselor was attacked in guns on choose day, has rejected his regular sessions that the strike was not deliberate. wealth central kitchen found to answer leprosy chef by jose address. i said he's aid workers with targeted systematically by israel cobb, i call over a distance of several 100 meters, is really will cabinet minister ben and kansas cole for early national elections in september. the government of prime minister benjamin netanyahu was facing mounting pressure over each handling of the will and gaza list again. so i have settling on the election date with a lot of the governments to continue the war. while signaling that is rabies puts could soon be new trust, and that leaves me 73 people have been killed in an attack by outside a link to malicious in booking a fast. so that's according to radio,
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friends international. it's actually a set of taking place in the east of the country on sunday. the gentleman a government thing where i could do that, who has recently started to recruit volunteers for an anti terrorism falls. legal baffled between the us, the federal government and the state of texas is eating up in december, texas introduced legislation giving on the far as he's divide to detain and potentially deport suspected undocumented margaret's washington. this challenge the little i'm asked a federal appeals court to examine whether it is constitutional effectively putting it on hold. but the dispute is creating uncertainty along the border with mexico in the us mexico border. the focal point of texas is correct down on immigration. the state recently passed the law, giving state authorities the right to arrest them to port migrants suspected of entering the us illegally, but enforcement has been put on hold as the biden administration has suit, texas for a breach of federal law. you have many here support tough measures where you'll see
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study a quite a vanessa. so what, okay. i agree with them. yeah. because as soon as they know that any authority has the right to do so, i think they would start. okay. you said somebody and mosse, for some people, it's just the way it is. i mean, it, sometimes it sounds, some people say that the brutal or the, the abusive or whatever. but it's out of control, or is it just too many people? others are worried and fear they might be targeted unfairly. local and state police can stuff, interest anyone whom they suspect to have enter the us illegally as a hispanic. you never know. they think i'm coming here legally and then just decide to stop me. some are already feeling law enforcement is making their everyday lives harder. i always get assumed that i'm doing something illegal or doing something wrong. i've walked around downtown area. i've been stopped by border patrol. i've been stopped by your police and is just be walking down the store to buy something to drink, and then i get question all the time. sorry that i think it's something that shouldn't be happening. with nearly 95 percent of this counties population
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identifying as hispanic or latino lockwood further disrupt their relationship with officers. enforcing it. while county sheriff comes from harbor, says his deputies will not stop people based on how they look. he does have concerns about the laws impact. we have national guard here. they're not from here, or is it from austin houston. so they don't know that people, so it might happen thinking, you know, they don't know, the people say might stop somebody walk in downtown, looks like and then we're gonna, we're gonna stop bowman worried. and i'm hoping that it won't happen. schreiber, who is the democrats running for his 4th term, is sheriff believes the law will detroit people from crossing the border illegally . but if he has to deal with those who do, he says his resources would be strained out of have space and my to right now have about a $18077.00 the inmates present is here. and now we have the capacity of $200.00. so it, we put immigrants here to no one, no one has space for the criminals. one of several practical questions you have to
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be answered. it's not known how and when the law will be enforced. if ever, ultimately, it might be the us supreme court who decides, and that could be months away. until then, texans and immigrants are like, will have to live with the uncertainty. uganda is constitutional cost has rejected a bit to overturn one of the wells hospice laws against homosexuality. the legislation passed in may last year poses penalties of up to life imprisonment for consensual, same sex relations possible death in some cases of so called aggravated homosexuality . activists side of the little finite set constitutional rights and it has prompted abuse against l. g, p t q. people petition to say the appeal, the ruling of the supreme court. the lawyer spoke to the press, following the verdict. is the quote you did decide is that is the legal law for to discriminate against the court to decide that it is legal,
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lose the edge of your child community from participating the country simply on the basis of public sentiments and lives. cartoon, i think is said that the court could play to public sentiments another flight of experience. i think the quote is one. so let's look at this with john solomon, the number yonder who's that your guns and human rights activist who left his country by the law was passed last year. he joins us from the german city of munich . welcome to the w. what impact has has the slow i'm will this ruling have on you've gotten this queer community? well uh my 1st and foremost i should say that um uh, the employee is unconstitutional and illegal because it goes again is to discriminate against um, uh, the eligible people that they didn't fight as they would you particularly bust ones
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in uganda like we've heard about you on the bottom, the right from the lawyer and, and time is short. and if you can tell us what sort of, uh, effective its having on people that well, um the implication that its having with the people currently use the fact that tom uh, advocacy for eligibility rates has been creepy. no. like what i'm doing. great. let's take a res, seem to have some technical problems with the can you hear me? yeah. the bell. the line to music appears to have frozen. i apologize for those technical issues. we'll move on the phone with the president of the spanish football federation to be sort of be honest, has been briefly detained by spanish police as part of the corruption investigation . it was questioned at madrid. afterwards. this would be time from the dominican republic and released shortly. after the investigation relates to
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a business day of the whole, the spanish supercop in saudi arabia is arrest, came 2 weeks after we investigate the search 11 locations, including his house on the football federation, headquarters is to be honest, denies any wrong doing this get moved from sport jim this that samara hunter in boss 11 a welcome to dw. so tell us more about the reasons for mr. ruby alice arrest. well basically, what's the civil guard as they're called here, the police are suspecting what they are alleging is that um, he has a series of contracts over the years that have a lot of or regularities. which is to say that they are alleging that he actually was taking commissions illegally and which is why they're investigating a money laundering, a corruption, and even perhaps the participation in the criminal organization. so it's not just about that one contract as it relates to the spanish supercop being sold to saudi
