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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 5, 2024 8:00am-8:16am CEST

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the, the, this is the, the news live from valid. israel says it will open a key crossing into the gaza strip for humanitarian. a president biden had warranties, rose prime minister. the us support for the cause of all depends on the steps to protect civilian lives. and enable a to live also coming up the rescue workers search for those still missing. and so i want some trapped and remote regions of to the islands biggest of quake indic plus audio still tens of millions of dollars in cash. and you stop by drilling a hole in a wall and it seems that's how it went down in
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a big los angeles break the . i'm good. how go for this? welcome to the program. this is why i was prime minister benjamin that's in the hours office. has announced the temporary opening of a boat of crossing to allow aid into gauze up the opening of the editors crossing into the palestinian territories. nor was among several steps approved by as well as cabinets to increase the flow, a few minutes harry and assistance. the news as well comes in washington where president joe biden earlier told this in yahoo and a phone call that for the us support for israels. ward in gauze are dependent on such steps but, and also said as well, and must take more action to prevent civilian deaths. relations between the 2 allies have solid since monday's showing of 78 world cousin and his really as pride
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in gaza speaking at. and they told me to in brussels, you a secretary of state antony blinking, cold on israel to do more to protect civilians and allow access to humanitarian aid . we need to see an immediate cease fire to enable the release of hostages, but also to enable a dramatic search and humanitarian assistance as well as obviously better protecting civilians. now, as i said, the president, the prime minister just spoke, but it's uh, our expectation that is real will and certainly should announce concrete specific measurable steps that it will take and take as soon as possible to make sure that they're kennedy. an effective search and assistance that it can be sustained and that you, mandatory and workers and civilians are better protected. w correspondence kind of
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kind of joins is now from choose them tiny. what more can you tell us about these, these new steps to that, to 8 into gaza as well as he said this announcement by the is really a cabinet came after this phone call between us president obama and, and prime minister benjamin netanyahu. and i think the most significant, as he said, is the re opening, at least for some time of the arrows, the crossing that is a crossing and the noise that has been in the past used by monitoring workers. but also by doing this, we went through the are going into garza diplomats and also a publishing and patients are going out of from gaza. and this is significant because when you cross or the air is crossing, it takes of by car about 10 minutes to reach the out good outskirts of a gallons of city passing the town of faith noon. and of course, right now we're expecting that you know,
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the infrastructure in roads. i haven't done this, but this will have to be taken care of and it would help those 8 convoys. uh 8 organizations have said, you know, that rarely go into the noise of cause of it is of because of various reasons they could be now reaching the area of much false. and that is very important because especially in northern goals of the situation is critical for the people that have remained there. in addition to that, uh, the cabinet denounced that more you money terminate would be going through the store to port the is where the port, which is also close to in close proximity by road to the air is crossing in the north of gaza. and also that more you many terminate would be coordinated through jordan y at the lens route and then going through karen. so now this of course looks 1st of all good on paper. now of course, it needs to be seen, you know, how much this will actually increase the aid and delivery, also, commercial goods going into cause in the coming days. this followed
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a bite in school with the yahoo in which 5 and also called for an immediate cease fire. well, is there a listen to that as well as think, i mean, it's a bit in the wording, and i think we're seeing here in this cold and defend from the american officials that you as president of barton, was very upset to what happened to the 84 cuz of the was sent to a kitchen in or in the tone and as indicating that there could be a change in us policy or with respect to goals as was written in the read out of this call. it will be determined. it said quote, by the assessment of is rose immediate to action, images action on the steps and be heard. also use secretary blinking before uh you know, their medicaid and need to be specific and concrete and mess of the measurable steps for the civilian population. but also to protect and the 8 for cause
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working in gaza. in addition to calling for an immediate faith fund to come to a conclusion in these hostage talks we have, we'll have to wait and see if the, if this will have any impact correspondence on exam of the reporting from jerusalem . thank you, tonya. let's take a look now at some of the other stories making headlines before we us president donald trump has suffered to legal setbacks. a judge and georgia rejected his request to dismiss the case on the election interference. and a judge in florida also rejected trumps coals to dismiss a case. a legend, he kept classified records after leaving offices, every coming in the spanish coast guard has rescued 73 migraines from a wooden boats in the seas of the kind of re islands. the migraines were brought to the island of grand canal area. that's around 160 kilometers from west africa. a
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full team. people are the doctor. a truck collided with a bus and southwest to bolivia. local police at the truck which was filled with sold via the across the road and crashed into the box. rescue is still working to reach scores of people trapped off the wednesday. so it's quick in taiwan. as a massive clean up operation begins that at least 10 people were killed in more than a 1000 injured in the quick. and the eastern city of while again near the epicenter, workers have begun demolishing a building that's been tilting at a severe angle since the disaster struck officials hoped to complete the demolition in 2 weeks to the magnitude 7.4. trema was the islands worse than a quarter century. the w correspondents james tried to re falls from the weather in taiwan mountain. mister rocha, national talk, a dramatic bank draw up for
