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tv   Planet A  Deutsche Welle  April 4, 2024 5:15am-5:31am CEST

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environment show climate, a looking at innovations for the solar energy industry. as always, you can get more news on our website and our social media channels, not dw news. more news for you at the top of the hour. i'm hot. berlin, thanks for watching. taking the name is the calls back said wow, thank you so much for joining in. welcome to don't hold bad. a lot of people do that. as soon as i was saying it loud, you guys would have being nosy, bay, like get everyone to king to check out the award winning called called the called back do big ultima view companies play a role in the destruction of the rain forest. the letter for luxury casa, often comes from illegal capital funds in the m, as in yet the supply chains does matter to the deal industry.
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the illegal of the stats may said on dw, the, this tiny solar cell might be about to revolutionize solar energy. as we know it, it's more efficient than a spend that's really concerned. the cell can be easily synthesized and doesn't need to be mind like silica as it can work on in film. so you probably as not how speak up, but it also it can go on your roof. say hi to this crystal struct. chuckhorn is pearl skies. it promises improvements to solar cells that are almost too good to be true. but why would you believe this all the cells? well, for sconces, the regular solar cells, you know, i made with silicon and they actually quite inefficient. converting some light into energy only about 20 to 25 percent of sunlight can be captured on
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a commercial size, but that silicon needs to be mine. and purified in energy intensive processes that require more than 1000 degree celsius of heat. if you want to know more on this, we have a full video on that. here, i bought a new material called corrupt cut live actually be able to solve all of this to understand why they asked us to peer out to you a spend that silicon. so i went here the, how much sent home in building they've been researching postcards as set up solving materials for about a decade. hey, how are you doing? good. and this is the guy in charge of the research and steve, i even said world records for the most efficient pulse guide solar cells. so on a very basic level, what does perhaps kind of look like the temper off guard is a very generic term for a specific crystal structure, right? you can see that here over there. so the close to the structure has the x 3 formula
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. and like each component is the sort and i the element for molecule. one of the most common combinations in the structure is methyl ammonium as the a on the corners. the metal lots for be in the center and the chloride or iodide as the ex, which foam around the metal. but there's quite a vast range of materials that can be used and combined. and it's quite wild how easily these can be put together. oh, this is 11 vinyl. but before we do that, security 1st as we are going to up with toxic flat with one of the products, it's good to go look a bit like i mentioned that it was okay. time to get in our base materials. matthew mixes methyl ammonium, chloride, and let i o die too late to create or abs for you. crystal structure, by the way, everything happens in these boxes so that no water or oxygen comes in contact with
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our precious per office kite. so what is now the advantage of these materials compared to silicon? so i believe that one of the main dimensions of prostate or silicon as material is the ease of processing. so silicon is something that is relatively energy intensive to fabricate. but this is something that can be done at post to room temperature, so it doesn't require much energy. so it's easy to do. everything is relatively abundant. and so, um it, it's, it shouldn't be a bottleneck for production. so these base materials are more abundant then silicon ends are easier to process. now we have the base materials, but how do we make is some absorbing pair off skies, out of it. so i deposit uh the solution of prostate and then it spins up, you know, quite fast. so something like, uh, 4000 revolutions for
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a minute. and then i dropped on the ac solving solution and that drives the, the crystallization. the method that matthew is using hits cold spin coating, but perhaps kind solar cells can also be directly printed onto surfaces using similar processes to those useful printing newspapers. another method is, is that parades in perhaps guides onto surfaces. spend code things usually takes place in the lab environment and it can be tedious. matthew accidentally dropped the glass, not a big problem in the lab environment, but for commercial production, this is not viable. matthew gives it a 2nd try and this time everything works. after the spin coating it goes on to a heating plate and the darkening shows us that the crystals are being formed. it works the same way as when sold water evaporates and you start to see the salt. there are sales like this one here, which are only made out of rough guide,
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but in many cases there's a silicon layout beneath. so of the cells i called 10 themselves and looked like this right now they are the most promising candidates when it comes to increasing the efficiency of solar cells. but at some point, it might be possible to a balance that it can completely test that 10 themselves efficiency. the research was at hand, hard sent home, use a some simulator. it determines exactly how much sunlight is converted into electricity. what kind of efficiency that we just measured? so when we measure almost 30 percent, it's a quite nice achievement. why does it tend them? so a cell reach that much more efficiency than single jacksonville. so send them to los angles, make much more use of the incoming lights, so we have a long so long spectrum, there's a lot. so they should have a spectrum, the parent, skype. so also in this case makes use of the visible wavelength. so everything
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which we can see by i, it's then converted into pay of arrows console on sale into electrical energy. whereas the in for red light passes through the parasite sale and he's been converted into silicon salsa which is quite deficient you converting infrared light . so the share of the spectrum in each cell is very efficient and the reason it doesn't sound like that much, but i just has me this way, roughly 50 percent more. some lights can be converted into electrical energy. so more overall sunlight can be a soft spot to come by any of these tendons. so yeah, because before they go into serious productions, there's a lot of stuff that needs to be a major issue is the stability of power off the cot structures using 10 themselves . they're also got structures easily put together at low temperatures as we saw earlier, but they also come apart easily. even the charges that tremble through the pearl, scott and the solar cell can create defects and destroy the power of god.
