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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 5, 2024 10:00am-10:30am CEST

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the the busiest dw news line from ballot to israel says it will open a key crossing into the gaza strip for humanitarian, a president biden, to have boned, as well as prime minister that us support for the cause of all depends on the steps to protect civilian lives and to enable a deliberate also coming up the w joins rescue workers in taiwan following the islands. devastating. of course. the foundations of this building remained largely intact for the details where you have come crushing dollars. we have running water from us more to pipe, and that's why in this building and many buildings across the hall in till thursday
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is the thing. it's still too dangerous to residence, to retire, plus a hole in a wall and $30000000.00 gone. it seems that's how it went down in a big los angeles break. the guy that is welcome to the program or israel has announced the temporary opening of a boat of crossing to allow aid into gauze up. it follows a warning from the us that continued support for the war depends on israel taking measurable steps to protect civilians. the opening of the crossing into the palestinian territories. knolls was among several steps approved by his votes cabinets to increase the flow of humanitarian assistance. the port in our store will also be reopened to process 8 shipments bound for gauze and more deliveries
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will pass through collab shalom in the self relation switch with the us and israel, but have solid sense and is really a strike on gaza earlier this week. killed 7 at 8 workers. speaking at a native meeting in brussels, us secretary of state anthony, blinking repeated calls for civilian protection and more aid. we need to see an immediate cease fire to enable the release of hostages, but also to enable a dramatic search and humanitarian assistance as well as obviously better protecting civilians. now, as i said, the president and the prime minister just spoke, but it's uh, our expectation that is real will and certainly should announce concrete, specific measurable steps that it will take and take as soon as possible to make
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sure that they're kennedy an effective search and assistance that it can be sustained and that you mandatory and workers and civilians are better protected. and to the blank and speaking that now you'll see them on is the middle east program director at the international crisis group. and ultimately, whether he is optimistic about more age being allowed into goss. the mistakes that infects in more age will come to gaza, but i have not thought domestic in a sense that it's still way too little causes facing a and it's already undergoing in parts. uh 7 people are starving to death and the date is trickling and is really far, far too insufficient to take care of all the people who are desperate need of food . so yes, it's a step forward, but it's really not enough. do you have any that israel has to come to the pressure from the us to protect civilians better?
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well, chicago, just use for work for me. i think as well as giving into some pressure to some of the pressure in order to increase very gradually, very slowly and very minimally age to, to start 1st any is bucks more pressure will be needed. and maybe some more, some, some more concrete actions on the part of the united states in order to oppress as well, to, to completely open up the, the territory to kind of a just kind of fall into a, there are no required. now given all this pressure, do you think we'll see israel scale down is guys operations because it feels that more mistakes could alienate them from the pop knows even further or you know, it's very difficult thing because i think parameters to make, the benjamin netanyahu doesn't want to add the word does a charge of having destroyed her mouse,
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which has been the world directly from the very beginning. and then the united states increase for the object of the cost of destroying. gosh, i just spoke to nation. and i think premise video doesn't necessarily care so much about what happens to the population. so it's a very difficult bonus for him. now, he may have just feel though, but he doesn't want to end it. and so he's in a barnes. and i think he also needs to the longer he can keep the door going more secure, the position is as prime minister. and i think from, from, as far as president buyer is trying to squeeze in. so that you benchley will have to step out, a new government will come and place in as well as it will be a little bit more amenable to us fresh. but at least it leaves me straight to my next question. as you imagine is now has been under pressure from several sides, both inside and outside of as well. and they also have been calls for snap problem entry elections. and even for his removal is either of that likely to happen.
