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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 4, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm CEST

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the, the business data, we news line from berlin, the kremlin ramps out the rhetoric warning that russia and nato are now in direct confrontation over ukraine. the statement comes as nato marks it's 75th anniversary . leaders are calling for more assistance for kids saying it's an investment and nato's own security. also coming to the the, we meet the women of ukraine, volunteering to clear minds. some 30 percent of the country is contaminated by concealed explosives and rescued cruise search for those still missing and taiwan. official. st. people are still trapped and remote regions for the islands. biggest
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earthquake and a quarter of a sent you. the really, it's good to have you with us. we were getting the shell with fresh criticism from the kremlin. moscow says relations between russia and nato have reached the level of quote, direct confrontation due to the alliance is enlargement and recent years. and it's military support for you create a commons come on the day the north atlantic treaty organization celebrates its 75th anniversary and brussels nato allies have bound to keep supporting ukraine's fight against russia. as invasion of the lines is weighing a plan to provide long term support for ukraine. a task currently shouldered by individual member states may. so it's $75.00, but things found, stressing any easy with age. despite the fine facts,
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the alliance is facing huge challenges from the threat posed by restroom and ukraine and beyond to a potential of 2nd, donald trump presidency in the united states. from the nato critic, the alliances heck, stress the need for united stand europe needs america for its security. at the same time, north america also needs europe to head off the trump threat stokes and bags to dress may 10 members could set up a 100000000000 euros funds to provide a big slice of minutes the a to ukraine over the next 5 years. he also says nato should have a more direct role in delivering that side. a change from the current setup for the us, the loan is largely responsible. dwayne is foreign minister told dw, that should happen whoever the next us president is because people are saying, you know, that we need to take this, this step part of this measure because of the election. i don't think that it's
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it's, it's right because it, if i read in a position, so i think it's best to have a different concept in mind. you know, we do what's right. we do what is needed for nato security. we do what's needed for your credit security, and you can speak to russia has intensified. it's may solve a tax on ukraine in recent weeks with the war now into its 3rd year, ukraine's foreign minister says what the country really needs is more air defense systems from the west. i don't want to spoil the party, but of course my message, the birthday party. but my main, my main message today will be competitive because saving you creating a live savings for an economy saving pregnancy just depends on the availability of categories and other air defense systems. we need to create new resulting both customers because it's built in the system that can intercept ballistic myself. thank the question, allies have been hesitant on this points, but the ukraine that will be cause for the biggest celebration of all and we're
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drawing now by the w correspondence. terry schultz, who's at the nato headquarters in brussels and new drug storage, who's in riga or moscow bureau moved there after rush, a band dw, from reporting in the country. hello to you both mountain terry. let's go to you 1st. what are your main takeaways from today's meeting? well today secretary general stalls and bergen the other allies, had to strike a balance in their tone between being justifiably proud and happy that nato has existed for 75 years. just took in 2 very competent, new allies, finland and sweden, but also the serious nature of, as you heard, ukrainian foreign minister do. mutual cool about coming here and saying, you know, all the best nato, but my people are being slaughtered, our cities are being destroyed and we really need you to come up with more air defense. so that's a difficult, you know, balance to make here. and of course, the allies know that if they don't do enough, if russia wins this more, they themselves will be in more danger. so overall, not
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a very festive tone here today at nato headquarters and new drug, the spokesman for russian president vladimir fruit. and is that today that russia is in direct confrontation with nato in ukraine? what exactly that to me for the past cost a to wiley, s as a, as in mentioned to you, said that he uses word confrontation, please very aggressive and pest of complained about nato enlargement. he has done this many times before and present, putting as, as, as well as, you know, sweden and finland joint and they took off the rushes, aggression against the agree it's, it's interesting to see what the best gulf is. not saying, for example, that nato is a defensive lines, but nato is not like russia at taking a neighboring countries. natal provides weapons and ammunition to your crying so that keith come. defense one's self. a democratic countries like poland and lithuania, estonians on. they've decided to join night or to make sure that russia is not
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attacking terry. have there been any comments on the statement of the meeting in brussels? yeah, definitely. there was attention paid to this, but you know, i just wanted to mention that russia often does things like this before, and nato ministerial, any big meeting. in fact, people are expecting them to do something even bigger before the nato summit in washington in july. so this doesn't come as a total surprise, this comment. but i think one of the things that provoked the cuz the kremlin to, to make these remarks is that nato is talking about to taking over more responsibility for delivering weapons to ukraine. from the united states of the secretary general sober, pointed out that simply helping ukraine defend itself, which is legal under international law, is not becoming a party to the conflict. ukraine has the rights to fight russia to try to kick it out of its territory and, and nato allies have the right to help you create and do that. and we have track.
