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tv   Focus on Europe  Deutsche Welle  April 5, 2024 4:30am-5:00am CEST

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to show you how climate change and environmental conservation is taking shape around the world and how we can make a difference. knowledge grows through sharing. download it now for the hello and welcome to focus on your of the thank you for joining us today. my name is, let's show. russia is intensifying its attacks on ukraine, which is the cause of tension in neighboring finland. the country shares a long border with russia and joined nato last year, and security among the finish population has been growing even in the capital city, helsinki. finland is prepared for the worst case scenario with bunker is like this
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one here. available to offer safety buds. in the meantime, some of the shelters have been put to a quite surprising and creative use. they currently serve as an underground venue for a much more peaceful purpose, as it takes just half a minute to reach another world. 13 meters beneath the streets of helsinki, the labrons of tunnels and bunkers under. he'll think he was designed to protect 900000 people from missile attacks, chemical weapons and radiation in the event war. but that's not all welcome to one of helsinki most popular playgrounds for both children and adults. it's a hockey field, entities cafeteria and parking lot to poland. one. some people even celebrate their birthdays here. this is a daily life for us and we've grown up with having these bottom shelters. so it's
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not, we don't really think about it. and the whole thing is like, filled with, with, under an own under ground world. this bunker in can you me district is one of finland's largest 2 soccer stadiums which fit insight. so civil defense officer tony brass sites in the event of wars, if the facility can quickly be converted into a fully functioning care of each filter, normal scenario is spent sheltering each time is required between some hours and some days on most of our shelters. we can make the sheltering periods quite much higher blocks sheltering period creates different problems. one biggest problem is to hate that one person creates when i create up approximately 100 watts of heat all the time. so is it a problem for 6000 people to live in
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a bunker like this in an emergency? nelson helsinki. the federal beneath the city is solely granite and nice. the bunker was carved into the underground rock, but is not the only soul, but also cool. in the event of war, the large calls can be converted into smaller rooms if needed. so size is that people can lift down here for longer periods, much as they were above ground. they will be people dying, they will be people's available biasing. there will be 6 people that will be glad to people that will be sad. people every function and as a normal and society happens within the shelters. finland chairs the board of russia over 1300 kilometers long. for a long time, to refuse to join me to the war and ukraine changed that the majority of fins called for more protection and greater security. i would say the fetus people have
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like, rather if this got this boy added to it to the situation. so we know we know that there are very states risk always it has to be in there like seems to be and i'm going to independence. it realized in the 2nd world war but rush it right the bad feeling. and it could really happen some day. also that's how we know about that, but it's not something we're like actively, you know, fear. it's not something that we think about in our everyday life. gets memories happy to be a weekend of what is known as the winter war when finland fought against the soviet union from 191-319-1942 finland, emerged from the conflict with its sovereignty and tact but paid a high price in casualties and territory. the peace of court noon is the treaty of moscow marks in the dark chapter and relations between the 2 countries. this monument and central helsinki commemorates the sacrifices of the winter war.
