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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 5, 2024 3:00am-3:16am CEST

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the, the, this is dw news live from berlin. israel says it will open a key crossing into the gaza strip for humanitarian aid. the decision comes after us, president bite and a warrant. israel's prime minister to the american support for the cause of war would depend on israel steps to protect civilian lives and enable 8 deliveries. also coming up, the crime line wraps up the rhetoric of warning, but russia and nato are now in direct confrontation over ukraine. that comes with nato marks and 75th anniversary and pledges more assistance for kia and
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rescue cruise search for those still missing and tie. one official said people are trapped in a remote regions after the islands biggest earthquakes and a quarter of a century. the and david levitz welcome is rarely prime minister benjamin netanyahu, whose office has announced the temporary opening of a key land crossing to allow aid into gaza. the opening of the arrows crossing into the palestinian territories north was among steps approved by israel's cabinet to increase the flow of humanitarian assistance. the news was welcome to in washington were earlier president joe biden told netanyahu in a phone call, but further us support for israel's war and gaza depended on such steps bite and also said, israel must take more action to prevent civilian deaths. relations between the 2
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allies have soured since monday's killing of 7 aid workers, and then is really air strike and gaza. us and speaking at a nato meeting in brussels, us secretary of state anthony blank, and called on israel to do more to protect civilians and allow access to humanitarian aid. we need to see an immediate cease fire to enable the release of hostages, but also to enable a dramatic search and humanitarian assistance as well as obviously better protecting civilians. now, as i said, the president, the prime minister just spoke, but it's uh, our expectation that is real will and certainly should announce concrete specific measurable steps that it will take and take as soon as possible to make sure that there can be an effective search and assistance that it can be sustained
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and that you may have trained workers and civilians are better protected. and dw washington correspondent benjamin alvarez gruber and told us more about the call between biden and yahoo. that's right. what's the 1st time between both leaders? since this is really as dry killed as 7 a to work is in gaza, according to the white house read out a prison by and called these tribes on humanitarian workers. and the overall who many terry and is situation in goal is unacceptable. and probably the most important sentence of the readout is the president bide made clear that i quote us policy with respect to garza will be determined by our assessment of israel's immediate action on the steps. and that is by far the crew is hinge of conditionality for military to israel. something that many have been asking for months now, and that's something that the us does with every other allies. so the killing of the 7 will to central kitchenaid work, i think as a piece to mocking inflection point if providing support of israel. as russia says
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it's now in, quote, direct confrontation with nato. that comment from the kremlin came as nato considers, a plan to give long term military aid to ukraine. so far ukraine has been getting weapons from individual nato member states, but not from the alliance itself. well, on thursday, member states again vowed to keep up their support to care of as nato celebrated 75th anniversary in brussels. nieto at 75. but things aren't getting any easier with age. the alliance is facing huge challenges from the threat posed by russia and ukraine and beyond to potential 2nd, donald trump presidency. the united states. trump is a nato critic, but the blocks chief has told the w about the need for united stand. i expect that
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regardless of the outcome of the united states did not, the states will remain a strong shanae dollar because that is in the use of security interest. the us is stronger with naples done with alternate though. still to head off the trunk threat . start and burke has made a proposal for needle members to set up a 100000000000 euro fund to provide military a to ukraine over the next 5 years. and he says, nato should have a more direct role in delivering that aid. we have to remember that the criticism of, from a former president, donald trump, and also from others, united states, has not been mainly against nate to it as being against nato allies. nope. paying, you know, financial and the good news is that the nato allies, including germany and many others on all, really stepping up and investing more in defense. but it's still unclear whether the 100000000000 euro proposal will be accepted by needle members who take
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decisions by consensus hungry has already voiced it's all position it comes as russia has intensified its missile attacks on ukraine in recent weeks. and ukraine's foreign minister has reportedly cast out on nato's ability to collect the funds with the war now and it's 3rd year. he also said that what the country really needs is more air defense systems from the west. i don't want to spoil the party, but of course my message is a birthday party, but my main main main message today will be better because saving ukrainian live savings for an economy saving pregnancy just depends on the availability of categories and other air defense systems seem to crate and resulting both customers because it's built in the system that can intercept ballistic missiles. western allies have been hesitant on this point for ukraine
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that would be cause for the biggest celebration of all the well, with numerous conflicts raging around the world and the perceived threat from russia growing here in europe. germany is embarking on an overhaul of its armed forces. defense minister boris pa. story is looking to streamline the country's military commands. the story is says, the shakeup is aimed at making the windows via more agile, more efficient, and more combat ready. as it's the 1st important step to make germany's military more combat ready, defense minister bull has bestowed hills, announced a long awaited plan to restructure the german armed forces party gets. um, issac today is the signal of change. a common goal is to reorganize the bundles best structures so that it is ultimately prepared in the event of an emergency if it needs to defend us in the event of one of my officers day after rushes full