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well the thing is, i think the printer, certain videos functionality has sticking a nose dive compared with some of the other candidates who were there. but that said this, the coalition still has the majority support and part of it. so whatever, regardless of his personal popularity, the difficult, uh, 2 sections when he still enjoys the majority. so something else just to happen to, to trigger that uh no, uh, the diesel population is asking for new elections. so parts of the population. so we'll have to see whether that pressure, those $2.00 to $4.00 inch that actually they would trigger us steel, sells them on the and some of these program direct at the international crisis group. thank you very much for sharing your expertise with us. now let's
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have a look at some of the other stories making use around the world. the fast food chain, mcdonalds has announced as buying back all is really restaurants from the franchise of following boycotts over the will. in gaza. the restaurant operates alone. you all had offer discounts and free meals to is ready the soldiers. that's almost as experienced a sales slump in the middle east since the will, between israel and thomas. but again, the former us president donald trump has suffered to legal set back a judge in georgia, rejected his request to dismissal the case on the election interference. and the judge and florida also rejected from schools to dismiss the case alleging he kept classified records after leaving office 3 is coming south. korea's president has cost his ballots in early voting for parliamentary elections next week. the states a high for use. so if y'all and his conservative people power party,
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they are hoping to secure a majority of the opposition control assembly rescue is that still working to reach schools of people trapped of to wednesdays as quick and taiwan. as a massive clean up operation begins, at least 10 people were killed and more than a 1000 injured in the quake. in the eastern city of wiley and nearly every sense of workers have now begun demolishing a building that's been tilting at a precarious angle since the disaster struck officials hope to complete the demolition in 2 weeks to the magnitude of 7.4. trema was the islands west and a quarter century. the w correspondent james che, to repose from wiley and in taiwan to mount from mister rocha, national park, a dramatic backdrop for a dramatic rescue. this is the moment 6 corey workers were listed safety from the
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area just north of quantity and the city coast is to the center of the most conflict, quite to strength, taiwan in 25. yet the rugged landscape is where hundreds of people remain trapped, mostly by line slides which have blocked roads and tunnels. many remain missing nearly 48 hours since the quick strong involved in office drugs continued to whip them through the city as k. reparations got underway. the inside of this 15 story residential tab block because among the worst hit when we arrived, officials were squeezing residence in fluid by fluid to assess the damage to the owners was wanting to know risky. rucker luncheon being took us inside to the foundations of this building remain largely intact, but the details really have come crashing down over here. we have running water from a bus more to pipe, and that's why in this building and many buildings across the hall in till thursday is the saying,
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it's still too dangerous the residence to retire. in the immediate aftermath, our aim is to save as many people as possible. but after that, we're also trying to do as much as we can to help people recover whether that's rebuilding or overcoming the emotional physical impact on one of the outside residents describe their response of to seeing their homes for the 1st time. since the trend of those who don't see it as though when we went into our house, almost everything was on the floor. and so going up, there was a motion to the topic, didn't count as most people are dealing with it quite well. we can't control as quick soft rule. ok, you called so many taiwan has at least control the extensive destruction of quake proofing regulations. mean seems like this in quality and of the exception notes the room as a law, i'm no joint bar correspond to james straight. that's to a file that report, he is in turmoil, co national parks as near while in james. what's the situation like where you are
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there with this is really where the focus of operations is now moving forward. say i was it since it creek struck east. and so i wanted just to give you a bit of context of where we are right now and how it fits into those rescue operations. we're currently at the location and the start of this location. john, this can get into the national park and you can see behind the some of the damage the previous, the one of the main roads. you can see how and that gives you a sense of how dangerous some of these roads off leading up to the little mountainous areas where people remain trapped. so many of these, these roads, essentially content. so the bottom of rock face isn't with so many of the sharks taking place today, which is why we're still wearing hot hots that are all concerns as he's ready to go . patients continue that more land slides could take place as well as brooks
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pulling on through the roads as the rest of your operations proceed to the house. some of the tests that have taken place since the south quaker happens. now tell us how many more people are still trapped or missing otherwise of the well, 1st of all, we have confirmation of the stay there. there been 2 more tests. and so people who were initially traps into the row, co, national park, we understand there are about a dozen more people still missing unable to be contacted. and then on top of that, you have hundreds of people still stuck in this luxury hotel, which you can see from here. but just wait for the up the mountain and a few 100 me to the way back from the entrance to the national park is where the, where the operations are being controlled from, from that you were seeing frequent, heavy, called facilities flying overhead. many of those. so t's are aimed at bringing food and water supplies to people who are still trump stuff,
