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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 5, 2024 9:00am-9:30am CEST

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the, the, this is the, the news line from ballot. israel says it will open a key crossing into the gaza strip for humanitarian night president bite and headphones as well as prime minister that us support will the cause of war depends on the steps to protect civilian lives and enable a deliberate also coming off, small german sphere, europe security is on the threats and new survey funds that russia's invasion of ukraine has prompted a respect for my boss. the w news joys best to workers into i was following the islands. devastating the foundations of this building remain large name tags for
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the details where you have come crashing down over here. we have running water from a bus more to pipe. and that's why in this building and many buildings across the hall in till thursday is the saying, it's still too dangerous to residents to retire on how to use steel. tens of millions of dollars in cash. well, you stop by drilling a hole in the wall and it seems that's how it went down in a big los angeles break in the i'm good. how those as welcome to the program is, are as prime minister benjamin that's in the hours office has announced the temporary opening of a border crossing to allow aiden to gauze on the opening of this crossing into the palestinian territories north was among several steps approved by israel's cabinets to increase the flow of when it's area and assistance. the news was, well,
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comes in washington way. i present joe biden that earlier told him that yahoo in a phone called but for the us support for israel's war in gauze that depended on such steps by them also said, isabel must take more action to prevent civility. and that's relations between the 2 allies have solid sins, monday's killing of 781 because it is really as strike in gaus speaking as a. and they told me to in brussels, us secretary of state onto the blinking cold on israel to do more to protect civilians. we need to see an immediate cease fire to enable the release of hostages, but also to enable a dramatic search and humanitarian assistance as well as obviously better protecting civilians. now, as i said, the president, the prime minister just spoke, but it's uh,
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our expectation that is real will and certainly should announce concrete specific measurable steps that it will take and take as soon as possible to make sure that there can be an effective search and assistance that it can be sustained and that you might have trained workers and civilians are better protected. now that spring in your sales rep on is the middle east program director of the international crisis group and he joins us from brussels. you know small aid to come to gaza, are you up to mistake or is it just good on paper? are the most domestic that infects in more age will come to gaza, but i have not optimistic in a sense that it's still way too little. uh god is facing uh and is already undergoing in parts. uh, 7 people are starving to death. uh and um, the agents trickling in is really far,
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far too and sufficient to take care of all the people who are in desperate need of food. so yes, it's a step forward, but it's really not, you know, do you have any that israel has to come to the pressure from the us to protect civilians better? well, chicago, just to sort of work for me, i think as well as giving into some pressure to some of the pressure in order to increase very gradually, very slowly and very minimally age to, to start 1st indians. but more pressure will be needed. and maybe some more, some, some more concrete actions on the part of the united states in order to press as well to, to completely open up the, the territory to the kind of a just kind of fall into a, there are no required, you know, given all of this pressure, do you think we'll see israel scale down is guys operations because it feels that mold mistakes could alienate them from the pop. knows even further. you know,
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it's very difficult thing because i think from this debate, the benjamin they to know who doesn't love to end the war and does a charge of having destroyed how about us, which is been the work directly from the very beginning. and then the united states increase was of justice, but not at the cost of the story because i just spoke to nation. and i think from significant who doesn't necessarily care so much about what happens to the population. so it's a very difficult bonus for him, though he may have just feel though, but he doesn't want to end it as well. he's in a barnes, and i think he also believes that the longer he can keep the door going more secure . the position is as prime minister, and i think from, from, as far as president buyer is trying to squeeze in. so got to eventually we'll have to step down. a new government will come and place in is relevant will be a little bit more amenable to us fresh. so that least it leads me straight to my
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next question. as you mentioned, this now has been under pressure from several sides, both inside and outside of as well. and they also have been calls for snap problem entry elections. and even for his removal, is either of that likely to happen. well the thing is, i think the printer, certain videos functionality has taken a nose dive compared with some of the other candidates who were there was that said this, the coalition still has the majority support and part of it. so whatever, regardless of his personal popularity, the difficult uh to fix is when you saw the drawers, the majority. so something else just to happen to, to trigger that. uh, no, uh, clearly these are the population is asking for new elections. so all parts of the population, so they'll have to see whether that pressure,
