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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 4, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm CEST

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and the dw news long from berlin. washington's top diplomat urges israel to place the highest value on human life, us secretary of state entities. lincoln says there should be no higher priority in gaza, then protecting civilians. this as the world waits for the release of and is really report into the killing of 78 workers there earlier this week. also coming to the kremlin or ram stuff, the rhetoric warning that russia and nato are now in direct confrontation over you frame this as natal marks it's 75th anniversary and pledges more assistance for
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kate and dw, meets the women in ukraine. volunteering to clear mind some 30 percent of the country are contaminated by concealed explosives, the article for links to our viewers on p b. s. in the united states, and all of you joining from around the world. of course, welcome. it's good to have you with us tonight. us president joe biden tells israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu that future support for the war and gaza depends on israel taking new steps to protect civilians and 8 workers. the white house says 5, made clear in a phone call. that is real, needs to implement specific and measurable steps to address civilian harm. this follows the death of 78 workers and it is really air striking, gaza. earlier this week, a israel says
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a preliminary report from their probe into the incident has been completed and will be made public soon. speaking at a needle meeting in brussels, you are a secretary of state antony blinking, called on israel to take concrete steps to protect civilians and facilitate access to humanitarian aid. we need to see an immediate cease fire to enable the release of hostages, but also to enable a dramatic search and humanitarian assistance as well as obviously better protecting civilians. now, as i said, the president and the prime minister just spoke, but it's uh, our expectation that is real will and certainly should announce concrete specific measurable steps that it will take and take as soon as possible to make sure that there can be an effective search and assistance that it can be sustained
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and that you might have trained workers and civilians are better protected. and today's call mark the 1st time that joe biden and benjamin netanyahu have spoken to since the attack on this aid conroy, the w. washington correspondent benjamin alvarez told us more. that's right. what's the 1st time between both leaders? since this is really as dry killed as 7 a to work is in gaza, according to the white house read out a prison by and called these tribes on humanitarian book is in the overall who many terry is situation in goal is unacceptable. and probably the most important sentence of the readout is the president bide made clear that i quote us policy with respect to go. that will be determined by our assessment of israel's immediate action on the steps. and that is by far the crew is hinge of conditionality. for military to israel, something that many have been asking for months now, and that's something that the us does with every other allies. so the killing of the 7 will to central kitchenaid work, i think as
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a piece to mocking inflection point. if providing support of israel so combined, told him that you know, that future us support for israel will depend on protecting civilians. does washington have a clear red line here and what could the consequences be? so there is a big difference between saying something and between doing it between setting a red line and then actually and forcing it just to give you an example, one president, fight and set that launching a bond being campaign on cause a cell than city of profit would be crossing it red lines, you did an old layout of the consequences, and we know that actions speak louder than words. 3 us officials told to the washington post us media that the by the administration approved the transfer of 1000 small bumps to israel on the same day that is rarely as reckoned, goals are killed. the 78 book is. so the white house, and that's what the white house has been accused of, of, of using it's leverage with israel. the frustration is going not only with a republicans with the position,
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but also within the democrats that instead of conditioning, for example, i munition bombs intelligence, president biden is venting is frustration. the find, the ministration is frustrated with the way that it been. you mean it then joe and his government are waging this war in gaza and we already see a shift just a few minutes ago national security spokesperson and the sad that the u. s. would already consider changes of the israel policy. if israel doesn't make all the changes it to this policy within hours of the day, something that yesterday sounded quite different. so we see already a shift level. the questionnaire will be if there will be no accidents, what the red lines will be and what the times that will be that the us gets israel a to see here if they will. condition that change the 8 that the us is giving israel and you'll be watching it closely for us that was dw washington correspondent benjamin alvarez. thank you for the latest. let's take us to journal a semi circle in jerusalem welcomes on e mail. the us issuing
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a warning we heard of there. how is the phone call between vitamin and yahoo? gone down in israel. the 1st of all, i must say that it hasn't been any re dog. that hasn't been any press conference. that hasn't been any statement coming out from the prime minister is the office. so what we hear is a kind of like a very is vague leaks from the prime minister's office. but we just hearing things like that conversation was almost an hour long. uh, 45 minutes, 50 minutes, and this is contrary to what we hear from where washington the conversation was 30 minutes long. and in terms of the content we, we don't to hear this kind of over rhetoric a here. i mean, it is disclose that the conversation was a task, but it's more like
