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tv   The Day  Deutsche Welle  April 4, 2024 7:02am-7:31am CEST

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yes, is also seeking to take over a coordinating role for supplying weapons to ukraine. that's a victory for secretary general against dalton buck who has been pushing for the airlines to boost its role in new crime. and to make it less dependent on the us is dominant role and nato's. you try and response, i'm feel go invalid, and this is the day the, the great news or not to run the out the perks they're running out of time. and they should probably even, we need to keep supporting ukraine with everything we've got because it secures our freedom of our democracy and our peace within thought that he would divide us. now we're stronger than ever. it is vitally for us that you pray and wins and suits in lucy, but make no mistake. ukraine can rely on it to support now on for
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a long volt. also coming up, uganda is constitutional cause to oppose the countries on to homosexuality act which threatens life imprisonment or even the death penalty for some same sex acts . unfortunately, the court in its wisdom has finds time to be on the above our actual target. it says on the legal trip and has to go to the public sentiments. welcome to the day and night or foreign ministers meeting in brussels, have been debating a 100000000000 euro fund for ukraine. the 5 year funding would be part of a push for the west and the lines to take over from the us that group that currently coordinates, weapon shipments to ukraine. nice. i was also seeking to reduce your price dependence on washington. $16000000000.00 in ukrainian aid has been installed in
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congress for months is utilize the secretary general against delton back. your credit is unlocked, running out of curbs. they're running out of a nation. we need to step up now unsure of support is built to last. today, allies have agreed to move forward with planning for the great today to roll in coordinating security systems. training. the details will take shape and the weeks to come. but make no mistake. ukraine can rely on it to support now on for a long hold. let's get most of my brussels correspondent terry schultz. welcome back, terry. as part of that statement, mr. seldman, very sad, this new you claim the funds would send a strong message to rush us and tell us more about it and the level of support it has. well, if you listen to cells and bring carefully, he says that allies have agreed to move forward in planning. that doesn't mean
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they've agreed to the proposals that he's made. this idea that over uh, where the next 5 years would come up with a 100000000000 euros to support ukraine, and that nato would do a lot of the coordination on weapons procurement and delivery to ukraine. but it is a big step because this would be taking over a lot of the responsibilities of the so called ramstein group from the united states, which has played the coordinating role and, and found in the group. and this would be important for nato. it would also be stabilizing this concept for ukraine into the future, so it doesn't depend on what happens in washington a, this november. and that, of course, is what's driving a lot of the reason, but behind nato taking over these responsibilities. now. yeah, that's, let's look at that because we have this problem that we have nato hoping to take care of the coordination of weapons deliveries. and so this is, this is them trying to show washington bought your can stand on its own 2 feet
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to some extent. yeah. so remember though, that this would be for ukraine, this wouldn't be directly nato allies being ready to defend themselves, which is what the former president trump is always a threatening them about. but it wouldn't be a step showing that european allies can band together and would be giving in their proposal proportional amounts of their income into this fund for ukraine. but let's remember that these are very early days on this proposal. the figure, a 100000000000, basically comes out of nowhere. i mean is what is what they would like to see, but nobody knows where this money would come from. there was a lot of grumbling about it. so, you know, countries don't want to pay both as european union members and as nato allies. so when stilton bring says that they're going to work on it between now and the nato summit in july. that's a lot of work to do because there's a lot of concern about duplication with the european union. we're not exactly sure how the funding would work, and that's a big part of it. a lot of efforts in just being re elected the president and
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russia, which many leaders in europe fear could enfold and him even further. i've concerned is nicer about russia's next steps. it is really hard to see how much more brutal president put and could get in ukraine. he's destroying ukrainian infrastructure attacking civilians daily. so i'm not sure that you know, anyone is, is imagining that he will be emboldened by his presence presidency his, his re election. so called re election as many europeans say more than he's already been. but yes, the fact is that russia can throw endless amounts of money and bodies at the war end is doing so. and that's a big concern because of course, ukraine is limited in its resources by what the west gives it. it also doesn't want to, you know, lose its entire male population to conscription and russia has just decided to launch another round of conscription. so there are concerns that president putin
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will double down on the efforts he's already making. and what nato and ukraine feel is that, you know, they've, they've got to do what they can, regardless of what russia does. there's a big difference in how allies feel based on where they're located. if you look at, you know, poles in spain and portugal, they're not as concerned about russia as of course, the baltic states, poland, finland. so that's another thing that they have to do it native, they have to coordinate the feeling of threats, what they call threat perception. and they have to try to get everybody on the same page and willing to, in this case, support ukraine, was that it with whatever they can. and then of course, as ukraine pushing to become a nato, a member that has been told that this could be on the agenda. summers in washington this summer. what are you hearing, or it will be on the agenda, but ukraine is not going to be offered nato membership in washington, and that's been made pretty clear to them that it to many countries are