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during the conflict, finland passed its 1st civil defense law. even today, all public buildings and private buildings over a certain size must have a shelter as dose in excess. in total, helsinki has more than 5000 year read shelters, with rooms for almost a 1000000 people the we do. i was hoping that the name will be deuced, would stay where we need to do it. so his story has been shown us that he's possible. and when something is possible, it might happen. and the people of helsinki want to be prepared and protected. 13 meters deep in the bunkers been use their capital the opposition in turkey is celebrating its big win against him. park as president our to one. he was not on the ballot in the re send local elections, but i,
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let's see the election results as an indication the voters are increasingly rejecting. are the ones policies, especially the turkish economy, has suffered greatly with inflation. currently at nearly 70 percent dense or goods is among those affected by the sharp prize in the cost of living. she's hoping for a better financial future for herself and for those paying to be entertained by her to the belly. dancing is goos. primary source of income every evening the belly dancer performs in bars and restaurants and is done book. the art form has been entered training people on the prosperous for centuries . but cool has noticed it's becoming increasingly difficult for guests to kick back and enjoy the show. these days they really think about exactly how many meals and what drinks and how much they'll order it
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was different before on the weekend. they'd really let loose but those days are over. traditionally, dances are paid solely by the guests putting money into their outfits this evening . most are giving 100 leering notes. the equivalent of about 3 years. each girl who prefers we use are stage name knows that many can't afford to give more. but there are other problems to do to television, the band belly didn't seen on television, which are the are, everything's getting more and more conservative. jessica, so that can by me, the landlords no longer want to rent to me because i earn my money as ability to answer all the people that they say. why should i rent to someone like that? after dancing through the night and appearing and 5 bars can relax a bit when she gets home with a colleague, she looks back to
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a time when turkey was more liberal and business was better, fairly dancing. she says, was it one time a respected profession? already on 10000 down the line is that when i was little, the whole families spent new year's eve in front of the tv fascinated and watched the belly dancers walk over the child. teen mental and these attitudes have an impact on us all in the, in of the dump. the leaves, not just us dancers size. we're going to put all the women in turkey cousins on that issue. the country is becoming more conservative with each year that passes, and at the same time the economy is slumping. the turkish lyric continues to lose more of its value against the dollar and the euro. pardon the, anyone can afford to go out in the evening anymore. so there are more and more empty tables and the pubs bars and entertainment venue is somebody. we usually check out a few places 1st and then pick the cheapest event or used to go out once
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a week. these days it's once a month to continue, a price increases for alcohol and $50.00 entertainment sector, particularly hard. the prices have low to more and more people making their own alcohol at home is so much on the go needs to start getting ready for the evening shows. she doesn't know how long she'll be able to continue earning a living, dancing. she gets fewer tips and has more expensive course to me up to use the up to them. my costumes get more expensive every month on the storage. i. the issue that i'm going to sit entering the cornerstones and the tailor tells me that the, the dollar stronger commotion, the material in the sequence are more expensive. if i were able i would buy ahead and just stuck up. but i can't so the only thing left for good to
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do is wait for better times in the entertainment sector. for more recognition and above all, for better pay the the 4 people looking for a vacation off the beaten path. this is just the right spot. we tell the and village of quinetta offers that peaceful get away where one can relax and enjoy nature. it's very secluded and located high up in the italian outs. and then i was middle im is one of very few people who live in quinetta says always loved the tiny village even though getting there can be quite exhausting and takes a lot of determination. but to her, that's exactly what makes the place so special. high above lake como lives cordero and isolated village up in the alps. only 9 people still live
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here. elana goes middle lee and her us the are the backbone of the small community . there are only 2 ways to get to the village. atlanta it goes middle east, preferred route is a 2 hour hike from the valley on the shores of lake como of $2600.00 steps. let's double out of, i can get a call on google on the stress that builds up when i'm down in the valley, mountains away as i climb higher for the good company. it's wonderful. when i get to cut the air, i just feel so light then there's the option to helicopter it costs around $300.00 euros per flight, though. that's why it is only used when food or other goods need to be transported to the village for herself and the others in just 2 minutes, it all lands and seen it could. there are 824 meters above the sea level.
