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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 4, 2024 1:00am-1:16am CEST

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the the, this is data, the news, and these are our talk stories for administer as from nato countries are debasing a 100000000000 euro fund for ukraine. us and meeting in brussels to propose funds would help bolstered, keeps defensive over the next 5 years. as part of a push for the alliance to take over the us led groups that coordinate shipments, weapon shipments to ukraine. also coming up the finder of world petro kitchen hate side of israel for striking and convoy of his charge, the workers and gossip they've been sold in an area of the idea. then knowing that was our team's moving on that route. israel's army is calling the air
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strikes that killed 78. where occurs i mistake through 2 and this identification and rescue crews race to find potential survivors. after the biggest, quick for 25 years shakes taiwan killing at least 9 people and traffic dozens more . the remote welcome to the program. nato. foreign ministers are meeting in brussels to discuss a 100000000000 euros in support for ukraine, as the proposed fund would help bolster keeps defenses over the next 5 years. as part of a push for the western military alliance to take over the us led groups that currently coordinates weapon shipments to ukraine leadership. nato also wants to make support
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for keith, less reliance on contributions from washington because of the months long and passed in the us congress over a 60000000000 dollar ukrainian age package. here is nato secretary general. yes, shelton, burke. the credit is unlocked, running out of curts, they're running out of munitions. we need to step up. now. i'm sure of support is built to last. today. allies have agreed to move forward with planning for a great today to roll in coordinating security systems, training. the details will take shape and the weeks to come, but make no mistake. ukraine can rely on it to support now on for a long whole dw corresponded. terry schultz told us more about this extra general is comments. secretary dental stilton burg is talking about
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a new plan that he says will take shape between now and the nato summit in july. and this has come out of a few factors. one of them is that they want to show the united states that the european allies are stepping up in their aid for ukraine. they want to make this. so put this project called the ramstein group at the moment, which was started by the us, less dependent on whatever might happen after us elections in november. and that's why bringing the these responsibilities for helping to coordinate the military 8 to ukraine, bringing that under nato auspices would really sort of settle the future of, of how this is managed. but as those and bring says, the fact that they still have so many details to iron out means we really don't know what the shape of it is. whether it's going to be this 100000000000 euro is that was announced. and nobody knows yet where that money would come from. so there are indeed a lot of things yet to be agreed upon between now and july. well,
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let's turn i to be growing fall light from and is really air strikes that killed 78 workers and gone. so the finder of the effect to charge the world central kitchen has accused israel of system not likely targeting his workers as it carried out. the strike is real, has apologized, calling the strike a grave mistake. the incident prompted world central kitchen to suspend operations in gossum and other a groups are not also pulling back, transporting the bodies of aid workers. they were killed and then is really air strikes well overseeing the delivery food aid and gaza. the us base and g o released the names and photos of palestinian australian, british polish, and us canadian staff killed in the attack. the remains of 6 were taken out of garza to egypt to beaver patriot or to their home countries. the founder of the
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charity world central kitchen set, the convoy was targeted systematically, one car after the other. and they were targeting hands, you know, their confidence on eric months old idea. then knowing that was our team's moving on that route. $77.00 people that they are 7 on top of our lease. so what i know there 192 money dining workers that they've been to over the last 6 months. israel's government said it regrets the incident and promised to insure it would not happen again. but its conduct in the war has come under mounting criticism, not just abroad, but also at home. tens of thousands have taken to the streets in antique government protest, any guns, a member of israel's 3 man, more cabinet and prime minister benjamin netanyahu, whose main rival is now calling for new elections to be held later this year.
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i believe that the, these really, society needs to renew its contract to meet its leadership. and i think the only way to do it and still maintaining the national, the f. 14 fighting come us and there was group and other secure with the challenges is by having an agreed election date that we have to discuss when and if the early election proposed would have to be backed by the majority of israel's parliament. were families of hostages, held in gaza, continued to protest. uh well, let's take a look at some other stories making use around the world. uganda is constitutional court has rejected, have been to overturn one of the world's harshest laws against homosexuality. the legislation imposes penalties of up to life, imprisonment for consensual, same sex relations and possible death in some cases of so called aggravated homosexuality. activists say the low violates their constitutional rights. petitioners say they will appeal the ruling of the supreme court.