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uncomfortable with the idea. understandably so, of bringing a country that has rushing occupiers on his territory, bringing a country that is already at war, into an alliance where everyone else would be forced, potentially, to go to send it. so that would unquestionably bring nato allies into direct conflict with russia. so really, most allies are not ready to offer you crane membership, but that's part of what this fund and this new plan for coordinating weapons deliveries is about. they want to give you frame as much reassurance as they can get a unity behind at this washington summit in lieu of membership at the moment, is it's not going to be enough for keith. it's not going to give them anywhere near an article 5 guarantee. all for one and one for all. but this plan is designed to offer ukraine as much support as you can get 32 countries to agree to while their
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weight membership at some date in the future as well. terry data because funds into teddy shows in brussels, kansas constitutional code has rejected an attempt to overturn its controversial anti homosexuality at the lowest one of the toughest in the world aimed at the l. g . b t q. individuals that imposes penalties left to life in prison for consensual, same sex relations, and the death penalty. the so called aggravated homosexuality. the legislation was challenged by 2 legal professors who i'll get back to advise you to fundamental human rights guaranteed by the country's constitution. a lawyer for the protectionist spoke to the price after literally, it is, of course, you did decide that it is legal, lawful to discriminate against the court, to decide that it is legal to community in
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participating the country simply on the basis of public sentiments and lives cartoon, i think is said that the court could play to public sentiments another flight of experience. i think i do want the tv is that your gums and l g b t q. active is to rest slide here to germany. welcome to this junior edwards. let's start with your reaction to today's ruling from the constitutional code to thank you so much for the, for the invite. and my reaction to that really moving nicholas technical training today is of course, i think it's unfortunate to imagine that you can then slow rental code to seek solace to seek the interpretation of the anti almost actually to act which we fall into. because i've lost a petition in this, in this petition, we found that the, the law was destroy my now using the phone that the law was,
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are getting this the fundamental rights that ever you got any suppose to enjoy. so we're going to call it free for that. the quote is good in the print this little and find it just the way we formed it to be unconstitutional. the schuman lazing, and we would just, of course, different to be surprised and shocked to see that the judges, instead of preaching below the stage, i give a judgment, best think on their own feelings. they are not to be the best thing. one reason, but they give us the routing, which is very, very in my view, unconstitutional. finally, it was, it was interesting that they said that parts of this and to help me inspection. obviously i asked parts of it what unconstitutional, but they weren't minded to strike the whole thing down. yes, they say that part of the, the, the, the act unconstitutional. but in my view,
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i'll cutting one of your body be sick and you don't feel like they have. what do you seek? so if they can find part of the, the act to be unconstitutional, it simply means that the impact is unconstitutional. so the way that i selected the shoe at the cause and sections of this act, and i didn't get another them. this for me, i quoted white washing the white portion, just a few lines which they fit corresponds to the general public. because when you look at these articles that have been remove the date because seems to me not cause tissue no does acts, but the sections which corresponds to the people what not the interest extra community. so they're basically like protecting the interest of your community and the good 5, the isolating and putting that would you be such a community in a corner, right? yeah, this is what i was to understand. what prompted this legislation because from
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outside of you've gotten to it looks like it's suddenly appeared as of nowhere last much. i think it was less last year and suddenly you have a specific government that but suddenly wants to demonize them and persecute to a section of society. why did that come from? that's a very, i mean that's the question. everyone is a wondering, but we, we know the answer, the government will you're done to. as for res, used the, it would you be tied to community as kip good. when you look at the time when this loan was temporary and probably, i mean it's discussed on past due, we have so many things which are happening in the country. do a lot of mismanagement of funds and government. there was a lot of corruption. those decided that the government definitely needed to find something to disrupt or to distract the general community as mains and thoughts from the main points and the main focus of the, of the country. it's because this so many problems right now in uganda. there is, but did people depart dripping out of school? there is, and there is so many things, embezzlement,
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and corruption. so almost extremity seriously is the mixed population type of thing . but just imagine they ask it, go to it. would you be touching people because that's the only thing now they have to owed today to the people you've gotten to. and so this low, it's the slow now stands. and so we see within it the stress of life imprisonment or isn't that the death penalty for same sex acts? do you expect those penalties to actually be used or we have uh, a government which you cannot do. i mean, undermine uh, if the last tons and if the law says that there is a this penalty for same 60 the sheep don't be shocked to have someone aligned for this. and for those judges and test to bits. the government is very cool. we not, i mean, no, not said the, i looked, i, these we, i've been a very cruel government. i sometimes had to go political when i'm having such