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structures. also, external factors like moisture, heat, oxygen, and u, v light can break it down further and quickly decrease its record breaking efficiency. this whole process is called degradation, which researches and companies are trying to fight with different forms of m calculation. it's used office solar modules from accidental influences and is an essential spent for commercialization to sales, which is part of a do a p and academia and industry partnership plans to develop commercial sized modules with an efficiency of 26 percent of a lifetime of 30 years. a box for tv, a company founded by oxford university graduates, has reached and efficiency of 28.6 percent and supposedly sold the degradation issue already. but most companies haven't published verifiable data yet. that also isn't even a lot of research on real world outdoor tests and these are
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a lot of so you test. yeah. wow. this is kimberly liberty. she oversees the degradation tests of 10 themselves at him. what's the temple at what kind of the abilities we currently looking at here? sometimes to fail after a few days. so, but sometimes they last for years. literally, teen measured a loss of 20 percent and efficiency and just half a year. other researches in saudi arabia, for example, came up with similar results. for comparison, it takes silicon solar cells roughly 20 years to reach that level of degradation. a number that tend themselves out would need to match the some companies say they've already fixed this issue and ready to go to market next year . do you believe that's possible? because sometimes here we must also have conferences, but they normally don't show the data. it's all very secret. i assume that david
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and the next few years produce samples. and that is very important to do because then you can test them on your own sites in the future. and before you commercialize them, before you save them to customize your contest inside. whether it's really true, because it's really hard to say about these samples. if you have out here of to one year that they're going to last for 25 years. and until now we've only talked about the technical side of things about 10 of them. so let's have another thing coming. if have of skype is going to go anywhere, it will need to be cheaper then press to then ordinary christa. i said it cut on a pet well basis. this is jenny chase. she's analyzed the solar market for 18 years and found that the solar analysis team at blue book. and yes, let's go to be the one a cost per watt, which is coming to $12.00 us cents per well. and it will be 12 by next year, a, according to the international renewable energy agency since 2010 costs for electricity from solar have declined. but 89 percent globally is now more expensive
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to install silicon panels. then it is to make them meaning the limiting factor for solar on manufacturing costs, but grid connection land permits, all label for installation. it really comes down to the company that sells the cost and stability fact uh, amount of just to get these at the stable volume production will make a lot of money. if nobody does, then solar will still get billed. one company that claims it has sold the degradation issue is export tv. it says together with partners, it comes to the modules in the middle of 2024, and that we'll have utility scale sort of packs with 10 themselves in 2026 or 2027 . looking at today's efficiency number solar parts like that will generate 25 percent more energy then comparable. so they can sell the parks, solar panels, those have a good rates potential, but there's still
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a lot of things that need to fall into place for them to work. and i'm really, really curious if they're actually going to be on the market next year on reading. how did you like the video, please let me know in the comments and subtract or tell me what we post the videos on the environment every friday. the
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into the conflicts own with tim sebastian presidential elections in russia of the usual full gun conclusion with nothing left to chalk, not even the best in jail as the leading opposition figure. i'll explain about me. my guest is the russian come and say to andre collapsed with all the time he rushing. you're ready? just send it in. most of the valley such as serious, correct? the bluetooth had to be to come fix the next on d,
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w. old friends. new front is nate, so still prepared to defend itself in case of an emergency. the well, the largest, the military alliance has been maintaining stability for 75 years. but now, some weaknesses, probably getting to show this from this new threat. a tenant in 45 minutes on d, w, the this shadows these costs and video shed light on the dog is devastating. colonial har is infected by germany across and he employed a score farms and destroyed lights. what is the legacy of this wide spread races,
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depression? today, the screen we need to talk about here, the stories, shadows of german colonialism, the presidential elections in russia of the usual full gun conclusion was nothing left to chop, not even the death in jail as the leading opposition figure. i'll explain about me whose name, postern cousins bring himself to speak. my guest is a russian commentary to andre kalashnikov, who heads for economy, he rush or you raise your sensor in moscow. wasn't a valid me such a serious threat to put in his regime because he had to be killed even to be in prison. that when it was a threat to pretend that competitor maybe invisible in an information field about the same time, quite mighty, and way to compress it for, for the parts it was that population because of that it was.


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