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but we have seen images of people being rescued from that hotel to back down with the heavy corpses too. and just to point out a little bit about the, the reception and how the emergency response is being proceed with inside one. we've met someone that when we arrived at this bridge earlier on today, who was a relative as someone who was still missing. and you had a criticism which was that, um, so much of the, of the emergency response media. awesome. all right. the where the situation extreme mountain conditions sit around space has some sense of how the rest of your operation appraised how well uh thing. uh, buildings has limited really total destruction in the cities. still it's been difficult to control that sort of situation in this mode of eastern. so i was also
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sponsor and straight to that and that they to a roku national park in taiwan. thank you very much. i to go to hong kong noah's same sex couples are still waiting for legal protections even off of the territories. highest court ordered the government to begin the recognition process. in september, the court recognized these couples need for a legal framework as on a tentative to marriage, but since then effected people tell dw, nothing was changed for just the same people who was the family and we navigate all way through it. even if the middle of the society doesn't allow it to, jenny join and her partner dream is becoming mothers. her partner us not to be identified as not even her family know she's gay. the couple wants to have fatality treatment . but under hong kong renewal then not eligible because i'm not married, passes,
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married and assessed after getting married to that, which isn't likely to happen for me towards conservatively restrictive. basically, it's only available to couples who are married as such as america is not recognizing how i would say, but it's pretty much that's the only option is to seek fertility treatments abroad . that could get a couple a child, but wouldn't change the legal situation back home. we can do idea, which is my own. and who's the, i'll be the one who bear the child. so technically my partner has nothing to do with it. right? oh no, i'm good. take care of you and then bring both those daily care . cool. she's going to play a huge part of the relationship and this family. but the problem is legally she's not recognized because she's not the mother. she's not the one who be able to tell
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because and how come out the one who is the child is their mother. then there's the price in hong kong, one ivy cycle. what it costs between $123200.00 in the u. s. wedge any towing and her partner could go? it's around 20000. last year. hong kong judge has ruled that all this amounts to discrimination have known heterosexual citizens. but so far, nothing's changed. jenny towing and her partner are clear about the kind of hong kong they want to see. the ones say sex marriage to be equalized because is our right. of course we want to see that everybody wants a child can have the right to have a child. well, not having to pay a lot or not having to worried about oh, i might be able to go. but despite the difficulties, the 2 of them have not given that type of having a family life that he no,
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i'm from all of this. i'm no john bell, i'm calling corresponded cd kong cb. and how's the government responded to the court ruling sofa? well, according to left the ruling the government is given to us to come to legal recognize so that has to be some change. so really that means a lot of like also explicit they would say is right. um, so the best scenario expect to find a gauge needed to be a system of people partners, but on the cook also keeps on a certain sense of discretion, who the ministration voice,
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actually the tv on that for us and home phone. thank you, phoebe, and let's have a look now. some of the other stories making headlines around the world today. 14 people are dead. after a truck collided with the boston south west and bolivia, local police set the truck which was filled with sold vit, across the road and crashed into the box. the spanish coast guard has rescued 73 migraines from the wooden boats and the sea of the canary islands. the migraines was brought to the island of brun canario. that's around 160 kilometers from west africa. a section of a crane is folded from a high rise building onto a bridge in the state of florida,
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killing a walcott. the fire chief in fort lauderdale said, and equipment platform collapsed, causing the steel structure to plummets. along with the construction worker who died, it also damaged to cause at the ends of 3 of the people in los angeles are investigating the fast of around $30000000.00 in cash from it. money storage facility feeds broke into the building on the east as sunday undetected. missing money wasn't discovered onto a workers opened the volt on monday. the facilities stores cash from local businesses as yet no arrests up in may. but it sounds like something straight out of a movie, the gentlest on bed was on the scene of the highest today and told us more about what happened. so it is, it is out of a hollywood script for sure that these thieves on easter night managed to get into
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this facility without setting off the alarms at. busy all actually i understand there, there's been an update to that. we understood originally they didn't set off any alarm, they went into the roof. they were able to get into where the safe wise and take the $30000000.00 and get out. and it wasn't discovered until the next morning. now i understand that they are also try to get into the side of the building. you saw the, the shop with the plywood. an alarm was triggered, but it didn't go to the local police. so no one showed up, so it wasn't until monday morning that they found out that they had been here for $30000000.00, which they believe may be one of the largest, if not the largest cash halls in los angeles history. now any li, the police have any leads who did this? well, if, if they have them, they're not telling us the api i in a way pd's robbery homicide are involved in this. but i was talking to
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a consulting this morning who told me there's no way this was not an inside job. it had to be for them to go to certain spots to get up on the roof, to get into the safe area and get away without triggering a lapse. he thinks that they will pull phone records and computer records. they will find out who talked to who before this went down on sunday night, and then they will likely get some good leaves out about the interview, all the employees and talk to them. but again, this consultants convince this had to have some kind of inside connection. now this is a big hole, so it's a $1000000.00 as far as costs go. where do you think this ranks in terms of us history? i don't know about us history. i know that for cash, 30000000 is it could be the biggest one in los angeles. now they did have a highest little less than 2 years ago. a jewelry truck. it was a brakes truck coming down from northern california. it's filled with jewelry. it
