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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 4, 2024 11:00am-11:16am CEST

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the, the, this is the, the, the dues coming to live from berlin, they to mark 75 years with a call for continued solidarity period needs america for its security. at the same time, north america also needs your alliance leaders, hale nato's history with an item new challenges that could put it to the test. also, coming up, outrage grows over israel's deadly attack on aid workers in guns of the n g. o world central kitchen is demanding and the defendant investigation into the attack that killed 7 of its stoppers. the groups founder says they were deliberately target. plus the w speaks to women in ukraine,
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volunteering to clear minds about 30 percent of their country is contaminated by concealed explosives, the hello, i'm terry morris, and good to help you with this. they do. foreign ministers have gathered in brussels to mark the lines of 75th anniversary. the russian invasion of ukraine has given nato a new sense of purpose in recent years. in response to the anniversary rushes for administrator, he said the dialogue between moscow and nato has reached a critical 0 level, but that it's not seeking direct conflict with the alliance. this week, the organization support ministers are discussing a long term aid package for ukraine. the ceremony and brussels native secretary general young stroke backs trust the importance of transatlantic unity. your needs
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america for its security. at the same time, north america also needs europe. european allies for large, rolled cloths military's last intelligence networks and unique diplomatic leverage, a multiplying. i'm a cost mites. are brussels bureau chief alexandra phenomena is covering nato's 75th anniversary. i asked her how unified the alliance really is at the moment. well, the alliance at the moment is united spots. of course, the presidential election coming up in the us is looming large over every meeting of net made to allies. and it is enough for donuts trump's to question. he's commitments to the alliance on that contain trail to send tremors across europe. so and knowing that you understand how important it is for you installs and
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back to cold for you need teach to, to make clear that the membership in the alliance is also in the interest of the united states. and that is also the aim of his proposal. that she has put on the table for an aide to, to take a bigger role in coordinating the delivery of age and also weapons to ukraine. because he's trying to ensure a predictable and reliable health for key of regardless of what is happening when the u. s. regardless of who is going to win the presidential election there. and this is also a signal to washington that it is not only do you as that is, you know, paying for the aid for ukraine, that the europeans are eager ready and determined also to do so and to support ukraine. now the alliance was pounded to counter
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a perceived threat from the soviet union at 75 years later, russia now appears to be again, the biggest threats tonight, or is that how nato sees it? yes, there is no doubt about that. and during the ceremony today, the ceremony that was marking to the 70 sits 1st day of the alliance were heard from many foreign ministers from countries that joined the alliance in 1999 or 2004 countries that remember what it is like to be under soviet occupation or soviet influence and they were talking about the dad's time, one of the foreign ministers here. i think it was a, be a strong and foreign minister said that it was at that time of crazy decision to join not to need to, to decide for themselves what kind of past they want to choose regardless of russia
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was saying, and this is a big topic he hear that russia is again, a big switch swept to nato members. and deluxe him for them is. so was also talking about that the biggest challenges may be in the future. how to deal with russia, how to, to deal with this threat that russia is posing to the lions. now nato is backing ukraine, providing as much aid for it as a can to what degree is nato's future dependent on the outcome of developments in ukraine? a too big degree, i would say we heard from the german foreign minister today who said dad, so we need to remember that the warning ukraine is just an 8 hour drive from berlin . so you understand that many members of the alliance worried that they could be
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next is rochelle winced swore. and that is why they want to support ukraine. but they need to do more. because at the moment the ukraine and forces are struggling, they're running out of i'm a nation and their front lines are reportedly at risk of collapsing place under thank you very much. that was our brussels beer treat alexander from the down to the war and ukraine and the growing pressure on israel from its closest allies over a deadly attack on an aide con boy. us secretary of defense lloyd austin has erst is really counter parts to take concrete steps to protect aid workers and how standing and civilians and called for a quick and transparent investigation. australia as prime minister anthony albany, easy has criticized israel's explanation for the attack. australian citizen was among the 7 people killed in the ass,
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rarely strike on the vehicles carrying aid workers from the world, central kitchen and g. uh uh, we need to have a can ability for how its okay, and what isn't good enough. is the stipend so that they might a, including that they ceased. jesup, product of war. the founder of world central kitchen has accused israel of systematically targeting his workers when it carried out the strike. it's really prime minister benjamin netanyahu said the workers were killed unintentionally. the incident has prompted world central kitchen to suspend its operations and gaza were palestinians are desperate for food and other necessities. several other relief organizations have also now still of supplying age. and the goal is to strips. this comes, those rights groups say, garza is entering towards famine is relaunched. it's invasion of guys are following the october 7th attacks inside israel by him us which summer got countries regard
