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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 4, 2024 2:00pm-2:15pm CEST

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the the, you're watching due to the news coming to you live from berlin, nato mark 75 years with a call for more assistance for ukraine to support your training. so child it is to, for, to, to create these other investments in our own security. that is the kremlin warrens that russia and nato are now in direct confrontation. meanwhile, germany's defense ministers as security threats to europe are rising, forrest, the story is balance to make the point of despair. a more effective ally within nato and outrage grows over israel's deadly attack. on aid workers and gaza to envy a world central kitchen is demanding unintended independence investigation into the
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strikes that killed 7 of its staff. first, the groups founder says they weren't deliberately targeted the . i'm quite richardson welcome made. it was marketing. it's 75th anniversary with the alliance has representatives vowing to keep support and ukraine's fight against russia's invasion. nato is weighing a plan to provide a long term support for ukraine, a task a currently shouldered by individual member states. meanwhile, the kremlin says it's relations with nato or now on the level of open confrontation made so it's 75, but things sounds guessing any easier with age, despite the fact that the alliance is facing huge challenges from the threat posed by restroom and ukraine and beyond to a potential of 2nd, donald trump presidency in the united states trumps and may to critic the alliances
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heck, stress the need for united stand europe needs america for its security. at the same time, north america also needs europe to head off the trump threat stokes. and bag subjects may turn members could setup a 150 on the right funds to provide a big slice of minutes. we h ukraine over the next 5 years. you will see it says nato should have a more direct role in delivering that side. a change from the current setup where the us and loan is largely responsible. h u a in the us foreign minister told d w that should happen whoever the next us president is because people are saying, you know, that we need to take this, this step part of this measure because of the election. i don't think that it's it's, it's right because it, if i read in a position, so i think it's best to have a different concept in mind. you know, we do what's right. we do what is needed for nato security. we do what's needed for
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ukraine, security and ukraine spectrum. russia has intensified. it's me saw a tax on ukraine in recent weeks with the war now into its 3rd year, ukraine's foreign minister says what the country really needs is more air defense systems from the west. i don't want to spoil the party, but of course my message is a birthday party for my main main main message today will be competitive because saving you creating a live savings for an economy saving pregnancy just depends on the availability of categories and other air defense systems seem to crane and we're talking about petra's, because it's built in the system that can intercept ballistic missiles. question allies have been hesitant on this points, but the ukraine that would be cause for the biggest celebration of all. to earlier i asked political consultants, february's of 48 if russia is once again the biggest threat. tomato,
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i mean is clearly the number one credit, the other ones, uh, terrorism being another one and kind of growing. and we say uh, be younger region ambitious uh, trying to access kaylee uh close to an existing, she'll try to nato and, and there i think the launch, these are 2 phase one is obviously spend more money in acquiring and requiring defense capabilities that that'd be lost so this invested us to the end of the cold war and still going to allow ukraine to really we dislike. because if you crank fails to detect a successful russia and ukraine would be extremely cost intensive and resources and see for the alliance. so our interest is also to make you quite successful and what has been announced over the last few days as is right encouraging. but these, i don't think, you know, as a game changer to allow ukraine to really start to finish this for those for bruce,
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cause it party a very, a political consultant and the ceo at rest most in global here in germany. the war and ukraine has prompted the government to reassess the state of his military forces and their combat readiness, german defense minister boris. the stories has laid out ambitious plans to reform the boon despair and its overall structure. the new setup will include the creation of a force that specializes in electronic and cyber warfare. germany is also considering reintroduce and compulsory military service um, which it ends up in 2011 for times and really without speaking in berlin for story . so the reforms would be a boon to both in germany and it's nato allies. yeah, i live recently, but we all know that the security threats in europe have intensified. it must be clear to everyone that we're defending our country and our alliance partners, and that with this step, we're also making it clear that no one should even think of protecting us as natal territory. i'm so guy. let's speak to dw is political correspondent, emily guardian, at the defense ministry in berlin,
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covering the story for us. and we tell us what is changing with these new plans? yes, ultimately, it boils down to 2 big changes. the 1st one has to do with the way the offices are run at the top. so in the past, what we used to have is the come on some national and international mission. now these to come on are going to be much under the new reform. so the, so that there is a, was a single point of contact for anyone trying to reach the own tool. so this is somewhat of a standard across nature, across many nato countries. such avenue is just adopting to that's him. and the 2nd big change has to do with the structure of the forces themselves. so traditionally you would have the ground forces, you would have the force and you would have the name be. now additionally, to that, jimmy's introducing him a cyber security information full. so to speak,
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and they will be tough with cyber attacks and cyber defense. and this of course reflects the new reality of, um, hyper both have that we're seeing of these days in ukraine to um, now these are phones ultimately being introduced by the government defense minister wars to toward the stories. because he wants to make germany come about ready again in lights of rushes, a full scale invasion of ukraine and was move our viewers might remember that not long ago, in september of last year. as soon as that story is indicated, but that he was not planning any major reforms. what do you think has changed now? well, he was actually also about that today and you said look at the time. and he knew that the things did have to change, but there was no rose maps yet. he doesn't know what was going to change when it was going to change how it was going to change. so he didn't want to give away too much from the very beginning. so, but of course he said that in the past, germany,