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those $2.00 to $4.00 inch that actually they would trigger us still says i'm on the and some of these program direct at the international crisis group. thank you very much for sharing your expertise with us. russia says it is now and quote, direct confrontation with nate. so that comment of from defendant came as night to consider as a plan to give long term military a to ukraine. so fine ukraine has been getting weapons from individual natal member nations, but not from the alliance itself. on the 1st day, ma'am, the states again vowed to keep up the support of chief as nato a celebrated it's 75th anniversary in brussels, nato at 75. but things aren't getting any easier with age. the lions is facing huge challenges from the threat posed by russia and ukraine and beyond to potential 2nd, donald trump presidency in the united states. trump is
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a nato critic. but the blocks chief has told the w about the need for united stand . i expect that regardless of the outcome of the united states, the not the states will remain a strong sion a lot because that is in the use of security interest. the u. s. a stronger with naples done with alternate though. still to head off the trunk threat. start and burke has made a proposal for nato members to set up a 100000000000 euro fund to provide military a to create over the next 5 years. he says, nato should have a more direct role in delivering that aid. this, we have to remember that the criticism of, from a former president, donald trump, and also from others. united states, has not been mainly against ne, to, because been against nato allies. nope. paying, you know, franco and the good news is that the nato allies, including germany,
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many others on all really stepping up and investing more in defense. but it's still unclear whether the 100000000000 euro proposal will be accepted by nato members who take decisions by consensus hungry has already voiced it's all position it comes as russia has intensified. it's michelle attacks on ukraine in recent weeks. and ukraine's foreign minister has reportedly cast out on nato's ability to collect the funds with the war. now, when it's 3rd year, he also said that what the country really needs is more air defense systems from the west. i don't want to spoil the party, but of course my message is a birthday party, but my main main main message today will be better because saving you currently live savings for an economy saving, printing, seduce defense on the availability of categories and other air defense systems.
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seem ukraine and we're talking about petra's, because it's still in the system that can intercept ballistic missiles. western allies have been hesitant on this point, but for ukraine, that would be cause for the biggest celebration of all was a threat from russia looming of a laundry. here in europe, more and more germans worried that the warrant ukraine could spread. according to a new survey, nearly 7 and 10 germans think that is either a severe or very severe threat of 2 piece on the continent. that's a steep increase of almost 40 points compared to the last time the pole was deducted in 2019. to dig a bit deeper into these figures, the opposite of a correspondent i'm regarding emily. what does these numbers tell us? well, that tell us thoughts um, there is a war in europe and us making germans very worried. i mean brushes,
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invasion of ukraine, berkeley, the decades of peace and stability in europe. and of course, that created a lot of insecurities here in germany. and that also in a way reflects something else that is in the polls, namely that demons on think that nato is incredibly important in securing peace in europe. and i think in a way that is driven potty by the fact that germans know or very aware of the fact that their own forces, the bonus, the i'm not really in good shape to defend motor in the, the country itself, but less learn other partners. and so they know that they are all very dependent on others, especially the united states for the protection, but also for the security and for the peace in europe itself. now this survey also showed growing support for the creation of a unified e. you army, let's have a quick look 59 percent of german support,
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the creation of an e. u fighting force. that's an increase of 6 points compared to less than a year ago. just $3.10 are opposed to that idea. so there is a growing support among germans for an army led by the you. what shall we make of this as well, i think on the one hand, again, this is a reflection of this perceived threat to peace and stability in europe. but on the other hand, it also reflects a certain awareness that the us is starting to pull out of europe. and um, like i said, all very aware that the military forces i'm not up to scratch. and i think there was a sense that there was a need to a default, their own military's, but it was such a team up with other european countries who might find themselves in a very similar situation of not having funded they are on full. so it's very
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strongly over the past few years. um, but i think in practical times i'm, is your opinion on me is a bit difficult because it has the potential of a creating bubble structures with an a. so, and also it's um, you know, it would, it would swallow resources, not a lot of european countries, simply don't have a military times when it comes to equipment when it comes to personnel. and i mean, over the past few years, european leaders really have focused on strong thing the nato alliance. and i think that's where the party over the next 2 years will also line. thank you very much, emily. that was a threat from russia growing here in europe. gemini, isn't barking on an overall of its forces defense. but as the buddhist historians is looking to streamline the country's military. c'mon, story, it says the shakeup is aimed at making the bone dissemble edge all more efficient