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arabia. there's a lot of other contracts there being investigated as well. one of the main targets they have is actually a friend of his, which goes by the name of many and what they are saying, the police is that for years, lose really, alice through the federation would work with a construction company which in turn then would make payments to his friend many who has a, an association or a different kind of business that's they're investigating as to why there was any sort of connection or the full. and so what the police have said is that in total, they're estimating $3800000.00 euros that are basically been siphoned out of the federation for personal use of personal gain, which could be managed by his friend. ok. so those bel negations and how, how has news of his arrest been received that in spain as well, to be honest with you, i'm not very surprising a whole lot a lot. a lot of people have felt that this has been a long time coming. people within the media. hundreds of people who have worked
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with him over the years who class repeatedly come out and spoken in public about their own instances or issues that they've had with him or even official reports that they made to police as well that they wanted to have investigated. so they've been all kinds of allegations in the any of scandals that have been associated with these ruby others for many, many years. not just during his time as president of the federation, but previously as well. so a lot of people have been crying out for a very long time for him to be investigated for all of these various allegations. it just never happened until now. so a lot of people say, well, finally, i feel as perhaps maybe some justice will finally be been found because they've been plenty of whistle blowers over the years. but as i say it's large, they've been swept under the rug for, for one reason or another. okay, he was detained and released a presumably that is not the end of the matter. no, not at all. in fact, um he is expected to be back in court this saturday where he will have to um,
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provide a testimony in front of a judge. and then we will have to wait and see what happens after that. but let's not forget that there's also a power lo case going on as it relates to johnny and most so when he forcibly kissed her in front of the whole world, the women to hook up. and so there is currently a situation where we're still waiting to hear if there will be a trial or not. but there haven't preliminary hearings. there was a recommendation made by the judge to say that it showed him flat to go to try. 1 and what the prosecutor's office are requesting in that case is 2 and a half years in prison, as well as 50000 years to be paid down here and also for coercion as well as sexual aggression. so that is also taking place in parallel to what potentially might happen here with this corruption case and the spanish uh, football association have a now effectively uh, wash their hands with mr. ruby, all this. oh you better they have. they certainly have come out. they've released the statement today officially distancing themselves because during this please
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raise that. you mentioned 6 members of the federation were actually arrested as well in um, in link to all of this that has, that has happened for people that actually been released since then. and so the president today that had stood in, preferably as actually decided to stand down and now they have decided to bring about elections for the federation. so things are definitely falling apart. there, there is continuing to be a bit of a purge, and they're absolutely trying to wash the hands of all of this thing. they had nothing to do with it. this is all you wish to be honest. let's not forget the sprained his hosting and wilcox in 6 years. and so for them it's very important, not just them, but i think spain overall is the country feels that it's very important to train up, hold this public image. and to say, we have a great justice system, we're going to do right by everybody and make sure that if in fact he's guilty, then he will have the subsequent kwansa consequences necessary that we will get denied. and so for them they feel as though they need to make sure that they do things the right way. and so absolutely,
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this is not going to be the last that we hear of him or of the story. and i have a very funny feeling that probably more will start to come to light over time. we're good to cuz you guys were doing your sports channel is tamara hunter. thank you very much. find the die hard fans of las vegas lombok. i've been bidding farewell to what i've seen the cities most payable tones, the tropicana hotel and casino made famous in movies and tv shows was checked out its last open. i guess they did this yet. april succumb to the wrecking ball at the end of an era for an american icon. loyal customers joined staff and saying good bye. as las vegas as landmark, tropicana casino and hotels closed its doors for good. when it opened in 1957, it was the place to stay in vegas. even james bond checked in the 1971 film diamonds are forever the tropicana boasted. all the latest amenities we had,
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a lot of people come here. they love chop can i was talking about swimming pool. our sweet, amazing. we had one of the best, who's in last thing is when i started working here everybody that would come to work here. one like you work at the top of general, how do you get in there? as newer and bigger mega research spring up in vegas, the tropicana retained an error misspelled you. but even his biggest fans acknowledge the times have changed. it's a whole different city. it's vegas reincarnate itself every 12 years, so it just makes itself and we mix. i've been coming here personally since the eighty's and i've seen all the changes. the tropicana complex is set to be demolished later this year to make way for a new sport studio. part of las vegas is latest efforts to re brand itself as a sports fan, you find the people in tokyo have been brushing procedure pounds famous cherry blossoms before potential bindings that could cause the flowers to full tourist and
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residents came out to say the blooming cherry trees before brains with forecast to arrive. so it goes, blossoms arrived at lights than usual this yet because of the low temperatures since the late to set you up to date. i'll be back in just a moment to take you through the big stories of the day in the day at stake, looking at that 100, the potential 100000000000 dollars from day to a to ukraine. that's next year on the data. the
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just one tiny pick fights can lead to pain paralysis and fia lying disease. so destructive illness that is hard to identify. we accompany patients in this struggle to get an accurate diagnosis and effective treatment. for devious disease, the in 45 minutes on d w. the
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systems can be used to cuz different geographies. the real china itself has needs to be an incredibly scarce way. what the heck are a transforming business of is onset and i'm not real new deal. and let's just green washing. what's now on the old friends mean friends, can nature defend itself in case of an emergency? we cannot guarantee that we could protect meaning frankfurt. berlin, can't do it. faced with russia's war against. will grace's military alliance spaces, new threats? would it really close ranks if it were a top european security basically depends to 90 percent from the us
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out to the hotel commentary dance. april 4th on dw, the new agrees to up towards a 100000000000. your funds accounted to support for ukraine over the next 5 years. is also seeking to take over a coordinating role for supplying weapons to ukraine. that's a victory for secretary general get installed and about who's been pushing for the airlines to boost its role in ukraine. and to make it less dependent on the us as dominant role and nato's, you try and response. i'm feel go invalid and this is the day the the great news.


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