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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 4, 2024 8:00am-8:15am CEST

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the, the, this is dw news coming to line from berlin. they sent moves toward long term military aid for ukraine, for administered to discuss the proposed support as the alliance march at 75th anniversary, and occasion highlighting the bigger role nato members of par, demanding germany play. also coming up the founder of world central kitchen says, is real deliberately targeted the food relief organizations, workers in gaza or targeting, you know, they confidence on in an area then knowing that was our team's moving on. that goes, israel's army is calling the strike the killed 7 aid workers, a mistake due to miss identification and rescue crews face race to
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find survivors after the biggest earthquake for 25 years shakes, tie one, killing at least 9 people and trumping thousands more. the hello and terry martin, thanks for joining us. they do foreign ministers of discussing a proposal to provide a 100000000000 euros in support for ukraine. the proposed fund would help both most or keeps defenses over the next 5 years. as part of a push for the western military alliance to take over from the us led group, the currently coordinates weapon shipments to ukraine. data also wants to make support for keep less reliant on the contributions from washington. because of the months long, impasse in the us congress over $60000000000.00 ukrainian, a package of the ukraine,
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a proposal is being debated as native markets 75th anniversary nature was founded after the 2nd world war to counter the perceived threat posed by the soviet union and as the alliance looks to future challenges, one member states challenging role changing role has come into sharp focus. nato's for secretary general lord is may famously said the alliance was created in 1949 to keep the soviets out, the americans in, and the germans down 75 years later, the doesn't. the original members have added 20 more. they're still focused on keeping russia out as it wages award that borders of the alliance and the americans in as a central guarantors of europe, security. but the original desire to keep germany down is long gone. and some observers accused berlin of using history as an excuse to under perform in military spending and readiness. being down off to the end of the gulf war really became the
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thing. and it meant free writing. and what you can see now is an increasing number of countries gain you up on gemini, and rightly so, because they've got the memo, they've understood what needs to be done. that point in that purpose and how to do it until berlin gets that though we won't see the necessary unity in europe to actually achieve that goal. that message that any crack in need of cohesion or capabilities could encourage kremlin aggression, is regularly reiterated by frontline allies feeling more vulnerable since moscow launched full scale war and ukraine in 2022 countries like is sonia, where it's not just the 75th anniversary. as nato's founding, after world war 2, but also of the brutal soviet exile of thousands of citizens, my mother was deported. on her 15th birthday hung on the 24th of that much. 1949. my father's family. it had the farm on valley that was hit by
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a tennis ball. the $9040.00 was so perfectly example of how it seems to be caught in the middle. these days, the middle for european allies may feel like it's between moscow in washington due to concern about declining us support for trans atlantic ties, especially ahead of november elections that could bring the anti nato donald trump back to power. the 1st attempt to him, of course, was not an easy time oliver, but to at that time you could still hope but to brush as also stake and his relationship, but west and both has a motor. i think effect on its behavior nowadays, no longer my case. i'm going to bring it in by decided to conduct a special military operation and get this out. what we hope for when the building will came down. clearly know, jamie sure, you saw plenty of anniversaries in almost 4 decades at nato. his last post dealing with emerging security challenges to be fit for future birthday. she says,
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the alliance needs to also see beyond russia. allies a face of all forms. that's right. and if nato doesn't help them, a deal with those of a crisis, right? what would be climate change or cyber attacks? so, you know, critical infrastructure protection or whatever it will be less relevant in those particular capital was for almost 75 years. basically the lives has shielded our nation's out of this on a bursary, though, amid all the praise for nato's longevity, there's broad agreement that the best way the alliance can defend itself against future russian advances is ensuring there's a russian retreat now in ukraine. for more and this i'm joined now by the deputies brussels bureau chief alexander phenomena we celebrate neighbor was founded exactly 75 years ago. but aside from reaching that landmark, those dates are really have any reason to celebrate. so while the in stoughton back,
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the nato secretary general, has described the alliance as the most powerful and successful alliance in history . and from the perspective of its members, it is true during the cold war, nature was able to prevent a hot conflict with the soviets. off to the fall of the berlin wall, the number of its members grew constantly. now in the face of, uh, rushes, a war on new crane allies have remained united. so this is from their perspective, a very successful story, of course, and they have to, is facing a lot of criticism. many countries in the so called global so so have been accusing can nature of being aggressive of having doubles tenders of being too much to ask, dominate to it. but from the perspective of its members, it is
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a successful story. but of course now they needs to get ready to meet future and collins challenges. how to deal with the rice of china, for instance, and how to support ukraine in the future. those are the questions that they need to answer today. help nato's relations with russia have deteriorated rapidly in recent years. is that clearly a result of the expansionist ambitions of russian liter, vladimir preteen, or did nato itself make some missteps of its own dealing with russia as well? that is, of course, what the russian default russian narrative is that the annexation of a crimea that the war on ukraine is the result of nato's aggressive behavior. but the point is that nature has been communicating with russia not so long ago before the annexation of crimea was in nato,