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a business as usual. i can, i can tell you that one and i list the are a who is quite close to a benjamin. it's on the out of the prime minister a, he was say that a, it was by then as called for a is actually the surrender of is ready to hum us. and it looks like a bite then, as a kind of like taking the pressure from the 1st lady. and the pressure of the 1st lady is in now it was pushing a by the president by then. so this is the only thing that we've heard so far. all right, and you say business as usual, but the us wants to see concrete and measurable steps from israel and an immediate cease fire. how likely is the is really governmental listen, as i say, we have to remind the viewers that both the area defense secretary
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and the secretary of state. when visiting here. um and at the end of the 2023. and they, they said that the united states is a, is not interested in this kind of aggressive a campaign that it is concerned about, the casualties of civilians that they would like it to see a coming in that it, the bows this, these are only a policy of a keeping the crossings to the gaza strip close, which means that the rees, they started ation in the northern part of the gaza strip. but we heard this time and again from american officials. so i don't think that there's any, see a news here. and as we've heard from the correspondent in, in washington,
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the fact that the have already approved a more munitions it to be shipped to is read is a message that is ro, is being backed by the united states. right? that was there unless somebody circle in jerusalem. thanks for your take. as we hurried to antony, blinking made his comments, add a needle meeting as that was getting underway. as spokesman for the kremlin set of relations between russia and nato, have reached the level of quote, direct confrontation. moscow says this is due to the allies as enlargement in recent years, and it's military support for ukraine. so as the north atlantic treaty organization celebrated its 75th anniversary in brussels today, nato allies vowed to keep supporting ukraine's fight against russia's invasion. the lions is weighing a plan to provide long term support for ukraine. does a task currently shouldered by an individual member states, nato at 75,
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but things aren't getting any easier with age. the alliance is facing huge challenges from the threat posed by russia and ukraine and beyond to potential 2nd, donald trump presidency. the united states. trump is a nato critic but the blocks chief has told the w about the need for united stand. i expect that regardless of the outcome of the united states did not, the states will remain a strong shanae dollar because that is in the use of security interest. the us is stronger with naples done with alternate though still to head off the trump threat . starting there has made a proposal for nato members to set up a 100000000000 euro fund to provide military aid to ukraine. over the next 5 years, he says nato should have a more direct role in delivering that aid is we have to remember that the criticism
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of, from a former president, donald trump, and also from boulders united states, has not been mainly against ne, to, because being against nato allies not paying, you know, frank to the good news is that the nato allies, including germany and many others on all, really stepping up and investing more in defense. but it's still unclear whether the 100000000000 euro proposal will be accepted by needle members who take decisions by consensus hungry has already voiced it's all position it comes as russia has intensified. it's michelle attacks on ukraine in recent weeks. and ukraine's foreign minister has reportedly cast out on nato's ability to collect the funds with the war. now, when it's 3rd year, he also said that what the country really needs is more air defense systems from the west. i don't want to spoil the party, but of course my message is
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a birthday party, but my main, my main message today will be competitive. because saving you create your live savings for an economy saving pregnancy just depends on the availability of categories and other air defense systems. we need to create new resulting both customers because it's built in the system that can intercept ballistic missiles. western allies have been hesitant on this point for ukraine. that would be cause for the biggest celebration of all. and our correspondent terry schultz has been following the gathering in brussels. here's her assessment. a needle would have wanted to celebrate its 75th anniversary. the most successful military alliance in history, but the world is just too difficult at the moment. there were some allies who wanted to talk about how happy they are with where they are now compared to where they were when the data was founded, like police for administer, roddic sikorsky, who said that in 1949, when nato was created,
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his country got trapped he said on the wrong side of the iron curtain stuck there for the cold war before being offered nato's membership in the 1st round of enlargement in 1999. but despite the marching band and cake, it would have been impossible to be very festive here when you have ukrainian for administered to mutual cuba coming in saying, you know, natal all the best on your birthday. but my people are being slaughtered by russian missiles and we really need you to come up with some air defense and all l. i certainly understand his position and want to do more to help your secretary general stoles. and we did have some new contributions to announce that this meeting, germany said it would come up with 600000000 more euros for a check, let initiative to get more munition for ukraine. the u. k said it would give 10000 more drones fil, instead, it would be a providing a package of a 180000000 more your rows. but there's another shadow hanging over the alliance as well. and that is concerned that the us will not be the same partner in the future
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that it has been the past to 75 years. and that may be regardless of whether donald trump regains the white house. this is something you hear throughout nato's features. stilton berg, constantly reminding that nato allies are spending more on their defense. and with a new proposal for a 100000000000 euro package for ukraine, that they would be doing more to support ukraine as well. so while the alliance can certainly be proud of its longevity for the last 75 years, it is going to have difficult days ahead between now and it's next door. if day i a new cranium authorities say about 30 percent of the country is contaminated by russian land lines. unexploded ordnance and other explosives up to 174000 square kilometers of land are thought to be contaminated, posing a threat to civilian life and making an off limits for farming and other uses. now, according to a survey by u. n. o published last year mines have been detected in 11 of ukraine's 27 old