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moscow has worn many times that sending nato troops to your brain would lead to dire consequences. that is not a scenario that is on the table right now. things is a stand. what rush are risk attacking a needle member and any form, as well as those have a crystal ball here right now, but as long as biden is president in washington putting the will definitely not to take a to countries. i think this is really a true and all experts agree with that. this may change when trump is going to meet because it's going to become the next american president just a couple of days ago, putting side that moscow has no intention to the tech countries that a member of nato. he even mentioned to him how much stronger american armed forces all than the russian army, how much more money is america spending on defense. but we all remember that he also said that russia has no intention to a tech ukraine, and we all know that he has not kept his promise. and we can see this every day
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when we see what's happening in ukraine. those dw correspondence may i direct storage in riga and terry schultz in brussels. thank you so much for all this cycle off now and some other stories making news around the world today. finland has extend that it's border closure with russia indefinitely due to what helsinki calls a higher risk of organized migration orchestrated by moscow relations between the neighbors have soured over the war and ukraine and finland joining nato last year. south african police have arrested its former parliament speaker as a part of a corruption investigation. nosy, vivid my visa. nicola stepped down as speaker on wednesday, and she's accused of taking several large bribes from a former military contractor. while she was defense minister, that's charges and she did not. heavy rain is hip part of china,
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particularly in the east of the country were extensive. water logging is affecting the growth of early rice. siblings, hunan providence in southern china has also experienced heavy rainfall. rescue work is ongoing. the ukranian authorities say about 30 percent of the country is contaminated by russian land mines. unexploded ordnance and other explosives up to 174000 square kilometers of land are thought to be contaminated, posing a threats to civilian life and making an off limits for farming and other uses. according to a survey by u. n. o published last year, mines have been detected in 11 of ukraine's 27 of last. among the most contaminated regions are make a live person. don't ask and heartaches, human rights watch points out that you printing forces of also deploy landlines against russian forces. the area in need of checking and clearing is larger than
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greeks, though we use a abraham travel to booty and northern ukraine to meet some of those taking on this dangerous job. the year ago, victoria was training to be a pastry shop. now the 20 year old is helping clear ukrainian soil from unexploded russian mines is doing so in the northern ukrainian village previously occupied by russia. this work is crucial for life to come back here. and that was a to, but my brother is currently serving in the army for 2 and a half years already. my father was also called to the army by to put the course, are you positive commission but was not draft annually. i also wanted to do my part, so i came to work here the course with you a little bit. they have a younger brother, and then i would like him to walk on clean land and the course of the model. and so would future children do presumed, as you might,
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would need you to the course. victoria says when she 1st swapped her pastry apron for a metal detector, her mother panic insisting the job was too dangerous, not appropriate for women. but women are taking on new rules all through ukraine to replacement, who are at the front line, the halo trust and n g o that works to clear landmines and explosive devices is seeing more women wanting to do the job. doing my work, i need a lot of our women and to actually they inspire me because many of them like um to rent out of zone or from fort because they used it previously. absolutely different to work. so like, for example, the phone was working, making money to sell was, was built for anesthesiologist, someone was working as a teacher bands, and now they decided that at the moment, maybe we need to fleeing for the last not far from key if you yeah. who
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used to work in an office trains new d miners. money for the to i'm just delighted when they come the next day and just and can tell them what i told them yesterday, including the record. that's why i like being an instructor. but we have many women whose husbands are at war and these women are not standing by and crying and not waiting for them or rather, they also take the position that the more we work on this, the sooner we will finish it all with you, with the civic income, some estimates suggest it could take hundreds of years to clear all of ukraine of landlines. these women are making start and we can now cross over to your yeah, us last question is the head of the cave office of the security thing tank gloves. second, welcome to the program of 30 percent of ukraine affected by explosive ordinance left by russian troops. how does that impact the daily lives of ukrainians in the
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affected area as the a sense of life? uh so according to estimates its, uh roughly about the 6 medium. okay. well you bring assets exits. um, uh because we need a plan. um 2nd problem is that the, despite the dimensions of the government's um, the engine oil to do and lightning work and explaining all this explosive risk. uh, um, uh, a lot of people are still remain ignorant to that. therefore we have high level of course casualties. last year, for instance, we paid over $600.00 cases which month for or actually a $54.00 per month. and the government wants a one so that you know for, for action. so to get the terms ofa or the some i explode later on where i kept both the children and the older population. so the amount of incidence reach to 9 saw since by cellphones. sorry. what do you make of initiatives like the one we saw
