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tv   Made in Germany  Deutsche Welle  April 4, 2024 8:30am-9:01am CEST

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the electron mobility re revolution, global service into all kinds of problems. to fit your thoughts on the topic of pressure those channels. we've got every friday tried to plan. it's a the most female founder's main priority isn't becoming exceedingly wealthy. sure, there are famous entrepreneurs that have made billions creating dating platforms or begin cosmetic brands. but most one to combat social issues, reducing plastic waste, providing care services, and creating social support systems. let us introduce you to a young start of founder from germany was making the everyday lives of women safer . also coming up professionals and india, silicon valley, climate damage and air conditioning. more space on the train,
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and the world's crazy a space. the goal is to find out more today on made the the use business magazine walking down at the dock and deserted street late at night can feel pretty unsafe in situations like these. it can be uncomfortable to be alone, even if nothing bad happens. it's an uneasy feeling that noise that will be remembers all too well. save space and struggles. think about we came up with the idea for safe space because that experience plenty of situations as a young girl where i felt very uncomfortable. looking down at dog street and constantly looking over my shoulder and curt lice to as a 16 year old, nor to end up with another high school students to develop a personal safety app for women and girls. its features
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a traffic light system that allows users to share how safe they feel. green means safe. yellow means they use a field unsafe p f. then this is about 50 community members. what just a phone call away. even if they use us own emergency contacts, like friends or family members, offline, even a fake phone call could make it look like they use it isn't alone. if the traffic light is set to read the app and that's the police, all the features, such as a map, are designed to help people find the safest way home. according to the found and the only time safe space connects use of data is during registration. and unlike all the personal safety apps that are intended only for emergencies, safe space can help use this even when they only feel uneasy. the safe space community is a key feature. even before the apple officially launched some videos about it went viral. the young found us advertised the app exclusively on social media. safe
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space already has about 7000 uses. the found us also post information about updates on take talk. a fine day friends, a little update on where we're at with the of the found as role in community feedback to optimize the app and squash a few bucks in the future. safe space also plans to so if business customers yeah. have not receive loads of messages from people who work night shift like a newspaper delivery pass. and he contacted us at 4 in the morning saying i'm out at 4 or 5 every morning in the dock. and i feel super uncomfortable in sketch and hop on the app was financed with price money from start up competitions. but the found us hope they'll be earning money soon so that they can add features. and ty is some stuff isn't here. this was my school. this is where the idea of a safe space was full and knew what came up with the idea for a personal safety app. and a workshop for start up at your high school of she spent
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a breaks between classes on the phone with program us and investors. so while the hot tips for young start up found us suppressed with zakowski and lots and lots and lots of people out of state where a nobody's going to steal your idea. feedback is super important for mentor men to is there a huge help save expertise? strategic advice they feed. now what i told you was the homeless somebody must assess, okay, it's a case and made mistakes, make mistakes, but then took about them and it had all figure out what went wrong, none from it and do better next time. also them these days newest trying to balance to start up with the university studies. but she's also open to taking a start up here to put all the energy into the safe space. those who walk a tightrope need one thing more than anything else. a good sense of balance, not having that can be life threatening. the relationship between work and life
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should also be well balanced. for many young people today, work life balance is key. it involves struggling many factors, work free time, health and friends cannot go well. lots, lifestyle in work or life for young people have generation z. what class balance is especially important coming to sleep balancing work and private life, having enough time for families friends last year and house. and for self actualization. employee is have to offer something to attract them as applicants, tech support, working hours, working from home a full day week or even so quote, a new work from a beautiful beach. numerous studies suggest companies that don't say benefit from this employee is, would be more motivated, more productive, identify more with a company, and have less absenteeism. and few
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a sick days. that cannot be such a thing as passage. what lie, silence, doing accident back being super healthy, maintaining great friendships, having an exceptional marriage, and being the best mom or dad in the world. who wouldn't want to davids. doris is full baptist air research comp be done. take a gas stove. each banner represents a primary aspect of life, family, friends, health. so look at the fuel supply is limited. if a lot of the button is good at the same rate, so you have about an slice that nothing is especially great. but if you turn up, say this time and a bene, you must turn down the other bonus, turn it up to a 100 percent on the other bonus, go out. the ferry now is to be successful. you have to turn off at least one
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that has to be very successful even to find any way instead of what life balance more and more people are now talking about, look, life lending, imaging of work and life, no longer to separate 5th, they could look like this immediately, all through a video conference on a sunday while on vacation, i think the way but that's another topic work, life balance and india does that go together. some companies are beginning to recognize the desire of many employees for better working conditions. millions of well educated young indians are flocking to the big cities in search of better career opportunities. and young entrepreneurs are about to turn hydro bad into a kind of silicon valley. are there any guys all very good morning of welcome to
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our designs. a team meeting at honda mobility, a start up based on southern india is hyderabad. recon, somebody runs the company. the 29 year old studied in italy and spain where he does his doctorate. but then he made a conscious decision to return to india. or i had a very lucrative job, in fact, like it's all, it's a high being job that i can be happy to set it on there. but what will drive me here to move is that the impact that i can to the end with the experience that i have. and the biggest problem that gets on his 3 year old company focuses on sustainable mobility. hey, we're have the money. he already ran south more than 2 and a half 1000. the electric scooter is the customers such as delivery people. he chose india as a location, primarily because of its huge customer potential. hardly any economy is growing as quickly as india. and just for years it's expected to overtake germany and japan.