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last among the most contaminated regions or mac ally of her song, dot net scan hard kids. human rights watch points out that ukrainian forces have also deployed land mines again, rest against russian forces. now the area in need of checking and clearing is larger than greeks. that we use all your abraham travel to booty and northern ukraine to meet some of those taking on this dangerous job. the year ago, victoria was training to be a pastry shop. now the 20 year old is helping clear ukrainian soil from unexploded russian mines is doing so in the northern ukrainian village previously occupied by russia. this work is crucial for life to come back here. and that was a to but my brother is currently serving in the army for 2 and
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a half years already. my father was also called to the army, but because of course he positive commission but was not draft annually. i also wanted to do my part. so i came to work here, of course, with you uh, we have a younger brother and i would like him to walk on clean land and the course to move . and so would my future children do presumed, as you might, would need you to the course. victoria says when she 1st swapped her pastry apron for a metal detector, her mother panic insisting the job was too dangerous, not appropriate for women. but women are taking on new rules all through ukraine replacement, who are at the front line, behavioral trust, and n g o. that works to clear landmines and explosive devices is seeing more women wanting to do the job. doing my work. i need a lot of our women and to actually they inspire me because many of them like um,
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rounds out of the, from fort because they do say previously absolutely different to work. so like, for example, the phone was working, making money to so was, was built to the anesthesiologist, someone was working as a teacher bands. and now they decided that at the moment, maybe we need to fleeing for the last not far from kids. you yeah. who used to work in an office trains new d miners. when you put the to, i'm just delighted when they come the next day. and can tell them what i told them yesterday, including the record. that's why i like being an instructor. and then we have many women whose husbands are at war and these women are not standing by and crying and not waiting for them to call brother. they also take the position that the more we work on this, the sooner we will finish it all with you, with the civic income. some estimates suggest it could take hundreds of years to
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clear all of ukraine of landlines. these women are making start nearly as low as sky is the head of the cave office of the security. think tank gloves a 2nd. she told me how the daily lives of ukrainians are affected by explosive ordinance left by russian troops. as is nothing but a sense of life. uh so i bought enjoy estimates its uh roughly about to 6, nissan of. uh you bring us inspected some. uh because we need to plan. um 2nd problem is that the despite the friction, so the government's um, the engine oil, the do and lightning work and explaining all this explosive risk. uh um, uh, a lot of people are still remain ignorance to that. therefore, we have high level of course of casualties last year. for instance, we paid over $600.00 cases, which a month for or actually a $54.00 per month. and the government wants a warranty. so that you know from our action. so to get the terms ofa or the some i
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explode later on where i kept both the children and the older population. so the amount of is the dentist reach to 9 saw since by south. and i'm sorry. what do you make of initiatives like the one we saw in that report just now training people to become the miners themselves? yes, it's a, it's very good on the actually, uh, integrated this an hour to report this. it made them the money in the rain, especially. we do confirm that there is a rising number of the month of the month for the same reason that you put in your coverage at the same time. the problem give me the, that's the, how many people you, 3, you have to grieve, all of them with personal protection because we demonically funds on this assessment, which your brain is actually has shorter to the woman. so this is where the assistance of international partners are very much welcome me. now aside of the
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points that you just mentioned, what would you say are the main challenges in the mining a country that is, of course, also actively war. yeah, so the challenges are plenty of us are getting worse, so it's we still type unfurnished work differently and we don't know the exact big general of how much of the lamps will be. can somebody data to vmc the aging percent of the territories on the occupation with all $456000.00? 0, 1st curriculum. is there a which of these? how many needed only $45.00 plus thousands are available for survey. this is the main challenge. them is it mentions of a cruise month, legal resources, even financial resources, for instance, in some ways the world bank because that to bring my needs around the 3 not dollars, annually steel for the 2 years old of active engagement, national community. we have received commitments and budgets, which of quite hundreds of millions of dollars put back to them. another big
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problem is about different range of explosive devices. it's more than 180 different times types. and also sams in provides the wisest ways of war. so the money very, very dangerous. some jobs um uh, but it's just a gated then repair. but the problem was a part of the mining because this assumption right, great. and didn't have parental experiencing around 15, around 14000 scripts officers, of course or so they can somebody need it. so the problems to, to some of these are probably the ones that was he will. yeah. us will ask of the head of the key of office of the security. think tank, go, i'm sick. let's take a quick look now at some of the stories making news around the world. denmark has closed the air space and shipping traffic in one of the worlds busy se lanes due to a faulty missile launcher. the incident happened during enable exercise in the great belt street. they may main maritime access to the baltic seats,