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in that report just now training people to become the miners themselves? yeah, so it's a, it's very good on the actually, uh, indicate that this an hour to report this. it made them the money in the rain, especially if we do confirm that there is a rising number of events for the month, for the same reason that you put in your coverage at the same time, the problem for me. so that's the, just how many people you, 3, you have to keep all of them with personal projects. we did, we did find a good funds on this assessment, which your brain is actually has shorter to the moment. so this is where the assistance of national partners are very much welcome me now and aside of the points that you just mentioned, what would you say are the main challenges in the mining a country that is, of course, also actively war. uh yeah, uh so the challenges are plenty of us are getting worse, so we still have unfurnished war differently. um we don't know the exact figure of
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uh, how much with the lamps will be can somebody data to vmc? i'm still a aging percent of the territories on the patient. is that all 456000? 0, 1st curriculum. is there a which of these? how many needed only $45.00 plus thousands are available for survey. this is the main challenge them is. it mentions that they could month, legal resources, even financial resources, for instance, in ways the world bank because that to bring my needs around the 3 not dollars annually steel for the 2 years old of active engagement was international community . we have received discrete events and by just one just 500. so i mean, i know dollars put back to them. another big problem is about different ways of explosive devices. it's more than 180 different times types, and most of them are in, provides the wisest way to work. so the money very, very dangerous. some jobs um uh, but it's just the gated then repair. but the problem was
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a part of the mining because these assumptions, right, great and didn't have parental experiencing around 15, around 14000 scripts officers of, of what is the worst of it can somebody to so the problems to some of these are probably the ones. yeah. i want to give our viewers of a sense of, of the scale of this problem. how does a contamination in ukraine compared to that, in other words, zones around the world as well. uh, this year, uh, in mind action of the view. oh, also for the yeah. oh, you agree with the highest we need this category. uh would you monster so to, to, to keep their light unknown. but, but messick, so obviously your brain is 20 miles, it's awful. so when it comes to the level of intimidation of the territory, answer, however, the government tries to do a lot of efforts to, to reduce the potential looking. so we need to territory because i picked on the
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line when you took it, when you say, cuz i'm an agent that has already been should be as sort of age per and then a through that. so there are some explosive devices there. so we need to know the challenges if you do not technical survey as quick as possible to use the po labs and just see how actually are modules the legacy still open, submitted, otherwise clearance and to educate the people about the dangers of minds that was usually a small ask of global tech. thank you so much for your insights. thank. it. was numerous conflicts ranging around the world and proceeds to increase threat from russia in europe during these governments and barking on an overhaul of armed forces defense minister force. the story is, is looking to streamline the country's military command. the story says, the aim of the shakeup is to make them understand more agile, more efficient, and more combat ready. as it's the 1st important step to make germany's military
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more combat. ready? defense minister bull as this story was announced a long way to plan, to restructure the german armed forces party gets um, isaac, today is the signal of change. our common goal is to reorganize the bundles best structures so that it is ultimately prepared in the event of an emergency if it needs to defend this in the event of war of t, my oscar status, but after russia's full scale invasion of ukraine, the german government vowed to increase funding for its long neglected armed forces . well, also making them structurally more efficient. the boom display of the future will have a new central command and the dedicated fiber department. the restructuring is meant to make germany, in the words of the defense minister, more capable of the out of this. and we will know that the security threats in europe have intensified. it must be clear to everyone that we're defending a country under alliance spot. those and with this step,
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we're also making it clear, but no one should even think of attacking us as nato territory. and i have to give you, i forgot what the reform doesn't do is address the boom display as problems with understaffing or the need for more funding to the israel. i'm us war now and pressure continues to grow in israel over its deadly attack on an 8 convoy and gaza. the leaders of poland and australia have criticized israel's conduct after citizens of their country square among those count. i mean, it looks like the values, advocates look, we expect a full explanation and immediate and clarification of all the circumstances of this tragedy that's kind of on compensation for the relatives of the victims of this attack would also be very important to me at the bottom of these others i will uh, we need to have a can ability for how it's ok and what isn't good enough. is the stipend so that they might a, including that this is just
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a product of all of the founder of that 8 organization in world central kitchen, celebrities, you have jose on drugs, has accused israel a systematically targeting his workers. one of carried out the strikes is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu, so the workers were killed unintentionally, as israel continues operations following the october 7 terrorist attacks by home us . the latest incident has prompted world central kitchen and some other aid organizations to suspend their operations and gaza, or palestinians are desperate for food and other necessities. un suspended, it's 9 times for monetary and aid convoys for 48 hours. this comes as rise proved st. gaza is headed toward famine. 8 workers, bodies have since been transported to egypt before being repatriated. transporting the bodies of aid workers. they were killed and then is really air strikes well overseeing the delivery food aid in gaza. the us base and g o released the names
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and photos of palestinian australian, british polish, and us canadian staff killed in the attack. the remains of 6 were taken out of gaza to egypt to beaver patriot or to their home countries. the founder of the charity world central kitchen set, the convoy was targeted systematically, one car after the other of the word target the hands you know, the confidence on it. eric months old idea, then knowing that was our team's moving on that route. $77.00 people that they are 7 on top of our lease. so what i know there 192 money dining workers that they've been to over the last 6 months. israel's government said it regrets the incident and promised to insure it would not happen again. but its conduct in the