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was stopped on the grapevine. people who know interstate 5 coming dale wave from northern california. it was stop thieves. hit got away with a $100000000.00, an estimated $100000000.00 worth of jewels. so that was a huge haul. busy and they haven't been caught, but as far as just cash, this was big me. now. historically, i understand that these big highs always are nearly always a come to a conclusion and that the people a get quotes. uh, what do you say is this possible? well the security consult and i talked to today told me that that job, that l y p these robbery homicide division is so good that he would expect that in a month or 2. they will have some significant leads if not somebody in custody, but you never know. i mean, we have that other highest. uh, you know, like i said, the 100000000 in jewels and those people have not been caught. it's been almost 2
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years. so you would, you would hope that they would be able to glean some information from the computers and phones. and that may be someone who will talk, but i think there diving right into it again the, the up, the eyes confirmed. they're involved, and l y p d, so they're working together on this, the gentlest john bad, the reporting from los angeles. thank you very much, john. all right, thank you. as experts say, brazil and columbia experienced a remarkable decrease in deforestation in 20222023. the for a station. the in brazil dropped by a side and by almost tough in columbia. according to a newer report from the nonprofit world resources institute, a tropical forests are still being destroyed with the equivalent of around 10 football fields last every minutes. last year. the trade offs is still
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a huge problem in the amazon rain for the region. consider assets in the fight against climate change in brazil, home to most of the forest, people in the city of dilemma. feeling the effects of weather and streams driven by wyoming for the people of billing in northern brazil life revolves around the river tide. water levels often rise as heavy rain becomes more and more common over the years of abuse or lima has watched the waves a road, the coast and change day to day routines. a view of this besides that most people's lives followed the timing of the river. yes, and if i take the children to school earlier, go grocery shopping before the tide rises, small changes to weather patterns like these are becoming more prevalent as the world birds fossil fuels and heats up the atmosphere regions in and around the amazon or especially affected it so no means of availability is the risk of drought and plugging in food insecurity is increasing k, they look at me is because things like, what are you that you mean thought it?
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but right next to building is one of the world's greatest weapons in the fight against climate change. the amazon rain forest. not only does it absorb massive amounts of carbon dioxide, but it also plays a vital role in regulating the water cycle. because it's trees recycle the rain that falls there and return it into the air. under former far right. president show you both, sonata deforestation, sword. but now brazil is losing as many trees as it was. according to university of maryland data tree loss was found by 36 percent in 2023 compared with the year before. since taking office current president leasing now to let us uva has cracked on them. deforestation, especially in the amazon, has government bolstered law enforcement monitoring the for us and it recognizes more indigenous territory. is that safe guard nature. but there is still a potential to do much more, for example, to scale up sustainable economies for native plants like the same as i say,
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he buries the experts. some studies shows that ending deforestation, mancini, they scans far as not. we not only avoid tied to climate issues, but also create new jobs, improves localized springs for security. next year, the u. n. a will hold its climate change conference in building presidents subsidies for the most use the meeting as a call to action. so maybe i key additional thing about i feel my children will never get to know this place only single guy to be a russian, but worse than of us on the we have to participate in this person. and so then this process, the hope is the world leader is for only focus on the amazon rain forest, but that they will also pay attention to the plate of the communities around it. if you want cdw news coming up next on dw, in news, africa remembering, say, around the genocide, the country marks 30 years since the master code,
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which claims 800000 lines as naples turned on neighbors. 100 bloody to back the envelope coming up next to w. use african. i've got office in berlin from me and the news team. thanks for the
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what's new. we'll tell you the story. we have a getting a visa is more difficult than finding gold hosted to use force and for the present in the stories industries that are being discussed across the country. news africa, the next on d w. old friends, new front is made so still prepared to defend itself in case of an emergency.
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the well, the largest military alliance has been maintaining stability for 75 years. but now, some weaknesses call beginning to show up from this new threat nato. in 45 minutes on d w. the do big deal. companies play a role in the destruction of the rain forest. i have time to raise all over brazilian reprocess 30000 hides a day. 90 percent of that is one of the forward market. the auto industry, for example, this will actually cost awesome comes from inigo capital times in the m as in. yet the automobile industry doesn't care about the supply chain. process. all that much
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. illegal leather stats may said on d w, the business dw, use that for to coming up on the program, 800000 people murdered in just a 100 days, 3 decades off to the ones in genocide. can they ever be completed? reconciliation? it was mass killing audit from the top, meticulously planned and executed without embarrassed to things. and margaret horses master could with machetes by vigilantes that bruce with husbands even killing their wives minis. slip to churches hoping to find sanction.


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