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compositions. but there is no way you can separate politics with the current situation they are using. but would you be thought you people as political skeptical via using but it would be such people as the just putting in their games or funny things, which is very upset because this affects the rate rust with pass and ground. it doesn't affect those politicians of money. if the bus this low is i've been the international community, say usually a wants to finding out. somebody says it's not the m p. 's going to stuff up is the people don't want to suffer if they've got funding. and they stop funding the roads for them, they drive very expensive cars. don't know. there's nordstrom, that been the, the, the page of the international community. we bring this money. so if somebody to cool, you know, you told about this, this government being cruel and you are here in germany, not because you inside, well, what was that? but that made you think, well,
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i have to get out of your guns. and i mean, when i was to the new dad as an activity such as a founder of but human rights, would you be touched on that? a vision i was exposed to so many route to attacks including iris including uh, i mean uh silver i'm is, is among them was when i was coming from a cloud with a friend. and we were attacked by a group of men beaten to a point that i blocked out. and of course i just woke up when i was in my room, being messed by my friends from this point on i realize of my life was very, very at least risk in uganda. and i decided to leave uganda and come to gemma to seek a silence because i believed that i could not fight when i'm big. i can fight to a number lines right now. i can sit on this tv on and speak for the voices and you've got enough people cannot be in the studio to speak just because of my life. if i didn't, you'll get a doctor that be possible. so that's the reason why i'm a big country. but whatever happened to me on whatever,
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i mean made me leave. uganda is still a pending of the country even less before be killed before i've been arrested before, i've been more arrested. if i've been undressed in front of cameras before i've been it, i mean like 1st and weeks, i munition, if i've been pushed out just because of the security. so that's the reason why i'm if the country but very suddenly, i'm here with tennessee. what made me the big country i pending to the people to the people back home. and sometimes i feel like whipping i feel like crying and i feel like a lot to know because it's very sad, very sad. thank you so much for allowing that. so clearly approximately photos, guns, and l g b, c, q. active is to edward batavia. thank you to the legal battle between the united states, the federal government and the state of texas is teaching up texas introduce
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legislation in december. that gives all sources the right to detain on potentially the port suspected undocumented migrants, washington, his challenge zillow, and as the federal court of appeals to examine whether it's constitutional effectively putting it on hold. but the disputes around it is creating uncertainty along the border with mexico. in the us mexico border, the focal point of texas is correct down on immigration. the state recently passed the law giving state authorities the right to arrest them to port migraines suspected of entering the us illegally by enforcement has been put on hold. as the biden administration has to texas for breach of federal law, you have many here support tough measures where you'll see started quite a vanessa or k. i agree with that. yeah. because as soon as they know that any authority has the right to do so, i think they would start. okay, you said somebody on my resume and people, it's just the way it is. i mean, it, sometimes it sounds, some people say,
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i mean they're brutal or they are they abusive or whatever, but it's out of control or they're just too many people. others are worried and fear there might be targeted unfairly, local and state police and stuff, interest anyone whom they suspect to have entered the us illegally as a hispanic. you never know, they think i'm coming here legally and then just said to stop me. some are already feeling law enforcement is making their everyday lives harder. i always get assumed that i'm doing something illegal or doing something wrong. i've walked around downtown area. i've been stopped by border patrol. i've been stopped by your police and is just be walking down the store to buy something to drink, and then i get question all the time. sorry that i think it's something that shouldn't be happening. with nearly 95 percent of this counties population identifying as hispanic or latino, the lockwood further disrupt their relationship with officers. enforcing it. while county sheriff comes from barbara, says his deputies will not stop people based on how they look. he does have concerns about the laws impact. we have national guard here. they're not from here
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or is it from austin houston so they don't know the people, so it might happen thinking, you know, they don't know the people say might stop somebody walking downtown. looks like and then we're gonna, we're gonna stop bowman low worried, and i'm hoping that it won't happen. schreiber, who is the democrats running for his 4th term, is sheriff believes the law will deter people from crossing the border illegally. but if he has to deal with those who do use his resources would be strained. i don't have space in my to right now have about a 1977. the inmates present is here. and now we have the capacity of $200.00. so it, we put immigrants here, the no one, no one has space for the criminals. one of several practical questions you have to be answered. it's not known how and when the law will be enforced. if ever, ultimately, it might be the us supreme court who decides, and that could be months away. until then, texans and immigrants are like, will have to live with the uncertainty. the