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as a terrorist organization. transporting the bodies of aid workers. they were killed and then is really air strikes well overseeing the delivery food aid and gaza. the us base and g o released the names and photos of palestinian australian, british polish, and us canadian staff killed in the attack. the remains of 6 were taken out of gaza to egypt to beaver patriot or to their home countries. the founder of the charity world central kitchen set. the convoy was targeted systematically, one car after the other. and they were targeting hands. you know the confidence on eric months old idea then knowing that was our team's moving on that route. 77 people that they are 7 on top of police. so what i know there 192 money dining workers that they've been to over the last 6
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months. israel's government said it regrets the incident and promised to insure it would not happen again. but its conduct in the war has come under mounting criticism, not just abroad, but also at home. tens of thousands have taken to the streets and anti government protest. any guns, a member of israel's 3 man, more cabinet and prime minister benjamin netanyahu, whose main rival is now calling for new elections to be held later this year. i believe that the, these really society needs to renew its contract because it's leadership and i think the only way to do it in still maintaining the national f. 14 fighting come us and there was group and other secure with the challenges is by having an agreed election date that we have to discuss when and if the early election proposed would have to be backed by the majority of israel's parliament where families of hostages
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held in gaza, continued to protest, take a look at a few other stories making headlines around the world today. armed resistance groups and beyond bar claimed to have caused casualties in a drone attack on the military base and the capital not paid off. the capital is on is the seat of power for the military junta, the over through the democratic government in 2021. the hunter says it shot down 7 drones, claiming no damage or casualties resulted. over 100 people have leaped into the water to escape a burning boat. in the gulf of thailand, the overnight ferry was headed to the popular tourist destination code towel off the tie coast. local officials say all $108.00 people on board were rescued in the cause of the place is under investigation. heavy rain has hit parts of china, particularly in the east of the country where extensive water logging is affecting
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the growth of early rise. seedlings for non province in southern china has also experienced heavy rainfall. rescue work is ongoing ukrainians. authorities say about 30 percent of their country is now contaminated by russian land mines. unexploded ordnance and other explosives up to a 174000 square kilometers of land are thought to be contaminated, posing a threats, 1000000000 life and making it off limits for farming and other uses. according to a survey by un archer published last year, mine's had been detected in 11 of ukraine's 27th of last. among the most contaminated regions are meek, alive as song. don't nets and keep human rights watch points out. the ukrainian forces have also deployed land binds against russian forces. the area is in is in need of checking and clearing, and it's
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a that there is larger than greece. the w's a at abraham travel to body in northern ukraine to meet some of those taking on this dangerous job. a year ago, victoria was training to be a pastry shop, is now the 20 year old is helping clear ukrainian soil from unexploded russian mines is doing so in the northern ukrainian village previously occupied by russia. this work is crucial for life to come back here. minute which i to but my brother is currently serving in the army for 2 and a half years already. my father was also called to the army market with of course, are you positive commission but was not draft annually. i also wanted to do my part . so i came to work here, of course, with you a little bit, they have a younger brother, and i would like him to walk on clean land and the course of the mortgage. and so would my future children who do proceed with me due to the course.
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victoria says when she 1st swapped her pastry apron for a metal detector, her mother panic insisting the job was too dangerous, not appropriate for women. but women are taking on new rules all through ukraine. replacement hor at the front lines, the halo trust and you that works to clear landlines and explosive devices is seeing more women wanting to do the job. doing my work. i need a lot of our women and to actually they inspire me because many of them like um, ran out of zone or from fort because they used it previously. absolutely different end to work. so like, for example, the phone was working, making money to so was, was built for, and this is all it to someone was working as a teacher bands. and now they decided that at the moment maybe we need to fleeing
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for the last was not far from ki, of you yet who used to work in an office trains new d miners when you for the to i'm just delighted when they come the next day and just and can tell them what i told them yesterday, including the record. that's why i like being an instructor. but we have many women whose husbands are at war and these women are not standing by and crying and not waiting for them or rather, they also take the position that the more we work on this, the sooner we will finish it all with you, with the civic income, some estimates suggest it could take hundreds of years to clear all of ukraine of landlines. these women are making start. you're watching dw news from berlin up next. we've got a documentary for you that's going to take you on a train journey through vietnam. and of course you can get all the latest news and information anytime you want on our website. that's the w dot com for me and all of
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us here at the w. no, thanks for watching the do you, big companies play a role in the destruction of the rain forest? the letter for luxury casa, often comes from illegal capital funds in the m, as in yet the supply chains does mess a tv review industry. the illegal of the stats may said on dw, the book a little. i love it.


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