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there are no roads here. the inhabitants of this small village community are the last of their kind to live in the alps, the around and such isolation davis peas, no. these goats are grazing somewhere up in the mountains and $45.00. he's the youngest person here in cordero and is eager for change. i get 0. i went the road so that we can keep the village alive say so treating it like a magical landscape or a postcard. the 2nd time is not helpful. because living in such seclusion as anything but romantic, says peas, no, lee, only people who don't have to live here all the time. see it that way. utilities, people to come with you for a tour. it's. it's paradise as far as easily. but i see the village dying you would please him already. what is one supposed to do here? where it is once in 10? if there was a road, you could extract rocks with that. how would they send you out essentially, what,
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how would things get into the valley? boesky was on our shoulders. like now we meant that we put the electrical. i fall out over and yet debbie's plans to stay here with his goats because he loves the mountains. after the helicopter drops its load, atlanta must carry the food to her or steady yet no road, no other means of transportation, just her back and forth because i'll follow up on it is strenuous, but it's worth it because it also gives you so many fulfilling moments that's a matter of given take on a go on to her or study alpena in the center of the village and to our phones up in only the village elder has spent almost her entire life and could there around 600 people once lived here phones has watched the village slowly die out, she's grown old with it. still planning on getting grand. okay. you know,
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i'm almost 95. i've never smoked in mine. do seem that all that. i never eat food that's too greasy. almost all full cellphone stuff. she hopes to see people return a david vinnish like well stories of that. it would be nice if they built the road hostile people fire. there's plenty of space up here by anybody could build more houses and then more people could live here. it's pretty. i'm ok, let's hope the road is built soon. whatever happens out of funds that wants to stay in her home village here far above lake como. goose met only gets to work in the kitchen at bassetti a pina. thanks to the friends of cordero association for restaurant is open all year round and is very popular. she believes that there was remoteness is what makes it attractive. why it's intent upon us and it's not everyone takes the steep
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path up here in the mountains. those who come have a connection to the mountains and that's what i want on. yeah, they like the fact that it's hard work to get up here. do falling on, we have to earn that 5 o'clock. we need it. that's what i like about it. now. what can we do it, christopher, looking to got you instead of genesis the villagers decide they want a road built in list. i will respect that no boss, but it would no longer be the place for me. they both listen well, that's what i love so far. there are no plans for a road so could narrow will likely remain the village at the end of the world for a long time to come. now to a landscape that is quite the opposite of ideal lake, mass of sink holes are swallowing up plots, and even grey sides. the residence of the town of to been in southern poland are faced with what looks like the aftermath of an earthquake. but in fact, it was caused by mining sides that were decommission decades ago. this very unsafe region is home to general verify collab check. she's among those who are forced to
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live with the effects of the disaster. the student, the singles were so big that entire buildings collapsed. the shell, but people are afraid for their lives. there are a lot of homes here. have a house like this collapses. someone will die. yeah. it's like you've done that because she is no one knows where it's still safe. should be near a small city in southern poland sits above a massive cavity left behind by the coal mining industry. and it has gradually collapsing. like the giant sink hole in this property, which has been hastily filled in yeah. no, you have sky lives
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a few houses a week on john paul, the 2nd street. he lives with his wife and son for whom they move to the country side. he's very worried, he's trying to hold back into resistible force. you have to and that's it provides you. i have just filled in the soil here. i am, jo, everything was level here and now you can see that it has sunk again a 2nd. i'm definitely afraid. no, yeah, i go to bed. don't know if the ground will collapse under us. the next morning club is just brought to you and you're going to right on. it'll be a meter deeper tech. could you tell me your video? you're dropping it down or met that or to utilize no, that should be a coal. mine was close at the turn of the millennium. and since then, the underground shots are filled up with water and stuff and the ground, which has started giving weight disagree. the ard was huge. in the summer, dozens of grieves disappeared into the sink hole. a great shock for general visa
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colette check or her family grief with spirits, but she can no longer visit her husband's terms. right. it's hard. my husband done . i just recently the all she has left is the food to on her food. and the hope that the graveyard will be restored soon to be a city hall is in a state of emergency. some are already talking about it back to ration marietta to swap a culture is under pressure to take action because it gives you more sellers to ya . what's on the, when the, we're paying for the mistakes of the past? the mistakes made during the underground coal mining phase we put on the shops were in operation. the consequences were forgotten or ignored of the put salvage center . then when i look at all the documents today is the i believe all of this could have been for seen who tops of huge a number of properties and the time that the