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already save the faulty launcher. couldn't be deactivated and warned of a risk of falling missile fragments to finland has extended its border of closure with russia indefinitely due to what helsinki calls a higher risk of organized migration, orchestrated by moscow relations between the neighbors have soured over the war in ukraine and finland joining nato last year as a response. time when these rescuers are working to reach people trapped after wednesday's earthquake as a massive clean up operation begins. at least 10 people were killed and over a 1000 injured and the magnitude 7.4 quake. it was the islands worst earthquake in a quarter century armed resistance groups in myanmar as they they have caused casualties in a drone attack on the capital night. the dock. the capital is the seat of power for the military hotels that over through the democratic government in 2021. the main opposition group which calls itself the national unity government says allied rebel
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groups struck the airport and the military headquarters with drones. but the huda says it shot down the drones and claims, no damage or casualties were caused. let's bring in isabel aton. she's a coordinator with a special advisory council for me online independent international expert group. and she joins me now from london. isabel, welcome at a home that is denying the rebels claims of casualties and this attack. what are you hearing? well, it's hard to say. we don't really know the minute she's very opaque regarding information about tips, casualties, but we all see local media reports that 2 soldiers were killed and up to perhaps another 15 including offices wage it. mm hm. what is the relationship between the rebel and crew behind those attack and the opposition national unity government? or what does an alliance between the group says a revolution that's underway and all of these groups working towards the same goal,
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which is to a and this military is role or tentative role in politics and to establish federal democracy in the country. so the national unity and government coordinates with a rebel groups. yes, that's right. they have a central come on. this is an organized organization for group groups that are under the come onto the national unity government. that is, itself, allies with other resistance organizations and forces fighting together across the country. is there not a danger that, that you know, this, this vile as these attacks against the who would undermine the democratic proposals of the national unity government? administrative, ready, deploying one of the resources at its disposal to commit as much violence and suffering on the population as it possibly can,
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including through the use of really devastating as strikes. so they've got to continue doing that and less them until this is stopped. so efforts to try and take how that capacity really critical and actually it's a failure of the international community for not having step 10 and done more to stop them industries violent earlier, the receive situation escalate. okay, and you mentioned that there the who does use the air strikes to devastating effect against the pro democratic forces. to what extent do you think the use of drones against them can put their efforts on the back foot? as i say, like the trends that we're seeing going to do to you. regardless the ministry has demonstrated said there's its intention is to escalate to the use of violence against the population. that's very clear. did you just treat the conflict has been consistent for the past 3 years? the resistance has been gaining control. while the military has been using control
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where it will ultimately and isn't session of what he's saying is that more violence will be inflicted on people in lesson until this ministry is stopped. and that's where the international community has to come in with arms and bothers sanctions. on aviation field and efforts to bring the leaders of this military to stand trial, any special costs on charges, the genocide, new crimes and crimes against humanity. as isabel todd coordinator with a special advisory council for me on why thank you. and a reminder over top stories, new york, and i would say secretary state antony blinking has said there should be no higher priority and cause of them protecting civilians. as comments come as the world waits for the release of and this really preliminary report into the killing of 78 workers in the gaza strip. earlier this week, nato is marking it's 75th anniversary with
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a ceremony. and brussels representatives from ukraine are in attendance, as nato discusses the proposal on from a fund for keep prevalence as russia and nato are now in the open confrontation with us. now after a short break, i'll be back to take you through the day and we'll be looking at nato at $75.00 and jeremy plan, the military overall. i hope you can join the
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board. this train is taking more than a trip their journey through 1700 kilometers of v, as in nice history. 32 hour ride from the noise in the north city in the south. on the re certification expressed by train through vietnam in 45 minutes on d w. the
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dw shows on 6 on the inside every day. the world caution. really world wide web for free our timeline because we can take the different w, call the world and also your info is and all the input w stores. now on to the name contact. cassandra re determined that has below was operating like a global drug. course the objective to financially drain has gone up and bring them down. the team agents from the american drug enforcement agency they had criminalized themselves. we needed to reveal that so world. why did the us
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government suddenly shut down project cassandra in 2016? 03 pod documentary series and most king has paula stats may, 4th on d, w. the of 75 years ago. today the north atlantic treaty organization was founded to jointly counter soviet expansionism. since that day and 1949, nato seems to have come full circle marketing the anniversary and the deepening tensions with blood we are put in as russia over its war of aggression against ukraine. so no birthday greetings from moscow to day. instead of warning the kremlin now seize russia and nato in direct confrontation on nicole for ocean berlin. and this is the day the.


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