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the growth is evident in the many young companies, including 3 kinds of readies. when we started in new york, we need randy. now remember, we thought it would be a 2 way, cuz right on that same year we'd scale it up to 20 and then you know, in the next 5 years with a $1200.00 vegas from data, we scale the journey, 2000 our numbers when we picked up our 1st round of investment last year with the investment, be good for them to present times. a $1000000.00 has been invested so far and ready has nearly 80 employees. many of them left small villages to find opportunities and the big cities, such as mechanic shop on come see the best and most of what do you see what i'm learning a lot here. i'm used to being told to do things from my village. but here it's explained to me because i see many development opportunities, and i've already been taught a lot. all of this would have been impossible in my village. the difference between a city in my home town is really huge. how does
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a difference he wants to show his boss together, they drive to site up for a village of $4000.00 outside of hydro about tomorrow. it didn't actually want to leave his family and village but taking his new job meant he had no choice. so i'm the one ready goes and before i went to hyderabad to become a mechanic, i wanted to start my own business here in my village. no one had an idea to open a small workshop in the book, but none of that worked out because no one really took me seriously and i'm able to think everything was constantly questioned. and either in the end i lost my self confidence in the glue on the, in the countryside. there are few signs of the recent years. technological progress, trans family makes a living from farming and has to get by on the equivalent of about $150.00 euro is per month. his mother complains that indian politics hasn't really taken care of villages like hers. they want a model. absolutely. nothing has changed here in the village. everything is as it
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was before, the government that promised that things would improve and nothing has changed. even educated people can't find a well paid job here. that's why my son moved to the city. it's a life that entrepreneur ready otherwise has little contact with. but 2 thirds of all indians have this kind of lifestyle in modern india there now urgently seeking opportunities for the rural population. one place where these solutions will be developed as the t hubs center in hyderabad. it's a state funded project that advises and supports start ups like readies from the very beginning. yeah. hello sir. good morning. handsomely on is one of the t hubs. managing directors is happy to see young entrepreneur is now looking for opportunities for people in rural areas and villages going to take and moving out the sustainability is moving out there. right. so there are startups. what actually solving for real problems for non metro problems for dietary diet or send me up and
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video been problems. so, um, i think yes, there are lot of started withholding for those problems as well. and the taking the solutions out into the mazda for ground breaking ideas and technology such as a guy they've set lofty goals. while there are currently just over 300 start ups in the innovation center, the number is set to rise to more than 20000 in the next 5 years. entrepreneurs like ready see their country as the economic super power of the future. it's not too far to get the, i don't seem to go to my layoff in just died for heights about on even better tact or to have a unique ignition for us as then comparing to anyone else and hide the bodies in that range. and in the a will be in that place, may have, you know, it's going to be a center point of innovation. india is growing in population. economic power and self confidence.