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war has come under mounting criticism, not just abroad, but also at home. tens of thousands have taken to the streets and anti government protest. any guns, a member of israel's 3 man, more cabinet and prime minister benjamin netanyahu, whose main rival is now calling for new elections to be held later this year. i believe that the, these really society needs to renew its contract because it's leadership and i think the only way to do it and still maintaining the national f. 14 fighting come us and there was group and other secure with the challenges is by having an agreed election date that we have to discuss when and if the early election proposed would have to be backed by the majority of israel's parliament where families of hostages held in gaza, continued to protest. taiwanese rescuers are working to reach scores of people trapped after wednesday's earthquake. as
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a mass of clean up operation begins, at least 10 people were killed and over a 1000 injured in the magnitude 7.4 quick. it was the islands, worst, earthquake, and a quarter of a century, the w corresponding james cheat or travel to the worst his duty while in anti one's east. in taiwan mountain, mister rocha national talk, a dramatic bank draw up for a dramatic rescue. this is the moment 6 corey workers were listed safety from the area just north of quantity and the city coast is to the center of the most conflict, quite to strength i want. in 25 years. the rugged landscape is where hundreds of people remain trapped, mostly by land slides which are blocked, roads and tunnels. many remain missing nearly 48 hours since the quick, strong, involved in off the shops continue to whipple through the city. as clear operations got underway. the inside of this 15 story residential tab block because among the
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worst hit when we arrived, officials were squeezing residence in fluid by fluid to assess the damage to the risky worker. luncheon being the took us inside to the foundations of this building remain largely intact. but the details where you have come crashing down over here . we have running water from a bus more to pipe. and that's why in this building and many buildings across the hall in till thursday is the saying, it's still too dangerous the residence to retire. in the immediate aftermath, our aim is to save as many people as possible. but after that, we're also trying to do as much as we can to help people recover whether that's rebuilding or overcoming the emotional or physical impact on one of the outside residents describe their response of to seeing their homes for the 1st time. since the trend of those who don't see it as though when we went into our house, almost everything was on the floor. and so going up there was a motion. let's half down this. most people are dealing with it quite well. we
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can't control as quick software. oh, okay, cool. so many taiwan has at least controlled the extensive destruction of quick proofing regulations mean seems like this in quality and of the exception. no. the room and a quick look at some other world headlines now. armed resistance groups and the on more claim to have caused casualties in a drone attack on a military base in the capital 9 feed off. the capital is the seed of power for the military who doesn't, over through the democratic government and 2021 who just says it shot down 7 drones, claiming no damage or casualties were cost. over a 100 people have left into the water to escape a burning boat. in the gulf of thailand, the overnight ferry was headed to the popular tourist destination hotel off the tie coast. local officials say all $108.00 people on board were rescued and the cause
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of the place is under investigation. is a reminder of our top stories today. nato is marketing is 75th anniversary with a ceremony in brussels. representatives from ukraine are in attendance as meno discusses of proposed long term aide fund for keys. kremlin, says, restaurant and nato are now open confrontation and rescue crews. are racing to reach people stranded in remote areas of taiwan. after wednesday's major earthquake, at least 10 people were killed and over a 1000 injured in the magnitude 7.4 point. watching t w coming up next onto the we news africa. remembering the rwandan genocide, the country marks 30 years since the massacre which claimed 800000 lives neighbors, turned on neighbors over 120 days. the w. me to run and a woman who escaped from
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a church for 5000 people were murdered in one of the worst mass killings of the gen christine. and we'll have that story on a daily news. i'll forget after a short break, and i will have more global news at the top of the next hour, and we'll see you then by the, the, the
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business. what's new, we'll tell you. happy that way of boxing. the story. we have a getting a visa is more difficult than finding gold hosted to use force and for the future in the stories industries that are being discussed across the country. news africa. next on d. w. old friends, new front is made so still prepared to defend itself in case of an emergency.
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the well, the largest military alliance has been maintaining stability for 75 years. but now, some weaknesses call beginning to show up from this new threat. nate in 45 minutes on the w, the little guy. this is the 77 percent the platform for these issues. i sure i did the, you know, or the side that will be a not a great to catch and then look at the top of the applicants population is really fast. and young people clearly have
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the solutions. the future is 77 percent every weekend on dw the this, the state of the news that for the coming up on the program, 800000 people murdered in just a 100 days, 3 decades off to the one didn't genocide. can they ever be completely reconciliation? it was mass killing audit from the top, meticulously planned and executed without listen to things and moderate horses, master could with machetes by vigilantes. that broke brooks with husbands, even killing their wives. many slip to churches hoping to find sanctuary. but there was none, we made sense how to manage to escape.


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