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and combat ready. as it's the 1st important step to make germany's military more combat ready, defense minister bull has bestowed hills, announced a long way to plan, to restructure the german armed forces. part tickets. um, i think today is the signal of change. our common goal is to reorganize the bundles best structures so that it is ultimately prepared in the event of an emergency if it needs to defend this in the event of war. up to my office there. after rushes full scale invasion of ukraine, the german government vowed to increase funding for its long neglected armed forces . well also making them structurally more efficient. the building display of the future will have a new central command and the dedicated fiber department. the restructuring is meant to make germany, in the words of the defense minister, more capable of the out of this. and we will know that the security threats in
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europe have intensified. it must be clear to everyone that we're defending a country under alliance spot. those and with this step, we're also making it clear that no one should even think of attacking us as nato territory. not to get beat. i forgot what the reform doesn't do is address the boom display as problems with understaffing or the need for more funding. let's have a quick look at some of the news headlines. the spanish coast guard has rescued 73 microns from a wooden boat in the seas of the canary islands. the migraines were brought to the island of brun canario. that's around $160.00 columbus from west africa. the former us president donald trump has suffered to legal sit by a judge in georgia, rejected his request to dismiss the case on the election interference. and the judge in florida rejected trump schools to dismiss the case alleging the seat that he kept classified records officer leaving office. i'm going to talk the 14 people
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are dead. after a truck collided with a boston south west of bolivia, local police at the truck which was filled and sold via the across the road and crashed into the bus rescue is that still working to reach scores of people trapped off the wednesdays of quake and taiwan. as a massive clean up operation begins, at least 10 people were killed and more than a 1000 injured in the quest. in the eastern city of y, then near the episode to workers have begun demolishing a building that's been tilting at a severe goal since the disaster struck officials hope to complete the demolition in 2 weeks. the magnitude 7.4 trema was the islands west in a quarter century. w correspondent, james traitor, reports from one end. the inside one's mouse and mister roco national talk, a dramatic bank draw up for
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a dramatic rescue. this is the moment 6 corey workers. what else did safety from the area just north of quantity and the city coast is to the center of the most powerful us quite to strike taiwan in 25 years. the rugged landscape is where hundreds of people remain trapped, mostly by land slides which are blocked, roads and tunnels. many remain missing nearly 48 hours since the quick, strong, involved in office shops continued to whipple through the city. as clear operations got underway. the inside of this 15 story residential tab block because among the was tense when we arrived, officials were squeezing residence in fluid by fluid to assess the damage to the risky rucker luncheon being took us inside to the foundations of this building remain largely intact. but the details really have come crashing down over here. we have running water from a bus more to pipe. and that's why in this building and many buildings across the
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hall in till thursday is the saying, it's still too dangerous to residence, to retire. in the immediate aftermath, our aim is to save as many people as possible. but after that, we're also trying to do as much as we can to help people recover. whether that's rebuilding or overcoming the emotional or physical impact on the outside. residents describe their response of to seeing their homes for the 1st time since the trend of those who don't see it as though when we went into our house, almost everything was on the floor. and so going up there was a motion to the topic, doing comments, most people are dealing with it quite well. we can't control as quick software. oh, okay, cool. so many try. one has at least control the extensive destruction of quick proofing regulations. mean, seems like this in quality and of the exception, not the root it was bound, james, i'd say to follow that report to enter jones's now from the to a local national park as a while in
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a james. what's the situation in the national park right now? there was, this is really become the focus of operations. now more than 40 hours since this quake struck on on wednesday, just to give you a bit of context about where we are. exactly. this is a very mounts and this national park a little bit farther north from wiley and city uh, the city closest to the center of the creek and its really from here where uh the majority of rescue operations are now uh, continuing. um we have reports, sale of those 100 hundreds of people still stranded in this luxury hotel father up the mountain. unfortunately, it was the information that 2 more people have been, concerns have been killed following this out of craig. and just to give you a little bit more context about whether it's operations or really being directed from just a few 100 meters back from the entrance of this national park is one minute, 3 teams. that's why it was an emergency emergency seems