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land or bavaria might not be the 1st places you think when it comes to our fence, but they could soon be if botswana is present, the house is way. but great. c and c. c has threatened to send 20000 gallons to germany after building bone that it might limit the import of hunting trophies. botswana is home to one of the world's largest elephant populations and conservation efforts. of course the numbers to swell to more than 130000. in recent years, a government issued a limited number of hunting permits to keep their populations in check and to raise money for local towns. as the stacy told a gentleman newspaper that about on hunting trophies couldn't publish some bus one, it's the state of new cars funded pablo ramos, who joins us from the botswana in the capital. a governor on a welcome, pamela, 20000. that's a lot of elephants. what's really behind the president's right? that yeah,
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i agree with you to 1000 is the low of elephant. i think the president message, there's just trust 3. ted. um they have tried to do it then there's the federal way to just try to show the rest been well, but this is why to say opinion one, the grown business, why we need tool to do it this thing, but the western world has other ideas. so that's why he's also had a new way of doing to 1000 milliseconds. okay. i'm guessing he's not serious. so because i'm just trying to think of the logistics that's, that's a lot of value funds to move i'm also trying to think of the logistics, but let's whole, let's, let's chose, i've seen, doesn't hope that it hasn't sold cheap. but if his majority, the federal government has to be agreed to the house this alex and i and give them sufficient length as so that they can go street as people move
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frankie and was, i'm so, and that was just for his hips, fluffy. i suppose that but the serious and perhaps positive side to this story is that it's happening because conservation efforts perhaps have been up to successful . yeah, absolutely. i'm present me has done so well in terms of close of ration and where at this stage, because we have be heavy all these campaigns, we have the dream and the crown with try and, and close out. not only the friends but a lot when my friends and whatever. and so how was the president's proposal system is licensing system? how would that work or what the pattern suspending um those who are interested be applied. um and they pay for the payments. i'm the government is very strict when it comes 4 to having to. so it's not like i can be given the,
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the license last 3 and any major setup which in place to make sure that the right people are given this license or the payment. and these are the only way that the numbers can be controlled, just just shoot them all the other ways to control the different populations. what you're saying, just feedback is make you, you mean i'm just floating, i got it and i'm just going around that, you know, it doesn't have to have like that. i'm the missiles that have been put in place to ensure that that last number, also an offense i chose to attend to it, right? but i think once he's coming to have the invoice and that is waiting for us, and i don't see any reason why you should be stopped. so we have 850000. we have 830000 electrons. so you can imagine, i think, right, and i will send these the leading countries when it comes full, ellis and population in the world. okay, so what we're talking really then about
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a story, a successful conservation, but also about a german attitude, said i wonder how weston advice is generally perceived varying botswana. i mean we, we just left it all. i mean, because you know what you said building guidelines, but we really well, we think that the west, but as that one of the central flex by myself and sure that they have power. so that's why the, this is happening right now, that tries change the fluid that how we have more power on that. maybe we'll sideways. but really we, i mean, if jimmy had the number of technicians that we have right now, um, do you think they would do the job that was, i guess that over the yes. do you think they have the number of samples that has right now? okay, that's, that's something was thinking about, but if he does,
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eventually, i've said those 20000 over put me down for 2. thanks so much for joining us. the w . a customer on the west side in denver, and i think they use little legs by i have to clear out the seller dumpster so for today you can follow out to him on social media at cdw news and licensed headlines always available on d, w dot com, on the d. w. a good, the
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lots, make sure it's the diversity of it's residence, the commitment to one another, no matter what you're focus, the
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route. people are comfortable, dedicated working a customizable space to reach you then is using the idea train to test it. the date of concepts will change for us in the future made in germany. in 60 minutes on d, w, the dig altima view companies play a role in the destruction of the rain forest. i have kind of raise all over brazil union. we process $30000.00 hides a day and 90 percent of that is for the forward market. the auto industry, for example. the letter will actually cost awesome comes from initial capital times
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in the m as in. yet the automobile industry doesn't care about the supply chain. profit, all that much. illegal leather stats may said on d w. the hello and welcome to focus on your of thank you for joining us today. my name is, let's show. russia is intensifying. it's a tax on ukraine, which is a cause of tension in neighboring finland. the country shares a long border with russia and joined tomato last year and security among the finish population has been growing even in the capital city, helsinki. finland is prepared for the worst case scenario with bunker is like this
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one here available.


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