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mega cities can be real sweet islands, where it can get up to 10 degrees celsius hotter than in the countryside. city buildings are cool down considerably to reach bearable indoor temperatures. but this has devastating consequences for the environments. here are the most promising solutions from around the world for keeping cool. to take a look at these buildings for thoughts and single forth and use a new delhi new york and hong kong. noticed anything. and these parts of the world life without air conditioning can be uncomfortable or downright dangerous. more than a dozen people have died and then during the last 2 months, due to a severe heat wave, this heat wave waste heat rate. but that brings us to our dilemma. technology needs lots of energy. in fact cooling, building accounts for 10 percent over global electricity consumption. and that's
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bad news for global warming. so viciously, we call the indoors, but we want the outdoors, therefore generating the need for more. but there are solutions, some traditional, some modern that don't need up massive amounts of energy. nowadays, americans are still some of the most prolific users globally 90 percent of us households on an air conditioner and some of the hardest parts of the roof. it's not even 10 percent, but other countries want to catch up. just look how much more energy some of these emerging economies are projected to use in the coming decades to colder homes and buildings. you see in the air conditioning market is going and nobody has its own good. clunky is working to open up the global market for high efficiency. air conditioners in the us population is growing in there is getting even more of like a but i'm also a large portion of the pending population is one of the nice thing is moving to
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cities and all of dr. good, a wants to do is do a huge demand for the air conditioners because of the trends, like these global energy demand for space cooling is projected to triple by 2050. the question is how to meet the soaring demand without exacerbating the heat. you may have heard of the urban heat island effect. it's when the urban areas like these get warmer than the surroundings, because all of this concrete absorbs and retain seats and there's a so lots of waste heat from human activities like transport or wild air conditioning, creating more spaces with shady trees and other plants less than a specific, like here in berlin. the colombian city has made a gene, was able to reduce average temperatures by 2 degrees celsius, only 3 years after planting green core doors. the inter connected network of greenery expense, thousands of waterways and busy polluted streets. and minimizing heat expelled by cars also makes a difference in spain. parcel on
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a super blocks prioritize pedestrians and cyclists that scale matters. the cities institute for global health estimates that $117.00 heat related that could be avoided every year of hundreds more blocks were introduced. the next step is designing buildings that aren't as reliant on air conditioners. and this is where we can really learn from traditional architecture before technology or piece to runs awards phone solutions to, to show by the property chug olive of dime leads bio climatic architecture projects and countries like vietnam and more atanya. that means that designs take local climates into account. so we have to study jeffrey, or he's got to be an extra dog teacher of some modern buildings already doing this, such as come to the university which uses wind towers to keep its buildings cool. this method has been used in iran and other middle eastern countries for centuries . the so called wind cultures are designed to trap fresh air and directed indoors.
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the hot air gets pushed out. you may also have noticed that houses in hot climates are from light. some countries like india are bringing back this approach by painting grooves with line based whitewash, which absorbs plus heat. this can reduce indoor temperatures by 2 to 5 degrees celsius. when designing new buildings, bio kinetic architects tend to combine different sources of inspiration that they will all tell you. location is everything. you have to pay attention about this an orientation and make sure your best sides of those exposed to the direction. and then we use registered the chip proteins, the wind direction. knowing the wind direction is important to design openings that encourage cross ventilation. other features that can help save off heat or shading devices to keep the facade cool. and insulation prevents heat from traveling through your roof. for example,
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colorado says these methods can reduce indoor temperatures by about 5 degrees celsius. well, ceiling fans can help circulate this cooler air. issues may still need to be used sometimes, but to a much lesser extent. the problem in many countries going to a construction boom, new buildings often look like this. but it does tend to bid them with floor to ceiling glass and the backs of your love problem. because every time you put a glass into a building, you've done it basically into a hot box. it's like a stone uncle. the architects and engineers say this aesthetic is popular because it's perceived this week, modern and let them natural life changing that would require more rigorous building regulations around energy efficiency and a massive cultural shift to actually get the men forced on the ground. most of the object this school is not uh, were on the train for this when you can get in that into there sort of business as usual approach you will get this is uses another big obstacle is that this approach
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tackles new constructions. so what about all the old, badly insulated buildings that already exist? this takes us to the next solution, more efficient air conditioning. because there is no technological reasoning for a seas to use as much energy as many commercial models do. now the ac industry is included in order for the 100 in order to acknowledge the it's been working convenience, you know, at the switch of a button, we get cooling. this may have such or she works on a climate friendly cooling work festival. there hasn't been a lot of motivation or market factors that have spurred innovation and you really see how wasteful, if these can be in places like india, singapore or parts of the us. because this was where it off and get human. a lot of color of the energy is used for managing too many well,
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some modern models have a so called dry mode to target humidity. kalonski says air conditioners are still pretty bad at measuring how much moisture is in the air. and consequently, how much moisture they need to remove for optimum comfort. so many people simply blast to receives to over cool the room and gives you many down to a desired level. but what if we thought about efficient mechanical cooling on a much larger scale? a system like this is already functioning in singapore, here and underground air conditioner touted as the largest in the world quotes, residential buildings, bags, balls, and this iconic hotel. the technology is called district cooling and it can save up to 50 percent on energy and emissions. that's because having one big plant cooling an entire district makes it super efficient. the water is chilled. 25 meters below the ground before its pipes across different buildings. deep shot into for district cooling is in terms of infrastructure. right?