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a coordinating that to conduct the sole sees further up into the mountain, away from the coastline into the national park. so how many people are still trapped or missing, as well as i mentioned this, then those uh, 2 side of the desk confirmed today, we understand a dozen people are still missing and still hundreds of people still stranded farther up the mountain. now talking to some of the people involved in these rescue operations are really key parts of those operations is using helicopters to ferry supplies, whether that's food or water, onto those people that are so stranded. we understand that today some of the people here have instructors in that hotel because i broke down into how do you called says that they brought the supplies further up. and just to give you a little bit more information about the kind of reception, how this operations are being received in taiwan. now, when we arrived at this bridge earlier on today we, we encountered someone who was here whose family member was still missing. and one of the things that you kind of criticized authorities for was that early on
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immediately off the that's great, strong bit too much of the operations was focused on quality and safety. and you'll thoughts, he's didn't realize quick enough that this national park and the people stranded further over the mountain were really where the attention needed to be focused. and that's what people are finding out now. um, as, as more time positive since i was quite strong. and say to that for us at the roku national park in taiwan. thank you very much sense to los angeles. now where authorities are investigating the fest of around $30000000.00 from my money storage facility phase broke into the building on easter sunday undetected. the missing money wasn't discovit until workers opened the volt on monday. so as the stores cash from local businesses and as yet motorists have been made well, that sounds like something straight out of
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a hollywood movie. the journalist on bad was on the scene of the highest and told us more about what happened so it, it is out of a hollywood script for sure that these thieves on easter night managed to get into this facility without setting off the alarms at all. actually, i understand there, there's been an update to that. we understood originally they didn't set off any alarm, they went into the roof. they were able to get into where they're safe wise and take the $30000000.00 and get out. and it wasn't discovered until the next morning . now i understand that they also try to get into the side of the building. you saw the, the shop with the plywood. an alarm was triggered, but it didn't go to the local police or no one showed up. so it wasn't until monday morning that they found out that they had been hit for $30000000.00, which they believe may be one of the largest, if not the largest cash halls in los angeles history. now any late there's
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a police have any leads who did this? well, if, if they happen, they're not telling us the api i in l way pd's robbery, homicide are involved in this. but i was talking to a consult this morning who told me there's no way this was not an inside job. it had to be for them to go to certain spots to get up on the roof, to get into the safe area and get away without triggering alarms. he thinks that they will pull phone records and computer records. they will find out who talked to who before this went down on sunday night, and then they will likely get some good leaves out about the interview, all the employees and talk to them. but again, there's consultants convinced there's had to have some kind of inside connection now. uh, this is a big the people a get quotes. uh, what do you think is this possible as well the security, consult and i talked to today told me that that job that l y p these robbery
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homicide division is so good that he would expect that in a month or 2 they will have some significant leads, if not somebody in custody, but you never know. i mean we have that other highest. uh, you know, like i said, the 100000000 in jewels and those people have not been caught. it's been almost 2 years. so you would, you would hope that they would be able to glean some information from the computers and phones. and that may be someone who will talk, but i think uh there diving right into it again the, the up, the eyes confirmed. they're involved, and l y p d, so they're working together on this unless it's on bad, they're reporting from those injuries. thank you very much done. all right, thank you. on to italy now where the city of venice is about to roll out a 5 your entry fee to the city to come back over towards the city announced
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a new day trip, a field last year off of the you and nearly added it to a list of endangered wells heritage sites. venice sees more than $30000000.00 visitors per year, putting pressure on its infrastructure. april 25th to us. we'll have to present a q r codes on the phones as proof of payment during spot tax. those who don't have a code on staying event as overnight, will be subject to as fine of up to 300 years. you're watching dw news, you as a reminder of how top stories of israel's government as approved the opening of border crossing to bring more 8 into gaza. us president joe biden, that's told as prime minister benjamin at yahoo, that future support for the board. gaza depends on israel taking specific and measurable steps to protect the building and rescue proves still racing to reach people stranded and remote areas of taiwan after wednesday's major with quaint,
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at least 10 people of appeals and will, and the thousands injured in the magnitude 7.4, and that's it from me and the new steam up next dope filaments goals. how of psychoactive substance is coming in brazil to be used as an alternative to action to press the,
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