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the former president of the spanish spitball federation, louise through the atlas was briefly detained by spanish police as part of a corruption investigation to be alice was returning from the dominican republic. i'm it approved into a business deal to hold the, the spanish supercop inside to your ravia. he was questioned by police at madrid airport before being released and i will forward, he's in taiwan said dozens of people are still missing or stranded. following the strongest earthquake to hit the island in more than 25 years, at least 9 people were killed and a 1000 injured when the quick struck during rush hour on wednesday morning. emergency crews are now working to clear roads and secure damage. buildings. quick ship all of the taiwan but the city of quality inn on the
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east coast was the worst hit. rescuers have managed to save all residents from partially collapsed buildings and from under rubble and down departments. survivors and damaged homes are being moved to temporary shelters. now it's time to prepare for the aftershocks due to not that i'm afraid of aftershocks and i don't know how bad the shaking will be and then the house is already mess. okay, how do you get in that? but there's no way to get in, didn't you post quick, major roads are still blocked off in other areas. high ones present in the left says they're working to bring everything back to functioning medium. one song, song we're aiming for 2 way traffic to resume by tomorrow evening. that's for the water in the power supply. those will be restored quickly so that people can resume normal life as soon as possible from taiwan lies on
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a fault line. as the island is used to quakes view and recent history has been the severe more than a 100 after shocks have already been recorded. well let's cross over nice type page talk to dw correspondence, so it's on han. you have to rush ice of his office when the earthquake hit. so this is the leave to be the strongest quick to hate taiwan and 25 years. how did your experience and how strong was the, was the time are where you are? well, it was massive. i was in type a on the 9th floor. so i had to really pull out of the office and leave the building immediately. and to be honest is like living in one of the disaster film. and you know, like people here and i want to very used to different kind of a big as low as quakes. but when it happened, this type of the window is different because of the way it is close to land. it's shallow because it's really hard for people to even stand. so after day,
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even though like everything has been stoves of restored, but it has really been a sleepless night for many people here in town. yeah, that sounds really scary and claudser. okay. what is the situation like now as well after the major earthquake happened, there has to be more than $200.00 after shocks actually. and the feelings like of living on the boat for a period of time because it's coffee shaking. and so you feel busy on from after shots to at the shock. so it's really scary. so many people here have until now and uh from the earthquake, we already know there are night desk and move in the house and people injured old, a 143 people trapped, had been rescued. but, and we know like the one is missing right now, but we start to hear a lot of the staff stories, most of fatalities do a cost by following rocks where people are driving or hiking in the mountains. and
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we also know like the last victim, she was a high school teacher who originally investigate the half past viewed him, but she went back in order to see her cat. but she didn't make it to lead that beauty up to words. so it's really sad. but most people say right now, a horrible situation in the fall in region is well known for being an earthquake hospital. and there are measures in place. how well did they actually hold up? uh yeah, uh huh. you know, there it is, kind of, uh, discussion started uh, going on about like, how huge the us, big was. but the image is not as big as we imagine. it's really because parents are as big prepare and as, as the one of the most advanced in the world. because here in taiwan street, i'm a building codes were implemented and schools and workplace is costly, conduct earthquakes of drills and the levels of public media as issues are as fake
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and safety notice when it's needed. so all these measures have to significantly in has power, earthquake resistance, and help reduce the possibility of a catastrophic damage. and the casualties will still nonetheless, what type for those aftershocks and stay safe. i there assume dw correspondent series on hand in taipei. thank you so much. no, berlin or bavaria might not be the 1st place you think call when it comes to elephants, but they could soon be as boats want as president has his way. margaret seam fcc has threatened to send 25 years in dallas fence to germany after berlin warns, but it might limit the import of hunting trophies botswana is home to one of the world's largest ellison populations and conservation efforts have caused their numbers to swell to more than a 135 years, and in recent years, the government has issued a limited number of hunting permits to keep their populations in check and raise
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money for local times. president msc told the german newspaper that a bond on hunting trophies could impoverish some boats. one ins dw correspondent, camella we're most o is in the boat, swan and capsule, a gap rooney. she explained why the president is threatening to send so many elephants to germany. that is yeah, i agree with you. do 1000 is the low of elephant. i think the president messy says just trust 3. ted, i'm, they have tried to do it then there's the federal work towards just tried to show the rest been well, but this is what is the opinion on the ground business. why we need to, to do it this thing, but the western world has other ideas. so that's why he's also have a new way of doing it. 1000 other friends, because he has done so well in terms of close of ration. and we're at this stage because um, we have be heavy,
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all these campaigns. we have the dream and the crown with try and, and close out. i'm not going to the friends, but a lot when my friends in river, which is coming to happening in books and that is waiting for us. and i don't see any reason why it should be stopped. and we have 850000. we have 830000 an elephant, so you can imagine, i think, right? and that was, that is the leading country when it comes full, ellis and population in the wild. c, w correspondence come out from us. so and the 1st one in capsule capital name. these are a reminder of our top story at this hour. a foreign minister, as from nato countries are debasing a 100000000 euro funds for ukraine at a meeting in brussels, the proposed fund would help bolster it keeps defenses over the next 5 years. as part of the push for the alliance to take over the us led groups that coordinates west in shipments to ukraine. you're watching dw,
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and you stay with us coming up. next we have our environment show one at a looking at innovations in the solar energy industry. and we'll have more news for you at the top of the hour. i'm kind of normal in berlin stages. in charlotte. the currently more people than ever on the world wide and such. but my facile jessica middle castle josh, find out about robina story info. my grands innovations green the green revolution.


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