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it's, it's, it's a, it's a big capital investment requires a lot of infrastructure. this may sound utopian, but like all other solutions, it requires lots of upfront capital. know how and of course awareness who hasn't experienced this weather and run by london, new york or beijing crowding is everywhere using public transport instead of driving a car is better for the environment that can crowd and be reduced. this train thinks for itself, creating most space of passengers strollers and wheelchair uses rush hour. it's called an idea training and it's a project from the german national rail company that can needs to train the future
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to defend me. the basic concept i the idea train was to consider independently of existing traffic. what would the ideal commuter trains the future look like? from the passengers point of view? there are standing computer, what stations to save, space and windows can be dock and individually when it's to bryce outside the mind type of the settings window was wanted to implement everything. it's kind of a smorgasbord of ideas. look, we show what's possible depending on the need or where it's used. people pick out what they want. touch right, fast trains often come across who's facing nothing ground breaking. china is fast coke railway in operation since 2022 office and this will come said and if you want to be really comfortable, you have to travel 1st class on this switch, train with a foot rest and c t thing included in the future front is high speed
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trains will have big screen with 9 full cost, and that's basically it renovations. at the moment. there is so many possibilities, like with the idea of train. destination is this place everywhere. you can find out on the train whether right station negative, which ideas will actually be implemented, filing this team of august and for the passenger information. first and foremost, it's becoming increasingly important and constant issue because we live in an incredibly complex world and it's a matter of getting intuitive information quickly. these display bands on the sides are a topic that will be pursuing in the future. lloyd lighting is a very important topic because it has a lot to do with the quality of a stay, and we also want to be current. these are all topics that have definitely already received good feedback. and we'll see a lot on trends in the future. that's of course, i think it's often in supervision. then innovations have to attract more passengers
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. only then will they pay off. in any case, passengers, hulu, for the well, will be great for for the space. and now something for people who prefer to cycle to do bicycles, always have to look the same. no, they don't. we looks for the craziest examples to show you and found exactly what we were looking for. you can also take a look at them on our facebook page. could you right away with square wheels? absolutely. despite the builder made of blake with triangular wheels.
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and this one to have 4 wheels tell about a little luxury. the spike is made of $24.00 karat gold, even the gears and petals it was sold into by for $250000.00. we wouldn't recommend parking it in the streets. and here comes the sort of like it, smokeless and folds down to the size of an umbrella, tearing, sleeping. and how about a mattress on wheels? you can see the sites from the berlin horizontal without having to get out of bed.
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you know of any other crazy bikes out there and do you also want to start your own business? are you looking for work life balance or wait for the city or train? we hope that we couldn't fire you next time we just as exciting. we promised the
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lots makes your risk the diversity of it's residence, the commitment to one another, no, the focus the into the conflicts own with tim sebastian presidential elections in russia of the usual full conclusion
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with nothing left to chalk, not even the best in jail as the leading opposition figure, i'll explain about me. my guess is the russian commentator andre collect recall to tommy he, russian, and your agent center in moscow was nevada. is such a serious, correct? that he had to be too confident in 19 minutes on d. w. the project cassandra, re determined through our investigations that has pull out was operating like a global drug cart. not something you normally see terrace organizations. the objective to financially drain has gone up and bring them down. suddenly we haven't lost to attack a terrace organization finance. the idea is the fall, the money,
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the team agents from the american drug enforcement agency. i was scared. i mean, as well as another whole life. they want to do actually money. i wanted to take down their findings. they had from lies themselves. we needed to reveal that so world and to their own people invited the us government suddenly shut down project cassandra in 2016. so the opportunity was, was 1st our 3 pot documentary series on last day has paula starts may, 4th on d, w, the, the, the
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. this is the, the news coming to live from berlin. report to details. israel's use of artificial intelligence to select targets and gauze of the report comes limit outrage over and is really attack on an aide con boy in which 7 workers died. the founder of the n g o world central kitchen says they were deliberately target. also coming up, nato moves toward long term military aid for ukraine. foreign ministers discussed proposed support as the alliance marks it's 75th anniversary, and occasion highlighting the bigger role. nato members or demanding of germany
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plus dw speaks to women in ukraine, volunteering to.


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