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during his armed forces were more catered towards international missions use such as the menace my mission in molly and um, with rushes full scale invasion. as you claim that smell changed, and germany's defense forces me to photo cousins prioritize, national defense, but also defending the nato alliance. and that requires of course, structural changes to the armed forces. thank you very much for that. that is emily . according to the political correspondent let's bring up to speed now with some other world news headlines. armed resistance groups in myanmar claim to have caused casualties in a drone attack on a military base and the capital nephew, dog. the capital is the seat of power for the military junta that over through the democratic government in 2021, the who just as it shot down 7 drones, claiming no damage or casualties were caused. heavy rain has had parts of china,
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particularly in the east of the country where extensive water logging is affecting the growth of early rice. siblings, putting on province in southern china, has also experienced heavy rainfall. rescue work is ongoing. well, over a 100 people have left into the water to escape a burning boat in the gulf of thailand, the overnight ferry was headed to the popular tourist destination co toe off the tie coast. local officials say all 100 people on board were rescued and because of the place is under investigation. south african police have arrested its former parliament speaker as part of a corruption investigation. let's review them apiece. the coolest stuff down a speaker on wednesday. she is accused of taking several large and perhaps from a former military contractor while she was defense minister charges that she denies supposed to be an officer on health ministry and gaza says the total number of people killed since october 7th. the terrorist attacks has now risen above 33000
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families are mourning. the deaths of more than 60 people are killed across the script. and the last 24 hours over a 1000000 people are sheltering of the southern city of rasa, which is under regular is really from apartments. meanwhile pressure continues to grow on israel over it's a deadly attack on an aide convoy and gaza polish prime minister donald to us says israel should compensate the family of a polish aid work are killed in the attack and australia as prime minister anthony alban. easy has criticized israel's explanation. an australian was also among the 7 people killed in the is rarely strikes on vehicles carrying 8 workers from the n g o world central kitchen. we need to have an accountability for how it's ok and what isn't good enough. is the stipend, so that they might a, including that this is just a product of war. and the founder of world central kitchen has accused as well of
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systematically targeting his workers. when it carried out the strikes is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu said the workers were killed, unintentionally, as well continues operations following the october 7th the terrorist attacks by him us or this latest incident has prompted a world central kitchen and some other 8 organizations to suspend their operations in gaza, where palestinians are desperate for food and other necessities. un suspended it's night. time man is hurrying. 8 convoys for 48 hours. this comes as rights crusade. garza is headed toward famine. the aid workers bodies have since been transported to egypt before being repatriated, transporting the bodies of aid workers. they were killed. and then as really air strikes well overseeing the delivery food aid in gaza. the us base and g o released the names and photos of palestinian australian, british polish,
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and us canadian staff killed in the attack. the remains of 6 were taken out of gaza to egypt to beaver patriot or to their home countries. the founder of the charity world central kitchen set, the convoy was targeted systematically, one car after the other who they were targeting hands, you know the confidence on eric months old idea. then knowing that was our team's moving on that route. $77.00 people that they are 7 on top of our lease. so what i know there 192 money dining workers that they've been to over the last 6 months. israel's government said it regrets the incident and promised to insure it would not happen again. but its conduct in the war has come under mounting criticism, not just abroad, but also at home. tens of thousands have taken to the streets in antique government
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protest, any guns, a member of israel's 3 man, more cabinet and prime minister benjamin netanyahu, whose main rival is now calling for new elections to be held later this year. i believe that the, these really society needs to renew its contract because its leadership and i think the only way to do it in still maintaining the national f. 14 fighting come us. and that was group and other secure with the challenges is by having an agreed election date that we have to discuss with the nearest the early election proposed would have to be backed by the majority of israel's parliament where families of hostages held in gaza. continued to protest, maybe turning his mother news. now, experts say brazil and columbia experienced a remarkable decrease in primary forest lost in 20222023 deforestation,
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and brazil dropped by a 3rd and by almost half in columbia. that is, according to a new report from the non profit world resources institute, a tropical forest are still being destroyed with the equivalent of around 10 football field last every minute in 2023. pre last is still a huge problem in the amazon rain forest, a region considered a kiosk in the fight against climate change. in brazil, home to most of the forest, people in the city of billing are feeling the effects of weather extremes, driven by a warming climate. snell. uh before we go, let's get a reminder of our top story at this hour. nato is marking a 75th anniversary with a ceremony in brussels. representatives from ukraine are in attendance, as nato discusses, a proposal, long term aide fund for kids. the kremlin says russia and nato are now in open confrontation. and that is your news update. this is our thank you so much for
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watching and stay tuned for our documentary coming up next about lyme disease. if it is more news you are after, you can always find that on our website at www dot. com, the one, the other people in what it's in just a 100 days. my parents because of my family. what killed, how was this age? i'm on a journey to find out about the roots of the 19 are to put you on the site, but they expect to see through. rhonda, my name is some way to ship me here. i'm afraid it makes sweet shaming history out documentary stuff. april 6th on dw, the.


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