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a dramatic rescue. this is the moment 6 corey workers. what allocated safety from the area just north of quantity and the city coast is to the sense of the most powerful us quite to strike taiwan in 25 years. the rugged landscape is where hundreds of people remain trapped, mostly by land slides which are blocked, roads and tunnels. many remain missing nearly 48 hours since the quick, strong, involved in the off the shops continue to whipple through the city. as clear operations got underway. the inside of this 15 story residential tab block because among the worst hit when we arrived, officials were squeezing residence in fluid by fluid to assess the damage to the risky rucker luncheon being took us inside to the foundations of this building remain largely intact. but the details really have come crashing down over here. we have running water from a bus more to pipe. and that's why in this building and many buildings across the
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hall in till thursday is the saying, it's still too dangerous to residence, to retire. in the immediate aftermath, our aim is to save as many people as possible. but after that, we're also trying to do as much as we can to help people recover. whether that's rebuilding or overcoming the emotional or physical impact on the outside. residents describe their response of to seeing their homes for the 1st time since the trend of those who don't see it as though when we went into our house, almost everything was on the floor. and so going up there was a motion to the topic, doing comments, most people are dealing with it quite well. we can't control as quick software. oh, okay, cool. so many taiwan has at least controlled the extensive destruction of quake proofing regulations. mean, seems like this in quality and of the exception, not the root it's. it's hard to say los angeles investigating this test of around $30000000.00 from the money storage facility feeds broke into the building
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on is the sunday undetected. the missing money wasn't discovered until workers opened the volt on monday. the facilities installs cash from local businesses as yet no arrests have been made. know that spring and john bad as the journalist who was on the scene of the highest in los angeles a little earlier. now this sounds like straight from the movie you were at the scene. tell us exactly what happened there. so it, it is out of a hollywood script for sure that these thieves on easter night managed to get into this facility without setting off the alarms at all. actually, i understand there, there's been an update to that. we understood originally they didn't set off any alarm, they went into the roof, they were able to get into where they're safe wise and take the $30000000.00 and get out. and it wasn't discovered until the next morning. now i understand that
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they also try to get into the side of the building. you saw the, the shop with the plywood. an alarm was triggered, but it didn't go to the local police or no one showed up. so it wasn't until monday morning that they found out that they had been hit for $30000000.00, which they believe may be one of the largest, if not the largest cash halls in los angeles history. now, any li, there's a police of any leads who did this as well as if they have and they're not telling us the up the either way. pd's, robbery, homicide are involved in this, but i was talking to a consult this morning who told me there's no way this was not an inside job. it had to be for them to go to certain spots to get up on the roof, to get into the safe area and get away without triggering alarms. he thinks that they will pull phone records and computer records. they will find out who talked to who before this went down on sunday night, and then they will likely get some good leaves out about the interview,
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all the or the employees and talk to them. but again, there's consultants convince there's had to have some kind of inside connection. now, this is a big hole. so is the $1000000.00 as far as costs go? where do you think this ranks in terms of us history? i don't know about us history. i know that for cash, 30000000 is it could be the biggest one in los angeles. now they did have a highs little less than 2 years ago. a jewelry truck. it was a brakes truck coming down from northern california. it's filled with jewelry. it was stopped on the grapevine. people who know interstate 5 coming dale wave from northern california. it was stopped. thieves hit got away with a $100000000.00, an estimated $100000000.00 worth of jewels. so that was a huge haul. busy and they haven't been caught, but as far as just cash, this was big me. now. historically,
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i understand that these big highs always are nearly always a come to a conclusion and that the people a get quotes. uh, what do you think is this possible as well the security, consult and i talked to today told me that that job that l y p these robbery homicide division is so good that he would expect that in a month or 2 they will have some significant leads, if not somebody in custody, but you never know. i mean we have that other highest. uh, you know, like i said, the 100000000 in jewels and those people have not been caught. it's been almost 2 years. so you would, you would hope that they would be able to glean some information from the computers and phones. and that may be someone who will talk, but i think they're diving right into it again the, the up, the eyes confirmed. they're involved, and l y p d, so they're working together on this unless it's on bad the reporting from los
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angeles. thank you very much done. all right, thank you. to the now event is, is gearing up to roll out a 5 year old entry fee to the city to come back over tourism. the city announced a new day trip a fee last yeah. off to you and nearly added it to a list of endangered world heritage, so that it sees more than 30 1000000 visitors per year, put a pressure on its infrastructure from april 25th to us. we'll have to present to our codes on the mobile phones as proof of payment during spot change. those who don't have a code on staying in venice overnight will be subject to a 5 up to 300 us and that's it from me. the students. and i'll have it updated for you at the top of the
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hour. don't go way up next week. germany is heavy industries fed better this year than last. we speak to the ceo. one of the german is largest steel manufacturers. okay. how else is invalid from me? and the news group, thanks. the cost cost about is not. why does that mean? because now i'm liza the new host to join us for an exciting exploration of everything in between moses a video and audio production 5 d w. i hope the video will tune in the it's one of germany's largest steel and machinery.


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