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scale invasion of ukraine, the german government vowed to increase funding for its long neglected armed forces, while also making them structurally more efficient. the boom display of the future will have a new central command and a dedicated fiber department. the restructuring is meant to make germany, in the words of the defense minister, more capable. it would be out of this and we will know that the security threats in europe have intensified. it must be clear to everyone that we're defending the country under alone and spot those. and with this step, we're also making it clear, but no one should even think of attacking us as nato territory. and i have to give you, i forgot what the reform doesn't do is address the boom display as problems with understaffing or the need for more funding. let's take a look now at some other stories making news around the world. finland has extended
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its border closure with russia and definitely through to what, how soon could cause a higher risk of organized migration orchestrated by moscow relations between the neighbors of soured over the war and ukraine and finland joining made a last year. the former us president donald trump is suffered to legal setbacks and judge in georgia, rejected his request to dismiss the case on election interference. while a judge in florida rejected trump calls to dismiss the case alleging he tapped classified records. after leaving office, the spanish coast guard has rescued 73 migrants from a wooden boat in the seas of the canary islands. the migrants were brought to the island of grand canaria, around a 160 kilometers from west africa. denmark has closed air space and shipping traffic, and one of the world's busiest ceilings due to
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a faulty missile launcher. the incident happens during a naval exercise in the great belt straits, the main maritime access to the baltic. sea authorities say the fault of board enabled frigate made an accidental launch possible, along with a risk of falling missile fragments. taiwanese rescuers are working to reach scores of people trapped after wednesday's earthquake. as a massive clean up operation begins, at least 10 people were killed in over a 1000 injured and the magnitude 7.4 quick. it was the islands, worst earthquake and a quarter of a century dw corresponded. james cheater traveled to the worst hed city while leon and ty, once east, as being tie one's mouse and mister rocha national talk. a dramatic bank dropped for a dramatic rescue. this is the moment 6 corey workers were edited to safety from the area just north of quantity and the city coast is to the center of the most
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conflict, quite too strong taiwan. in 25 years, the rugged landscape is where hundreds of people remain trapped, mostly by land slides which it blocked, roads and tunnels. many remained missing nearly 48 hours since the quick strong, involved in office jokes continued to whipple through the city as clear. reparations got under way the inside of this 15 story residential tab block because among the was tense, when we arrived, officials were squeezing residence in fluid by fluid to assess the damage to the rescue record on june, being took us inside to the foundations of this building remain large name tags, but the details where you have come crashing down over here. we have running water from a bus more to pipe. and that's why in this building and many buildings across wiley . and of course, these are saying it's still too dangerous to residence, to retire. cuz i just saw that in the immediate aftermath,
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our aim is to save as many people as possible. but hosted that we're also trying to do as much as we can to help people recover whether that's rebuilding or overcoming the emotional or physical impact on one of the outside residents describe their response of to seeing their homes for the 1st time. since the trend of those who don't see it as though when we went into our house, almost everything was on the floor. and so going up there was a motion to the top of the discount. as most people are dealing with it quite well . we can't control as quick software. oh, okay, cool. so many taiwan has at least controlled the extensive, the destruction of quite proofing regulations. mean seems like this in quality and of the exception notes. the room hi correspondent james tater, filed that report. he told us more about how people are coping and the quakes aftermath and the city of quality inn, which was close to the epicenter. the what's happening behind us here is these people residents of this building and the fiber gate is taking them up to the homes
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floor by floor so that they can collect personal belongings. but they're only allowed to collect important belongings. increase the they're not allowed to stay in the building for too long because that all concerns about the structural integrity of it. and as i mentioned, those best conditions inside the building remain, it pretty treacherous. and that's also our authorities of saying that people call and return it to this building so far as so many of the people that you see behind to say will be staying and evacuation shelters, or i've friends, homes. and so that's really the story that's emerging from this size quake in taiwan because coming into the city this morning, you really notice the, the impacts of this creek is definitely evidence. you can see the destruction is clear ahead. but what, what's crucial is the destruction isn't close. so i'm not really a testament, i think, to the stringent measures that taiwan is present in terms of us quite proofing building over the past couple of decades. and that's why we seen this big
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difference, this for you to a number of people that have been killed by the south quake versus the number of people that have been injured, which is now suppose that was dw correspondent, james tater reporting from quality in taiwan. and finally, venice is gearing up to roll out a 5 year old entry fee to the city under a new scheme and at combating over tourism. the city announced the new day tripper fee last year after the un merely added it to a list of endangered world heritage sites. menissi is more than $30000000.00 visitors per year and they put pressure on the cities infrastructure while from april 25th on taurus we'll have to present to our codes as proof of payments during spot checks. those who don't have a code and aren't staying in venice overnight will be subject to a fine of up to 300 years us and you're up to date now, but stay with us of next on the w,
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a documentary on the lives of the homage. the religious group that shuns modern technology, and david limits for me. i'm a whole team here in berlin, thanks so much for watching. dw, the usa innovation, green, the green revolution global. so listen to a whole lot of crime. it's probably up to speed. if the care of subscribe to those channels, we've got every friday subscribe to plan. it's a.


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