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russia council. they were an exchange. they were talking about important things. so from the perspective of natal member as it is solemnly. so, because i didn't put in to be blamed for what, for what, so going on in ukraine for the war that is raging on nato store, step speaking of ukraine, to what degree is nato's future, the alexandra, dependent on the outcome of developments in that war. while we hear that every day here at nato headquarters, how important it is to support ukraine, so that the restaurant is not winning this war so that you crane is able to defend its independence. it's 17 and a, it's might seem a bit strange to countries who are far away from this war. but for those members of
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the lines who are very close to the board of ukraine, they understand that they could be next. and of course, they don't want it to happen. alexander, thank you very much. that was our brussels bureau chief, alexander phenomena is now too is real and pressure is growing on israel's government from its closest allies over a deadly attack on an aide con boy. and the gaza strip. us secretary of defense lloyd austin has urged his is really counterpart to take concrete steps to protect aid workers and palestinian civilians and called for a quick and transparent investigation. australia as prime minister, antony elverton easy has criticized israel's explanation for the attack. an australian citizen was among the 7 people killed in the is fairly strike on the vehicles carrying aid workers from the world central kitchen. we need to have an accountability for how it's ok and what isn't good enough. is the stipend so that
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they might a including that they ceased. jesup, product of war? well, the founder of world federal kitchen has accused israel of systematically targeting is workers. when it carried out, the strike is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu said the workers were killed, unintentionally. the incident prompted world central kitchen to suspend operations in gas, transporting the bodies and aid workers. they were killed and then is really air strikes well overseeing the delivery food aid in gaza. the us base and g o released the names and photos of palestinian australian, british polish, and us canadian staff killed in the attack. the remains of 6 were taken out of gaza to egypt to beaver patriot or to their home countries. the founder of the charity world central kitchen set, the convoy was targeted systematically,
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one car after the other. so they were targeting hands, you know, the confidence on eric months old idea. then knowing that was our team's moving on that route. $77.00 people that they are 7 on top of a lease. so what i know there 192 money dining workers that they've been to over the last 6 months. israel's government said it regrets the incident and promised to insure it would not happen again. but its conduct in the war has come under mounting criticism, not just abroad, but also at home. tens of thousands have taken to the streets in antique government protest, any guns, a member of israel's 3 man, more cabinet and prime minister benjamin netanyahu, whose main rival is now calling for new elections to be held later this year.
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i believe that the, these really society needs to renew its contract because it's leadership and i think the only way to do it and still maintaining the national f. 14 fighting come us and there was group and other secure with the challenges is by having an agreed election date that we have to discuss when and if the early election proposed would have to be backed by the majority of israel's parliament where families of hostages held in gaza, continued to protest, maybe sketchup on a few other stories making headlines around the world today. motors and mexico have held a funeral from a world candidates who was killed just hours after launching her campaign. that's a good fun had asked for protection before she was gone down in a sly in central mexico. at least 15 political candidates have already been killed this year ahead of elections in june. uganda is constitutional course has rejected a bid to overturn one of the world's harshest laws against homosexuality. but
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legislation imposes realty's of up to life imprisonment for conceptual, same sex relations and possible death in some cases of so called aggravated homosexuality. activists say them all violates their constitutional rights. petitioners say they will appeal to ruling at the supreme authorities in taiwan say, dozens of people are still missing or stranded. following the strongest earthquake to hit the on into more than 25 years. at least 9 people were killed in 1000 injured when the quake struck quad again city. on wednesday morning, emergency crews are working to clear roads and secure damaged buildings. the earthquake ship all of the taiwan. but the city of quality inn on the east coast was the worst hit. rescuers had managed to save all residents from partially
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collapsed buildings. and from under rubble and down departments, survivors and damaged homes are being moved to temporary shelters. now it's time to prepare for the aftershocks keith and not that i'm afraid of after shocks, and i don't know how bad the shaking will be. and then the house is already mess. okay, how do you get in that? but there's no way to get in. didn't you post quick, major roads are still blocked off in other areas. taiwan, president elect says they're working to bring everything back to functioning. median one song song, we're aiming for 2 way traffic to resume by tomorrow evening. as for the water and the power supply, those will be restored quickly so that people can resume normal life as soon as possible from taiwan lies on a fault line. the island is used to quakes view,
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and recent history have been the severe. more than a 100 after shocks have already been recorded. if you're watching the day, but you new is coming up, play a looks at possible a possible game changer for solar energy. thanks for watching the sometimes to be shown right. how that you know, to the highlight for every week, not the model cost about why does that mean? i think it's like now i'm liza most of.


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