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court adults, people are not allowed to enter. of the state owned company specializes in cleaning up damage caused by the mines. holes are being bored. 70 meters into the ground. the geologists are certain that their method will prevent future singles. so that's what we're going to fill these cavities with. a mixture of dusty cement and sand to eliminate the possibility of the land sinking in the future and then to a gas. cool. thanks, a be proposed to very me. we will continue doing this until we are confident that the area is safe for everyone to stay with the movies from valve by just 7 is, but that is our goal, and that is what we were going to achieve. the provide you types like these ones have been some concurrent everywhere and should be new. and thousands of cubic meters of cement being poured to fill the cavities. the mere hopes it will help. he
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feels it's the duty of the publish date is let me have them on government, show me off the truck. mean, i have no intention of using the cities resources to solve the problem is up and over, which we had no influence on the consequences of which we are unfortunately suffering . now didn't we can we but enough for you bought a few days later, the ground caves and again, here's bread from an apartment building the residence of should be near, continue to live in fear on average, women live longer than men. but these british ladies did not want to grow old alone, and so they took matters into their own hands and came up with a special housing project in north london residence must meet 2 requirements. they should be women, and over 50, over the years, the place has become a home for
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a true community and the friendships we set out to meet the senior citizens who are saying no to isolation and yes, to live in life to the fullest and joining day to day life together, heavy argument and charlotte valesh love to meet up in their shared garden. we will share this desire to be part of the community. and you know, especially when you get to my age, i don't go walking out much anymore. it's not for everybody, but i think it's wonderful. it's been wonderful for me. there are 26 women over 50, living in new ground, co housing in north london beach has her own apartment. but there's always someone around in the communal lounge to chat with at $94.00 heavy arch into the oldest. she joined 12 years ago after her partner passed away. and i didn't want certain that to move into a new sort of residential facility. and at the same time,
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i realized that my daughters with going to worry about me all the time being on my own. and then i began to worry about my daughters worrying. and i thought it was time to look around for some tentative way of living. there must be something it took 18 years for this vision of a small housing, a state to finally become a reality. the founders have to fight against a lot of bureaucracy and against the misconception that so many older people in one place could overburden the social and care services by avoiding isolation and supporting each other. i think we've probably, well, definitely been less of a button on social services then we would have been if we'd each lift or not of heavy arch and can easily pop over to visit her neighbor or hillary vernon smith,
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an artist. oh image looking to just yeah for both women it's reassuring to know that someone is always around in case they need any help to change. and i think as i age i, if i'm going to help out other people, i think it's slightly easier to help women than it is to help my male friends. and women are in much more need of housing as they get older than men. certainly in my generation, it was the women who usually lived longer than the men, so were left on the road. men are certainly welcome, but only as visitors we have lots of miles visitors. we have brothers, we have grandchildren, you know, we have gardeners who a mile we so we have
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a lot of men around. but they cannot live here. living only with women is appealing so many. surely. guardianship is in the mid sixties and recently applied for rim. but there was a long waiting list. she doesn't see the no manual is a problem. it's one gets involved with someone on the serious level. then as in any way, should you have that conversation, where should we live? she doesn't, she doesn't work. the women are proud of the community they have built, they're completely some organized. all decisions are made collectively without hierarchy. when there's 26 of you, you know, it's sometimes it's hard to get everybody's opinion. it's hard to get consensus. you can end up talking about very small things actually very well. it seemed like kind of t things like it might be finding community at times. even if it is occasionally
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difficult, the women see themselves as pioneers and hope the authors will follow in their footsteps. community instead of boredom, i mean support instead of isolation, they, each one of us is very different from everybody else. that's great. but we will share this desire to be part of the community to look out for each other without looking off to reach you on the edge of this is precisely how friends heavy, urgent, and charlotte valesh want to live self determined and independent into old age are beautiful, and that brings us to the end of focus on europe for today. as always, we have more stories from across the continent. so be sure to follow us on social media. thank you very much for joining us today. my name is live show by and see
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you next time the the
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people comfortable dedicated more customizable space. the deadline is using the idea trained to test innovative concepts what trains for us in the future made in germany in assess he minutes on d. w. a religious community refuses to be swept up by natasha in the
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this is dw news live from berlin. israel says it will open a key crossing in some big gaza strip temporarily to allow in humanitarian aid. the decision comes after us, president biden issued israel and ultimate take more steps to protect civilian lives for risk. losing us support. also coming up the kremlin ramps up the rhetoric warning, but russia and nato are now in direct conflict over ukraine. that as nato marks it's 75th anniversary and pledge is more assistance for.


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